Chapter 179
Tell Liu Qian about the meeting tomorrow.

Ye Duan came to the banquet hall on the first floor of the hotel.

Su Mengwen is helping He Shiping arrange the venue.

Seeing Ye Duan approaching, the two quickly surrounded him.

"Brother Duan, why don't you take a good rest, just leave it to us."

Su Mengwen said with concern.

He Shiping also said: "Yes, master, you don't have to worry about Sister Wenwen here, it will be arranged right away."

"I'm too bored by myself. Come and see you. Tomorrow's press conference is very important, so we must take it seriously."

Ye Duan took a closer look at the venue, and then asked about the media invitations.

Then he said to He Shiping: "Pingping, ask the colleagues of the magazine to send another media invitation letter, this time in my name, remember to add the false name of the president of the Shanghai Photographers Association under my title. "

The circle of photographers still needs to be used, and it cannot be wasted in vain.

All media outlets in Shanghai have members of their own associations.

This is also a valuable resource.

Many people are keen to mix circles, isn't it just to gain contacts and get various conveniences when doing things?

"Okay master, I'll call and ask them to do it."

He Shiping immediately went to call the magazine colleagues.

Here, Su Mengwen also received a call.

Said to the person on the phone: "Send it to the banquet hall on the first floor."

Three minutes later, a waiter brought a can of soup and a pair of bowls and spoons.

The two sat down at a table.

Ye Duan asked suspiciously: "Wenwen, what is this?"

"Brother Duan, I asked the kitchen to make soup for you. You drink it to nourish your body."

As Su Mengwen said, she filled a bowl of soup with a spoon and placed it in front of Ye Duan.

He Shiping also came over after calling.

On the side, he joked: "Drink quickly, master. This is the Shiquan Dabu soup specially made by Sister Wenwen for you. After drinking it, I guarantee that you will be able to rejuvenate and have endless strength."

Ye Duan pointed to the female apprentice, and said to Su Mengwen: "Wenwen, have you seen what this little girl thinks all day long, and I am so bad now because of her influence. Before, I was very A single-minded innocent boy."

"Tch, that's not the case. You led me into trouble, okay? Sister Wenwen, don't believe my master's nonsense."

He Shiping started bickering with her master.

"Okay, okay, both of you, master and apprentice, stop for a while."

Su Mengwen doesn't want to eat dog food.

Then he said to He Shiping: "Let Brother Duan drink the soup well, let's go over there and check again."


He Shiping made a face for the master before leaving.

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing either.

This little evildoer is getting more and more presumptuous, and there is really nothing he can do about her.

Women are like that.

When I was with a man just now, I would be very reserved and shy, and I would be shy and blushing at every turn.

Once you get acquainted, you start to be unrestrained and enthusiastic.

Ye Duan suddenly thought of the movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

When Tang Bohu pursued Qiuxiang, Qiuxiang was also a dignified lady.

But after marrying and returning home, it's like a different person, proficient in drinking and playing cards.

I rub!

Ye Duan was a little scared.

God bless.

I don't want to be Tang Bohu.

In contrast, Lord Wei was much happier.

Marrying seven beautiful wives is really a role model for my generation!

If he can become a winner in life like Lu Dinggong, hehe...

Ye Duan was so fascinated by his thoughts that he drank a bowl of soup unconsciously.

Su Mengwen came back after inspecting the venue.

"Brother Duan, my classmate told me just now that the 100 billion funds that have been withdrawn from the reduction of Yida film stocks have been credited to your card. Please check to see if it has been credited."

Ye Duan opened the mobile banking.

Sure enough, there was an extra income of 100 billion.

"Wenwen, tell your classmate that the money has arrived."

Ye Duan suddenly remembered something.

The investment company has been established, but the money has not been transferred yet.

So he said again: "By the way, Wenwen, you send me the bank account number of the investment company, and I will transfer the investment funds into it."

"Okay Brother Duan, I'll ask my colleague to send it over."

Su Mengwen wanted to access the account and forwarded it to Ye Duan.

Ye Duan immediately transferred the 1000 billion investment fund.

He also instructed: "Remember, this money can only be used to carry out investment business. Other daily expenses will be paid from the hotel's account first, and the settlement will be made after the investment company makes a profit."

"I understand Brother Duan."

As soon as Su Mengwen finished speaking, she received a message from the finance company, saying that there was an extra remittance of 1000 billion in the company's account.

The whole person was also stunned.

Brother Duan is so awesome, he really remitted 1000 billion, and it was a one-time transfer.

This terrifying financial resources can simply crush people to death.

The burden on me is so heavy!

I really don't know how to repay Brother Duan's trust.

I can only work hard.

Run the investment company well and earn more money for Brother Duan!
Su Mengwen made up her mind and rushed to report: "Brother Duan, the 1000 billion investment fund has arrived."

Ye Duan nodded: "The investment company will be handed over to you, work hard Wenwen, I will fully support you in the future."

"Well, I will definitely do a good job."

Su Mengwen didn't know what to say.

I feel that saying anything is superfluous, and I can only use performance to repay Brother Duan.

At this time He Shiping came back.

Sitting next to Ye Duan, he said: "Master, everything is done here, I invite you to dinner."

"Do I still need you to invite me here?"

Su Mengwen wanted to show her friendship as a landlord.

She is, after all, the general manager of the Ritz-Carlton.

But Ye Duan shook his hand: "No, no, let Pingping treat this time, we are all helping her, so we should let her treat."

"Master, it's wrong for you to say that. I'm also working for you, okay? Isn't the magazine yours? I'm just a dozen workers, and you, the boss, should be the ones who treat guests!"

He Shiping's teeth are so eloquent that people are speechless.

Ye Duan lifted a rock and smashed himself in the foot, so he could only say: "Okay, okay, please, please."

But after changing the subject, he added another sentence: "Let's have a meal at Wenwen's place. Anyway, this hotel is also mine."

Now it was Su Mengwen's turn to be speechless.

"You two are worthy of being masters and apprentices, what a virtue!"

Ye Duan and He Shiping look at me and I look at you.

Can't help but laugh out loud...

The three of them had dinner at the hotel, and it was still early.

Ye Duan decided to take the two female subordinates out to have fun.

Whether it is Wenwen or Pingping, they are indeed doing things for themselves, and they should be rewarded.

So he suggested: "I want to go to KTV to have fun, who of you wants to go?"

He Shiping immediately raised her hand and said, "Take me, Master, I haven't sung with you for a long time."

In the past, when the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine held activities, it would occasionally arrange to go to KTV to sing.

The master and apprentice will often sing a couple's duet.

That scene made He Shiping feel very happy, because the nasty love words in the lyrics are like the master confessing to herself.

In the closed and dim KTV box, the sense of substitution is too strong.

Especially after drinking, I unconsciously imagined myself as the protagonist in the MV.

So KTV is second only to the bar, the place where people are most likely to lose control...

Ye Duan predicted that He Shiping would definitely go, but Wenwen might not.

In front of outsiders, she still has a little affection for Ye Duan.

The reason is also very simple, the two of them did not meet before.

Unlike Ye Duan and He Shiping, who have a mentor-student relationship and have worked together for two years.

Su Mengwen really didn't want to go.

Said: "Brother Duan, Pingping, you go, I still have work to do, I guess I have to work overtime tonight."

Ye Duan did not persuade her directly, but gave the female apprentice a wink.

He Shiping understood, grabbed Su Mengwen's hand, and begged: "Sister Wenwen, don't you think the two of us get along very well? Come with me, I still have a lot to say to you."


Su Mengwen still wanted to postpone.

Wouldn't it be a hindrance if I went by myself, could it be possible to be a light bulb?

He Shiping immediately interrupted her: "Sister Wenwen, if I go alone, the master will definitely bully me, do you have the heart to see me being bullied?"

"You, you, you really have the same virtue as your master, and you will always make excuses."

Su Mengwen tapped He Shiping's forehead with her finger, and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Alas, it seems that it is hard to escape the trap of their master and apprentice tonight.

Su Mengwen was also extremely disturbed.

Let's sing together, okay?

Ye Duan was very happy in his heart, but he sighed intentionally, and said, "Tonight, I am in danger. If the two of you make a move together, I will definitely be carried away from the KTV."

"Who told you to bully Sister Wenwen and me during the day, it's useless to regret now, please hurry up and invite us to sing."

He Shiping held on to her master and did not let go.

A look of vowing not to give up until the goal is reached.

Ye Duan didn't know what to do, so he had to drag his apprentice to the elevator.

After Su Mengwen saw it, she felt envious, if only she could be so close to Brother Duan.

Why didn't I meet him sooner?
to the underground parking lot.

Ye Duan drove an Aston Martin DB11, and took the two beauties to a nearby high-end KTV.

After getting out of the car, He Shiping couldn't help clicking her tongue and said, "Master, this place looks so high-end."

"It's necessary, I can't wrong you, the editor-in-chief."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he entered the gate of KTV.

After booking the box and drinks, the three began to order songs.

"Sister Wenwen, I'll sing a song with the master first, so don't have any objections."

Su Mengwen sat in front of another karaoke machine, shook her head and did not speak.

He Shiping clicked "You Are a Song in My Heart".

Then he sat beside Ye Duan and said, "Master, are you ready?"

"Do you still need to prepare? Every time I sing with you, it starts with this song, and you don't know how to change it."

"Enhmm~ People like this song."

"Okay, okay, stop, and sing well."

The two masters and apprentices show their affection sweetly.

Su Mengwen sat aside and ate a mouthful of dog food.

After the prelude ended, Ye Duan picked up the microphone and began to sing.

"You are a song in my heart, and a flower blooms in my heart."

He Shiping went on to sing the next line.

"You are a song of my life, misses become a river."


While singing, He Shiping unknowingly leaned on the master's shoulder.

Ye Duan also forgot Su Mengwen's existence, and even kissed his apprentice on the cheek.

Su Mengwen resisted the embarrassment.

A pair of eyes fixed on the big screen.

Fortunately, she ordered the second song.

After the prelude, Su Mengwen picked up the microphone and sang.

"Films that don't fill half the audience, until the lights suddenly go on at the end."


Su Mengwen's voice sounded.

Only then did the master and apprentice realize their inappropriate behavior, and hurriedly separated.


He Shiping secretly pointed to Su Mengwen and gave the master a look.

Ye Duan understood his apprentice's intentions, picked up a glass of water, and came to the female subordinate.

"Wenwen, drink some water to moisturize your throat."

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty!"

Su Mengwen rejected Ye Duan's kindness.

After eating dog food, can you still drink water?

Ye Duan returned angrily.

He Shiping took the water glass and came over with a playful smile.

Lie in Su Mengwen's ear and said: "Sister Wenwen, don't be angry, let's drink my master's wine together later, let him get drunk and vent your anger for you, okay?"

"You don't feel sorry for your master?" Su Mengwen turned off the microphone and whispered.

"It's impossible to be distressed...a good sister is more important than a man."

He Shiping flattered Su Mengwen, but she backed down in her heart.

I really got the master drunk, and I must be heartbroken to death.

Su Mengwen saw that she was incongruous, and deliberately said: "Okay, let's go feed him now."

"Now? Well..."

He Shiping couldn't get off the tiger, so she had to obey Su Mengwen's words.

The two sat next to Ye Duan, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Master, I offer you a toast, thank you for caring and taking care of me all these years."

He Shiping picked up a glass of wine and drank it.

Ye Duan looked at the two beauties on the left and right, his brows were filled with joy, and he drank it all in one gulp.

"Brother Duan, I also offer you a toast, thank you for your kindness."

Su Mengwen then made a toast.

Ye Duan couldn't refuse, so he had to drink another cup.

So the three sang and drank.

After a few bottles of wine, both He Shiping and Su Mengwen were slightly tipsy.

Su Mengwen got up and went to the bathroom.

"Pingping, let me give you a good kiss now."

Ye Duan continued to pretend to be drunk.

The hot lips aimed at He Shiping's small mouth.

But he wasn't really drunk, and he knew what he could and couldn't do.

After all, it is in KTV.

So everything is on point, and the rhythm is just right...

Ye Duan and He Shiping are lingering.

Su Mengwen hurriedly opened the door and ran in.

"It's not good, Brother Duan, I seem to have gotten into trouble."

Hearing the sound of the big beauty almost crying, Ye Duan immediately sat up from the sofa and hugged her into his arms.

"Wenwen, don't worry, talk slowly, what happened?"

He Shiping also woke up in an instant, took a few sips of water from the water cup.

He came to Su Mengwen's side and held her hand with concern.

"I came out of the bathroom just now, and I met a man who wanted to molested me. I kicked him in the crotch, which seemed to break him..."

Su Mengwen looked at Ye Duan and then at He Shiping, feeling very worried.

Will you kick that bastard off?
What if that guy comes looking for trouble?
This is one of the most high-end KTVs in Shanghai. Those who come here to sing K are either rich or expensive. If they offend a second generation, wouldn't it be trouble for Brother Duan?
"Fuck, which bastard is tired of working? I'll kill him!"

Ye Duan let out a roar that woke up Su Mengwen.

"Brother Duan, don't be impulsive. I'm fine. That man didn't touch me at all, he just made fun of me."

"No flirting!"

(End of this chapter)

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