Chapter 186 The Trip to Hengdian
A group of people immediately gathered around.

One of the handsome bald men stretched out his right hand and said politely, "Mr. Ye Duan is welcome to visit Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces."

"Thank you, may I ask..."

Ye Duan was confused, and shook hands with the bald man.

Just wanted to know who it was.

The secret-looking person next to him quickly introduced: "Mr. Ye Duan, this is our Chief Liu Shixian from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces."

"Oh, so it's Officer Liu, hello, hello."

Ye Duan greeted Liu Shixian again.

My heart is full of question marks.

I don't know this Chief Liu, and I didn't come here for inspection.

He was obviously here to film, and he was also a stand-in.

Why did the officer be alarmed to pick up the plane?

This salary is too high!

"I have heard about Mr. Ye Duan's name for a long time. He became the richest man in Shanghai at a young age. I have been looking for an opportunity to visit. This time, Mr. Ye Duan came to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces on a low-key trip, so we came here uninvited, hoping not to disturb Mr. Ye. "

Liu Shixian explained, very politely.

Ye Duan felt a little embarrassed.

Traveling in a low-key manner?

Haven't you seen a private jet worth hundreds of millions?

Ye Duan smiled and said: "Where is it, Mr. Liu is too polite. I came to Guizhou this time to shoot a movie. How dare I bother Mr. Liu to pick me up in person?"

"Mr. Ye doesn't need to be humble. You are not only the new richest man in Shanghai, but also a role model for our young people in China. We in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have always loved talented people. How dare you neglect Mr. Ye?"

"Mr. Liu is so approachable, we are very touched."

The two started a business and boasted to each other.

"I have prepared a welcome lunch at noon today, and I would like to invite Mr. Ye to patronize me."

"In that case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

Ye Duan agreed casually.

Free lunch, nothing to eat.

What's more, it's the lunch of the big officials in the frontier, so I have to eat it.

A group of people took several commercial vehicles provided by Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces and headed for the urban area in a mighty manner.

Ding Xueer and Xiao Di sat beside Ye Duan, one on the left and the other on the right.

He has already worshiped the male god to the fullest.

"Uncle, you are so amazing, you are so awesome to have such a big official pick you up!"


Regardless of Xiaodi's presence, Ding Xueer took the initiative to kiss her uncle.

Xiao Di was not jealous, but hugged Ye Duan's arm tightly, leaning on her man with a happy face.

I feel very satisfied and happy.

For men, money is of course important.

Face is more important!

After all, money is for face.

Why do you have to talk about ostentation when engaging in activities?Just to meet the needs of face!
Not only boys like to save face, but also girls.

They also like men with face!
Many girls like to be the eldest brother's woman, why?It's because Big Brother Niubi has noodles!

Wherever you go, there are a group of people swarming in front and back, Dora Feng.

Now Ye Duan is not only handsome, but also rich.

Not only rich, but also face.

Who doesn't like such a perfect man?
Both Ding Xueer and Xiao Di are immersed in the worship of Ye Duan and cannot extricate themselves...

The group arrived at the hotel, took a short break and came to the welcome lunch prepared by Liu Shixian.

Among the guests, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

After the luncheon.

Liu Shixian invited Ye Duan to a private living room and explained his purpose of coming.

"Mr. Ye, to be honest, I took the initiative to find you this time to ask for something."

"Mr. Liu, please tell me. If I can do it, I will definitely help you with all my strength."

Ye Duan had a good impression of Liu Shixian.

It is really rare for a senior officer to be so courteous to a corporal.

It is not without reason why the south is generally more developed than the north.

After he became the richest man in Shanghai, none of the officials in his hometown came to contact him.

How stupid is it to turn a blind eye to such a good resource?
And he has no intersection with Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, but the officer can put down his posture and go to the airport to pick him up in person.

This salary is quite high!

Even if you want to invest, you will definitely choose this place.

There is a movie line that is very good, whoever gives me face, I will give gold to him.

Since Chief Liu gave himself such a big face, if possible, he would definitely help him.

Seeing that Ye Duan readily agreed, Liu Shixian felt relieved.

"Mr. Ye, you also know that the Hengdian Film and Television City in our province is the largest film and television shooting base in China and even in the world. However, in recent years, many buildings in the film and television city have been seriously aging, and the film and television industry has been in a cold winter. The current situation is very bad. .”

"What does Chief Liu want me to do?"

In fact, Ye Duan had already guessed a rough idea, and he must want to invest money himself.

But he needs Liu Shixian to say it himself.

He must know the other party's true thoughts before he can decide whether to invest money.

"Mr. Ye is indeed a straightforward person. Since this is the case, I will not hide it. As far as we know, Mr. Ye is currently deploying the film and television industry, so we hope you can invest in Hengdian Film and Television City. To be honest, this is A great bargain hunting opportunity.”

"No problem. I recently established an investment company with a scale of 1000 billion yuan. I am looking for suitable investment projects. There is no problem in investing in Hengdian Film and Television City."

Liu Shixian had just finished speaking.

Ye Duan agreed.

I have 1000 billion investment funds that I haven't spent yet.

Investing in a film and television city, isn't it a piece of cake?
"1000 billion? Mr. Ye has a lot of money!"

Liu Shixian was also stunned.

As expected of being the richest man in Shanghai, there are not many people in Zhejiang Province who can match such terrifying financial resources.

Ye Duan smiled slightly, and expressed his doubts: "Mr. Liu, there must be many investors in your province who are interested in this project. Why did they take the initiative to find me?"

Ye Duan is very clear that Hengdian Film and Television City is a piece of fat.

It is only temporarily stuck, and it stands ready to pull in massive investments if need be.

Once the film and television picks up, you can get rich returns immediately.

So he was curious why such a good thing would happen to him.

Liu Shixian smiled and replied: "To be honest, you were recommended by Chief Jiang of your Shanghai city. He and I are old classmates. And I have also heard about your good deeds in Shanghai. You are less than half a year old. In just one month, we have donated 20 billion to repay the society, so we all believe in your character, Mr. Ye, and we are also relieved to let you join the film and television city."

"I see. I'm here to thank you and Chief Jiang. How much does Hengdian Film and Television City cost?"

"If Mr. Ye can invest 30 billion, he can get 49% of the shares."

Liu Shixian and his colleagues have already made a plan.

He directly showed his cards.

"No problem, tomorrow morning I'll have manager Su from the investment company come over to sign the contract."

Ye Duan agreed without thinking.

Although he didn't know if Hengdian Film and Television City was worth so much money.

But he believed that Liu Shixian and Jiang Wanquan would not push themselves into the fire pit.

Liu Shixian was very happy and said excitedly: "I didn't expect that Mr. Ye could make a decision on the spot. He is really young and promising. I hope this cooperation is just a good start. We look forward to Mr. Ye's investment in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in the future. If you encounter any problems, you can contact me at any time.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu, if your province has a good project, Ye will definitely not miss it."

Ye Duan got up to say goodbye.

A question was pondering in his mind: Why did Jiang Yuling's father, Jiang Wanquan, recommend him?
After returning to the room, Ye Duan immediately called Su Mengwen.

"Wenwen, help me check the situation of Hengdian Film and Television City. I am going to invest 30 billion in exchange for their 49% shares."

"Okay Brother Duan, I'll arrange someone to investigate right away."

Su Mengwen was also very happy when she received Ye Duan's call.

Ye Duan continued: "If there is no problem, you can bring someone here today, and sign a contract with them on behalf of the investment company tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm going to pack up now, and I'll call you later."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Wenwen."

Ye Duan hung up the phone and went to Ding Xueer's room.

Due to the abundance of funds and the support of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the treatment of the crew of "Your Youth" has increased.

All crew members stayed in five-star hotels.

The protagonists each have an executive suite.

So Ding Xueer and Xiao Di lived in a suite each.

This arrangement fits Ye Duan's intentions very well, and the reason is self-evident.

dong dong dong...

Ye Duan knocked on the door.

Ding Xueer came to open the door with bare feet: "Uncle, you are finally here~ I miss you so much~"

The little fairy threw herself into her arms as soon as she came up, like a child.

"No wonder Xiao Di said that you are a showman, and you were eating together just now, why did you miss me?"

Ye Duan pinched her little cheek, and carried her to the bed.

Ding Xueer slipped into Ye Duan's arms and coquettishly said, "I didn't lie to you~"

"Hey, does your butt still hurt?"

Ye Duan touched Ding Xueer's little butt and asked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Ding Xue'er recalled the scene of being rubbed by Ye Duan on the plane, and her face flushed.

Why didn't you know how to be shy?
Thinking about it now, it's really embarrassing...

"Well, there's nothing to do this afternoon, you should have a good rest."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he was ready to get up and leave.

Ding Xueer hugged his leg: "Don't go, uncle, you sleep with me~"

"Sleeping together? Can you sleep?" Ye Duan asked.

"I can sleep~"

"You can sleep, I can't sleep!"

Ye Duan didn't want to experience the feeling of seeing but not eating anymore.

So uncomfortable!

"Uuuuuuuuuuu... Uncle, you don't like me at all, and you don't stay with me when someone is injured~"

Ding Xueer possessed a playful spirit and pretended to cry.

Ye Duan shook his head, very helpless.

Forget it, stay with this stinky girl.

"Okay, okay, stop acting, can't I stay?"

Ye Duan picked up the little fairy and stuffed it into the bed.

Then he threw away his shoes and got in himself.

"Uncle, you are so kind, hee hee~"

Ding Xue'er's small thoughts succeeded, and she put her arms around her uncle with a smile and prepared to go to bed.

Ye Duan smelled the fragrance of the little fairy, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

In this situation, which man can sleep?

At this moment, Ye Duan's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was a message from Xiao Di: "Brother Ye, where are you?"

Ye Duan let out a sigh of relief, his head hurting.

Ding Xueer heard the movement and asked, "Sister Xiaodi is looking for you, right?"


Ye Duan would not lie, so he directly handed her the phone to look at.

Ding Xueer is used to not being jealous, if she is jealous every day, she will die of sourness.

Then he took the phone with a smile and replied to Xiaodi: "Sister Xiaodi, uncle is here with me, you can come too, hurry up, I'll wait for you~"

Ye Duan couldn't laugh or cry after reading the content of the news.

"You stinky girl, are you afraid that the world will not be chaotic?"

"It doesn't matter, uncle, sister Xiaodi and I are good sisters, she will definitely come."

Ding Xueer was right.

Xiao Di came out of his room immediately after receiving the message.

dong dong dong...

There was another knock on the door of Ding Xueer's room.

"Uncle, go and open the door, Miss Xiao Di is here."

"I'm coming."

Ye Duan opened the door and saw that Xiao Di was standing at the door.

"Xiao Di, come in quickly."

Ye Duan dragged Xiao Di into the house.

"Miss Xiaodi, you are here, please sit on the bed."

Ding Xueer greeted Xiao Di to sit beside her.

"Forget it, I'm going to sit on the sofa."

Xiao Di looked at Ye Duan, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ye Duan didn't care.

Sitting next to Ding Xueer, she stretched out her hand to hold Xiao Di: "Come on Xiao Di, let's sit and chat."


Ye Duan's words really worked.

Xiao Di obediently sat beside him.

The three chatted for a while, and Ye Duan came up with an idea: "Let's fight the landlord."

"Okay, okay." Ding Xueer immediately agreed.

Xiao Di said, "I'll get the cards."

Soon, the three started the first round.

Ye Duan came up with another good idea: "I set a rule, if I win, the loser will let me kiss. If I lose, you can kiss me."

"Uncle, you have a good idea! No matter whether you win or lose, you make money, and you treat us like fools."

Ding Xueer was the first to object.

Xiao Di also raised his little powder fist, and lightly hit Ye Duan: "Brother Ye, I won't take you to bully people like this."

"Then what do you guys think? Anyway, if I win, I will kiss your little mouths."

Ye Duan took the initiative and refused to give in.

Ding Xueer rolled her eyes and came up with a bad idea: "How about this uncle, if you lose, you will smell our feet, hehe~"

"I'll wipe it! You stinky girl want to smoke me to death?"

"My feet don't stink at all, if you don't believe me, smell it~"

As Ding Xueer said, she stretched her feet in front of Ye Duan.

As a result, he slapped him back.


"Don't think that you can do whatever you want because your feet are white and tender, just take them aside."

Ye Duan didn't feel sorry for the fragrance and jade.

If you don't teach the little fairy a lesson, this girl can go to heaven!
Ding Xueer was hurt by the beating, and she asked Xiaodi for help: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooette

As a result, Xiao Di was not on her side.

"You little hoof, I would have hit you anyway, no matter how big or small you are in front of Big Brother Ye."

Ye Duan was very happy to hear that.

He praised in his mouth: "It's better to be Xiao Di, you stinky girl will learn more in the future."

Ding Xue'er pursed her lips aggrievedly.

"You two always bully me, I won't play with you anymore~hmph~"

Ye Duan and Xiao Di looked at each other and smiled.

It seems to be saying: Make the little girl angry, hahaha.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, little fairy, if I lose, just put a note on my face, okay?"


Ye Duan coaxed, and Ding Xueer immediately behaved.

(End of this chapter)

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