Chapter 180
Ye Duan drank a lot of wine at night, and a cloud of anger burned in his heart.

"That's right, molesting civilian girls in broad daylight should be beaten!"

He Shiping's violent temper also came up.

She always loves to fight against injustices, but now she wants to avenge Su Mengwen even more with the strength of wine.

"Go, find that bastard!"

The master and apprentice pulled Su Mengwen out of the box.

As soon as he walked to the corner of the aisle, he bumped into a few stunned young men who smelled of alcohol.

One of them covered his crotch with his hands, with a painful expression on his face.

After the man saw Su Mengwen, he immediately pointed his fingers and cursed: "That's the bitch, brothers, fuck me!"

A few stunned youths waved their fists and beat them.

Ye Duan was angry.

Needless to say, it must be Wenwen who was molested by this guy.

Fuck you, court death!

Ye Duan kicked up and kicked the man who was rushing forward a few meters away.

Then he knocked down two with one punch.

The remaining two hesitated for a moment, but before they could react, they were beaten to the ground by Ye Duan again.

In a few seconds, the thugs were beaten to the ground, moaning and groaning in pain.

The crotch-covering man hiding at the back was frightened and turned his head to run away.

"You fucking want to slip!"

Ye Duan grabbed his hair and pulled him to Su Mengwen.

"Wenwen, did this guy bully you just now?"

"Well, it's him!"

Su Mengwen's smell of alcohol was awakened long ago, and she recognized this white and fat pig at a glance.

Hearing this, Ye Duan tightened his grip on the crotch-covering man's hair.

"It hurts, hurts..., big brother, please forgive me..."

The white fat pig covered his chin with one hand and protected his head with the other.

The pain caused the pig's head to deform, and the fat on its face trembled.

"You fucking know it hurts?"

Ye Duan raised his other hand, and slapped the pig's face twice.

"Don't hit me in the face."

The crotch-covering man dropped his crotch and hurriedly covered his face.

"You bastard, let you bully Sister Wenwen!"

He Shiping took the opportunity to kick out, and the pointed leather shoes hit the target.

"'s broken..."

The fat white pig covered his crotch with both hands, rolling all over the floor in pain.

After hearing the movement, more and more people watched.

Several waiters also looked lively, and they didn't dare to step forward to ask.

Someone recognized Ye Duan's identity, pointing and discussing in a low voice.

"That man is so handsome, I think I've seen it somewhere."

"Yeah, I also dreamed about the one with him, but I can't remember clearly."

"You nympho, what are you dreaming about all day? When you meet a handsome guy, you want to sacrifice yourself."

"Oh, I remembered. He seems to be the new richest man in Shanghai. Some time ago, there were reports about him on the Internet."

"That's right, that's right, that's him, I said why is he so handsome, he turns out to be the number one handsome guy in Shanghai!"

"They are not robbing girlfriends, are they? Those two girls are so beautiful."

"Tch, does the richest man lack women? It's almost the same for those two women to rob him to be his boyfriend."

Everyone is chattering.

The KTV manager rushed over with several security guards.

"Everyone leave, I am the manager here."

The KTV manager asked people to disperse the crowd, and then came to Ye Duan and asked politely, "Excuse me, sir, what happened just now?"

He had heard from the waiter just now that the person who beat him was none other than the new richest man in Shanghai.

Is he a KTV manager who dares to offend someone?

Ye Duan replied: "This fat pig molested my girlfriend, so I will teach him a lesson."

"How do you manage KTV, that such a thing can happen in broad daylight? Which customer would dare to come here to spend?"

He Shiping also asked angrily.

I was going to have a good time with the master tonight, but this fat pig ruined it all.

How can we not let people get angry?

The KTV manager quickly apologized and said: "I'm sorry, everyone, we were negligent in our work, how about this, everyone's consumption is free tonight, and please calm down."

"Who cares that you are free! Fortunately, my sister is fine, otherwise, believe it or not, I will burn your KTV down!"

He Shiping looked angry.

The KTV manager was so scared that he didn't dare to make a sound.

Su Mengwen quickly tried to persuade her: "Forget it, Pingping, let's go."

As the manager of a five-star hotel, she knows that it is better to untangle enemies than to tie them up, and little ghosts are difficult to deal with.

Some stunned young people go crazy, and it doesn't work to give money!

So I want to calm down.

Ye Duan also said to the KTV manager: "Tell your boss later, don't put all cats and dogs in it. If he finds it difficult to do business, he will sell your KTV to me."

"Yes, yes, sir, the lesson is, I will definitely tell our boss."

The KTV manager bowed his head and prepared to send Ye Duan and his party away.

At this time, the crotch-covering man who was sitting on the ground cried out.

"You can't let them go! What happened to the richest man in Shanghai? You can't beat people for no reason. If you leave, I'll let my mother expose you!"

Ye Duan sneered.

Squatting in front of the fat pig, he patted the pig's head and asked, "Little friend, tell grandpa, who is your mother?"

"Hmph, my mother is the editor-in-chief of "Time Basha"!"

When the crotch-covering man talked about his mother, his eyes lit up, and the expression on his face also became proud.

Ye Duan smiled.

The real TM enemy has a narrow road, what do you think is a coincidence?

He actually met the son of the editor-in-chief of "Time Basha"!

"Is your mother's name Tian Bichi? Is your father's name Cao Jianren?" Ye Duan asked.

"That's right, I am their only son, Cao Xiaoman."

Cao Xiaoman was elated.

Now that you know the names of my parents, don't even think about walking away!
"Cao Xiaoman, did you insult my girlfriend just now?"

Ye Duan held back his anger and continued to ask.

"How about indecent assault? I just asked her, can I go to the hotel with me to sleep for one night, is this considered indecent?"

Cao Xiaoman didn't know the seriousness of the matter.

He was still in college, and he had the air of a playboy.

All day long, I know how to cheat my parents and my mother, drinking flowers and wine for fun.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, he was slapped.


Ye Duan slapped the pig on the head: "It's reasonable for you to molested a girl, right?"

The pain made Cao Xiaoman cover his face and scream.

He Shiping heard that this fellow was actually the son of the editor-in-chief of "Time Basha".

It's also not getting angry.

He stomped on his crotch with high-heeled leather shoes.

"Ah..., this time it's really broken..."

Cao Xiaoman screamed in pain, like killing a pig.

The KTV manager didn't want to make things worse, so he quickly persuaded him, "Calm down, everyone, calm down."

"Cao Xiaoman, go back and tell your mother, if you need anything, just come to me."

After speaking, Ye Duan left KTV with He Shiping and Su Mengwen.

Cao Xiaoman clutched his crotch and cried out in pain: "I will never let you go..."

Ye Duan found a substitute driver and brought the two beauties back to No. [-] Jiangjing in Zhongliang.

Came to Su Mengwen's home.

Lin Meishuang and Liu Qian have been waiting here for a long time.

It turned out that He Shiping talked about this in the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group.

So everyone came to comfort Su Mengwen.

"Wenwen, are you okay?"

Lin Meishuang took Su Mengwen's hand and asked with concern.

The good sister was bullied, and she, the eldest sister, was very worried.

"Thank you, Sister Lin. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm afraid that bastard will retaliate against Brother Duan."

Su Mengwen looked at Ye Duan, feeling guilty.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be singing K tonight, so I wouldn't cause trouble because of myself.

He Shiping said from the side: "He dares! We have already taken advantage of him by not going to trouble him, and he wants to take revenge?"

She drank tonight, and her character became more staunch.

Liu Qian and He Shiping were also worried, looking at Ye Duan with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, that bastard deserved what he deserved. This time I will make their whole family suffer. His old mother bullied Pingping, and he didn't have eyes to bully Wenwen. Isn't this deliberately looking for trouble?"

Ye Duan comforted them.

Then he said to Su Mengwen: "Wenwen, ask the investment company to inquire about the ownership structure of "Times Basha" magazine, and buy it at the right time, so that the mother and son will sacrifice the flag to the investment company!"

"Okay Brother Duan."

Su Mengwen immediately agreed.

You can't beat people yourself, but buying a company is your old business!
With Brother Duan's move, I believe that the mother and son will definitely not be able to make any waves.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Lin Meishuang said, "Since there is nothing to do, everyone should go back to rest early."

The younger sisters remained motionless, all staring at Ye Duan.

Obviously, this was the only man in the room.

Ye Duan felt a little embarrassed.

Then he looked at Lin Meishuang, meaning to let her make a decision.

Shuang'er is the elder sister of several people, it is most appropriate to leave this kind of matter to her.

Lin Meishuang felt helpless in her heart.

No matter how you deal with it, someone will be unhappy.

That being the case, it's better to be the villain yourself.

People often say that it is difficult to be a big brother, but in fact it is also difficult to be a big sister!
Lin Meishuang made a decision in one sentence: "Pingping won't go back tonight, she will sleep with Sister Qian, brother Duan will go upstairs with me to sleep, everyone should leave."

Several people have no opinion.

Who would dare not listen to Sister Lin's words?
So Liu Qian took He Shiping downstairs.

Lin Meishuang took Ye Duan up to the 39th floor.

"It's still my twins who are capable, and it can be done in one sentence."

"It's not your fault. Let me be this villain. Behind their backs, they will definitely say that I am cheating on the old."

Lin Meishuang felt dissatisfied.

If this continues, his prestige will definitely be exhausted.

"How come? I see they all respect you. If anyone doesn't listen to you, I'll spank her ass."

Ye Duan spoke seriously.

Lin Meishuang gave him a supercilious look: "Hmph, can you do it?"

"Why don't you let go?"

Ye Duan chuckled, obviously there was something in his words.

Lin Meishuang heard it, and raised her small fist and punched it: "You are a bad guy, you are really bad."

"Okay, you bitch, do you want me to spank your little ass too?"

As Ye Duan said, he patted Lin Meishuang's butt lightly twice.


Lin Meishuang pretended to be angry and ran into the bathroom.

Ye Duan was just sitting on the sofa when the phone rang.

It's an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Ye Duan, isn't it?" A woman's voice overwhelmed her face and asked.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Tian Bichi, Cao Xiaoman's mother. You bastard, you've ruined my son's life. I'm never done with you!"

Tian Bichi roared on the phone.

Ye Duan expected this to happen.

In the KTV just now, Pingping went down with both feet, probably kicking Cao Xiaoman's crotch.

His parents will definitely not let it go.

Cao Jianren has something in his hands. He found out that he was raising Xiaomi outside, so he shouldn't dare to mess around easily.

Tian Bichi is different.

She is the editor-in-chief of "Time Basha". She has always regarded herself as a strong woman and has a high prestige in the fashion and entertainment circles.

Now that her precious son has been eunuched, how is she willing to give up?

But Leaf is ready.

Even if there is no such thing as KTV, he still has to fight this old woman.

Because "Time Basha" deliberately sabotaged the 20th anniversary celebration of "Beauty on the Silk Road" magazine, this matter is not over yet.

It's just that the two used to fight behind the scenes, but now they're in front of the stage.

Ye Duan immediately snapped back: "Editor Tian, ​​it was your son who molested my girlfriend first. I didn't find someone to arrest him. It was already the best of humanity. You don't know what to do here and bark like a mad dog. Aren't you afraid that I'll go back on my word?"

"Don't scare me! Let me tell you, I, Tian Bichi, have never been afraid of anyone! I have already found the best lawyer in Shanghai, and you who have suffered thousands of knives are just waiting to die!"

"I'm so scared, editor-in-chief Tian, ​​please let me go, hahaha."

Ye Duan teased deliberately.

Then the topic changed, and he continued: "Are you looking for a lawyer? I can hire the best lawyer in China! Is 2000 million enough? If not, just [-] million! I have plenty of money!"

"Ye Duan, let me warn you, don't be too arrogant! You think you are the richest man in Shanghai and no one dares to mess with you. Let me tell you the truth, I knew you were the boss of "Girl on the Silk Road" a long time ago, so I deliberately demolished you You will lose all face, get the hell out of the devil city!"

Tian Bichi was furious and told the truth.

"Hehe, you bastard, it's not certain who will have the last laugh, Tian Bichi, be careful not to shoot yourself in the foot with a rock!"

Ye Duan clenched his fists and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Young man, don't think it's great to have a few stinky money in your pocket. I just want to show you that money is not everything. If you are really capable, don't spend money to hire artists to give you a platform. I promise you The 20th anniversary celebration will be very exciting!"

Tian Bichi felt complacent.

"Times Basha" magazine is the most famous fashion magazine in China. It has a strong appeal among artists. Many stars are proud to be on the cover of "Times Basha".

Engaging in fashion celebrations by myself has always been a hit.

Celebrities from all walks of life will come to join in.

After the "Times Basha" Girls' Day event sent out invitations, dozens of stars have expressed their willingness to attend.

"Girls on the Silk Road" is an outdated magazine, what are you fighting against me with!

Ye Duan sneered and said, "Okay, I promise I won't spend any money on entertainers, I will convince you, kneel down and beg me!"


Ye Duan hung up the phone directly.

Damn, this Tian Bichi really did it on purpose.

"Time Basha" magazine chose to make trouble on the day of the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girl on the Silk Road" either sooner or later, which was obviously deliberately arranged.

There must be someone backing her up!
She is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, no matter how famous she is, she would not dare to break ground on the head of the richest man.

Who is dismantling his desk?
(End of this chapter)

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