Chapter 185 Injured
After finishing the chat, Hanhan conveyed Wang Congcong's request to Ye Duan.

Ye Duan immediately agreed.

"By the way, why didn't I see brother Qianxi, isn't he going to Hengdian this time?"

Ye Duan thought of Yi Yang Qianxi, so he asked.

Han Han replied: "Qianxi went back to Kyoto two days ago for business, and he flew directly to Hengdian from there today."

"oh, I see."

Ye Duan asked again: "Brother Hanhan, have you heard about the establishment of a film and television creation fund by Magic City Film and Television Company? Are you interested in making a new movie?"

"I heard that Manager Qin called me specially. I thought about it and decided to shoot the movie "Your Youth" first before thinking about the new movie. After all, this is Xueer's first work. I want to work harder."

Ye Duan nodded, turned around and said to Ding Xueer: "Did you hear that Xueer, Director Han Han pays special attention to you this time, you must perform well."

"Don't worry uncle, my acting skills have improved a lot now, if you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Xiaodi."

Ding Xueer got up and sat down beside Ye Duan.

She looked at her beloved uncle with a smile.

Xiao Di also came over and sat down, and said, "Brother Ye, Xueer has indeed improved a lot, this little girl did not lie to you."

"Brother Duan, Xue'er's acting talent is still good, I'm very optimistic about her."

Han Han also spoke well of Ding Xueer.

The little fairy smiled even sweeter.

Ye Duan also felt relieved.

As long as Ding Xueer is this material, she must be popular!
I promised her that I would help her realize her dream, so I must do what I said.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan continued to ask Han Han: "Brother Han Han, when will this movie be finished?"

"The filming time of this film will not be very long, because the funds are abundant, I estimate that it will be completed by the end of this month."

"Is it going to be released directly in theaters or are there other promotion plans?"

"Brother Duan, I think about it this way. I plan to send the film to several film festivals abroad to compete in order to win some awards, and then return to the domestic screening."

Ye Duan seemed to realize something.

"Is this called export to domestic sales?"

"It's about the same. After all, with fame, the box office is more guaranteed."

"Your idea is very good, everything will be done according to your plan, I still say that, if you need financial support, just ask."

"Thank you, Brother Duan, for your support. I believe this movie will definitely achieve some results. You can rest assured."

Han Han was very moved.

He also understood Ye Duan's thoughts.

Brother Duan wanted to use this movie to make Ding Xueer and Xiao Di popular.

That's why he decided to take the film abroad to participate in the competition, trying to win the best actress or best supporting actress back.

Otherwise, I am really sorry for the investment of several hundred million yuan!
Ding Xueer and Xiaodi are also very happy.

Both of them had Ye Duan in their eyes.

This good man who held them in his hands!

Han Han felt that it would be a hindrance for him to stay any longer, so he found a reason to go out.

There were only one man and two women left in the cabin.

Ye Duan led a beautiful woman into the master bedroom.

See the layout and furnishings inside.

The two beauties were also stunned.

"Wow! Why is there a bed here?"

Ding Xueer lay down on the bed all of a sudden, closed her eyes and said, "It's so comfortable."

Ye Duan pushed the little fairy aside and lay down on the bed.

Then he pulled Xiao Di over.

"Let's take a rest here, and we'll probably arrive soon after we get some sleep."

"Okay, okay, I'm sleepy, I woke up too early today."

Ding Xueer couldn't wish for it.

He quickly took off his shoes, got into bed, and closed his eyes.

Xiaodi is very smart.

She got into Ye Duan's arms.

"Brother Ye, you haven't come to see me for the past few days, I almost miss you to death."

"I miss you too, but there are too many things going on recently, so I don't have time to see you."

"I don't blame you, I know you are very busy, when we get to Hengdian, can you stay with me?"

"It is necessary, I promise to be inseparable from you for these three days."

Xiao Di lay down on Ye Duan's face and kissed: "Thank you, Brother Ye, it's great to have you!"

Ding Xueer heard a lot of nasty words.

I really don't want to eat dog food.

Can't help but sit up from the bed.

"Hey, is there anyone else here, do you two think I'm air?"

Ye Duan and Xiao Di looked at each other and smiled.

Deliberately pretending to turn a blind eye.

Keep hugging.

"I am so angry!"

Ding Xueer's small universe is about to explode.

At this time, the plane suddenly shook violently.

Ye Duan and Xiao Di slipped off the bed.

fell on the carpet.

"Hold me tight!"

Ye Duan put his hands on the ground and supported Xiao Di with his legs.

Here, Ding Xueer also rolled off the bed.

"Help me, uncle!"

The little fairy was frightened and asked the uncle for help.

But it's too far away.

Ye Duan couldn't take care of her.

"Oh, my ass..."

Ding Xueer bumped her butt onto the sofa behind the bed, screaming in pain.

Ding Xueer rolled off the bed and hit her butt, screaming in pain.

"Uncle, come and save me~"

"Hold on to the sofa first, and I'll be there right away."

Ye Duan was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do to help.

The plane was still shaking.

You can't throw away Xiao Di in your arms, can you?
"He NND, what's going on?"

Ye Duan was so angry that he couldn't help cursing.

When I opened the curtains, I saw that the plane was taking off.

"Brother Ye, why is there no broadcast announcement for the plane to take off?"

Xiao Di asked suspiciously.

"Damn it! Maybe I accidentally turned off the radio switch when I came in just now."

"Huh? No wonder we didn't hear the radio."

Ding Xueer heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help complaining: "You stupid uncle, you screwed me to death, my ass hurts so much."

"I'm sorry, Xue'er, just hold on a little longer, and it will be fine when the plane takes off."

As soon as Ye Duan's voice fell, the fuselage of the plane returned to normal, and the bumping stopped.

Xiao Di quickly got up from Ye Duan.

Walking towards Ding Xueer, she asked with concern, "Xueer, are you alright?"

Ye Duan also ran over and carried Ding Xueer onto the bed.

"Xue'er, where did you touch it? Does it still hurt?"


Ding Xueer raised her small fist and smashed at Ye Duan.

I feel very wronged.

A man's mouth, a liar.

It is a lie to say that you will always hold yourself in the palm of your hand.

Xiao Di said from the side: "Okay Xue'er, I will criticize Brother Ye later, let us see, where did you get hurt?"

"I touched the left butt..."

Ding Xueer covered her butt with her hands, looking very funny.

"Come on, let me rub it for you."

Ye Duan stretched out his hand to rub Little Fairy's ass.

But she was pushed away by Ding Xueer: "Don't touch me, uncle stinky."

Ye Duan just wanted to coax her.

Unexpectedly, Little Fairy herself had already softened her heart, and took the initiative to take Ye Duan's hand and put it on her ass.

He said in his mouth, "Uncle, take it easy."

"Don't worry, I promise not to force myself."

So Ye Duan began to knead Ding Xueer's butt with his hands.

After Xiao Di saw it, he felt a little blocked.

What are the two doing?
Treat yourself as air?

Don't you know that women are the most jealous animals?
Xiao Di thought about it again, and felt sorry for Ding Xueer.

Just now I blamed myself for forgetting about this little girl.

That's why I bumped into her little ass.

Forget it, fulfill them once.

Anyway, it's just touching Pippi, not touching other places.

And it's even through the clothes.

"Brother Ye, I'm going out to find a medical kit, you take care of Xue'er first."

Xiao Di took the initiative to go out.

If you continue to stay, you may lose your life.

Eating dog food can hold you to death!

Ye Duan was very worried about Ding Xue'er, if she broke her ass, it would be troublesome if it affected the filming.

"Xue'er, let me see if it's serious or not?"

"I'm sorry~"

Ding Xueer was a little embarrassed.

Let the uncle see Pippi's wound, it's too... embarrassing, right?
"What's there to be shy about? Just treat yourself like a doctor."

"Okay, but you can only look at the places I tell you to look at, and you can't look at other places."

Ding Xueer made a request, ready to keep the bottom line.

Ye Duan agreed without hesitation: "Don't worry, don't you trust my character?"

"Okay, help me take it off."

Ding Xueer wore a pair of skinny jeans today.

It's not easy to take off, so I can only ask the uncle to help.

Ye Duan pulled her trouser leg and slowly tore off the jeans.

Ding Xueer was lying on the bed, revealing her pink underwear and fair little Pipi.

"Don't look around, uncle."

"Know it."

Ye Duan took a closer look at the place where he was hit, and found that there was nothing unusual.

The white and tender skin is no different from the surrounding.

"Little Fairy, are you sure you hit this place? It's not popular at all."

"It's here, it may have touched the bones inside."

Ding Xueer was also curious.

Obviously this is the place where it hurts, why can't I see it?

It won't really hurt the bone, will it?

That's terrible, how can you still film a movie if you've been injured for a hundred days?

Ding Xueer was frightened, and hurriedly said, "Uncle, press there to see if there is any lump?"

"Okay, let me know if it hurts."

Ye Duan stretched out his palm and pressed Ding Xueer's little Pippi.

Smooth and elastic, feels like velvet.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Duan asked.

"It doesn't seem to hurt that much."

Ding Xueer felt much better, and it seemed that the pain was gone.

Ye Duan took the opportunity to suggest: "Let me give you a massage, maybe rubbing it will be fine."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, uncle."

Ding Xueer adjusted her posture and laid down on the bed with confidence.

Ye Duan gently massaged Xiaopipi for her.

At this moment, Xiao Di pushed the door open and entered.

He held a small medicine box in his hand.

"Xue'er, are you feeling better? Shall I rub some medicine for you?"

However, seeing the scene in front of him.

Xiao Di realized that he came at the wrong time.

He also froze in place blankly.

Ye Duan smiled awkwardly at Xiao Di.

Nothing was clarified.

There is nothing to explain this kind of thing, the more you explain, the less clear you are.

Ding Xueer didn't notice any abnormality, and replied: "No need, Sister Di, uncle gave me a massage, it doesn't seem to hurt much."

"Oh, all right."

Xiao Di put the medicine box on the table and sat down beside the bed.

He looked at the innocent Ding Xueer, and then at Ye Duan, who was upright.

Xiao Di realized that he was thinking too much.

Brother Ye didn't take Xue'er into account because he was protecting himself.

Now that Xueer's butt hurts, isn't it normal for Brother Ye to give her a massage?
Why do I keep thinking about that?
Xue'er is obviously a child who hasn't grown up, she keeps calling her sister, why does she always want to compete with her?

It's so inappropriate!
Feeling ashamed, Xiaodi said to Ding Xueer: "Xueer, I was wrong just now. I was only talking to Brother Ye and ignored you. Don't be angry with me, okay?"

"Hmph, it's fine not to be angry with you, but you have to share uncle with me."

Ding Xueer deliberately made a request.

Because the uncle just said that he will be inseparable from Sister Xiaodi for the next few days.

What would I do if the two of them got tired of being together every day?
Adults are just bad, and they don't care about children's feelings at all!
Seeing Ding Xueer's angry look.

Xiao Di couldn't help laughing, and said, "Xue'er, uncle is yours in the first place, you are his real girlfriend, and I'm just taking advantage of you."

Ye Duan was not happy when he heard this.

"Cut, am I sharing a power bank? If you say share, share it."

"Uncle, you are the charging treasure. If Miss Xiaodi and I run out of battery, you have to charge us."

Ding Xueer acted coquettishly because she bumped her butt and hurt her.

Xiao Di also took the opportunity to say: "No, no, Brother Ye, you will be our pistachio. If Xueer and I are unhappy, you will be responsible for making us happy."

"Hehe, you two stinky girls, your wings are stiff, right? How dare you tease me?"

There were bursts of laughter from the master bedroom.

Soon, the Gulfstream G700 luxury business jet arrived at Hengdian General Airport.

The airport has just opened to traffic not long ago, and there are no regular flights, but private jets can be landed.

Ye Duan carries Ding Xueer on his back and prepares to get off the plane.

The trip to Hengdian has begun...

As soon as Ye Duan and the others got out of the plane, they realized something was wrong.

A large crowd of people on the tarmac.

Flower baskets were placed everywhere, and the ground was covered with red carpets.

What has happened here?

"Xiao Di, aren't they all your fans?"

Ye Duan asked.

Xiao Di quickly said: "It's definitely not, I didn't make any announcements when I came out to film this time."

"Brother Hanhan, are they here to welcome you?"

"Brother Duan was joking, how could I have such a big face?"

Han Han also flatly denied it.

"Xue'er, they don't come here for you, do they?"

"No, who will pick me up except you?"

Ding Xueer also sold out a bit.

Ye Duan is very curious.

Who has such a big board on the plane, so that hundreds of people can come to pick it up?
"Uncle, they are here to pick you up!"

Ding Xueer's eyes were sharp, and she saw the banners unfurled in the crowd from afar.

"Look at the words on the banner, Mr. Ye Duan is welcome to visit."

"I'll wipe it! No way? Why do they welcome me?"

Ye Duan was a little puzzled.

I have never been to Hengdian once.

When did you have so many fans?

And most of them are old men, and they seem to be not too young.

Even if there are fans, shouldn't it be a group of young and beautiful girls like in Shanghai?
Ye Duan stepped off the plane in doubt, and put down Ding Xueer on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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