Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 191 You're going to be on fire

Chapter 191 You're going to be on fire
After the shareholding signing ceremony.

Su Mengwen was driven back to Shanghai to rest by Ye Duan because she was not feeling well.

Qin Miaofei stayed to check the business situation of Hengdian Film and Television City, and at the same time called a deputy manager of Modu Film and Television City to replace her as the general manager.

Liu Shixian politely invited Ye Duan to have lunch, but Ye Duan refused.

"Mr. Liu, you are busy and I won't waste your time. I will go to the film and television city to film in a while. If there is anything to do, I will contact you by phone."

"In that case, I won't bother Mr. Ye anymore. If you have anything to do in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, you can come to me at any time."

Liu Shixian made a promise to Ye Duan, and then rushed back to the provincial capital.

This trip to Hengdian not only found powerful new shareholders for Hengdian Film and Television City, but also received a donation of 10 billion yuan.

Mainly because he sold Jiang Wanquan's favor, and also got to know Ye Duan, a young man with a lot of money.

It can be regarded as full of rewards, and the trip is worthwhile.

Ye Duan did not go directly to Hengdian Film and Television City, but had a chat with Qin Miaofei.

"Manager Qin, did you sleep well last night?"

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your concern, I slept well, and thank you Mr. Ye for taking me back to my room."

Qin Miaofei felt a little embarrassed when she thought about being drunk last night.

I don't know if I lost my composure in front of the boss.

And the boss hugged himself, isn't it too ambiguous?
Oh, I will definitely not drink next time.

Otherwise, you will not be so lucky to meet a bad boss.

Ye Duan waved his hand, and said with a smile, "You're welcome. You are too thin, Manager Qin, and you look like a cat when you hug her. I was worried that you would slip through my arm."

"Mr. Ye was joking, how can I be so thin..."

Qin Miaofei also covered her small mouth, wanting to laugh but not daring to think about it, very charming.

I was thinking in my heart, the boss is really funny, how can I look like a cat?
Ye Duan stopped teasing her, put away his smile and said, "Manager Qin, I'll take care of you in the Hengdian film and television city first, you should find someone to take over your position as soon as possible, and return to Shanghai after making arrangements here, "Grace on the Silk Road" "The 20th anniversary celebration still needs your help."

"Okay, I understand Mr. Ye."

"There may be people picking quarrels and provoking troubles in the past two days. You should pay attention to them and tell me immediately if there is anything unusual."

Qin Miaofei nodded and said, "I will pay attention."

Ye Duan just saw Zheng Guanxi bursting into anger.

It is estimated that this fellow will not stop there.

After all, this is a small place, not like a big city like Shanghai.

In the game of big cities, the comparison is financial resources, resources and contacts in hand.

After a contest between the two sides, the loser is the loser.

The loser will basically accept the result calmly, and will no longer engage in shady tricks.

Small places are different.

There is still a trace of primitive fighting here.

Winning or losing depends not only on material strength, it does not mean that you can win if you have money.

If the loser gets aggressive, he will bite off the winner.

No matter what method cannot be used on the table, it will be used.

The game here does not talk about rules, and there are no rules.

Losers do things without paying attention to the consequences.

Anyway, there is no way out, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.

There is an old saying that goes well, if you are not afraid of the tough, you are afraid of the tyrannical, and if you are not afraid of the tyrannical, you are afraid of the desperate.

As long as you can breathe out of your chest, it doesn't even matter if you spend a few years in prison.

Why do you say that you would rather offend a gentleman than a villain?
Because little devils are hard to deal with!

This is exactly what Ye Duan is worried about, because he knows the evil of human nature.

However, his strength is much greater than that of Zheng Guanxi, no matter what crooked ideas the latter has, he can absolutely crush him!

After talking with Qin Miaofei, Ye Duan rushed to Hengdian Film and Television City.

The movie "Your Youth" is being filmed.

Ding Xueer, Xiaodi, Yi Yangqianxi and other male and female protagonists are all in place.

Director Zhang Yimou and Chen Sicheng also came to the scene, because they both make movies.

They have no choice but to give the face of the richest man in Shanghai, because they are short-handed.

These days, who would dare to make life difficult for the gold master's father?

When Ye Duan arrived on the set, Director Zhang was speaking to Ding Xueer.

"Current movies often place too much emphasis on artistry, while ignoring the authenticity of the movie, that is, the nature of life. Why do I like to find new actors who have never been in contact with the film and television industry? It is because their performances are authentic and have not been affected The shackles of dogma. Therefore, the films they shot retain the real breath of life."

Zhang Yimou picked up the pure water, took a sip, and continued.

"For example, in the crying scene you just filmed, don't think about how to express your sadness. You can cry as you usually cry, cry loudly, cry silently, and don't imitate other actors. Crying scene, because you are unique, your crying scene belongs only to yourself. Okay, let’s reshoot next.”

So director Hanhan yelled "Start".

Ding Xueer took another shot.

The little fairy cried naturally, no different from usual.

Pouting his mouth, sniffing his nose, weeping.

Seeing this scene, Ye Duan also applauded her in his heart.

Because he had seen Ding Xueer cry, and it was indeed like this.

A master is a master, as directed by Director Zhang.

Ding Xueer also seemed to be on the upswing.

It's completely different from the one I saw in Modu Film and Television City.

If it was Bronze before, it behaves like Platinum this time.

Ye Duan was very happy.

If the little fairy can maintain this state, becoming a big star is not a dream.

Lao Tzu's darling will definitely be popular in the future!

Set a small goal first, go out to the world, and bring back the statuette!
After Ding Xueer's crying scene was filmed, director Han Han yelled "Cut".

Director Zhang Yimou took the lead in applauding.

Ding Xueer didn't stop crying, she wiped her tears with a tissue and came to the director's studio.

"This shot is not bad, it's very good, it's a lot better than before, so it's definitely okay to shoot according to this feeling."

Zhang Yimou encouraged Ding Xueer again.

"Xue'er, hurry up and thank Director Zhang for your encouragement."

Ye Duan walked over and said.

Only then did the crowd realize that Ye Duan had arrived, and they hurriedly stood up to welcome him.

Ye Duan greeted them one by one, and shook hands with Zhang Yimou.

"Thank you, Director Zhang. I heard everything you said just now. Although I don't know much about filming, I think it makes sense."

"I made Mr. Ye laugh. I heard Director Hanhan's situation about Xueer. Although she is a newcomer and just entered her freshman year, she has good talent and high comprehension. If she keeps going steadily, she will definitely be a good student in the future." actor."

"Thank you, Director Zhang, for your affirmation. If you have the opportunity, please ask Director Zhang to guide Xue'er a little bit more."

"Definitely." Zhang Yimou readily agreed.

Ye Duan took Ding Xueer to the outside of the director's studio.

Looking at her pretty face, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart.

From the first day he met Ding Xueer, this little girl gave him a very special feeling.

Because there is a huge age difference between the two.

A 30 year old and a 18 year old.

This made Ye Duan dare not release his feelings for Ding Xueer at first.

It's easy for Lori to fall in love with Uncle.

But the uncle didn't dare to fall in love with Lori easily.

His mature mind prevented him from revealing his sincerity to a little girl easily.

In Ye Duan's eyes, Ding Xue'er is his sweetheart.

He couldn't even bear to bully her.

It wasn't until the two had been in contact for a long time that he became bolder.

And now that it's 24, age is even less of an issue.

Even together, no one will point fingers.

Ye Duan looked at Ding Xueer with red eyes and felt very guilty again.

I spend too little time with her, so I must spend more time with the little fairy in the future.

Let her feel uncle's fiery and unrestrained love...

Ding Xueer stopped crying, tilted her head, and blinked her eyes again and again.

Ye Duan understood what she meant, he must want to praise her.

This smelly girl is just so weird.

"Xue'er, your performance just now was so good that I almost cried. Really, do you see tears in my eyes?"

Ye Duan also satisfied her small thoughts and praised her heartily.

She lowered her body and let Ding Xueer look into his eyes.

"Where? No."

Ding Xueer believed it was true, she lay on Ye Duan's face and looked at it again and again.

"Well, it smells so good!"

Ye Duan sniffed the fragrance of Ding Xueer's body with his nose, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Only then did Ding Xueer realize that she had been fooled.

Pursing her small mouth, she angrily gave Ye Duan a supercilious look.

Then, both of them couldn't help laughing...

Ye Duan is in contact with Ding Xueer.

Director Chen Sicheng strode out from the director's studio and came in front of the two.

"Mr. Ye, I have decided to let Xueer be the heroine of my new movie."

Ye Duan was overjoyed: "Director Chen, are you kidding me?"

Ding Xueer was also surprised, a little unbelievable.

Another pie in the sky?
The film directed by Han Han has not yet finished filming, and he received an invitation from director Chen Sicheng.

Is my acting really that good, or is my uncle too embarrassing?

It must be the uncle's credit!

Ding Xueer's eyes are full of leaves.

Uncle is so handsome!
Chen Sicheng quickly explained: "I'm definitely not joking. I just watched the video that Xueer shot just now 8 times. Looking at Xueer's red eyes from crying, you can hear the voice of a little girl's heartbroken, and your heart is also broken." I will cry along with you. Just now I was moved and cried, really, I didn’t lie to you, do you think my eyes are red?"


Ye Duan pretended to cough to hide his embarrassment.

Ding Xueer couldn't help laughing either.

Isn't this the trick that uncle used just now?

Don't guys like to make girls happy like this?
But Director Chen seemed to have really cried, not as blatantly deceitful as the uncle.

At this time, Xiao Di also came out of the director's booth.

Said on the side: "I can prove to Director Chen that he really cried just now, and he borrowed tissues from me."

"Yeah, I really didn't lie to you, I really like Xue'er."

Chen Sicheng was anxious and made a slip of the tongue.

Ding Xueer was unhappy, and pouted her lips.

She tugged on La Yeduan's clothes, wanting the uncle to decide for her.

Ye Duan looked at Chen Sicheng and asked, "Director Chen, didn't Director Han Han say anything to you?"

"Hey, look at my mouth, I mean I like Cher's acting very much."

Chen Sicheng quickly corrected it.

In fact, Hanhan had already told them last night that Ding Xueer was Ye Duan's little girl, and that her new movie was able to attract so much investment because of her mission of promoting popular Ding Xueer and Xiao Di.

Several directors are smart people, and they know this rule in the film and television industry better than anyone else.

It can be said that it is a routine operation for the investor to pay some money to designate a role.

The well-known Da Tiantian just met a benefactor and praised her vigorously from behind.

Not only Long Ge and Andy Hua Tsai supported her, but even the financial backer spent huge sums of money to get her into Hollywood and let international superstars play supporting roles for her.

However, Da Tiantian's fate is not good, and she will never be popular.

I heard that her latest new drama has received a good response, and it must be a good time.

Director Chen Sicheng avoided being misunderstood, he patted his chest and said, "Let me just say it simply and clearly, let Ding Xueer be the female lead of "Detective Chinatown 6"."

"Great, thank you Director Chen."

Ding Xueer jumped up happily, and immediately hugged Ye Duan.

Xiao Di was also happy for her, and said with joy, "Congratulations, Xueer, it seems that you are really going to be popular this time."

"Thank you, Miss Di."

Ding Xueer let go of Uncle and held Xiao Di's hand tightly.

The relationship between the sisters is getting better and better.

Ye Duan was also very excited. He patted Chen Sicheng on the shoulder and said, "Director Chen, how much does the new movie cost? Is 5 million enough?"

"Mr. Ye is too polite. Magic Capital Film and Television Company has approved me a creative fund of 3 million yuan, which is enough for me to finish filming the film. If funds are still needed for subsequent production, distribution and promotion, I will come to bother you again."

"That's it. If Director Chen needs help with filming, you can come to me directly, and I will take care of it for you."

"Then thank you very much, Mr. Ye."

Chen Sicheng needs to find sufficient funds and resources for the new film.

Ye Duan wanted to support Ding Xueer and help her realize her childhood dream.

At the same time, I also want to revitalize the Chinese film and television industry.

The two can be said to have achieved each other, so they happily reached a tacit understanding.

At this time, Han Han and Zhang Yimou also came over to congratulate Ye Duan. They had just learned that Ye Duan had invested in Hengdian Film and Television City.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ye, if you come to Hengdian to film in the future, I will inevitably bother you."

Zhang Yimou talked about the scene.

Ye Duan responded with a smile: "It's easy to talk about it, and I will invite Director Zhang to come and guide the work in the future."

Chen Sicheng was confused: "Mr. Ye is happy again?"

Han Han explained from the side: "We just learned that Brother Duan invested 30 billion yuan and became the largest shareholder of Hengdian Film and Television City."

"Wow! Mr. Ye is so generous, congratulations."

Chen Sicheng hurriedly congratulated Ye Duan, holding Ye Duan's hand with both hands and shaking it again, with an exaggerated expression.

It made Ding Xueer and Xiao Di cover their mouths and laugh.

No wonder Director Chen likes to make comedies, it turns out that he himself is very funny.

During the conversation, it was lunch time.

Ye Duan was in a good mood and decided to reward the crew.

"Brother Hanhan, have you ordered the box lunch for the crew?"

"Already ordered, it is estimated that it will be delivered soon."

"Well, you can make arrangements to see if you can return it or transfer it to another crew. I will treat the crew to dinner at noon today."

"Okay Brother Duan, I've cost you again."

Ye Duan immediately called the five-star hotel where he was staying, and asked them to prepare 100 luxury packages within an hour and send them to the crew of "Your Youth" in Hengdian Film and Television City.

With such a large order, the hotel immediately became busy.

After a while, 100 luxury packages were delivered to the crew.

(End of this chapter)

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