Chapter 182 Driving a Yacht
Under the considerate service of Conch Girl.

Ye Duan drove the yacht all the way and came to a remote offshore sea.

Then stopped.

The surrounding area is very empty, only a few freighters sailing on the sea in the distance.

"Qianbao, I miss you."

Ye Duan picked up Liu Qian, came to the open cabin, and put him on the leather sofa.

"Master~ no..."

The conch girl delicately pushed her master away.

Ye Duan quickly asked: "What's the matter, Qianbao, are you seasick?"

"No, the two of us can't, have you forgotten? You can only have one girlfriend."

Liu Qian was shy and a little embarrassed.

Ye Duan understood her thoughts.

Then comforted: "Okay, I will control it."


Both of them enjoyed being together.

It was so intimate.

Even do nothing.

Also so trust each other.

At this time, the sea was slightly choppy.

Seagulls are chirping and fishes are jumping.

This yacht has become a warm habitat.


Ye Duan rested on the sofa.

Liu Qian came to the open kitchen and started making lunch.

After the yacht formalities were completed, she specially prepared some ingredients for emergencies.

It just happens to come in handy now.

"Qianbao, why are you so nice?"

Look at the beautiful and capable conch girl.

Ye Duan praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Hee hee~ Thank you, Master, for your compliment."

Liu Qian came over, kissed Ye Duan, and stuffed a cherry tomato into his mouth.

"It's delicious!"

Ye Duan grabbed Miss Conch and hugged her into her arms.

"Let go, I still have to make lunch."

Liu Qian beat Ye Duan, got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Ye Duan admired Conch Girl's graceful figure.

Smooth and fair long legs.

It's really beautiful!
After a while, Liu Qian prepared lunch.

The two had a hearty meal.

Then turn off the phone again.

Take a good nap in the bedroom of the cabin.

During this time.

He Shiping's mobile phone and the magazine's phone number were about to explode.

Already more than 300 artists expressed their intention to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girl on the Silk Road".

Some brokerage companies even stated that all their artists will participate.

He Shiping was confused.

I originally imagined that I could invite 50 artists, and I was already thankful.

Now it has doubled several times.

And there are more and more artists coming.

Almost half of Huaxia's entertainment circle came.

According to this posture, the event site must be overwhelmed.

Do you want to control the number of people?

He Shiping couldn't make up her mind, and wanted to ask her master for instructions, but couldn't get through to his phone.

Hey, where did the master go?
Just ask in the group.

So He Shiping sent a message in the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group.

"Sisters, does anyone know where my master is? I have something urgent to find him."

Several sisters replied that they did not know.

Only Liu Qian did not speak.

Lin Meishuang: "It is estimated that your master and sister Qian are together, Pingping, please wait a little longer."

He Shiping: "But I'm really in a hurry, {crying}{crying}"

Su Mengwen: "Pingping, don't worry, can you tell us first if you have anything to do? See if we can help you."

He Shiping: "Sisters like this, after the press conference in the morning, more than 300 artists have responded so far, and some artists have called. I am afraid that there are too many stars and I will not be able to stop the car. I will not be able to arrange What to do with so many people?"

Lin Meishuang: "This is a good thing, Pingping. As far as I know, the theater of Shanghai Metropolitan Theater can accommodate more than 1000 people. You can rest assured to agree to them. No matter how many artists there are, they can accommodate them."

Su Mengwen: "Yes, Pingping, you don't have to worry about the logistics. I will arrange the professional team from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel to help. There is absolutely no problem serving 1000 people at the same time."

Yang Bingyue: "Miss Pingping, don't worry, brother Duan will definitely find a solution, he is really amazing."

He Shiping: "Thank you, sisters, after listening to your analysis, I feel more at ease."

The sisters chatted a few more words, and then ended the chat.

He Shiping was no longer in a hurry.

Han Xin ordered troops, the more the better.

I believe that the master will help me deal with it.

at this time.

Tian Bichi, the editor-in-chief of "Time Basha" magazine, was about to vomit blood.

Her son Cao Xiaoman was kicked badly, and the doctor said that he might be infertile in the future.

She vowed to avenge her son.

So he went to the best lawyer in Shanghai overnight, preparing to make Ye Duan pay the price.

Unexpectedly, now the law firm has gone back on its word.

This made Tian Bichi very angry.

"Hey, Lawyer Fang, we agreed last night that I will pay 600 million in legal fees, and you can sue that bastard for me. Why did you change your mind again today? Are you honest or not?"

"Editor Tian, ​​it's not that we don't talk about integrity, it's that we dare not break ground on Taisui. You must have read the news. Mr. Ye Duan was just received by Chief Jiang this morning. You are asking me to sue him now, not because you hope Will our law firm go bankrupt?"

"But he did hurt my son, we can't let the bad guys get away with it, right?"

"Editor Tian, ​​we have called the on-site surveillance. It is true that the son made a mistake first, and he also admitted it himself, which makes things very complicated. If the defense is not proper, the son will even be sent in. I advise you just forget it."

"Forget it? Impossible! In this way, I will pay 1000 million legal fees, and you can think about it."

Tian Bichi couldn't swallow this breath.

His only son has become an eunuch, isn't he going to die?

Even if Ye Duan is the richest man in Shanghai, so what, there is always someone who can overwhelm him.

He must be sued!
No matter how much money is spent, he will avenge his son.

It's a pity that the other party still rejected her.

"Editor Tian, ​​it's not about money. I really can't help you. You'd better hire someone else."

"Hey, hello, you bastard, how dare you hang up on me?! You are all bastards!"

Tian Bichi dropped the phone angrily.

At this moment, her assistant came in and reported: "Editor-in-Chief, just now 6 more artists said they would not come to our Girls' Day event."

"Don't report this kind of news again, get out!"

Tian Bichi roared for a while.

Sitting on the office chair in despair.

Eyes looking at the ceiling.

Face as grey.

Lost, totally lost.

The son was castrated, and the artist was cut off.

I originally wanted to see others laugh, but now I have become a joke.

Really shooting myself in the foot.

deserve it!

Why would I be obsessed with ghosts and be someone else's pawn?

Ye Duan wakes up on the yacht.

Turn on the phone, and a bunch of messages pop up in an instant.

Some congratulated him, and some sent messages from his apprentice He Shiping.

Ye Duan decided to go to the magazine office.

The 20th anniversary celebration of "Grace on the Silk Road" will be held soon.

At this critical juncture, we must not take it lightly.

Pingping has just graduated a few years ago, so she cannot be allowed to bear such a heavy burden alone.

As her master, she is also her boss.

Be sure to be ready to help her at all times.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan called Liu Qian softly: "Qianbao, wake up, we should go back."

Conch girl is going to be exhausted.

He opened his eyes in a daze, glanced at Ye Duan and closed them again.

"Go back to sleep, I'll drive the yacht back and wake you up when I get to the club."

Ye Duan felt a little distressed, and came to the cab alone.

After driving the yacht, they arrived at the pier where the club was located, and then woke up Liu Qian.

The two went ashore together.

"Qianbao, Pingping has something to do with me, I'll send you home before I go to her."

"No need, master, I'll take a taxi and go back."

"It's okay, it's a matter of kicking the accelerator."

Seeing that Liu Qian was a little tired, Ye Duan couldn't bear to let her go home alone.

So they sent her back to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-] first.

"Qianbao, go home and have a good rest."

"Understood, Brother Ye, drive slowly."

Ye Duan bid farewell to Liu Qian, and drove to the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine office.

Entering the editor-in-chief's office, He Shiping was immersed in her work.

"Pingping, do you have anything to do with me?"


Seeing the master coming, He Shiping quickly jumped up from the chair.

"Master~ Where did you go? I have been looking for you for a long time but I can't find you."

"I bought a yacht and took Liu Qian to the sea to try it out. I didn't expect to fall asleep on it."

Ye Duan told the truth and did not hide anything.

No one doubted what he said, because he never lied.

No matter what he did, he would take the initiative to confess.

He Shiping is also used to it, she can't even afford vinegar now.

"I guess you are with sister Qian, next time you will take me on a yacht and go to sea, okay?"

"Of course it's okay. If you don't tell me, I'm going to take you to experience it."

"Is it fun up there?"

He Shiping was both looking forward to and curious.

It must feel great on a yacht, right?

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

Ye Duan smiled and said: "It is necessary, you will study some new knowledge recently, next time we will go to the yacht to practice."

"I hate it~ Master, you assigned me a task again. I'm so busy now, how can I learn kung fu?"

He Shiping complained a lot.

He picked up a list from the table and handed it to Ye Duan.

"Master, look, there are already more than 400 artists who are going to participate in our activities, and I can't handle it."

"Isn't it good to have too many people? Didn't you just worry about not being able to invite people at the beginning?"

Ye Duan took the list and browsed it roughly.

It was found that there were quite a few artists participating in the event, including almost all the popular stars.

They are the most important.

With the participation of first-line stars, the event will be interesting.

Although safflower needs the foil of green leaves, if there is no safflower, the soul will be lost.

"Master, it's not good to have too many artists. If the arrangement is not proper, what will happen if the scene is in a mess?"

He Shiping was troubled.

I have never carried out such a large activity independently, and I am really afraid that something may go wrong.

Ye Duan pulled his apprentice to sit on the sofa.

"I understand. Celebrities all pay attention to coffee positions. The order of walking on the red carpet, the arrangement of seats, and the position of group photos have to be weighed over and over again. But this event does not need to worry too much about this, because we are not asking for celebrities, but they take the initiative to express their willingness. Participate in our activities, so just follow the normal coffee arrangement."

"I see. In fact, I'm not too worried. It's just that I don't have experience and feel a little nervous."

He Shiping wanted to find a sense of security from her master.

After all, she is only 25 years old. According to the normal law of workplace development, she is currently at most a supervisor.

Now he directly became the editor-in-chief of Huaxia's youngest magazine.

And to host such a large-scale fashion event.

It is simply unprecedented!
Tension is also inevitable.

Ye Duan understood the pressure on the apprentice, shook her hand, and comforted her: "Let go and be Pingping, no matter what problems you encounter, the master can help you solve them."

"Thank you, master, if it weren't for you, I would have fainted in the toilet right now."

He Shiping looked up at Ye Duan.

There is also infatuation in the eyes.

The charming little face makes people's hearts flutter after seeing it.

Ye Duan held back his impulse and asked, "Pingping, what is it you are looking for?"

"I originally wanted to ask you if you want to control the number of artists, but then Sister Lin and the others said no, so I will not refuse anyone."

"Well, there is really no limit, as much as you come."

Ye Duan said again: "Pingping, I have an idea to make this event a grand event in the fashion industry, an unsurpassed benchmark, both in terms of event size and the number of artists, it must reach a new height. You want Seize this opportunity to re-establish the signboard of "Girls on the Silk Road" magazine, make the magazine an important center of Chinese fashion culture, and eventually grow into a fashion media with international influence."

"Master, can I do it?"

He Shiping felt a little timid.

Let "Grace on the Silk Road" go international?
What a heavy burden!

Ye Duan said with certainty: "Of course you can do it, I believe you have the ability!"

"Then I will work hard and try not to let you down."

He Shiping nodded.

I secretly made up my mind: I must not embarrass my master!

Ye Duan suddenly remembered something.

"Pingping, there is no movement between Tian Bichi and "Times Basha" magazine?"

"I haven't found out yet that some artists have already agreed to participate in their activities, but now they have also switched to our side. It is estimated that the editor-in-chief Tian is very angry now."

"She has brought the blame on herself, and she can't live with her own crimes. But you should be careful recently, and beware of them coming to make trouble again."

"Well, I'll pay attention."

He Shiping changed the topic.

He said softly, "Master, are you still here?"

Ye Duan deliberately pretended to be confused: "What do you want me to do?"

"Master~ You asked knowingly..."

He Shiping coquettishly shyly.

The little face was blushing.


Ye Duan felt sorry for his apprentice.

Pulled her onto the sofa.

"Pingping, thank you for your hard work."

He Shiping said shyly: "It's not hard work at all, master, you have done so much for me, I just want to repay you once."

"Hey, I'll give you a chance right away."

Ye Duan took the opportunity to make a suggestion.

"Pingping, let's play a game of 'Silence of the Lambs' later."

"The Silence of the Lambs?"

Upon hearing the name.

He Shiping was so frightened that she quickly hugged her master.

Isn't this a movie?

The protagonist is the creepy Hannibal...

Ye Duan quickly explained: "It has nothing to do with that movie. This is a game I came up with. We can't make a sound later. Let's see who holds his breath for a long time. If whoever makes a sound, we will flick his head."

"Huh? Why do you want to do this?"

He Shiping was scared.

My lung capacity is definitely not as good as the master's, so I will definitely lose!
Wouldn't it be suffocating if I didn't make a sound?
(End of this chapter)

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