Chapter 193 hint
Ye Duan spent an afternoon filming in the film and television city, and then hosted a banquet for several directors and crew members at the hotel.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening before returning to my room to rest.

Qin Miaofei had been waiting for him at the door for a long time.

"Mr. Ye, you're back. I asked someone to write an implementation plan for the Happy Group Performance Fund. Please check it out."

"Thank you for your hard work, Manager Qin, go into the room and say."

The two walked into the suite, and Qin Miaofei went to pour two glasses of water sensiblely.

Ye Duan sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at the plan carefully, and found that it was very detailed.

From the people assisted by the fund, to the application and verification methods of the fund, as well as the application for special relief funds, etc., it covers almost everything.

There is no trace of flaws, and it looks very professional at first glance.

"Manager Qin, you are amazing, you finished it in just one afternoon, that's great!"

Ye Duan drank a little wine at the dinner party, his head was a little dizzy, and he couldn't help praising him.

Qin Miaofei felt a little embarrassed, she actually asked someone to write this proposal.

Then he said truthfully: "Mr. Ye is absurd. I asked my college classmates to write this plan. After all, I am not a professional."

"Very good. I've always believed that professional people do professional things. Can I ask which university Manager Qin graduated from?"

Seeing Qin Miaofei's shy look, Ye Duan also became interested.

"I graduated from Kyoto University School of Management."

"Wow! It's amazing, no wonder you are so smart and temperamental. Is the classmate you mentioned just now your boyfriend?"

Ye Duan looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and suddenly changed the subject.

Qin Miaofei was also stunned for an instant, her little heart was pounding.

What is the boss doing?
Why did you suddenly ask this?
The lonely man and widow are in the same room at night, suddenly asking such a sensitive question, what is the idea?
Qin Miaofei was a little uncertain about Ye Duan's thoughts, so she could only answer truthfully: "Report to Mr. Ye, my classmate is a girl, and I don't have a boyfriend either."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Ye Duan smiled slightly.

Qin Miaofei was at a loss.

Isn't the boss drunk?How can you talk without beginning or end.

Ye Duan continued: "The plan is very well formulated. I would like to add two points. First, we will open an office in Hengdian Film and Television City, which will be responsible for handling the affairs of the group performer's happiness fund, so that all the group performers who need help can It is convenient to apply for the happiness fund; second, set up some self-service lottery machines in the film and television city, and all the group performers who feel unhappy can scan the QR code to receive red envelopes."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I will implement it as soon as possible. Your second thought is really... wonderful..."

As Qin Miaofei spoke, she almost burst out laughing.

The boss is also too talented, and he can think of such a way.

Set up a self-service lottery machine, so that unhappy people can scan the code to receive red envelopes.

This idea is absolutely perfect!
Qin Miaofei's beautiful face became more and more charming under the light.

Ye Duan was the same as before, keeping his eyes on her, but his heart was agitated.

Wenwen is right, Manager Qin is really beautiful.

The unique temperament on her body makes people feel very...

Qin Miaofei's little face became more and more rosy, and waves also appeared in her heart.

Boss, boss, stop staring at me.

You look at a girl like this, who can stand it?
"Mr. Ye, if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Qin Miaofei got up and was about to leave, but she still didn't dare to look directly into the boss's eyes.

But Ye Duan stopped her: "Wait a minute..."

Ye Duan stopped Qin Miaofei.

He got up from the sofa, walked to her side, and raised his hand to touch her neck.

Qin Miaofei closed her eyes in fright.

With a shivering body, he said, "Mr. Ye, don't do this..."

"Don't move, you have a small black spot here, I'll wipe it off for you."

Ye Duan rubbed it with his thumb, but the black spot remained unchanged.

Qin Miaofei quickly explained: "Mr. Ye, this is not a black spot, but a mole."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Manager Qin, I thought it was a black spot."

Only then did Ye Duan put down his hand.

"It's okay Mr. Ye, I'm going back..."

Qin Miaofei wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, and if she stayed any longer, it might be bad luck.

What the hell does boss mean?He even "hands-on" himself.

I was so foolish as not to reject him...


What happened to yourself?
Being touched by a man, she didn't even get angry with him.


So abnormal!
Qin Miaofei's heart was pounding wildly, and she would really suffocate if she stayed any longer.

Ye Duan saw that Qin Miaofei was tired, so he hugged her lightly and said, "You have worked hard these two days, go back early to rest and take care of yourself."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your concern. I will take my leave first."

Qin Miaofei raised her head and took a careful look at Ye Duan.

Then he blushed and left.

Both of them felt that their behavior was a little abnormal.

what is the problem?

It is obvious that the subordinates report to the boss, how could it become so ambiguous?
In fact, the two of them didn't realize that Su Mengwen's matchmaking planted an anchor in their hearts.

Or a psychological hint.

It's like your classmate telling you that classmate likes you.

You will involuntarily pay attention to Banhua.

My mind will be cranky.

And your classmate told Ban Hua that you also like her.

You are the richest and most handsome boy in the class.

In this way, Banhua will pay special attention to you.

The two slowly came to feel.

Why do many boys pursue girls first with her girlfriends?
It is to let his best friend speak well of him in front of the girl he likes, so as to plant an anchor for the girl.

Su Mengwen encouraged Ye Duan to pursue Qin Miaofei, and praised Ye Duan in front of Qin Miaofei.

It also gave them some kind of psychological hint.

So the way the two looked at each other changed.

Especially Qin Miaofei, who was completely attracted by Ye Duan.

Whether it's his handsome and elegant appearance, or his status as the richest man in Shanghai, his compassionate heart to do good deeds, and his calm and magnanimous mind.

It made Qin Miaofei feel that he is an excellent man.

No woman can resist such a man?

The seeds of affection have been planted in Qin Miaofei's heart unknowingly...

But she won't take the initiative to do something, because she knows that the boss has a girlfriend, so she won't meddle in other people's feelings.

This is a matter of principle!
Ye Duan has feelings for Qin Miaofei.

Mainly attracted by her unique temperament and his curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Pretty girls are everywhere these days.

For Ye Duan, beautiful women are not a scarce resource.

He already has a fairy-like Ding Xueer.

Ye Duan was not lying when he said that he was face-blind.

Qin Miaofei was able to attract Ye Duan's attention not because of her beautiful appearance, but because of her sense of mystery.

But Ye Duan is not a casual person.

So he did not take the initiative to attack Qin Miaofei.

No, just as Qin Miaofei left, Ye Duan also went out.

I went to find Xiaodi.

When I arrived at Xiaodi's room, she had just finished taking a shower.

The bursts of fragrance emanating from his body made Ye Duan's body, which had just cooled down, warm up again.

"Xiao Di, you smell so good."

Ye Duan smelled it.

Xiao Di also blushed, and said coquettishly, "Brother, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, let me teach you knowledge."

"You are so bad, you say that kind of stupid talk outside in broad daylight, which makes people not in the mood for filming."

"Haha, do you want me to teach you this afternoon?"

"No! Brother Ye, I don't want to make movies anymore."

Xiao Di said, walked to the bed and sat down.

Ye Duan asked puzzledly: "Why? Did you not enjoy the filming of this movie?"

Xiao Di shook his head.

"No, I feel that I am not suitable for making movies. I still want to make TV dramas. It feels much easier than making movies."

"It's not bad to make a TV series, but you can also make a movie at the same time. I'll find a few film directors and ask them to arrange a few female lead Dangdang for you. Don't you believe my brother's strength?"

"Brother Ye, of course I believe in you, but I'm really not suitable for making movies."

Xiao Di lay sideways on Ye Duan's lap, and continued: "Director Zhang Li chatted with me for a while at the dinner party, and he also felt that I was not suitable for filming, and he wanted me to play the lead actress in his new play. "

"Since Director Zhang Li said the same thing, then I support you to make a TV series, and bring back all the Feitian Awards, Golden Eagle Awards, and Magnolia Awards."

"Brother Ye, stop joking, how can it be so easy to win the prize?"

"Hey, my brother never brags, just follow my brother and make sure you get the prize and get soft, and become the first sister of Huaxia TV drama."

"It doesn't matter whether you win the prize or not, as long as I can see you, I will be very happy."

Xiao Di said again: "Brother, I really want to film with you. It would be great if you also became an actor."

"Why, did you get jealous when you saw me kissing with Xue'er?"

"I'm not jealous, I'm just thinking..."

"What are you thinking?"

Ye Duan asked.

Xiao Di said shyly: "I was thinking, if only you kissed me..."

"What's so difficult about it, I'll satisfy you now."

"No, you can't take the initiative to make mistakes. You can only have one girlfriend, have you forgotten?"

"Okay, let's just be friends."

Ye Duan was very helpless.


Ye Duan accidentally overslept.

Xiao Di looked at his phone and saw that it was past eight o'clock, and he couldn't help shouting: "Oh brother, if you are late, you will definitely be scolded by the director."

"Don't worry baby, with brother here, who dares to scold you?"

The two slept for a while.

Had breakfast happily.

Then we took a car together to go to the cinema to film.

Walking to the gate of the studio, Qin Miaofei led several employees to distribute leaflets.

Ye Duan asked the driver to stop and rolled down the window to greet her.

"Manager Qin, you started work so early, don't be tired?"

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your concern. I plan to implement the group performance happy fund as soon as possible, so that I can live up to the boss' expectations."

Ye Duan took a single page and looked at it, and found that it was a simplified version of the group performance happy fund implementation plan.

The content is very easy to understand.

As long as you can read, you can basically understand what it means.

To put it simply, if extra performers need help, go to the Happy Fund.

If extras are unhappy, go to the Happiness Fund.

"Manager Qin, you have done a good job. I will send you a big red envelope after returning to Shanghai."

Ye Duan couldn't help praising Qin Miaofei.

The cultural level of group performances is generally not high.

This single page was made with great care, and it must have taken a lot of work.

Although Manager Qin is not very old, he is very experienced in handling things, and his execution ability is also top-notch.

At noon yesterday, I just came up with the Happy Group Performance Fund. Manager Qin worked out the implementation plan in the evening, and started distributing the leaflets this morning.

This efficiency is absolutely leveraged!
No wonder several big directors praised her as their right-hand man, she is worthy of the name.

Qin Miaofei was also very happy to get Ye Duan's affirmation.

He smiled and said, "Thank you boss."

There was a sweet smile on the small face, which looked so pleasing to the eye.

If it wasn't for Xiaodi by his side, Ye Duan really wanted to take a few more glances.

It's not because he's a scumbag, but because men are born with this bad habit.

I can't move when I see a beautiful woman!

There are videos to testify, whether it is a one-year-old milk baby or an 80-year-old uncle, they all have this virtue.

Nine out of ten men are bad, and the remaining one is not bad, but too hypocritical.

It was obviously bad, but he held back and didn't say anything.

So I became a eunuch...

After Ye Duan left in the car, he couldn't help taking a few glances at Qin Miaofei in the rearview mirror.

This kind of beautiful and capable beauty is so lovable.

Her intoxicating smile just now was too impressive.

Wenwen was right, it would be a pity if Manager Qin was handed over to someone else.

It's like flowers stuck in cow dung!
I really want to take Manager Qin under my command...

Ye Duan was daydreaming, and soon arrived at the crew of "Your Youth".

As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by a group of extras.

"Everyone...what's the matter?"

Ye Duan was confused, unable to understand the situation.

A group performer came forward and said, "Boss Ye, we all want to come over to thank you, thank you for thinking about our group performances, giving us benefits and red envelopes, thank you so much."

Ye Duan recognized it, and it was the young man who spoke at noon yesterday.

Also immediately understood what was going on.

They must have seen the leaflet issued by Manager Qin and learned about the group performance happy fund.

That's why I came here to thank myself.

Ye Duan waved to the crowd and said, "You are welcome. The group performers are also actors and deserve to be respected. The Happy Fund just wants to make everyone's lives more joyful. I hope you can be happy actors in Hengdian."

When the group performers heard this, they burst into cheers.

"Thank you, Boss Ye!"

"Boss Ye is a great man!"

"God bless you!"

"I wish Boss Ye will give birth to a son soon, and the house will be full of children and grandchildren!"

"Long live Boss Ye!"


The crowd boiled over.

Who the hell wouldn't be happy when encountering such a good thing like a pie in the sky?

If the family has difficulties, they can apply for assistance.

There are students at home who are studying and can apply for bursaries.

If you have a patient at home, you can apply for medical benefits.

There are elderly people over the age of 65 in the family who can apply for pensions.

If you are not happy, you can also scan the QR code to receive red envelopes.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

Pick up a few cents and a few dollars of wool every day.

It's so delicious!

The group performers were all overjoyed. In their eyes, Ye Duan was the God of Wealth who gave them money.

They all want to rush to worship.

(End of this chapter)

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