Chapter 183 Cute Kitten
Ye Duan shook his head helplessly.

"A game is a game, don't ask so many why."

"Okay, you are the master, I will listen to you."

He Shiping looked reluctant.

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing.

"You stinky girl, can't afford to play games?"

"Master~ You scolded me again, hum, who can't afford it?"

He Shiping pursed her lips.

Angrily, he beat the master's chest.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, Pingping, just try as I said first."

"Well, if I make a foul, you have to be merciful."

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely take pity on you."

After speaking, the two fell silent.


He Shiping let out a long breath.

"You fouled."

Ye Duan flicked the forehead of the female apprentice.

"It hurts~ You scoundrel, you hit hard."

He Shiping covered her head.


After half an hour.

He Shiping was almost on the verge of crying.

Because the forehead was popped red.

Ye Duan also couldn't bear it, and decided to spare the female apprentice.

"Forget it, it seems that you are not suitable for playing this game, so I will let you go this time."

"What silent lamb, you are clearly bullying me in different ways, I want revenge!"

He Shiping beat the master with both hands.

"Let you bully me, big villain, kill you~"

Ye Duan did not stop the apprentice.

Let her little powder fist fall on him.

It doesn't hurt at all.

On the contrary, it is very comfortable.


After the master and apprentice finished the game, it was almost time to get off work.

"Pingping, will you have dinner with me?"

"No master, I still have a lot of things to deal with, I have to work overtime tonight."

He Shiping put on her clothes and sat at the desk.

Ye Duan felt a little distressed.

He picked up his phone and ordered a super luxurious takeaway.

"Then I'll eat takeaway with you."

Ye Duan came behind He Shiping and rubbed her shoulders.

Such an excellent female apprentice.

It's really lovable.

"Master~Thank you~"

He Shiping was very moved.

After a while, the takeaway arrived.

The two ate dinner sweetly.

"Master, with you, it's delicious to eat takeaway."

He Shiping was eating.

He looked at the master happily.

Ye Duan picked up a piece of crab roe and put it in her mouth, and said with a smile, "Of course it's delicious. This is a takeaway from a five-star hotel."

"No wonder it's so delicious, but even if I eat roadside stalls with you every day, I'm willing."

What He Shiping said warmed Ye Duan's heart.

"Silly girl, why is the master willing to let you eat at a roadside stall?"

"Master, you are so kind, hee hee~"

He Shiping was so happy that her eye circles turned red.

Had dinner.

Ye Duan stood up and prepared to leave.

"Pingping, don't work too late, go back and rest early."

"Understood, master, you also go home and have a good rest."

Ye Duan reluctantly went downstairs and left.

On the way home, I received a call from director Han Han.

"Hey, brother Hanhan, what's the matter?"

"Brother Duan, our crew is going to Hengdian to film tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

"Is there any scene where I need to be a stand-in?"

"Yes, but if you have something to do, you can go two days later."

Ye Duan thought for a while.

It is better to go early than late.

There are still 20 days until the 5th anniversary celebration of "Girls on the Silk Road" magazine.

It would be best if the trick could be filmed before then.

Came back in the middle of the province for the event.

After all, the magic capital is still far away from Hengdian.

So he asked: "Brother Hanhan, how many days will the Hengdian filming take? How many days will my filming be over?"

"The crew will stay in Hengdian for about a week, and your film can be finished in about three days."

"Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow, you can arrange it in advance, first shoot my stand-in scene, I still have things to do later."

"Okay Brother Duan, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, we'll be waiting for you at the Shanghai Film and Television City."


Ye Duan hung up the phone and went directly to Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

Before leaving for Hengdian, the matter at hand must be dealt with.

The first thing is to fulfill the promise to Yueyue.

Two days ago, I promised Yueyue to give her the house on the 37th floor of No. [-] Jiangjing Zhongliang.

Can't make her wait too long.

Otherwise, the little girl would probably think that she was lying to her.

The second thing is to tell Shuang'er and Wenwen to help Pingping organize the 20th anniversary celebration of "Grace on the Silk Road".

The scale of the event is unprecedented, with more than 600 artists expected to attend.

Whether it is a first-line big star or a third-tier small star, they must be received seriously.

Although the status of artists varies from big to small, they are all artists in the final analysis, and everyone must be respected.

Pingping is inexperienced, and she needs Shuang'er and Wenwen to help her with some things.

The third thing is to arrange for Liu Qian to complete the formalities for the Voice yacht to go to sea as soon as possible.

In about a week, the big yacht will be used.

The fourth thing is to ask Wenwen to investigate the ownership structure of "Times Basha" magazine as soon as possible.

After their "Girls' Day Starry Night" event is cold.

You can start with it.


Ye Duan thought for a while, and found that there were still many things that needed to be figured out.

For example, what is the current operating status of Conch Company?

Do you want the "Girls on the Silk Road" magazine to move, because every time I go to find Pingping, I have to drive for half an hour.

When will the 980 billion charitable funds be spent?

Who is behind Tian Bichi...

The most troublesome thing is Ding Xueer's birthday.

What surprises should I prepare for her?

What gifts are appropriate?

What can I do to keep her from regretting the first time?

Ye Duan had a headache thinking about it.

Before I knew it, I had already arrived at Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-].

Let's deal with the matter in front of us first.

Where are you going to rest tonight?
Arrived at Zhongliang Riverview No. [-] Community.

Ye Duan came to Su Mengwen's house first.

The sisters are watching TV.

Seeing Ye Duan coming, they hurried over to greet him.

"Brother Duan, why are you here?"

As soon as Yang Bingyue came up, she grabbed Ye Duan's hand.

"I'll keep my promise."

Ye Duan smiled, and gave Yang Bingyue a pat on the head.

The little beauty's face also turned into a smile.

Su Mengwen was a little puzzled, and asked, "What promise, Brother Duan?"

"I promised Yueyue that I would give her a house and let her live alone. Does your cousin have any objections?"

"Oh, it's this matter. Yueyue has already told me, and I agree with it."

Su Mengwen's attitude is very firm.

It doesn't look like it's faked.

She wanted Yueyue to move away a long time ago.

Every time Brother Duan comes, he has to be careful.

It made her walk on eggshells.

Ye Duan understands Su Mengwen's thoughts, she must be eager to let Yueyue go out to live.

Wenwen and Pingping are of the same type, both enthusiastic and unrestrained.

It's just that one is charming and enchanting, and the other is full of vitality.

They are all rare.

Hear what Ye Duan and his cousin said.

Yang Bingyue jumped up happily, and then hugged Ye Duan tightly.

"Thank you, Brother Duan, I want to move downstairs tonight, is that okay?"

"Okay, I'll help you move it now."

Before Ye Duan could speak, Su Mengwen agreed first.

Ye Duan couldn't help joking: "You two are really sisters."

"Brother Duan, don't get me wrong, I don't want to catch up with Yueyue, I just want her to become independent quickly."

Su Mengwen quickly explained.

"I understand, I understand, haha."

Ye Duan laughed, and said to Yang Bingyue: "Let's go, Yueyue, I'll take you to the 37th floor first."

"Good brother Duan."

So the two went downstairs.

Ye Duan recorded the fingerprints of the door lock for Yang Bingyue, and gave her a brief introduction to the room.

The types of these 10 houses are all the same, so Yang Bingyue is also familiar with it.

"Yueyue, ask your cousin and sister Lin to help you move. I have something to do with Liu Qian, and I will come to see you later."

"Well, go quickly, I'll go find Sister Lin right now."

Ye Duan came to the 36th floor.

The conch girl just took a shower and was going to bed.

I was overjoyed to see the master coming.

"Qianbao, are you tired today?"

"I'm not so tired now."

Ye Duan carried Liu Qian to the bed, and lay down beside him.

The conch girl obediently got into the arms of her master.

Heart sweet.

"Qianbao, I'm going on a business trip to Hengdian tomorrow, and I'll be back in about three days."

Ye Duan stroked Liu Qian's small face and said.

"No way, going so long? I miss you, what should I do?"

Miss Conch was a little anxious.

I have never been separated from my master for so long.

I will definitely not be able to sleep thinking about him.

"Three days is still very fast, I will find you as soon as I come back, okay?"

"Okay, you must come back quickly, I will pick you up after you return to Shanghai."

"Well, take some time these two days to go through the formalities for the Voice yacht. I may need it in a few days."

"Good master, the formalities are already being processed, and it is estimated that they will come down soon."

The conch girl hugged her master tightly.

He looked at him helplessly, as if he had been wronged a lot.

"Qianbao, you are the most obedient baby, wait for me when I come back."

Ye Duan lay on Liu Qian's face and kissed again and again.

Make sure she has no more emotions, and then prepare to leave.

"Qianbao, I'm leaving first. I have to explain some things to Sister Lin and the others. You should rest well tonight."

"Master~ You have to take care of yourself outside."

Liu Qian sent Ye Duan to the door.

The two hugged for a few more minutes before parting reluctantly.

When Ye Duan came upstairs, Yang Bingyue's things had basically been moved.

Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen are helping her tidy up the room.

"Yueyue, clean up by yourself first, I'll talk to your two sisters about something."

"Okay Brother Duan, go get busy and leave me alone."

Yang Bingyue looked at Ye Duan happily, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Ye Duan wiped her sweat and pinched her little cheek again.

What a cute little girl!

Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen smiled at each other.

They seem to be saying: When can I enjoy this treatment?

"Shuang'er, Wenwen, I have something to tell you."

Ye Duan pulled Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen to sit on the sofa.

"Old classmate, what's the matter?"

"Shuang'er, Wenwen, I'm going to Hengdian tomorrow, so I want to explain something to you."

"Huh? Are you going on a business trip?"

Lin Meishuang was a little surprised.

Ever since I came to Shanghai, I haven't heard that my old classmate has been on a business trip.

Su Mengwen also asked: "Brother Duan, when are you coming back?"

"I'll be back in three days. The 20th anniversary celebration of "Girls on the Silk Road" will be held soon. When I'm away, please help Pingping, including the venue layout, logistics support, etc., and see if there are any omissions." The place."

"How about this, I'll let Pingping live with me for a few days, and we can discuss anything together."

"Yes, Brother Duan, you can go to work without worry, Sister Lin and I will definitely help Pingping."

"Great, I'll feel at ease with you here."

Ye Duan was very moved.

He asked Su Mengwen again: "Wenwen, ask your colleagues in the investment company to find out the equity situation of "Time Basha" as soon as possible, find a breakthrough, and buy it as soon as our event is over."

"I understand Brother Duan. Pingping has invited hundreds of artists this time, and the "Times Basha" event is likely to be a cold one. A big upset is a good opportunity to acquire it."

Su Mengwen understood the intention.

She has actually arranged for colleagues to investigate.

Ye Duan nodded, and continued: "Your analysis is good Wenwen, "Times Basha" magazine will definitely fail this time, and I still have their boss's black material in my hand. If necessary, I will It will be exposed later, so let the colleagues in the investment company play by ear."

"Okay Brother Duan, I will report to you as soon as possible if there is any situation."

Su Mengwen was very moved to be trusted by Ye Duan.

At this time, Yang Bingyue ran over.

He said cheerfully, "Brother Duan, my things are packed, would you like to visit my room?"

Lin Meishuang gave Su Mengwen a wink.

As if to say: "Wenwen, let's go, don't get in the way here."

Su Mengwen understood and nodded.

As if to say: "Okay sister Lin, I don't want to stay and eat dog food."

So Lin Meishuang said: "Old classmate, let's go back first, you can accompany Yueyue tonight."

Su Mengwen also said beside her: "Yes, brother Duan, Yueyue has just moved into a new house, so she must be afraid to sleep alone, so you can stay with her."

Seeing that the two sisters are perfecting themselves.

Yang Bingyue also lowered her head in embarrassment.

Ye Duan understood the kindness of the two of them, so he said: "In that case, I will accompany Yueyue tonight, but don't think too much about it, I'll sleep on the carpet."

Yang Bingyue also said shyly: "Thank you two sisters, thank you Brother Duan."

Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen left with a smile.

"Brother Duan, come quickly."

Yang Bingyue took Ye Duan to the master bedroom, pointed to the photo frame on the bedside and said, "Look."

"Oh, isn't this the group photo we drew on the Bund that day?"

Ye Duan picked up the photo frame and looked at it.

"Yeah, I put it in a picture frame so I can watch you sleep every day."

Yang Bingyue was extremely happy.

Like a cute kitten.

Ye Duan put down the photo frame and hugged Yueyue in his arms.

"I'll just watch you sleep tonight!"

"Brother Duan~~"

Yang Bingyue hugged Ye Duan tightly.

The little face is white and red, like a peach.


Ye Duan lay on the carpet, ready to sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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