Chapter 187 Nosy?
The three started playing cards.

Ye Duan was the landlord in the first round and won.

"Hey, you two hurry up and let me kiss."

Xiao Di and Ding Xueer were willing to admit defeat, so they had to stick out their little heads.

In the second round, Ding Xueer called the landlord, but Xiaodi won first, and Ye Duan also took the first step.

"Oh, I lost again~"

Ding Xueer was very upset after losing two games in a row.

Ye Duan deliberately teased her and said: "You did it on purpose, little fairy? If you want me to kiss, just say so, I will never be stingy with my kiss."

"Hehe, someone wants to kiss Xue'er, right?"

Xiao Di couldn't stand it any longer, so she exposed Ye Duan's true colors from the sidelines.

"See through and don't talk through."

Ye Duan smiled wickedly at Xiao Di.

"You are a badass!"

After Xiao Di finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing, covering his mouth and laughing like a flower.

Suddenly, something embarrassing came to mind...

Ding Xue'er watched the two flirt, and felt unhappy.

He said angrily: "The two of you are not done yet, can you talk about it at night if you have something to say?"

Xiao Di blushed embarrassingly.

Ye Duan also pretended to be confused, and said: "Let's not talk about it, let's play cards."

Two hours down.

Ding Xueer and Xiao Di were kissed countless times.

Ye Duan's face was also covered with notes.

"Haha, uncle, you have become the Lion King~"

Seeing Ye Duan's funny appearance, Ding Xueer smiled from ear to ear.

"The Lion King? No, no, no, I'm the big bad wolf, and I specialize in eating you two little white rabbits."

As Ye Duan said, he stretched out his hands and threw himself at Ding Xueer.

Ding Xueer couldn't dodge it, and was thrown on the bed all at once.

Ye Duan lay on the little fairy's face and kissed deeply twice.

I am delighted.

Shenhao's life is so cool!

Ye Duan was daydreaming when the phone rang hastily.

It was Su Mengwen calling.

Ye Duan got up from the bed and sat on the sofa to answer the phone.

"Hey, Wenwen, how is the investigation going?"

"Brother Duan, we just analyzed the situation of Hengdian Film and Television City, and concluded that this transaction can be carried out. The valuation of Hengdian Film and Television City should be more than 80 billion. It is undoubtedly very important to invest 30 billion to obtain 49% of the equity. Cost-effective."

"That's good, get ready and come over as soon as possible."

Ye Duan doesn't like to procrastinate when doing things.

Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow, and don't put off what can be done tomorrow until the day after tomorrow.

Su Mengwen understands this truth even more.

Some opportunities, once missed, will never come again.

Such a cost-effective deal must be signed quickly, so that no one will be jealous if they find out.

So he immediately agreed: "Okay Brother Duan, I will take the car to Hengdian now, and I will arrive at about 8 o'clock in the evening."

"Thank you, Wenwen, pay attention to safety on the road, and take a skilled driver with you."

Just as Ye Duan was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered someone.

"Wait a minute, Wenwen, come with Manager Qin from Modu Film and Television Company, and I'll let her contact you."

"Okay Brother Duan."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Duan immediately contacted Qin Miaofei.

"Manager Qin, there is an urgent matter that requires you to come to Hengdian. Let's go now. You can go to the manager of the investment company, Su Mengwen, and come with her in her car. I will send you her phone number."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I'm ready to go now."

Qin Miaofei immediately agreed.

As a manager of a company, you must be prepared to travel at any time.

Many big businessmen are busy with everything.

It is not uncommon to fly to several cities in one day.

Ye Duan sent Su Mengwen's phone number to Qin Miaofei.

The two got in touch immediately and came to Hengdian in a car.


Ding Xueer and Xiao Di also got up from the bed and finished their makeup.

"Uncle, let's go out for a stroll, this is my first time in Hengdian."

Ding Xueer's heart is not lost, and she wants to go shopping.

Ye Duan shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "It's my first time here too, so I don't know what's fun."

"Brother Ye, let me take you there. I'm quite familiar with this place."

Xiaodi has been to Hengdian many times, so he took the initiative to be a tour guide.

"Hee hee~ Thank you, Miss Xiaodi."

Ding Xueer got her wish and hugged Xiao Di happily.

It's clearly a child who hasn't grown up.

So the three of them left the hotel and walked towards Wansheng Street.

On the way, Xiaodi introduced: "Hengdian is actually not that big. Wansheng Street is the most famous place for shopping. There are many delicious food and shops selling specialty products."

"Sister Xiaodi, what special snacks are there on Wansheng Street?" Ding Xueer asked.

"Actually, I can't tell. I have forgotten many of them, because I seldom eat here. Go and see later to see if there is anything you want to eat."

While talking, the three of them arrived at Wansheng Pedestrian Street.

At this time, it was dinner time, and the number of people shopping gradually increased.

Walking to a shop selling radish pancakes, Ding Xueer couldn't move her feet.

"Uncle, I want to eat this."

Ye Duan asked Xiao Di: "Xiao Di, is this delicious?"

"It's okay, anyone who comes to Hengdian will try this cake anyway."

"Okay, let's try it then."

After Ye Duan finished speaking, he went to line up to buy cakes.

At this time, a BMW 760 suddenly came galloping with whistle.

An old lady selling trinkets on the side of the road had no time to escape, and the stall was knocked over by a BMW.

He stomped his feet anxiously: "Oh, what can I do..."

A middle-aged man with a shy belly got out of the car.

Kicked the old lady's booth a few times, cursing: "You old man, don't you have eyes?"

The old lady who sells trinkets wants to come forward to argue, but she is a little scared.

So he stood behind the booth and reasoned with the big belly man.

The crowd of onlookers gradually increased.

But seeing the middle-aged man driving five 5-brand BMW cars, he didn't dare to meddle in his own business.

An aunt couldn't stand it, so she pointed at the man with a big belly and said, "You are an old man bullying an old woman, how dare you?"

"MD, which old onion are you screaming here? Do you know who I am? Look at the license plate number, go home and ask your man, let him tell you whose car this is! Let me tell you, in this area On the ground, the magistrate must listen to me!"

The big belly man's words were very arrogant.

Although the onlookers were gnashing their teeth angrily, none of them dared to step forward.

Ye Duan walked over with Ding Xueer and Xiao Di after buying the cakes.

Seeing this scene, he was also very angry, and wanted to step forward and teach the big belly man a lesson.

Because the old grandma in front of him reminded him of his grandma. When he was a child, his parents were busy with work, and he was brought up by his grandma.

Ye Duan clenched his fists and was about to walk over when he was pulled back by an uncle.

"Young people, don't be impulsive. Do you know who this person is? He is Zheng Guanxi, the boss of Hengdian Film and Television City. Many people here rely on him for food. You, a foreigner, should not show off."

"The boss of Hengdian Film and Television City? Zheng Guanxi?"

Ye Duan was speechless.

What a coincidence?
Just when they were about to invest in Hengdian Film and Television City, they met their boss.

"That's right, the license plate number with five 5's is known to all the locals."

After all, the uncle is an uncle, and he is clear about local affairs.

"It's okay, I'm from another place, so I'm not afraid of him!"

Ye Duan came up to Zheng Guanxi with his fists raised, smelled the smell of alcohol all over his body, so he covered his nose and said sharply: "Quickly pay this old grandma to apologize, or I'll blow you up like a pig!"

"Hahaha, where did you come from, you brat, you dare to hit me? If you touch a single hair of my hair, you will be jailed for three years! If you don't believe me, try it!"

Zheng Guanxi's words were full of threats.

At first glance, he is used to being arrogant and domineering.

No wonder the onlookers dare not come forward, who wants to eat in prison?

Ye Duan sneered: "Just try it!"

After finishing speaking, he punched Zheng Guanxi in the face.

Zheng Guanxi didn't expect Ye Duan to dare to make a real move, he was caught off guard by a punch, lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The onlookers were terrified.

They all persuaded: "Young man, let's go, it will be too late."

Ding Xueer and Xiaodi both support Ye Duan's feat.

Applause on the sidelines.

"Uncle is great!"

"Brother Ye, teach this bastard a lesson."

Ye Duan smiled at the two beauties, and instantly became more energetic.

Aim at Zheng Guanxi's face and beat him up...

Ye Duan beat Zheng Guanxi until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, even his own mother almost couldn't recognize him.

The onlookers also began to applaud unanimously.

They have long been displeased with Zheng Guanxi's domineering appearance.

But he dared not speak out, let alone argue with him.

It's also a suffocation.

Now finally came a person who is not afraid of death, and just borrowed his hand to vent his anger.

They booed one after another.

"Hit him! Hit him!"

"I have long wanted to beat him up as a fat pig. He eats our home's sesame seed cakes every day and never pays him."

"That's right, what has the Hengdian Film and Television City turned into like he made it, just beat it to death and feed the dog!"

"Kill him! Kill him! . . . "

The crowd on the street was passionate, and the onlookers gradually lost control.

Some aggrieved people who had been bullied couldn't help but beat up Zheng Guanxi.

You punch, I kick.

Zheng Guanxi held his head and howled like a pig being killed.

"Forgive me, help me, don't fight, can't I lose money and apologize?"

When Ye Duan heard the begging for mercy, he stopped the passers-by from continuing to commit violence.

He pulled Zheng Guanxi to the old grandma.

"You bastard, quickly apologize to the old lady."

"I am wrong, old man, please forgive me, here is 2000 yuan, you take it first."

While kneeling and kowtowing to the old grandma, Zheng Guanxi took out a stack of banknotes from his jacket pocket.

"Young man, drive slowly next time. If you hit me, it's not about money."

The old lady also happily accepted the money.

Ye Duan decided to let Zheng Guanxi go first.

When Wenwen arrives here and signs the contract with Hengdian Film and Television City, she will be kicked out of the house.

So he said to Zheng Guanxi: "I'll forgive you this time, get out!"

"Thank you hero for your life, thank you hero for your life."

Zheng Guanxi quickly got into the car.

Just as he was about to drive away, several police officers (J police) rushed over.

"Let's make room, let's make room, what's going on here?"

asked one of the leading patrolmen wearing glasses.

The onlookers were silent.

The person who booed just now also sneaked away.

Zheng Guanxi quickly got out of the car, pointed at the man with glasses and said, "What are you eating, why are you here now? This guy hit me, look at my face, what did he look like?"

When the man with glasses saw Zheng Guanxi, his smile immediately changed.

He bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng, we were late because of the traffic jam on the road, calm down, I will take him away immediately, and I will definitely give you justice!"

"I'll be imprisoned for at least three years. If you lose one day, you'll go directly to receive a pension, you hear?"

Zheng Guanxi bosses the man with glasses around, and doesn't take him seriously at all.

The reason is simple, Hengdian Film and Television City is too important to the local area.

Almost half of the households rely on the film and television city for food, and one-third of their financial income depends on film and television related industries.

Who dare not give their boss face?
Not to mention a few small patrols, even the local chief did not dare to speak loudly in front of Zheng Guanxi.

Such situations are actually very common.

There is news on the Internet that Boss Guo, who is rich and rich, can call the governor of Shencheng to him with a single phone call. I don't know if it is true or not.

Instigated by Zheng Guanxi, the man with glasses immediately came to Ye Duan with a straight face.

"You beat Mr. Zheng?"

"That's right, that bastard I beat up!"

Ye Duan readily admitted.

Ding Xueer was still young, so she was a little scared. She held Xiaodi's hand tightly and said worriedly: "Sister Xiaodi, what if the uncle is taken away?"

"Don't be afraid of Xue'er, Brother Ye will be fine."

Xiao Di comforted Ding Xueer, and then said to the man with glasses: "It was the man who knocked over the old lady's booth first, and then made rude remarks, so we have met with injustice."

"Who are you? Do we have to believe what you say? If you have anything to say, tell us when you go back."

The man with glasses didn't recognize Xiao Di and was about to take Ye Duan away.

Xiao Di was in a hurry, and immediately tore off the mask on his face, stopped the man with glasses and said, "Hello, I am artist Xiao Di, this gentleman is my friend, I can testify for him, if you have anything to do, you can directly Come find me."

Ye Duan couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Although Xiaodi looks shy and beautiful, he is full of justice in his bones and dares to fight against injustice.

It's really impressive!

After seeing Xiao Di's true face, the man with glasses was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Di is a popular star, if something really happens, it's hard to explain to the outside world, maybe he will lose his job.

I can't bear this pot by myself.

Thinking of this, the man with glasses came to Zheng Guanxi and asked for instructions: "Mr. Zheng, do you think you want to let them go?"

"It's fine to let him go, but I'd like to buy Xiaodi a drink. I wonder if I can show him some face?"

Zheng Guanxi also recognized Xiaodi, and wanted to take the opportunity to make some money.

Hengdian Film and Television City attracts a large number of stars to film every year.

As the host, Zheng Guanxi also knows many directors and stars, including many female stars.

Some third-tier female artists even took the initiative to find him to open the back door in order to become popular.

So Zheng Guanxi did not hold back in front of Xiaodi.

"Bah! Asshole!"

Xiao Di raised his hand and slapped Zheng Guanxi.

"You hit me too?"

Zheng Guanxi covered his face and was about to explode.

Ye Duan also raised his fist and hit him on the mouth: "You bastard, go and daydream!"

Zheng Guanxi said "Ouch", and his two front teeth flew out in an instant.

The man with glasses quickly grabbed Ye Duan.

Zheng Guanxi covered his mouth, cursed and said: "You brat, I'll let you know today, who is the boss here?"

This guy is ready to fight back.

Ye Duan kicked him a few meters away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man with glasses roared immediately: "Stop it quickly, or I won't be polite to you."

(End of this chapter)

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