Chapter 188 For You
"Let go!"

Ye Duan got angry and roared in a low voice.

The man with glasses was a little scared, and slowly let go of his hand.

He didn't know Ye Duan's identity yet, so he asked, "Who are you?"

"In the lower leaf section, you should inquire carefully and see if you want to be polite to me."

"Ye Duan? Mr. Ye from the Devil's City?"

"Yes, it's me."

After getting Ye Duan's affirmative answer, the man in glasses was terrified.

He just performed a security mission today, because Liu Shixian, the highest official of the province, came.

He also heard that Chief Liu went to the airport to meet the businessman from Shanghai, and his name was Ye Duan.

It's over!
To offend Chief Liu's distinguished guest, wouldn't it be death?
The man with glasses was so anxious that he was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Pulling Ye Duan to the alley next to him, he knelt down with a plop.

"Mr. Ye, please let me go, please don't tell the above about this, otherwise I will only be a group performer, you will pity me, leave me something to eat, please !"

The man in glasses kowtowed to Ye Duan several times.

At this time, I don't care about face and face, I can crush myself with a small finger.

It doesn't matter how many times you kowtow, as long as you can keep your job.

How fierce is the competition for the iron job now? Thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, and how many people want to get in.

No matter what, don't lose it!

Zheng Guanxi got up from the ground, and Ye Duan was out of sight, so he followed.

Seeing the man with glasses kneeling in front of Ye Duan, he couldn't help being stunned.

Then he asked, "What's going on? What the hell are you doing kneeling?"

"Mr. Zheng, this is Mr. Ye from Shanghai. Chief Liu Shixian went to the airport to pick him up today."

The man with glasses whispered.

Zheng Guanxi broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

No wonder this kid is so arrogant. Knowing his identity, he dares to fight hard. It turns out that he has a lot of background.

But he is also the general manager of the film and television city, and his father-in-law is a high-ranking official in the provincial capital.

How can you be cowardly in front of an outsider?

And obviously he was beaten, so he couldn't just kneel down in front of him and admit defeat like a dog, right?

Where do you put your face?How will you hang out in Hengdian in the future?

Zheng Guanxi also let out a cruel sentence: "Forget it this time, don't let me meet you again next time, or I will be rude to you."

"Okay! Then we will meet next time, and I will definitely show you!"

Ye Duan sneered, turned and left.

The man with glasses trembled, worried about his job.

Zheng Guanxi covered his leaking mouth and pretended to be tough, but he was actually worried to death.

This kid won't beat someone and take revenge on himself, right?

Ye Duan returned to Xiao Di and Ding Xueer.

The two beauties were in a hurry.

"Uncle, are you alright?"

"Brother Ye, they didn't do anything to you, did they?"

Ye Duan took one in each hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, that policeman is still begging me on his knees. Let's go, let's find a place to eat."

Only then did the two feel relieved.

A few people walked around the street, came to a private restaurant, and ordered some local specialties.

Ding Xueer and Xiao Di put vegetables for Ye Duan one after another.

"Uncle, you were so manly just now, you beat up that big belly really badly."

"He deserved what he deserved. I'm going to fire him tomorrow so that he will be completely honest."

Ye Duan has already made up his mind.

After becoming a shareholder of Hengdian Film and Television City, the first thing to do is to fire this Zheng Guanxi.

With such moths, the film and television city must be seriously ill.

"Brother Ye, thank you. If you hadn't made the move just now, I would have been bullied by that bastard."

As Xiao Di spoke, he felt a little scared.

Where did you get the courage to slap that fellow just now?

Fortunately, brother Ye made a rescue, otherwise I don't know what the consequences will be.

"Xiao Di, don't say that. I should thank you. The way you looked like a heroine just now moved me very much."

Leaf segment is not exaggerating.

Xiao Di really impressed him.

Last time at the Flair Bar in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Xiao Di stood up and defended Ding Xueer.

This time, he dared to stand up and speak out for himself.

It's really a heroine among women.

Compared with his female apprentice He Shiping.

How can it not be pitiful?
At first I thought Xiao Di was just a vase, but I didn't expect that she was also a treasure girl.

It is also a great blessing in life to be with her by chance.

Ye Duan picked up the water glass and said, "I will replace the wine with tea, and I propose a toast to you."

"Miss Xiaodi, I would like to toast you too, and I will learn from you in the future." Ding Xueer also picked up the water glass.

"Thank you Brother Ye, thank you Xue'er."

Xiao Di gulped down his drink, and his mood gradually cleared up.

After dinner, the three of them strolled around the night market again and bought some gadgets.

This is back to the hotel.

As soon as Ye Duan entered the hall, the front desk clerk told him that two ladies were looking for him.

It should be Su Mengwen and Qin Miaofei who came.

"Xiao Di, Xue'er, go back to your room and rest first, I still have something to deal with."

So the two beauties went back to their respective rooms.

Ye Duan went to Su Mengwen and Qin Miaofei to discuss things.

The two were waiting for him in the room.

Ye Duan asked as soon as he entered the door: "Wenwen, you are here, have you eaten yet?"

"I've already eaten, Brother Duan."

Seeing Ye Duan, Su Mengwen felt very warm in her heart.

Although I came here for work, I was able to meet my beloved in a foreign country.

This feeling is still very sweet.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, here for you.

On the way here, Su Mengwen kept thinking about this sentence.

In fact, she is a little uncomfortable today, because relatives are here...

But in order not to affect her work, she still took a three-hour car ride from Shanghai to Hengdian.

Ye Duan did not disappoint her and gave her an eager hug.

Su Mengwen had a sore nose and almost cried.

He made excuses and went to the bathroom.

Menstruating women are always vulnerable.

Ye Duan shook hands with Qin Miaofei again, and said, "Thank you, Manager Qin, for calling you here in such a hurry, are you scolding me in your heart?"

Qin Miaofei quickly replied: "Mr. Ye, how dare I?"

"Well, I understand. You want to scold me, but you just dare not."

Ye Duan deliberately teased her and smiled at her.

Qin Miaofei saw that Ye Duan was deliberately teasing herself, so she just shut her mouth and stopped answering.

He gave the boss a complicated look.

Ye Duan also stopped talking and looked at Qin Miaofei in a daze.

Manager Qin is really an interesting girl.


You can call her cold, but she is also very enthusiastic in doing things.

You say she is lively, she is not smiling most of the time.

Gives a feeling of distance.

She didn't call herself Mr. Ye, nor her boss, but Mr. Ye.

That's a little bit special.

Let's say she is an iceberg beauty. Her appearance is not very cold, but a bit sweet.

Let's say she is sweet, but she has a melancholy air about her.

Ye Duan couldn't even tell her age.

Sometimes I feel like a little girl in her early 20s, and sometimes I feel that she should be about the same age as Wenwen.

Qin Miaofei was embarrassed.

He took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Ye, what can you do with me?"

"I'm going to invest in Hengdian Film and Television City. I'll ask you to give me advice. I'll tell you the details when Wenwen comes back. Don't worry."

Ye Duan was still staring at her.

Qin Miaofei couldn't leave rashly, so she had to lower her head and play with her mobile phone.

When she was embarrassed, Su Mengwen came back from the bathroom.

Ye Duan beckoned: "Wenwen, come quickly and sit beside me."

"Let me sit with Manager Qin."

Su Mengwen wanted to sit there, but it was not suitable, after all, there were outsiders here.

Qin Miaofei has actually seen the relationship between the two.

I am also very grateful to Su Mengwen.

Otherwise, I would become a light bulb, which would be even more embarrassing.

Ye Duan cleared his throat and said, "I asked the two of you to come here for one thing, and that is to invest in Hengdian Film and Television City. Wenwen, please introduce the basic situation first."

"Okay Duan, Hengdian Film and Television City is known as the world's largest film and television shooting base, with a total investment of about 30 billion yuan. The current valuation has exceeded 80 billion. It must be a good deal to invest 30 billion to get 49% of the shares. According to our investigation, the overall development of Hengdian Film and Television City is still very good, but in recent years, poor management, coupled with the cold winter of film and television, the number of crews who came to shoot showed a gradual decline..."

After Su Mengwen finished her introduction.

Qin Miaofei roughly knew the boss's intentions.

He must have wanted to inspect Hengdian Film and Television City by himself.

Because I used to be the manager of Modu Film and Television City, and was later promoted to the manager of Modu Film and Television Company.

Ye Duan added: "Wenwen is right. It is indeed a good investment opportunity to invest in Hengdian Film and Television City this time, but I found that their current general manager, Zheng Guanxi, is very incompetent, so I will let the other party remove Zheng Guanxi." , we will appoint a professional manager. I specially asked Manager Qin to come here because she is more experienced in this area. "

"Mr. Ye, do you mean to choose an executive from Shanghai Film and Television Company to be the general manager of Hengdian Film and Television City?"

Ye Duan nodded: "Smart! Although we only hold 49% of the shares, we are still the largest shareholder, so I will fight for the management rights of Hengdian Film and Television City. Manager Qin, Hengdian Film and Television City will belong to your magical capital in the future The film and television company is managed, and you are solely responsible for all affairs."

"Mr. Ye, the scale of Hengdian Film and Television City is much larger than that of Modu Film and Television City. The selection of the general manager is very important. I'm afraid it's not something I can decide..."

Qin Miaofei was moved by Ye Duan's trust, but she didn't want to accept this burden.

The boss is too kind to himself, right?

It's too good to be true!

I am not his confidant, why do I trust myself so much?
Shouldn't he have thoughts about himself?
Just now he had been staring at him lewdly for a long time.

This guy is not satisfied with so many beauties around him, so he still wants to make up his own mind?

Think beautiful!
Don't think that if you give me a little favor, I will promise you.

Humph, I'm not that kind of person!
Qin Miaofei thought about it, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

What is the attitude of the boss?

Do you simply trust yourself, or do you want to take the opportunity to corrupt yourself?

So annoying!

Su Mengwen is someone who has been there, and she saw Qin Miaofei's thoughts, so she persuaded from the side: "Manager Qin, brother Duan is this kind of person. Once he believes that someone is trustworthy, he will entrust him with a heavy responsibility. Brother Duan handed over Hengdian Film and Television City to You manage because he trusts you so much."

Ye Duan nodded and gave Su Mengwen a thumbs up.

Then he said to Qin Miaofei: "Manager Qin, don't shirk. The greater your ability, the greater your responsibility. Hengdian Film and Television City will be handed over to you. Tomorrow, you and Wenwen will accompany me to sign the contract."

"Mr. Ye, I..."

"It's getting late, you guys should go to bed early."

Qin Miaofei still wanted to find an excuse to decline, but was interrupted by Ye Duan's words.

ε=(ο`*))) alas.

Qin Miaofei sighed.

I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight...

Su Mengwen sent Ye Duan outside the door.

The two stood at the stairs of the safe passage and whispered a few words.

"Wenwen, why do you and Manager Qin only share one room?"

"Isn't it because you are too ostentatious and have taken up all the remaining rooms in the hotel, so it's hard to find a room."

"Hey, it's all my fault."

Ye Duan kissed her charming face.

Su Mengwen put her arms around Ye Duan's neck and snuggled into his arms.

He said sullenly: "Even if there is a chance, I won't do it. I'm here for relatives..."

"Ah? Stomach pain? Why didn't you tell me earlier, you must be exhausted after driving hundreds of kilometers?"

Ye Duan felt a little distressed.

Women work harder than men.

There are so many days every month that I feel uncomfortable, but I can't ask for leave.

"Stop standing, sit on my lap."

Ye Duan simply sat on the stairs and let Su Mengwen sit on him.

"Wenwen, you can go back to Shanghai after signing the contract tomorrow, take a good rest these few days, and let the company put it aside in advance."

Su Mengwen was very moved.

Eyes were instantly moist, and tears flowed down silently.

Shining brightly in the dark corridor.

He whimpered and said, "Brother Duan~ I'm fine. I don't have a stomachache as soon as my relatives come here like Yueyue. I just don't have the strength. You don't have to worry about me."

Ye Duan pressed her face tightly, and said emotionally: "How can I not worry about you. But you also know that I have too many things, and I often don't take care of you. I also feel very guilty. I hope you Don't be angry. If you are unhappy or want something, you must take the initiative to tell me, no matter what the cost, I will satisfy you. "

"Brother Duan~ Don't talk about it, I know, I understand~ You have treated me very well, I don't need anything now, I have everything, I am already very happy..."

Su Mengwen cried so much that she lay in Ye Duan's arms and trembled all over.

Ye Duan didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only keep kissing her face.

The two lingered for a while, and Su Mengwen's mood became better.

He asked, "Brother Duan, do you like that Manager Qin?"

"I can't say I like it, and I can't say I hate it, so be it."

Ye Duan looked indifferent.

He was indeed a little curious about Qin Miaofei.

But definitely not to the point of liking.

Su Mengwen didn't believe it: "Really? Manager Qin is so good-looking, are you not tempted?"

Ye Duan shook his head: "Like Da Qiangzi, I am face-blind, and I don't know whether she is beautiful or not."

"Don't worry, brother Duan. I won't be jealous. If you really like her, you can admit it freely. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Su Mengwen didn't know which muscle was wrong, and suddenly wanted to hold a red line for the two of them.

Qin Miaofei's elegant demeanor and melancholy temperament impressed her deeply.

There is something special about this woman.

Very heady.

Even Su Mengwen, a woman, was attracted by her.

Ye Duan still categorically denied it.

"Wenwen, I won't meet one and fall in love with the other. If I meet a beautiful girl and take it, you Duan and I will already be three thousand beautiful girls."

"I don't mean that, Brother Duan. I think only you can be worthy of an excellent girl like Manager Qin. It would be a pity if she was with other men."

(End of this chapter)

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