Chapter 190 A Warm-hearted Man
At this time, Xiao Di also came over to dry his hair, and asked shyly, "Brother Ye, why did you come here?"

"Just had a few drinks with some directors."

Ye Duan hugged the two beauties and sat on the sofa.

"Director? Who is it?" Ding Xueer asked curiously.

"There are Zhang Yimou, Zhang Li, Chen Sicheng, and Brother Hanhan."

"Oh my god! They are all great directors! Brother Ye, how did you invite them?"

Xiao Di was stunned.

Both eyes stared straight at Ye Duan.

It is also a look of admiration.

Brother Ye is too good to be able to bring these directors together, right?
Ye Duan smiled, and said disdainfully: "They took the initiative to find me, otherwise I would have come here long ago, would I have waited so late?"

"I took the initiative to find you? Brother Ye, you are so proud of yourself! But what are they looking for you for?"

After all, Xiao Di has been a star for several years and knows the importance of these directors.

Which one is not a superstar?
It is no exaggeration to say that being selected by any of them can become popular overnight.

Especially director Zhang Yimou.

The casting is very accurate, almost one of them is popular!
An unknown little girl can basically grow into a big star after being selected by him.

Now these big directors actually took the initiative to look for Brother Ye.

This card is simply not too strong.

Ye Duan replied lightly: "It's nothing, just thank me."

"Uncle, are you doing good deeds again?" Ding Xueer asked with wide eyes.

"Didn't I invest 200 billion to set up a film and television creation fund? They thought it was a great thing, so they came over to express their gratitude."

"So this is ah."

Ding Xueer nodded, as if she had realized something.

Xiao Di was very excited and said happily: "Brother Ye, I admire you so much, and I also want to thank you on behalf of the artists."

"Hey, how are you going to thank me?"

Ye Duan smiled badly.

Xiao Di punched him with his little pink fist.

Ding Xueer couldn't stand it anymore.

"You two, show off your affection. I'm going back to sleep. I'm trapped to death."

Ding Xue'er got up from the sofa puffing her cheeks and walked towards the door.

Xiao Di quickly caught up with her and coaxed her: "Xue'er, don't be angry, didn't we agree, you must not go back on your word."

"I'm not angry, Miss Xiaodi, I'm really sleepy, you can't even open my eyes."

Ding Xueer squinted her eyes to show Xiao Di.

It looks very funny.

Xiao Di twisted her face lightly, and said with a smile: "You naughty little girl, go back to sleep, you have to film tomorrow."

"Know it!"

After Ding Xueer finished speaking, she turned and glanced at Ye Duan.

Sticking out his tongue, he made a grimace.

Ye Duan couldn't help being happy too, and pointed at her.

This little fairy is really a living treasure!

After Ding Xueer left.

Ye Duan asked: "Xiao Di, what did you say to Xue Er, and she left obediently?"

"I won't tell you, hee hee, this is a secret between the two of us."

Xiao Di pretends to be mysterious.

She didn't intend to hide it.

It's because some things are really embarrassing to say.

The more Xiaodi kept silent, the more Ye Duan wanted to know.

He wanted to get him and said: "Well, in your eyes, I may always be an outsider. You go to bed first, I'm going to take a shower."

Ye Duan walked to the bathroom.

This time Xiao Di was frightened.

Brother Ye won't be angry, will he?
So he said quickly: "Brother Ye, don't be angry, I'll tell you what's going on."

Ye Duan turned around and waited for her answer.

"I made a deal with Xue'er, let you accompany me these few days, and after you return to Shanghai, you will accompany her again, because her birthday is coming soon."

After Xiao Di finished speaking, her face flushed with shame.

Ye Duan suppressed his laughter, but his heart was filled with joy.

These two beauties are too funny, do you really think of yourself as a shared power bank?
You can also let it go, you are indeed a good sister.

However, when is the little fairy's birthday?
Fast forward to half a month, and it's her lunar birthday, right?

Just ask Xiaodi.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan asked: "Xiao Di, when is Xue'er's birthday? I'm afraid I'm too busy with work to celebrate her."

"There is one more week, March 3th. Brother Ye, you have to celebrate her, she is still waiting to be with you on her birthday."

"No way? She even told you this?"

Ye Duan couldn't believe his ears.

Is the little fairy too naive or a bit naive, to actually tell Xiao Di all such intimate things.

When did the two get so close?

Xiao Di blinked, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Brother Ye, there's no need to make such a fuss, right? I'll also tell her how you and I feel."

"What? Why?"

Ye Duan opened his eyes.

Animals like girls are too amazing, right?
Is there any topic they are embarrassed to communicate with?
The two girls actually discussed this topic...

"Because Xue'er doesn't understand anything, I told her the first time and told her not to be afraid."

Xiao Di also didn't understand why Ye Duan was so surprised.

Isn't it normal for good sisters to talk about their little secrets?

Besides, there are no outsiders.

Ye Duan seemed to understand.

Women, women, in some things, are much more open than men.

"Xiao Di, you are such a good sister! I'm going to take a bath."

Ye Duan went to the bathroom to take a shower, and Xiao Di was already asleep when he came back.


Early the next morning, no one slept in.

Director Han Han led the team and led the crew to Hengdian Film and Television City for filming.

Xiaodi, Ding Xueer and others went together.

Ye Duan took Su Mengwen and Qin Miaofei to Hengdian Film and Television City Company.

Su Mengwen had contacted relevant parties last night and agreed to sign the shareholding agreement at 09:30 in the morning.

This kind of thing must not be delayed, just like the stock market, one market per day.

If other people know about this transaction, it will definitely attract competitors.

Must fight fast!

He has not left Hengdian yet, and will also attend this event.

Before signing the agreement, Ye Duan met Liu Shixian alone.

The two talked in a small conference room.

"Liu, before I become a shareholder of Hengdian Film and Television City, I have one more request that must be made."

"Oh, please tell me, Mr. Ye."

"I demand that Zheng Guanxi be fired, and we assign an executive to be the general manager of Hengdian Film and Television City."

Ye Duan got straight to the point and directly stated his request.

Originally, he didn't want to ask about these trivial matters.

But Zheng Guanxi's misbehavior last night was really outrageous.

If this person is not removed, Hengdian Film and Television City will definitely still be a mess.

It's useless to invest more money!

Liu Shixian froze for a moment, he didn't expect Ye Duan to make such a request suddenly.

"Mr. Ye, as far as I know, Manager Zheng is an old Hengdian native, and he has also contributed a lot to the development of the film and television city. Is it necessary to do this?"

"He must be fired, because his character is not good, he is too arrogant and domineering."

Liu Shixian didn't ask further questions.

He already knew it.

From the looks of it, Mr. Ye must have done some research or contacted Zheng Guanxi.

Otherwise, I would not rashly slander a person.

Liu Shixian had also heard that Zheng Guanxi had always acted arbitrarily and arrogantly, and was very unpopular in the film and television city.

Why not take this opportunity to be a favor and agree to Mr. Ye's request.

"I promise you Mr. Ye, I will lay off Zheng Guanxi immediately, and you will appoint a new general manager."

At this time, the secretary next to him reminded Liu Shixian: "Liu."

"No need! The director of the dignified education department can't even educate his own son-in-law well. Let him reflect on this."

Liu Shixian's words were very firm.

He is, will not be fettered by these subordinates.

If you consider these messy relationships in everything you do, wouldn't you be unable to make any decisions?
The point is, he doesn't want to offend Ye Duan because of this.

Because Ye Duan was recommended by his old classmate Jiang Wanquan.

He had to give Jiang Wanquan enough face.

In this way, Jiang Wanquan will give him enough face.

Follow, what is it?
Moreover, Jiang Wanquan had also told him that Ye Duan was a generous person.

If you respect him one foot, he will respect you ten feet!
So no matter from which aspect, Liu Shixian chose to support Ye Duan.

Ye Duan didn't know Liu Shixian's thoughts, but thought that Chief Liu was quite decent and a worthy friend.

Since he gave himself face, he might as well give him some benefits.

"Liu, I'm glad you can get rid of these pests. I saw some slogans on the streets of Hengdian, and I know that your province is implementing a medical poverty alleviation plan. I don't know if this is a charity project?"

"Mr. Ye is really a caring person! Yes, we plan to shift the high-quality medical resources in big cities to rural and county towns, so we proposed a medical poverty alleviation plan. This is a semi-public project, and of course it can be considered part of charity."

"Sounds very good. I am willing to donate 10 billion yuan in cash to this project. I wonder if Chief Liu welcomes it?"

"10 billion yuan in cash? Welcome, of course you are welcome!"

Liu Shixian stood up from the sofa happily.

Walking up to Ye Duan, he shook hands with him tightly.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ye, Chief Jiang really saw the right person, you are indeed a compassionate and kind person!"

"Officer Liu is too good, too good."

Ye Duan was also humbled.

It's only 10 billion, so there's no need to be so excited, right?

The younger sister of the system gave herself 1000 billion charity funds, and she had to donate all of them within 100 days.

It has been more than ten days now, and only 30 billion has been invested.

According to this progress, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the task.

The reward of 1000 billion Chinese currency + 1000 billion US currency is pending.

You must hurry up and do good things.

Ye Duan and Liu Shixian settled the matter and attended the shareholding ceremony of Hengdian Film and Television City on time.

Zheng Guanxi also came as the general manager of Hengdian Film and Television City.

After seeing Ye Duan, he couldn't help shivering.

He already knew Ye Duan's identity.

And he knew that the company under the name of Ye Duan had invested in Hengdian Film and Television City this time.

So he immediately came to Ye Duan, bowed his head and said, "Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I was blind to Mount Tai. After the ceremony is over, I will come to Mr. Ye's door and apologize to Mr. Ye."

"no need."

Ye Duan ignored Zheng Guanxi directly, and was too lazy to say a word to him.

People who are about to die don't need to spend more time talking.

Zheng Guanxi breathed a sigh of relief, and felt complacent.

It seems that this kid is not angry.

He must have known the identity of his father-in-law and was afraid.

Besides, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

Even if you are a foreigner, no matter how powerful you are, when you come to this land, you have to give me three points.

Zheng Guanxi made up his mind and sat at the position of the general manager at the front desk.

Tilting his head arrogantly, he stared blankly ahead.

Still looks like a beating.

It's just that there are bruises on the face one by one, and it can be seen at a glance that someone has just been beaten.

That was the glorious imprint left after being violently beaten by Ye Duan last night...

Due to Liu Shixian's participation, the standard of the ceremony has also become higher.

First of all, a deputy director of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism signed a shareholding agreement on behalf of Hengdian Film and Television City and Yeduan Investment Company represented by Su Mengwen.

Yeduan Investment Company invested 30 billion yuan in cash to obtain a 49% stake in Hengdian Film and Television City.

Secondly, Liu Shixian personally announced that Mr. Ye Duan donated 10 billion yuan to the medical poverty alleviation plan in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces in his own name.

There was also bursts of applause at the scene.

Qin Miaofei, who was sitting by the side, also frequently looked at Ye Duan, her eyes were full of admiration.

The boss looks more and more handsome!

All I knew before was that he had a lot of money and was very generous.

I almost thought he was a big carrot.

Unexpectedly, he was not the kind of playboy he had imagined at all.

But a good man who loves to do good deeds!
It's fine if the big directors praise him

It seems that his character is absolutely fine.

He was drunk last night, and he didn't take the opportunity to make a little money.


He is a good man who is calm, kind and kind!
No wonder sister Wenwen said that girls would be willing to be with him.

The boss is really charming...

Qin Miaofei was thinking about Ye Duan when she suddenly heard someone calling her name.

It was Su Mengwen calling her.

Ye Duan Investment Company announced as a major shareholder: "Zheng Guanxi will be removed from the position of general manager, Ms. Qin Miaofei will temporarily serve as the general manager of Hengdian Film and Television City, and a new general manager will be appointed later."

Qin Miaofei got up and greeted everyone, and said a few words briefly.

Zheng Guanxi on the side was dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Was he fired just like that?
No wonder that kid Ye Duan said that he didn't need to apologize to him, it turned out that it was already planned.

Zheng Guanxi looked at Ye Duan viciously.

But he was forced back by Liu Shixian's eyes.

Haha, no wonder Ye Duan is so arrogant.

It turned out that someone backed him up!
Officials crushed people to death.

My father-in-law is just a director, how can he compare to other Chief Liu?
Originally thought that Ye Duan would be afraid of himself.

After a while, he turned out to be the clown!

Zheng Guanxi's veins were exposed, and the bruises on his face became even darker.

I have poured so much effort into the development of Hengdian Film and Television City, and now I am kicked out?

How can you swallow this breath?

No, I want revenge!
I want you to know, who is the boss of Hengdian Film and Television City?

Zheng Guanxi closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists.

The anger in my chest is about to burst out...

(End of this chapter)

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