Chapter 178 Love School
"100 love schools? Okay, okay, master, you are too great, but how much does it cost?"

He Shiping applauded, but worried about spending too much money.

Ye Duan said calmly: "10 billion should be enough, an average of 1000 million."

"It doesn't take that much, does it? It seems that 100 million is enough."

He Shiping felt that the master had invested too much.

According to online reports, one million yuan can build a primary school.

In this case, only 100 million yuan is needed to build 1 schools.

"A school worth 100 million is definitely different from a school worth 1000 million. Since we have built it, we will build it better, the kind that can withstand a magnitude 10 earthquake."

"Master, you are very kind, but can this method detonate the high point of the star?"

He Shiping looked at the master suspiciously.

There seems to be no relationship between the two.

Ye Duan smiled and said: "Of course, I have already thought of a way. All the stars who participated in the 20th anniversary celebration of "Grace on the Silk Road" will appear on the donation list of 100 loving schools. What do you think? Sample?"

"It's a good idea. Stars like to do good deeds. They will be very happy."

He Shiping suddenly realized.

It's still the master who is so powerful that he can even think of such a way.

No wonder he was always bullied.

Ginger is still old and spicy!

Ye Duan continued: "Yes, they don't need to pay money, but they have gained fame. Who wouldn't want to participate in such a good thing?"

"But master, you're going to bleed again this time, 10 billion, that's a lot of money."

"Hey, your master is now the richest man in Shanghai, so he's not short of this little money."

"Master, you are awesome."

He Shiping was so excited that she lay down on the sofa.

She needs to calm down.

Ye Duan also followed and slapped her little butt.

"Get up and do something. Tomorrow is going to hold a press conference. Have you found the venue yet?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, it's all your fault, you always make people dream about things."

He Shiping sat up from the sofa and looked at the master angrily.

Ye Duan sat down beside her and said, "Obviously you have to think about it yourself, so don't rely on me."

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you. Master, where do you think is a good place to hold the press conference?"

"Looking for you, Sister Wenwen, her Ritz-Carlton Hotel should have a suitable venue."

Ye Duan gave his apprentice a suggestion.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

"Because you've been thinking about how to take advantage of me."

"Bad master, talk about me again, see if I don't beat you to death~"

He Shiping raised her small fist and punched Ye Duan.

But he was caught.

"Stay away from me, brat."


He Shiping was so anxious that she was about to cry...

After He Shiping found happiness from her master.

Immediately contacted Su Mengwen on WeChat.

"Sister Wenwen, I want to hold a press conference in your hotel, can you help me?"

"Of course, when do you need it?"

Su Mengwen agreed without hesitation.

She is very happy to help sister Pingping.

"Tomorrow morning, are you in a hurry?"

"Don't rush at all, you can come to the hotel directly to find me this afternoon, arrange the venue in advance, and I will prepare the venue for you."

"Thank you Sister Wenwen, {kiss}{kiss}"

He Shiping felt warm in her heart.


Several sisters are so kind to themselves.

Living with them in the future must be very happy, very happy!

"Pingping, is your master with you?"

Su Mengwen sent another message.

She found out from Sister Lin that Brother Duan was in Pingping's magazine.

He Shiping glanced at the master who was sleeping on the sofa, and quickly replied: "The master is here, do you have anything to ask him?"

"Well, please tell him and let him contact me when he's done."

"Okay Sister Wenwen, I will tell the master later that he is sleeping."


Su Mengwen made three question marks.

Only then did He Shiping realize that she had said something wrong, and it was useless to withdraw it.

Sister Wenwen has already seen it.

I had no choice but to reply: "Yes, the master said that he didn't sleep well at night, so he lay down on my bed and fell asleep."

"Oh, I see, {laughing}"

Su Mengwen understood in seconds, and sent a smiley expression covering her mouth.

Here, He Shiping's face flushed instantly.

She was really shy this time.

In front of the master, you can make all kinds of jokes, say all kinds of nonsense, and do all kinds of shameless things without any scruples.

But in front of the sisters, it is better to be reserved.

If they found out that he was so indecisive, he would definitely be laughed at by them.

Look at a flower from a distance, and look at a nympho up close.

Shame to death...

It's all because the master is so charming.

However, this face is really handsome!

He Shiping looked at her master's handsome face and couldn't help but bow her head and kiss her.

Ye Duan was awakened by the kiss.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Pingping's ruddy face.

"You little fox, did you kiss me just now?"

"Master~ You are so handsome, I couldn't hold back..."

"Come on, master let you kiss enough."

Ye Duan got up and hugged He Shiping into his arms, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Master Smelly, please forgive me."

He Shiping covered her face with her hands, not letting her master kiss her.

Ye Duan no longer teased her.

You must stick to it, and you must not cross the thunder pool half a step.

After lunch, the two got busy.

He Shiping went to prepare the materials needed for the press conference.

Ye Duan went to find Su Mengwen.

Pingping has already told him that Wenwen has something to ask him.

"Wenwen, are you in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel or the IFC office building, I'll go find you."

"Brother Duan, I'm at the hotel and I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay, I'll go find you now."

Meet at the hotel.

Su Mengwen said: "Brother Duan, you are so kind, I am really touched."

Ye Duan was at a loss: "What's wrong? What moved you?"

"I heard from Yueyue last night that you not only went to the orphanage with her to do volunteer work, but also donated 10 billion on the spot. I admire you so much."

Su Mengwen heard the news from Yang Bingyue.

Both sisters were overwhelmed by Ye Duan's love.

Ye Duan didn't take it to heart at all.

Only 1000 billion of the 20 billion charity fund has been spent, and the task is still very arduous.

So he sat on the sofa and said modestly: "This kind of trivial matter is nothing, you didn't come to me just to praise me, did you?"

"Of course not. I want to report to you about the investment company and Yida Film stock."

"Oh, sit down and talk."

Su Mengwen took some documents from the desk and sat down next to Ye Duan.

"Brother Duan, the approval of the investment company has been issued and it can be put into operation at any time. I asked a few old classmates to help and basically set up the management. Here are their proposed positions and resumes. You can see if it works. "

"I don't worry about your work, you are a top student at Zhendan University."

Su Mengwen was a little shy: "Brother Duan, stop making fun of me, and help me check it out."

Ye Duan took the information and flipped through it. Almost all of these people graduated from Aurora University, and their resumes are very good.

"Wenwen, let's do it according to this. The company's work should be steadily advanced and improved step by step. But it is still necessary to form a fighting team as soon as possible, and there may be tasks for you soon."

"Okay Duan, a group of colleagues with work experience will join the job tomorrow. I believe the company will soon be on the right track and will be at your disposal at any time."

Ye Duan was relieved.

He already has a preliminary acquisition plan, ready to buy "Times Basha" magazine.

But wait for the right time.

Su Mengwen continued: "I also want to tell you about the Yida film stock. We have reduced our holdings by 100 billion in the past few days. The money will be credited to your card before get off work today, and the remaining stocks will be released according to the market conditions." Gradually reduce holdings."

"Tsk tsk, isn't this efficiency too high? You are really capable, Wenwen, without you, I would probably be blind."

Ye Duan couldn't help but praise.

Su Mengwen is really capable!

Not only has a charming style, enchanting appearance, but also is vigorous and resolute when working, and women do not give up on their eyebrows.

Su Mengwen was very happy to receive the praise, and said with a smile: "No way, even if there is no me, Sister Lin and the others will help you. You are so popular with women, maybe Li Mengwen, Wang Mengwen, and Jia Mengwen will come out."

"No, no, I only want one Mengwen in my life, and that is you, Su Mengwen."

The corners of Ye Duan's mouth rose slightly, and he said with a smirk, "Wenwen is so capable, do you want a reward?"

"I want to~~ but I can't do it right now. Sister Pingping will come over to set up the venue in a while."

Su Mengwen poured a basin of cold water.

Ye Duan was a little mad: "How could I have forgotten this? I gave her the idea to let her come to you. Let Pingping treat us to a big meal tonight, and let her thank you very much."

"I just want to eat Pingping's food before I help you. How about you, Brother Duan?"

"Yo, now your sisters are starting to be of one mind."

Ye Duan couldn't help being happy.

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen just got up from the sofa.

He Shiping came to knock on the door.

dong dong dong... dong dong dong...

"Sister Wenwen, open the door, I'm Pingping."

Su Mengwen hurried to open the door.

"Sister Pingping, you are here."

"Sister Wenwen, why did you close the door in broad daylight?"

He Shiping entered the office and saw the master sitting on the office chair at a glance.

Instantly understood what was going on.

"Oh, I get it."

Su Mengwen's face was flushed with shame, she didn't know how to explain.

The fool also knows what happened just now.

Ye Duan greeted He Shiping as if nothing had happened: "Pingping, you are here."

"Master, did you do something bad again just now?"

He Shiping covered her mouth and almost laughed out loud.

"Don't talk nonsense about Pingping, I didn't do anything, I just discussed work with Wenwen."

"Master~ You are really thick-skinned."

He Shiping was ashamed, grabbed Su Mengwen's hand and said, "Sister Wenwen, you judge, how can there be such a master? He always bullies his apprentices."

"You should be more aware of your master's virtue than I am. He not only bullies his apprentices, but also wants to bully his female subordinates. It's really bad."

Su Mengwen couldn't help laughing as she spoke.

Ye Duan was stunned.

"You two little rascals actually said that I bullied you, haha, woman!"

After speaking, Ye Duan put on his clothes and prepared to leave.

He Shiping quickly grabbed him: "Master, where are you going? Don't be angry, I was wrong~"

Su Mengwen also came over and begged: "Brother Duan, we were joking with you, you didn't actually bully us."

Ye Duan laughed out loud.

"I'm going to the bathroom, hehe."

Ye Duan went out to leave.

Only then did He Shiping realize that she had been fooled.

Stamped his feet angrily.

"Sister Wenwen, look at how bad my master is."

"Yeah, Pingping, he's just full of bad water."

After the two complained, they went to the largest banquet hall on the first floor to set up the venue for the press conference.

When Ye Duan came back from the bathroom, he couldn't see the two of them, so he lay on the sofa and played with his mobile phone.

At this time, Jiang Yuling sent a voice call.

"Hey, Lingling, what's the matter?"

Ye Duan connected the phone.

This time without hesitation, he called her Lingling directly.

Because there is no outsider on the phone, it is very private and will not be misunderstood.

"Brother Ye, my father wants to meet you."

Jiang Yuling's tone was a little anxious.

"Meet me?"

Ye Duan knows the difference between "meet" and "see".

The former is to receive guests in the capacity of the chief executive, while the latter is an ordinary meeting.

Lingling used the word "meeting", indicating that this is a formal meeting.

"Yes, my father wants you to visit him as the president of the Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce. The time is set at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. He would like to have a chat with you."

Jiang Yuling replied on the phone.

She told her father about Ye Duan donating 10 billion yuan to the orphanage.

Jiang Wanquan was shocked when he heard about it.

In just a few days, the new richest man in the local area has donated 20 billion yuan. As the highest official, he cannot ignore it.

So she asked her daughter to send a message to Ye Duan, wanting to meet him and take the opportunity to learn about his basic situation.

Ye Duan thought for a while and decided to agree to the meeting.

When working in China, money is important.

Relationships are more important!
The best, of course, is to have both money and connections.

It is also a great honor for a businessman to be interviewed by the highest official of Shanghai.

It is also more convenient for subsidiaries to conduct business.

So Ye Duan said to Jiang Yuling: "Alright Lingling, tell uncle, I will be on time for the appointment."

"Well, thank you Brother Ye, you come to my house to pick me up tomorrow, and I'll take you to my dad's office, is that okay?"

"No problem, just send me the address."

Jiang Yuling hung up the phone and sent the address to Ye Duan's phone.

My heart is full of expectations.

Hope tomorrow's meeting goes well.

It would be great if father and Brother Ye could become friends.

Strange, why do I have this idea?

Jiang Yuling's face was a little hot.

He was ruthlessly rejected yesterday when I invited him to dinner, but I wasn't angry at him at all.

Also want to see him soon.

It's over, you won't like this person, will you?

Ye Duan hung up Jiang Yuling's phone and dialed Liu Qian's cell phone.

"Hey, Qianbao, what are you doing?"

"Brother Ye, I'm going through the yacht formalities at the maritime department, is there anything wrong?"

"Tomorrow morning, you will go with me to visit the chief executive of Modu, and help me prepare some materials first."

Ye Duan decided to take Liu Qian along.

Anyway, he is the richest man in Shanghai, at least he should bring an assistant.

Qianbao's image and temperament are more suitable for this kind of occasion. Although she often has low IQ in private, she is still a white-collar beauty who stands out in front of outsiders.

It is absolutely no problem to support the facade, and it will definitely kill all the little secrets in seconds.

Liu Qian was a little nervous when she heard this task.

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid that if I don't perform well, it will get in your way."

"How could it be? I can assure you that you will definitely be the prettiest girl tomorrow."

Ye Duan has always been very satisfied with Liu Qian's appearance and figure.

"Hee hee, I seem to have confidence again after you say that, don't worry, Brother Ye, I will definitely not embarrass you."

"You prepare some materials first, and show off our strength in front of Jiang Yuling's father tomorrow."

"Understood, Brother Ye, I'll go back and prepare right away."

Liu Qian was very excited and went home.

The host is so kind to himself, he always brings himself to such an important meeting.

Hee hee, I must be his heart and soul.

If the other sisters found out, they would probably be jealous again.

Tomorrow, you must dress up beautifully, and you must not lose your position to the master!

(End of this chapter)

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