Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 192 Ye Duan's Acting Skills

Chapter 192 Ye Duan's Acting Skills
After everyone ate a delicious lunch, they praised Ye Duan for a while.

"My God, this meal is too delicious, Boss Ye is really generous!"

"I've been on the set for ten years, and this is the most extravagant lunch I've ever had. I have to take a photo and post it to my circle of friends to show off, telling them that there is also spring in the set."

"I have a wish, if only I could film with Boss Ye every day, so that I can have such a luxurious lunch every day."

"Don't be in your daydreams, you should learn from me. I decided to save half of the meal for dinner. I really can't bear to finish the meal."

After hearing this, Ye Duan fulfilled their little wish.

"In the future, I will provide all the lunch for the crew of "Your Youth", and it will be provided according to the standard of a five-star hotel."

Everyone was also grateful for Dade.

"Boss Ye is mighty, Boss Ye is domineering!"

"Brothers, we must work hard in the future, and we must not disappoint Boss Ye's love."

"It is necessary, as long as you can't do it to death, do it to death!"


Ye Duan walked around after eating.

It was found that the box lunches eaten by the extras were very simple, not even a chicken leg.

Some group performers had eaten and lay down on the ground to rest.

Some are playing with mobile phones.

Most people look tired.

One of the young men wearing glasses recognized Ye Duan and took the initiative to greet him.

"Are you the new richest man in Shanghai?"

"Yeah, do you know me?"

Ye Duan was a little surprised.

There are also people who know me in the group performance, which is not easy.

"Didn't you be on the hot search a few times before, I saw your photo, you are so handsome, it is easy for people to remember."

"So that's the case. How long have you been performing as a group performer? How does it feel?"

Ye Duan became interested and chatted with the young man.

"That's how it feels. I used to think it was very interesting to be a group performer, and I could often see big stars. Later, after the novelty, there is no fun. I feel that life is very boring every day. I get up early and sleep late every day. After makeup I can’t even wash my face, and I have to be careful when I eat and drink water. If it wasn’t for making money for my sister to study, I wouldn’t want to do it long ago.”

Listen to the lad's complaints.

Ye Duan felt very uncomfortable.

The young man in front of him looked about 20 years old.

If it is at home, it must be the heart of the parents.

But now he has shouldered the burden of life, and the light in his eyes has become dimmed.

I don't know how to spend my 1000 billion charity fund.

In fact, you can meet people who need help everywhere.

For example, isn't it a good thing for these group performers to help them improve their quality of life?

"Come on buddy, everything will be fine."

Ye Duan looked at the young man with gloomy eyes, and remembered his days when he worked hard in Shanghai.

It's not easy for young people nowadays...

Ye Duan transferred 10 yuan to the young man, asking him to provide for his younger sister's education.

Then I went back to the director's studio and expressed my thoughts.

"I went out for a walk just now and found that the life of group performers is too poor. I want to set up a group performance happiness fund to help group performers improve their lives. What do you think?"

Everyone also expressed their views in a hurry.

"Mr. Ye's idea is good. Do you know what is the most troublesome thing for me to make a movie now? It's that the group actors are not in the state, because their salary is not high, so their motivation is also very low."

"I support you, Brother Duan, the extras are indeed neglected. After a movie comes out, everyone's attention is on the glamorous stars, but few people notice the efforts of the extras."

"Mr. Ye is truly a Bodhisattva. He always does good deeds and accumulates good deeds. There will be blessings in the future!"

Xiao Di also said at the side: "Brother Ye, you are so loving."

"Uncle, why is it called the Group Performer Happy Fund?" Ding Xueer was a little puzzled.

Ye Duan laughed: "Because this is a fund that makes extra performers happy."

Since everyone was very supportive, Ye Duan immediately called Qin Miaofei.

"Manager Qin, I'm going to invest 10 billion yuan to set up a group performance happiness fund in Hengdian Film and Television City to help group performances improve their lives. You should implement this right away, and I will transfer the money later. Thank you for your hard work. "

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I'll do it right away."

Qin Miaofei hung up the phone.

He froze in place blankly, feeling completely restless in his heart.

The boss is too domineering, right?

Just donated 10 billion in the morning, and now another 10 billion.

Did the wind blow his money?

No, it's because his heart is too good!
Such a man is really irresistible.

Handsome, elegant, rich, caring, and will not take the opportunity to eat human tofu, he is simply a perfect male god!
Qin Miaofei couldn't help thinking wildly.


After having lunch and resting for half an hour, the crew got busy again.

Ye Duan put on makeup, changed his clothes, and played against Ding Xueer.


With the director's order, Ye Duan entered the state.

Although he is just a stand-in, he has read the script several times and made some suggestions, so he is still very familiar with the whole play.

The first filming was an emotional scene.

The male lead played by Ye Duan is ready to go to the front line, and the female student played by Ding Xueer reluctantly bids him farewell.

Ye Duan brewed his emotions for a while, and quickly entered the role.

"Shuzhen, go back, don't send me off again, I'm afraid I won't be able to move my feet if you're here."

"Brother Junyi, I'm so sad and conflicted. I don't want you to go, but I also know that you have to go. Can you stay with me for a while, even 10 minutes or 5 minutes."

Shuzhen, played by Ding Xueer, tightly grasped the hand of Jun Yi, played by Ye Duan.

Ye Duan shook Ding Xueer's hand, then quickly let go.

She turned her head to the side, not daring to face Ding Xueer.

Ye Duan closed his eyes for a moment, and two tears flowed out silently.

How much Jun Yi loves Shuzhen in his heart, and how reluctant he is to her.However, at the moment of survival of this nation, he, a passionate young man, cannot only care about his children's love.

Ye Duan fully expresses the male lead's ambivalence.

Ding Xueer also cried, and the sound of sobbing was heartbreaking.

Shuzhen hugged Junyi from behind.

While crying, he said: "Brother Junyi, you must take good care of yourself, remember to write to me and tell me what happens to you every day, woooooo..., Brother Junyi, I don't want you to go."

Hearing Shuzhen's cry, Junyi's tears also rolled down in big drops.

Ye Duan sniffled, turned around and hugged Ding Xueer.


The emotions of the two reached a climax, and the emotions in their hearts were about to burst out.

Ye Duan suddenly kissed Ding Xueer.

This kiss was very forceful, and Ye Duan's lips were directly pressed against Ding Xue'er's lips.

Then quickly separated again.

Ye Duan turned around and walked forward...

Everyone was stunned.

The chewing gum in the cameraman's mouth also remained motionless.

Director Han Han even forgot to call "Cut".

It took Zhang Yimou and director Chen Sicheng a long time to recover.

Ye Duan and Ding Xueer wiped away their tears, calmed down their emotions, and returned to the director's studio.

There was thunderous applause and whistles at the scene.

"Brother Duan, your acting is amazing! If I knew you could act, I would have let you be the leading actor."

"Oh, I really can't tell. Mr. Ye is not only very smart in business, but also good at acting. It's a loss for our film and television industry if you don't become an actor."

"Mr. Ye, may I ask, where did you learn acting? Later, I will ask the actors under me to learn more."

Ye Duan waved his hands and said modestly: "The directors are overrated. I haven't studied acting at all. I just studied the script a few times. It's all based on my own feelings."

"Impossible! According to your performance just now, without 20 years of skill, you really can't perform this effect. Especially that soulful kiss, it's simply shocking!"

Director Chen Sicheng still doesn't believe that Ye Duan has never studied acting.

How can a layman perform this?

Even old actors may not be able to act so sensational.

"Yeah, yeah, now that I think about it, I did learn a little bit, I took an elective in college about acting."

It was only then that Ye Duan remembered that he had indeed studied acting.

It's just that it wasn't the electives that played a role, but the "Duxiuer" who was rewarded by the system sister to perform proficient skills.

I actually forgot about this!

No wonder I entered the state as soon as I came on stage. It turned out that I was already proficient in acting in my mind.

Like a conditioned reflex, it comes out naturally.

Xiao Di was also stunned by Ye Duan's performance and felt very depressed.

In contrast, I can't act at all.

It is really a waste of years of learning acting, and a few years of filming for nothing.

Compared with Brother Ye, I am nothing.

Thinking about it, Xiao Di walked up to Ye Duan and said shyly, "Brother Ye, you did a great job, teach me later, okay?"

"Of course no problem, follow me well in the future, and I will give you all the knowledge."

As Ye Duan said, he gave Xiao Di a connotative look.

Xiao Di blushed instantly.

She understood the meaning of this sentence.

Ye Duan said this when the two of them were sleeping together last night.

Knowledge is a homonym for posture, which means teaching her the sleeping posture.

Brother Ye is really unscrupulous, to say such nonsense on this occasion!

"Well, you must teach me."

Xiao Di agreed, otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing to be seen by others.

Ye Duan continued to tease, "Hey, I'll teach you a few tricks when I get back tonight, okay?"

"All right……"

Xiao Di was about to die of embarrassment.

If it weren't for someone next to him, I really wanted to beat him up.

Isn't it good to keep such whispers in bed?

They say it outside in broad daylight, regardless of whether others can stand it or not.

Brother Ye is really bad, it makes people panic...

Ding Xueer saw that everyone praised the uncle's acting skills, but no one praised herself.

I was also very disappointed in my heart, and sat blankly by the side.

At this time, director Zhang Yimou came over and said, "Xue'er, I watched the film again. Your performance just now was very good. Your performance of emotions and psychology is very good, even better than this morning's performance."

"Thank you Director Zhang for your compliment."

When Ding Xueer was praised, she was also very happy.

Zhang Yimou said again: "Xue'er, do you want to film with me?"

"Of course I want to, but Director Chen has already approached me and asked me to act in his new movie."

"This kid is fast enough, let's talk later, and I will customize a movie for you when I have a chance."

"Thank you Director Zhang."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Ye Duan made up an idea.

Be sure to seize this opportunity and make the little fairy popular!

Be famous as early as possible.

Throwing grenades one by one is not as good as the carpet bombing of Italian artillery.

It is not enough to rely on one movie of brother Hanhan, two or three movies must be promoted at the same time!
Since we want to help the little fairy realize her dream, I need to make her a hit.

Like riding a rocket, let her reach the top of the pyramid in one fell swoop!

How fast is the entertainment industry today.

Newcomers are emerging one after another, and many artists have not become popular yet, and they become cold in a blink of an eye.

Little Fairy must not follow this old path.

Ye Duan decided to ask director Zhang Yimou to customize a new movie for Ding Xueer immediately after returning to Shanghai.

Because Director Zhang's strength is almost unmatched in the Chinese film circle.

As early as 30 years ago, his "Green Sorghum" won the International Film Festival Award, winning the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award one after another.

This opportunity must not be missed!
Everyone rested for 10 minutes and started to shoot the next one.

This play is a scene half a year later.

Junyi, played by Ye Duan, came back from the front line and reunited with Shuzhen, played by Ding Xueer.

"Brother Junyi, do you really want to go?"

"Sorry Shuzhen, I have to go."

"Is it okay if you don't go?"

Shuzhen began to whimper in a low voice, tears rolling in her eye sockets.

"No, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I can't miss a day."

Jun Yi has matured a lot in the past six months, and his tone has become very firm.

Shuzhen's emotions exploded and she cried loudly.

"Woooooo...Brother Junyi..."

Shuzhen's cries were like sharp knives, piercing Junyi's heart.

Jun Yi suppressed his emotions and did not go to comfort Shuzhen.

Shuzhen took the initiative to get into Junyi's arms, still crying loudly.

Jun Yi couldn't bear it anymore, the hand that had no place to rest, slowly placed on Shuzhen's body, and finally hugged her tightly.

Shuzhen suddenly stopped crying, raised her head, and stared at Junyi bewilderedly.

Jun Yi, played by Ye Duan, lowered his head and began to frantically kiss Shuzhen, played by Ding Xueer.

He wants to release all the thoughts of the past six months at this moment...

This shot is over.

Ye Duan's acting skills stunned everyone again.

Director Chen Sicheng immediately ran over and said, "Mr. Ye, I would like to ask you to be the leading actor in "Detective Chinatown 6".

"Thank you Director Chen for your compliment. I really want to be the number one hero, but I really don't have time to film."

Ye Duan rejected Chen Sicheng's kindness.

Although I have top-notch acting skills, filming takes too much time.

Often stay on the crew for weeks or even months.

Who will take care of the hundreds of billions of industries?

When will the 1000 billion charity fund be donated?
Can the year of the monkey grasp the pulse of the earth?

The point is, who will take care of her own women?

Less than two days after leaving this time, the women who stayed in the magic city began to urge themselves to go back.

If they don't go home for a few weeks, why don't they die in a hurry?

Women are like flowers, if they are not nourished for a few days, they will wither...

But if he doesn't go to filming, wouldn't it be a waste of the performance proficiency skills of "Duxiuer" rewarded by the sister of the system.

It would be great if it could be transferred to Ding Xueer.

If this girl wants to be truly famous and stand firm at the top of the pyramid, she has to rely on her own strength.

The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is vases. If they follow in Datiantian's footsteps, it will be over.

Although Xiaoxiannv is talented and talented in acting, but she has too little experience, it is unrealistic to improve her acting skills in the short term.

It would be perfect if she could pass on the performance proficiency of "Duxiuer" to her.

I have the opportunity to ask the system sister to see if she can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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