Chapter 189 Negotiations
Su Mengwen's sixth sense told her.

Brother Duan and Qin Miaofei already had some kind of relationship.

Maybe not lovers, but certainly not as simple as superiors and subordinates.

She seemed to be drawn by some force, and she couldn't help but want to bring the two together.

Infected by the beauty's generosity, Ye Duan said with a smile: "I appreciate your kindness. If Manager Qin and I are really destined, you can just wait to be jealous."

"I won't be jealous, it's good for you to be together."

"Hey, it's enough to have you."

The two were having a good time when Ye Duan's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, Brother Hanhan, are you still up so late?"

Ye Duan connected the phone.

Han Han said on the other side of the phone: "Brother Duan, I'm sorry to interrupt your rest. A few directors want to meet you. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Director? Who is there?"

"There are teacher Zhang Yimou, director Zhang Li, and director Chen Sicheng."

"Wow! They are all big directors, so please come to my room in 10 minutes, room 8088."

"Okay Brother Duan, I'll notify them right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Duan reluctantly prepared to leave.

"Wenwen, go back and rest first, I have a few people I want to see."

"I heard Brother Duan, you are so busy every day, you must pay attention to your body."

Su Mengwen walked back to her room step by step.

Ye Duan also returned to Room 8088.

This was specially arranged by Liu Shixian for him. It was the most luxurious presidential suite in this five-star hotel.

Ye Duan called the front desk and ordered 4 bottles of Moutai and some appetizers.

Soon, Han Han brought a few directors over.

Ye Duan took the initiative to get up to greet them, shook hands with them one by one, and said, "Hello directors, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Several directors also politely said "Hello, Mr. Ye".

Ye Duan took the initiative to pour wine and toasted them.

These directors are well-known directors in China, so they should treat each other with courtesy.

Zhang Yimou and Chen Sicheng are film directors, one has won many international awards, and the other is a box office harvester.

Zhang Li is a TV drama director, and the ratings of several TV dramas he filmed are above 9.5 points.

Han Han introduced their reason for coming: "Brother Duan, several big directors know that you have come to Hengdian, so they specially came to see you."

Zhang Yimou first said: "Mr. Ye's establishment of a 200 billion film and television creation fund has caused a sensation in our industry. For our directors, it can be said to be a timely help. We are all very grateful to Mr. Ye."

"Yes, I said a year ago that the winter of film and television is coming, and the life of film and television professionals is really difficult now. Now that Mr. Ye can set up 200 billion funds to support the development of the film and television industry, it is really touching!"

Director Zhang Li also spoke his mind.

Director Chen Sicheng is the happiest, because his new film has already applied for the film creation fund provided by Ye Duan.

He also said cheerfully: "I came here tonight to thank Mr. Ye specially for providing 3 million yuan in the initial creative fund support for my new film. Moreover, Manager Qin of Modu Film and Television Company is very enthusiastic and treats us The director is very polite and respectful, I haven't received this kind of treatment for many years."

Knowing their intentions, Ye Duan said modestly: "Thanks for the praise of several directors, revitalizing the Chinese film and television industry is one of my goals in life. Film and television dramas are an important carrier of contemporary culture and an important display of Chinese culture to the outside world." Media, I hope that I can do my best so that film and television creators don’t need to work hard on investment, so that they can settle down to create high-quality products, so that they can better show the charm of our Chinese civilization to the world!”

Several directors applauded one after another, expressing their appreciation for Ye Duan's words.

"Mr. Ye has such a mind and ambition at such a young age, it's really a great blessing for China's film and television industry!"

"My film script has been polished for three years, and now I am preparing to select the male and female protagonists. The filming will start in a few days, and I will ask Mr. Ye to guide one or two."

"My new script has almost been revised, and I'm planning to apply for creative funds from Mr. Ye's Magic City Film and Television Company. I hope Mr. Ye can give it convenience."

"It's easy to talk about. Manager Qin happens to be in Hengdian too, so I'll let her come here."

Ye Duan responded politely to them, and then called Qin Miaofei.

"Manager Qin, please come to my room, Room 8088."

Received a call from Ye Duan.

Qin Miaofei's heart skipped a beat.

The boss let me go there so late, what do you want to do...

Qin Miaofei just took a shower and was going to bed.

After receiving Ye Duan's call, I was also uneasy.

Although she has done business with her boss, she doesn't have much contact in life.

All he knew was that he was surrounded by many beauties.

The boss can't be a big carrot, can he?

He had been staring at himself just now with bad eyes.

Could it be that he fell in love with himself and asked himself to go to bed?

But he is not like that kind of person.

He's actually quite refined, and he's handsome and personable.

The boss shouldn't like ordinary girls like me, right?
Qin Miaofei couldn't make up her mind, so she could only ask Su Mengwen for help.

"Manager Su, I think you are very familiar with the boss, can you tell me what kind of person he is?"

Su Mengwen is preparing to invest in Hengdian Film and Television City tomorrow.

Then he put down the work at hand, took Qin Miaofei's hand and said, "Manager Qin, brother Duan is a modest gentleman, he is absolutely a good man, and he is also a treasure god in my eyes! The more you know about him, the more you will find that he Many advantages."

Su Mengwen said, her eyes were full of light.

Words could not hide the surging admiration and love for Ye Duan.

Qin Miaofei still felt uneasy, and said again: "Manager Su, the boss asked me to go to his room to find him now, I am a little scared, can you go with me?"

"Don't worry, Feifei, I can assure you that Brother Duan is looking for you now because of work, you don't have to think about it at all. If something really happened to you, it's your willingness."

Su Mengwen directly called Qin Miaofei "Feifei".

The distance between the two suddenly narrowed a lot.

Qin Miaofei was very grateful for Su Mengwen's enthusiasm and frankness, she nodded and said, "I trust you, Manager Su. By the way, how old are you this year? I don't know whether to call you sister or sister?"

"I'm 26 years old and you look a little younger than me."

"I'm 25 years old, so I'll call you Sister Wenwen."

"You are the same age as Pingping, I will call you Sister Feifei from now on."

Su Mengwen accidentally shook He Shiping out.

Qin Miaofei looked puzzled: "Sister Wenwen, who is Pingping?"

"Oh, it's the editor-in-chief of "Silk Road Beauty" magazine."

"So it's Editor-in-Chief He, are you also good sisters?"

Because of the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girl on the Silk Road", Qin Miaofei and He Shiping have dealt with each other.

"Yes, we can go shopping together in the future."

"Okay Sister Wenwen, then you can rest first, I'm going to find the boss."

Qin Miaofei went out with her bag.

After talking with Su Mengwen, she had a different feeling towards Ye Duan.

To be impressed by a mature woman like Sister Wenwen, it seems that the boss really has a trick.

Arrived at Ye Duan's room.

Qin Miaofei rang the doorbell.

Ye Duan just came out of the bathroom, so he went to open the door.

"You are here, Manager Qin, come in quickly."

"Boss, return this thing to you."

Qin Miaofei took out a beautiful packing box from her bag and handed it to Ye Duan.

"What is this?"

"It's the gift from the bank last time. There is a men's belt. I brought it for you if I don't need it."

"It's rare for you to be so caring, so I'll accept it."

Ye Duan took the gift box and led her to the living room.

Only then did Qin Miaofei realize that there were several people in the room.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be great directors.

So he hurriedly greeted them: "Hello, Director Zhang, Hello, Director Chen, Hello, Director Zhang, and Hello, Director Han."

When the directors saw Qin Miaofei coming, they quickly got up and shook hands with her.

Although she is just a weak woman, her identity is the general manager of Modu Film and Television Company, and she is the god of wealth in the eyes of directors and entertainers.

The directors naturally did not dare to neglect her.

After seeing the gift box in Ye Duan's hand, several people also guessed it roughly.

It must be a gift from Manager Qin to Boss Ye. It seems that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Several directors paid more attention to Qin Miaofei.

Taking advantage of the drunkenness, they all spoke good things about her in front of Ye Duan.

"Mr. Ye really knows people with his eyes. With a capable leader like Manager Qin, our Chinese film and television industry is like a fish in water, and a large number of high-quality works will surely emerge."

"Manager Qin is so good and lovely. If she hadn't taken on the heavy responsibility of the general manager of the Shanghai Film and Television Company, I would have invited her to be the heroine of my new movie."

"Director Zhang is superficial. Manager Qin is not only beautiful, but she is a very polite, well-educated, and connotative lady!"

"Come, come, let's raise our glasses together, to the beauty of Modu."

Several directors raised their glasses.

Because of face, Qin Miaofei couldn't refuse them, so she had to drink a few glasses of Moutai.

Ye Duan was also a little drunk at this time, seeing Qin Miaofei being so popular, he couldn't help but glance at her a few more times.

What a beautiful woman in Shanghai, she really looks better the more she looks at it!

No wonder Wenwen tried her best to encourage herself. Manager Qin is indeed very good, and his blush face is really attractive...

Several people surrounded Qin Miaofei and talked again.

4 bottles of Maotai drank up 3 bottles.

Ye Duan saw that Qin Miaofei was overwhelmed with alcohol, so he stood in the way for her, and said to several directors: "In the future, if you have new works and need financial support, feel free to ask Manager Qin. In addition, I would like to tell everyone that Director Han Han has The new movie will be filmed in Hengdian Film and Television City, if you have time, you can go and guide it."


All the directors agreed.

Han Han understood what Ye Duan meant, and said quickly: "Thank you, Brother Duan for your support, then we won't disturb Brother Duan's rest."

Seeing Ye Duan taking the initiative to protect Qin Miaofei, several directors understood, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your hospitality. Let's take our leave first."

After Han Han led a few people away.

Only Ye Duan and Qin Miaofei were left in the room.

"Manager Qin, are you okay?"

Ye Duan came over with a glass of water.

Qin Miaofei couldn't sit still anymore, she lay sideways on the sofa.

"Boss, my head hurts."

"Let's drink some water first."

Ye Duan sat down beside Qin Miaofei, helped her up, and fed her water.

"Thank you, boss, no wonder Miss Wenwen said you are a treasure god, you are really nice."

Qin Miaofei's head was dizzy.

Little blushed.

The speech is also crisp.

Ye Duan put down the water glass, stretched out his hands and rubbed her temples.

"When did Manager Su become your sister Wenwen? What did she tell you?"

Ye Duan guessed it, Wenwen must have brainwashed Qin Miaofei.

This big beauty messed up the mandarin ducks.

Am I, Ye Duan, the kind of person who can't move when he sees a beautiful woman?
"Just now, I called her Sister Wenwen, and she called me Sister Feifei. She said that you are a modest gentleman, a good person, and a treasure god in her eyes. She said that you are full of good points, and..."

"What else?" Ye Duan asked.

"Sister Wenwen also said that you wouldn't set my mind on it. If we were together, I would be willing."

Qin Miaofei's spirits are getting stronger.

His head was completely out of control, shaking out all the whispers between the two women.

Ye Duan couldn't help being happy.

These two people are really interesting, talking about themselves like this behind their backs.

The beauty really understands me!

Twisted melons are not sweet, you have to make a woman worship you before she will follow you wholeheartedly.

The woman who licks the dog is not fragrant at all!
Ye Duan looked at Qin Miaofei's flushed face, and felt affection for her, teasing her, "Manager Qin, do you think we will be together?"

"No, you are the richest man in Shanghai, and you are surrounded by beautiful women, how could you fall in love with me?"

Qin Miaofei shook her little head, revealing a self-deprecating smile.

Ye Duan continued to tease her: "If I really like you, will you agree?"

"I... I don't know... I should go..."

Qin Miaofei supported her head with one hand and stood up unsteadily.

Ye Duan hugged Qin Miaofei in the arms of a princess, and said, "I'll take you back."

"Boss... let me down..."

Qin Miaofei wanted to push Ye Duan away, but she couldn't use any strength.

All I had to do was stay in his arms.

It was the first time she was hugged by a man like this.

Their heads were so close that they could even smell each other's breath.

Qin Miaofei was a little embarrassed, her body became hot unconsciously...

Ye Duan sent Qin Miaofei back to the room and came outside Xiao Di's door.


The door opened, and Ding Xueer's small face appeared in front of her eyes.

I rub!

What happened?
Wrong room?
"Why are you here, you stinky girl?"

Ye Duan looked confused, looked at the room number on the door, it was right.

Ding Xue'er pursed her mouth and snorted: "Uncle smelly, you scolded me when you came up, why can't I be here?"

"Hey, that's not what I meant. Where's your little sister?"

"Miss Xiaodi is waiting for you. You haven't come. She is very boring. Let me accompany her."

Ding Xueer was furious and felt aggrieved.

He obviously did good deeds, but he was not praised and even murdered by his uncle.

Depressed to death!

It was only then that Ye Duan realized that he had wronged the little fairy, and quickly coaxed her: "Okay, my little baby has been wronged, uncle is wrong, I shouldn't have called you a stinky girl, forgive me, okay?"

As she spoke, she held Ding Xue'er in her arms and kissed and kissed again and again.

He touched her head again and pinched her cheek.

Ding Xueer smiled ghostly.

"Okay~ I will forgive you this time, and don't attack me again next time."

"I promise never again, hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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