Chapter 184 Getting Younger?

Yang Bingyue finally got her wish and lived apart from her cousin.

Before she came to Shanghai, her mother had repeatedly urged her to stay with Brother Duan as soon as possible.

Cook raw rice early.

Now finally has a chance.

Yang Bingyue was very excited.

The deer was so excited that it bumped around.

And a little scared.

Apart from biology textbooks, she has hardly any knowledge in this area.

So her chastity is as high as 99 points.

This means that she basically has no contact with boys.

The one point deducted is probably because she had a very close relationship with Ye Duan when she was a child.

Who knows?

This is not important.

Anyway, she is a very pure girl.

Ten thousand times cleaner than pure water!
Ye Duan has already seen through Yang Bingyue, knowing that she still retains her virginity.

For girls, this is the most precious thing.

However, many girls don't know how to cherish it, and they hand over themselves for a mobile phone, a bag, or even a meal of He Di Lao.

In contrast, Yang Bingyue's purity is particularly precious.

Ye Duan knows how to cherish.

He cannot live up to their trust and sincerity.

Yang Bingyue dared not take off her clothes for fear of being seen.

It was so embarrassing.

"Brother Duan~"

Yang Bingyue asked Ye Duan for help.

But I don't know what to say.

Of course Ye Duan understood what she meant, so he comforted her: "Don't be afraid of Yueyue, I have my eyes closed."

Yang Bingyue remained motionless.

The white and smooth pure body, under the bright light, looks like a jade beauty.

Ye Duan lay on the carpet not knowing what to do.

Yang Bingyue felt a swish of cold all over her body, but couldn't hear any movement, so she opened her eyes.

I saw a pair of eyes staring at me obsessively.

The little beauty blushed instantly.

"Brother Duan, stop looking, it's time to sleep."

Ye Duan came back to his senses and closed his eyes.

"Yueyue, your skin is so white."

"That's because you're too dark."

After Yang Bingyue finished speaking, she laughed first.

"You don't understand this, I am a healthy wheat color."

Ye Duan quibbled.

The atmosphere was suddenly a little dull.

"What's wrong with you, Brother Duan?"

Yang Bingyue thought Ye Duan was angry, so she turned around and asked him.

"I can't move."

"Why?" Yang Bingyue was very puzzled.

"Because I'm afraid I'll make a mistake."

Ye Duan showed a painful expression.

"Hey, what a pity!"

Yang Bingyue covered her face in shame.


half an hour.

Ye Duan suddenly said seriously: "Yueyue, I want you to help me manage the money."


Yang Bingyue didn't understand what he meant.

Ye Duan said it again: "Will you be my financial steward?"

"But sister Liu Qian is not your personal assistant?"

"It's different, Qianbao is helping me with my affairs, and you will help me manage the accounts."

Ye Duan felt that he had too many things to do.

Now that there are so many companies in my hands, I don't even have the time to collect money.

It has already entered March, and many accounts in February have to be settled.

Time to find a bill collector.

Yueyue is the most suitable, because she is studying finance.

"However, I haven't graduated yet, and I don't have much experience."

Yang Bingyue dare not agree.

Although Brother Duan trusts himself, he is not capable enough.

How can we take on such a heavy responsibility?
Ye Duan said: "You have only one choice, and that is to agree to me. Your job is actually very simple, that is, to regularly check the accounts of various companies, and then transfer the balance of the profits to my account. If they need funds, you Responsible for transferring the money to them.”

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Yang Bingyue accepted it nervously.

"Yueyue, I will leave the financial affairs of our company to you in the future."

"Thank you, Brother Duan, for your trust. I will definitely take good care of your money bag."

"That's right! Hehe."

Ye Duan closed his eyes and fell asleep...

The next morning.

Ye Duan got up early in the morning.

"Yueyue, why don't you drive me to Magic City Film and Television City?"

"Good brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue was very happy.

I can stay with Brother Duan for a while longer.

On the way to Modu Film and Television City, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Ye Duan's mind.

【Ding!It was detected that the host brother had voluntarily completed a hidden task, and the system rewards are being distributed. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Duxiuer" performance proficiency + six-level "good luck life system". 】

[Remarks: "Duxiuer" performance proficiency skills will enable the host brother to master various performance skills, the sixth-level "good luck life system" earns 60 yuan per second, and automatically replaces the fifth-level "good luck life system". 】

Ye Duan was overjoyed upon hearing this.

Not because of rewards received.

Instead, he heard the sweet voice of the system sister.

"Sister System, I haven't heard your voice for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

[Hee hee~ Thank you, brother host, for your concern. I'm just like you, and I'm fine. 】

Ye Duan scratched his head subconsciously.

"Hey, then I can rest assured. Sister System, can I ask what tasks I have completed?"

[Report to the host brother, you have completed the task of being with Yueyue. 】

Ye Duan understood.

What a smart system!
Ye Duan couldn't help sighing: "Sister System, your arrangements are so considerate, I really admire you."

[Brother host, stop praising me, there is no chance to draw a lottery this time. 】

"I'm telling the truth, I really like your... arrangement."

[I understand your heart, thank you, brother host. 】

Ye Duan asked again: "Sister System, there is still one thing I don't understand. Recently, I feel that I am becoming more and more childish. Do you know why?"

[Hee hee~ It's because the host brother has met many angelic girls. Every time you are with a girl, her age will be divided equally. Simply put, the ages of the two of you are added and then divided by two. is your current age. 】

"So that's the case, I understand."

Ye Duan secretly marveled.

Is it even possible?
Is the system sister too awesome?

I was originally 30 years old, and Wenwen was 26 years old. After being with her, I became 28 years old?
That should be right.

"Sister System, what is my age now?"

[The host brother is so smart, I can definitely figure it out, I'm leaving, 88~]

"Okay, goodbye, sister system."

Ye Duan finished chatting, and quickly took out his mobile phone to do some calculations.

I rub!

My current age is only 24 years old!
No wonder people say it's childish.

Wouldn't it be 21 years old if she was with Cher?
Almost 10 years younger!
Rejuvenation is not a dream...

Ye Duan held the phone and was in a daze.

Yang Bingyue, who was driving, noticed something was wrong with him, so she asked, "Brother Duan, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I can't bear to leave you, it's a little sad."

Ye Duan looked at the little beauty affectionately, feeling somewhat reluctant.

Just had a great night.

We will be separated soon.

No one would be willing to change it!

Yang Bingyue was moved, and said emotionally: "I also can't bear to part with you, Brother Duan, can you come back early?"

"Well, I promise you, I'll come back as soon as I'm done."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he leaned over and kissed her.

Yang Bingyue bit her lip shyly, a flower bloomed on her face.

Sweet at heart.

Soon, we arrived at Modu Film and Television City.

Han Han and others have arrived, but Xiao Di is still stuck on the road.

When Ding Xueer saw Ye Duan get off the car, she rushed over immediately.

Like a koala, with both hands around Ye Duan's neck, hanging on him.

"Uncle~ I miss you~"

"Hey, I've been so busy recently that I don't have time to see you, are you not angry?"

"Of course you're angry. If you kiss me, I'll forgive you."

Ding Xueer took the opportunity to ask for a kiss.

Ye Duan pinched her small face: "There are so many people, why are you so shy, be more reserved in the future, understand?"

"Hee hee~ I know~"

Ding Xueer got off Ye Duan obediently.

Yang Bingyue watched from the side, feeling very uncomfortable.

Oh, how uncomfortable!
Yang Bingyue was feeling melancholy when Ye Duan walked over.

"Yueyue, take care of yourself when I'm not around, and call me if you need anything."

Ye Duan took the little beauty's hand and gave some instructions.

Yang Bingyue nodded, tears were about to come out.

I really want to go with Brother Duan.

"Slow down on the way back and be safe."

"Well, you have to take care too, Brother Duan."

Yang Bingyue drove away reluctantly.

Ye Duan watched her car leave before greeting Han Han and the others.

"Brother Hanhan, how are we going to Hengdian this time?"

"I booked a plane ticket. A few of us flew to Yiwu first and then took a car to Hengdian. The rest of the crew took a bus."

Han Han replied.

When Ye Duan heard the plane, he suddenly remembered that he still had an unused plane.

"Oh, I remembered. I still have a business jet parked at the airport. We can take a special plane to Hengdian directly. Isn't there a general airport in Hengdian?"

"You are so awesome, Brother Duan! But private jets have to book routes in advance, and I'm afraid it's too late now."

"let me try."

Ye Duan called Liu Qian.

"Hey, Qianbao, help me book the route of our private jet, from the magic capital to Hengdian, let's see when I can fly."

10 minute later.

Liu Qian called back: "Master, I have already contacted the airline company and paid them double the reward. They confirmed that the flight will take off in an hour. Go and board the plane now."

"Okay Qianbao, thank you for your hard work, take a good rest at home these two days."

"Master, I miss you now~"

"Qianbao, be good, I'll be the first one to find you when I come back."

"Well, you must tell me in advance when you come back, and I will pick you up at the airport."

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, bye."

Ye Duan ended the call, told Hanhan, and asked everyone to take their own private jet to go there.

Anyway, there are not many people, there are less than 20 people in total, and there is no room for them to sit.

At this time, Xiao Di also arrived at the film and television city.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Xiao Di came directly to Ye Duan and held his hand.

It seems to forget that there are many people watching.

Ye Duan didn't want to let go, he stared blankly at her and said, "Xiao Di, you are so beautiful today!"

"Thank you, Brother Ye."

Xiao Di blushed with embarrassment.

Ding Xueer, who was standing aside, said deliberately: "Uncle, you haven't praised me yet, do I look good today?"

"Good-looking, of course it's good-looking."

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing.

The little fairy is really funny!
Xiao Di also joked: "Sister Xue'er, you are a hundred times prettier than me today, I'm not lying, I can't help but want to pinch your face."

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you want to pinch me, sister Di?"

Ding Xueer made a grimace, hid behind Ye Duan, and said mischievously, "I can't pinch it, I can't pinch it."

Xiao Di shook his head helplessly.

Said to Ye Duan: "Brother Ye, did you see that this girl is angry with me all day long in front of me, and you don't take good care of her."

"Uncle is reluctant to fix me, isn't he?"

Ding Xue'er's small head stretched out in front of Ye Duan's eyes.

He blinked his big innocent eyes.

It's just so cute.

"Yes, yes, how can I be willing to fix you, at best spank your little ass."

As Ye Duan said, he patted Little Fairy's butt lightly.

Ding Xueer pretended to be angry, and said coquettishly: "Enhmm~ Uncle, you hit me, and you and Sister Xiaodi bullied me~"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Di also couldn't help covering his mouth with laughter: "You little showman, you will show your original shape when you see your uncle."

Ding Xueer was ashamed.

Silently stood behind Ye Duan.

"Okay, let's go to the airport."

Ye Duan and his party got into the car and headed for the airport.

Ye Duan and others arrived at the airport.

His Gulfstream G700 luxury business jet has just returned from a full tank of fuel.

Pre-flight preparations are being made on the plane.

"Let's go, board the plane!"

Ye Duan waved his hand and greeted everyone to get on the plane.

Ding Xueer asked in admiration: "Uncle, is this your plane? It's so big!"

"Hey, my stuff is big!"

Ye Duan deliberately teased her.

Ding Xueer was puzzled: "They are all big? Do you like big ones?"

Xiao Di said from the side: "Don't listen to your uncle's nonsense, go up quickly."

She knew that Ye Duan meant something, so she couldn't help but glared at him.

As if to say: You are a bad guy, molesting girls all day long.

Ye Duan seemed to understand.

He quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

When everyone entered the plane, they were stunned.

"Wow! Isn't it too luxurious?"

"What model is this plane?"

"I have checked just now. This is a Gulfstream G700 business jet, the most spacious and best-performing business jet in the world."

"Boss Ye is a bull. He is indeed the richest man in Shanghai. I feel so honored to be on his plane!"

"I want to take a selfie and send it to Moments, when will I wait if I don't show off?"

"Come, come, take a picture for me too, be more handsome."

The crew is talking about it.

A beautiful long-legged stewardess came into the cabin.

He smiled and said: "Welcome everyone to take Mr. Ye Duan's Gulfstream G700 private jet. This is China's first G700 business jet. This flight is the first flight of the plane. Before takeoff, please fasten your seat belts and close Turn off your phone or switch it to flight mode, thank you for your cooperation, Magic City Airlines is always at your service.”

Ye Duan and others were not in this cabin.

The Gulfstream G700 business jet has several separate cabins and a master bedroom with a double bed and shower room.

Ye Duan, Ding Xueer, Xiao Di and Han Han were in a cabin outside the master bedroom.

Several people were sitting on the sofa chatting.

Hanhan couldn't help but took a few photos and sent them to Wang Congcong.

Han Han: "Photo [-], Photo [-], Photo [-]..."

Wang Congcong: "Whose plane is this? It's so cool!"

Han Han: "Brother Duan's, is it much better than yours?"

Wang Congcong: "Damn it! No way? Brother Duan is too awesome! Tell Brother Duan, I want to take my girlfriend up to experience it some other day."

Han Han: "You old pervert, which internet celebrity did you fall in love with this time?"

Wang Congcong: "No, no, this time it's the serious Bai Fumei, you and Brother Duan both know each other."

Han Han: "Could it be the girl from the last banquet?"

Wang Congcong: "It's her, Wei Meili."

Han Han: "Okay, okay, it seems that you have met true love, and you can talk for a week without breaking up, breaking the record, right?"

Wang Congcong: "To be honest, this girl is really nice, let's not talk for now, beauty is urging me."

(End of this chapter)

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