Chapter 181 Famous Again
Ye Duan was thinking.

Lin Meishuang came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Big drops of water fell from her long hair.

Some drops of water slid down her fair neck and disappeared into the bathrobe.

Lin Meishuang wiped her hair with a towel, and sat beside Ye Duan.

Bursts of aroma hit, making people confused.

"Shuang'er, you smell so good!"


The next day, no one slept in.

Liu Qian prepared breakfast early in the morning.

After breakfast, everyone went to work.

Lin Meishuang, Su Mengwen and He Shiping went to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel together to prepare for a joint press conference.

Ye Duan took Liu Qian to find Jiang Yuling, and then went to meet Jiang Wanquan.

Today he still drives the Aston Martin DB11 sports car he gave to He Shiping.

Because only this car has 4 seats.

It seems that you still have to buy a car.

If I take a few beauties to the spring outing in the future, there will be no room for 4 seats!
After seeing Jiang Yuling, Ye Duan and Liu Qian got out of the car to greet her.

"Lingling, this is my personal assistant Liu Qian."

Ye Duan introduced Qianbao.

"Hi Liu Qian, we meet again."

Jiang Yuling took the initiative to shake hands with Liu Qian.

Ye Duan was dumbfounded.

Standing together, the two beauties are really equal.

Whether it is appearance or figure.

They are all evenly matched!

Liu Qian carefully looked at the young lady in front of her.

I saw Jiang Yuling combing the student's hair, and under the airy bangs was a fair and pink face.

Curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes, big black eyes, full of aura.

There is a golden-trimmed shirt inside the light coffee-colored windbreaker, which reveals a touch of cuteness in its dignity.

Liu Qian couldn't help sighing.

This girl is really pretty!

I hope she never gets in touch with the master.

Jiang Yuling also noticed Liu Qian.

Last time in the orphanage, the girl next to Brother Ye was already very beautiful.

I didn't expect the assistant in front of me to be even more beautiful.

Her eyebrows were curved, her nose was straight, her face was like fat jade, with a little makeup, she had a natural beauty.

A small light gray suit fully demonstrated the elegance of a white-collar beauty.

No wonder Brother Ye turned a blind eye to him.

It's all because there are too many beauties around him.

Jiang Yuling was envious of Liu Qian, if only he could change identities with her.

In this way, he can be by Brother Ye's side every day.

Ye Duan looked fascinated.

Qianbao is so beautiful today, not at all inferior to Lingling, the rich lady.

Bring it with you to save face!

By the way, Lingling is also very beautiful today, why didn't I notice it before?
This little face, tsk tsk, looks very Q and elastic...

Ye Duan is dreaming.

Liu Qian said: "Brother Ye, we should go."

"Oh, okay, let's go, get in the car."

Only then did Ye Duan come back to his senses, his appearance was very funny.

Jiang Yuling couldn't hold back, covered her mouth and smiled.

Brother Ye is really interesting!
After a while, the three arrived at Jiang Wanquan's office.

This interview was indeed formal.

The meeting place was not arranged at Jiang Wanquan's office.

This interview was indeed formal.

The meeting place was not arranged at Jiang Wanquan's office.

Instead, it was set in a special meeting room.

In addition to Jiang Wanquan himself, a person in charge of economics also participated in the meeting.

Ye Duan was not well prepared, so he only brought Liu Qian along as an assistant.

The venue seemed a little deserted.

Jiang Wanquan said to his daughter, "Lingling, sit on the sofa next to Mr. Ye."

"Yes, father."

Jiang Yuling couldn't wish more, and sat down happily.

Jiang Wanquan first said some polite words, and then asked about Ye Duan's industry situation.

"I heard that Mr. Ye is the new richest man in Shanghai. I wonder what industries Mr. Ye has laid out in Shanghai?"

"Mr. Jiang, I would like to ask my assistant to help answer this question. She may know better than me."

Ye Duan waved his hand to Liu Qian.

Jiang Wanquan also nodded.

Only then did Liu Qian take out the information and replied: "Report to Mr. Jiang, most of Mr. Ye's properties are located in Shanghai, mainly including Shanghai International Financial Center Shopping Mall, Hang Lung Plaza and Global Harbor Shopping Center, Ritz-Carlton Hotel and The North and South Twin Towers of the IFC, the Silk Road Legend Culture Company and its affiliated "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, as well as the Magic City Film and Television Company and Conch Company, and recently established a new investment company. All of the above are Mr. Ye In addition, Mr. Ye is also the major shareholder of Yida Films."

Conch girl has done her homework in advance.

Answered very fluently.

Jiang Wanquan kept nodding, basically consistent with what he knew.

However, what is the background of this young man?
Is it true that he is a mysterious rich young man from Kyoto?
With tens of billions of acquisitions and investments at every turn, is his source of funds really the central bank?
In any case, this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

I can't figure it out myself.

His identity is really well protected!
Since he didn't want to reveal his identity, he didn't go inquiring about it, he just treated him as a guest of honor.

After Jiang Wanquan thought about it, he said some warm and polite words to Ye Duan.

"Mr. Ye has made such great achievements in his career at such a young age. He is really young and promising, which is admirable. It is also a great blessing for us in Shanghai. I hope that Mr. Ye can continue to increase investment in Shanghai. We will do our best to provide all services.”

"Thank you, Chief Jiang, for your praise and support. We will definitely contribute our strength to the construction of Shanghai."

Ye Duan also responded politely.

Jiang Wanquan proposed again: "I understand that Mr. Ye is keen on charity. He recently donated 20 billion to the Shanghai Sanitation Workers and the Shanghai Orphanage. I plan to invite Mr. Ye to be the president of the Shanghai Charity Federation. Mr. Ye, please don't refuse."

"Thank you, Chief Jiang, for your recommendation. Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

Ye Duan did not refuse, but responded.

With this status, it should be easier to spend the remaining 980 billion charitable funds, right?
At this time, Jiang Yuling was already shocked by Ye Duan's strength.

A pair of eyes are all on Ye Duan.

It was mesmerizing to watch.

The admiration for Ye Duan in my heart is about to burst out...

While Ye Duan and Jiang Wanquan were meeting.

The press conference at the Ritz-Carlton was also on time.

The venue was very grand.

Hundreds of media outlets crowded the scene.

He Shiping introduced some information about the 20th anniversary fashion celebration of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

The time and venue of the event were announced and invitations to the media were sent out.

Subsequently, He Shiping announced a new strategic partner.

Lin Meishuang signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with "Grace on the Silk Road" on behalf of IFC Mall, Hang Lung Plaza and Global Harbor Shopping Center.

Announced that the spokespersons of the two shopping centers will be selected from the stars who have cooperated with the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

Qin Miaofei also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with He Shiping on behalf of Modu Film and Television Company, and also announced the news that is good for the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

The three parties announced that they will jointly host the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girl on the Silk Road".

Finally, He Shiping announced another big news:
"My friends from the media, on behalf of Mr. Ye Duan, the actual owner of the "Glady on the Silk Road" magazine, I would like to announce a good news. Mr. Ye will donate 20 billion yuan to build 10 Schools of Love, all artists participating in the celebration will become donors of 100 Schools of Love.”

This news pushed the atmosphere of the press conference to a climax.

10 billion donations!

100 loving schools!

This is undoubtedly the most weighty news at the press conference.

And the most eye-catching.

Some media immediately released the news online.

""The new richest man in Shanghai has a new move: Donate 10 billion to build 100 loving schools!""

""Spend 10 billion yuan to donate 100 loving schools, is it to attract people's attention or sincerely do good?""

""Look at the artist on the opposite side: You can become a donor of 100 loving schools by participating in the event. Are you willing to miss such an opportunity?""

""Invitation Letter: Invite artists to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration of <Silk Road Beauty>, witness the donation of 10 billion yuan, and prevent the richest man in Shanghai from "scamming"!""


Later, the news of Jiang Wanquan's meeting with Ye Duan was also released on the Internet immediately.

"Today's Headlines: Jiang Wanquan Meets with Ye Duan, President of Shanghai Youth Chamber of Commerce""

""Jiang Wanquan: Mr. Ye Duan is welcome to increase investment in Shanghai, and will do his best to ensure service""

""Ye Duan, the new richest man in Shanghai: Willing to contribute to the prehistoric power, to contribute to the construction of Shanghai""


Two messages come together.

Ye Duan dominated the screen again.

Become the most beautiful boy in Shanghai today!
The overwhelming reports on the Internet have praised Ye Duan to the sky.

Some people praised him as a business wizard.

Some people praised him as a charity star.

The top tycoons in the business world of Shanghai sent congratulatory messages to Ye Duan one after another.

Congratulations to him for being received and supported by the leadership.

For businessmen, this is undoubtedly a great honor and affirmation.

In the future, the development in Shanghai will surely go smoothly!

Entertainers also turned around.

They all replied to the invitation letters from the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, expressing that they would definitely participate in the 20th anniversary celebration.

As soon as He Shiping returned to the magazine, she called Ye Duan.

Tell the master the good news.

"Master, you are amazing! Everything you said came true. Just an hour after the press conference, more than 100 artists contacted the magazine, vying to join our celebration."

"Are you satisfied now? You won't be crying with worry?"

Ye Duan did not forget to tease the female apprentice on the phone.

Everything was as expected.

"Master~ I'm going to die of excitement, I really want to run to your side right now, thank you very much~"

He Shiping was really excited.

I tried my best to invite less than 10 celebrities.

As soon as the master made a move, more than 100 stars came in an instant.

He is simply not human!

It must be the god sent by heaven to save him!

So excited, so excited.

He Shiping couldn't wait to see her master.


The leaf segment is not empty.

"Pingping, you should work hard first, the master is busy now, I will go to you as soon as I am free."

"Good master, you must come to me~"

He Shiping hung up the phone and hurried to the bathroom.


At this time, Ye Duan was with Liu Qian.

After the two came out from Jiang Wanquan's place, they came directly to the bank of the Huangpu River.

The formalities for the little yacht were all done.

Liu Qian found a yacht club on the Huangpu River to call, so she didn't have to go so far to the seaside port.

"Qianbao, you are really capable, you are worthy of being my conch girl!"

Ye Duan was in a good mood when he came to Ferretti 650 yacht.

"Hee hee, master, what do you think this is?"

As Liu Qian spoke, she took out a certificate.

"Yacht driving license?"

Ye Duan took it over and saw that his name was imprinted on it.

"I'll wipe it! Yes, Qianbao, have you even done this for me?"

"Yeah, so you can take me out to play, hee hee~"

Liu Qian bit her lip, her little face flushed.

Sweet things come to mind...

"Today is a good day! Let's go, I'll take you to roam now!"

Ye Duan embraces a princess.

He carried Liu Qian to the cab.

"Qianbao, you wait here, I will untie the cable."

Leaf returned to the deck and untied the cable.

The yacht floated away from the shore.

"Let's sail!"

Ye Duan returned to the cab and drove the yacht towards Jiangxin.

Liu Qian was also extremely happy.

Sitting next to Ye Duan, her little head rested on his shoulder.

Looks like a little bird.

"Master, where are you going to take me?"

"Let's go for a lap in the sea, hehe."

Ye Duan is in a good mood today.

Want to relax.

Liu Qian blushed.

He raised his fist and hit Ye Duan on the shoulder.

Shyly said: "You are so bad, master, you always want to bully me..."

"My dear Qianbao, why would the master bully you? The master is full of love for you."

At this time, Liu Qian's cell phone suddenly rang non-stop.

When I opened it, new messages kept popping up in the WeChat chat box.


The news that Liu Qian accompanied Ye Duan to meet Jiang Wanquan was seen by his classmates.

In one of the photos, Liu Qian was reporting to Jiang Wanquan.

Someone posted this photo to a group of college classmates.

Instant frying.

What an honor it is to be interviewed by the leaders less than a year after graduation!

Liu Qian became the goddess in the eyes of the students!
Everyone flattered her.

A group of licking dogs were also moved by the news, kneeling and licking her constantly in the group.

Liu Qian's self-esteem, as well as a woman's natural vanity, were greatly satisfied.

A smile could not be restrained on his face.

The conch girl looked at the handsome face of her master infatuatedly.

There was a wave of worship in my heart.

All this is the master's credit!

If he hadn't met his master, how could he have everything he has now?
Just after graduating, he lived in a mansion with tens of millions in Jiangjing, drove a Ferrari sports car, and wore expensive jewelry.

The closet is full of big-name luxury goods, bags, shoes and all kinds of clothes.

Live the life every girl dreams of.

Being spoiled by the owner like a princess in a fairy tale.

He is simply a peerless good man!

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo touching!

I should really thank him.

Liu Qian's eyes became blurred, she looked at Ye Duan and said, "Master~ Thank you for pampering me so much, I will take good care of you."

(End of this chapter)

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