Chapter 194 Start Filming

Xiao Di was also very happy beside him, staring at his man obsessively.

The admiration in my heart has already flooded.

Brother Ye is really amazing, he is the focus of attention wherever he goes.

The great officials in Xinjiang respected him as a distinguished guest, and the great directors also surrounded him.

Now the group performers are also grateful to him, shouting long live.

Such a man is truly unique!

I am so lucky to be with him, so lucky!

Xiao Di was intoxicated by the cheers and couldn't extricate herself...

There are more and more group performances coming here especially, which has already affected the filming.

Ye Duan had no choice but to persuade them to disperse.

"Everyone, let's go, let's go, go back and film well."

Then everyone left slowly.

When Ye Duan came to the set, Ding Xueer also flew over immediately, regardless of the eyes of others.

Get into the arms of the uncle.

"Uncle, you are amazing!"

Ding Xueer and the others saw the scene just now clearly.

The worship and admiration for Ye Duan is like the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky.

Although she is young, she is ignorant of many things.

But she knew very well in her heart that the uncle is someone who can be entrusted to her for life!

There is light in his eyes and love in his heart.

This is enough!

Ye Duan also felt a little embarrassed being hugged by Ding Xueer.

"Smelly girl, there are so many people watching, and you don't know how to be ashamed, so let go of your hand."

"Enh~ Uncle, let me hug you for a while, I really admire you now, why are you so good, everyone should thank you?"

"Hey, because I'm handsome."

"I just like your handsomeness, hehe~ the more you look, the more handsome you are~"

Ding Xueer tilted her head and looked at her uncle, her big eyes flickering.

Cute and playful.

Let Ye Duan feel crisp in his heart.

This pink and tender face can almost squeeze out water.

I really want to bite the little fairy.

Definitely delicious.

In a few days, you will be able to eat it, hehe, I don’t know what the little fairy tastes like.

It must taste delicious...

Ye Duan put his arms around Ding Xueer, smelled her body fragrance, and thought wildly.

A group of people in the production team had already eaten enough dog food, so they simply chose to ignore it, and Xiao Di also went to the dressing room to put on makeup.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

As soon as Ye Duan answered the phone, he heard Qin Miaofei's urgent voice.

"It's not good, Mr. Ye, someone is looking for trouble at the gate of the film and television city, and blocked the gate."

"Manager Qin, don't worry, protect yourself first, and I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Duan took Ding Xueer to the director's studio.

Said to Han Han: "Brother Han Han, you guys shoot first, I have something to deal with, and I will be back in a while."

After speaking, Ye Duan jumped into a car of the crew.

He galloped towards the gate of the film and television city.

Ye Duan thought that Qin Miaofei was being bullied.

Then he rushed to the gate of the film and television city in a hurry.

It is planned to stage a play in which the hero saves the beauty.

When he got there, he was dumbfounded.

I saw a few people who looked like street gangsters kneeling at the gate, surrounded by crowd like monkeys.

Ye Duan took a closer look and found that the person kneeling in the middle was not someone else.

It was Zheng Guanxi, the former general manager of the film and television city!

Is this what is going on?
Why is it different from what I imagined?

When everyone saw Ye Duan coming, they cheered immediately.

The God of Wealth is here, can they be unhappy?
Qin Miaofei also hurried over to report on her work.

"Mr. Ye, just now these people drove two cars and blocked the gate of the film and television city."

"Why did they block the door like this? Who tied them up?"

Ye Duan looked puzzled.

I originally wanted a hero to save the beauty, but it seems that I have no chance.

Qin Miaofei quickly explained: "It was the group performers who found out about this and rushed over from all directions to tie up the bastards."

"That's right, but what about the security guards in the film and television city?"

"I called the security captain a long time ago, but I haven't seen anyone yet, and the security guards at the scene don't know where they went."

Ye Duan had guessed what was going on.

The security captain is probably from Zheng Guanxi, and may even be his relative.

This guy has been in the film and television city for many years, so he must have placed a lot of his own people.

As the saying goes: one person attains the Tao and the chicken dog ascends to heaven.

There is a TV series that said that when a man became an official, he took all the dogs in his village to be police dogs.

Zheng Guanxi is definitely no exception. I don't know how many people he has arranged in the film and television city.

The security captain hasn't shown up yet, it must have been arranged by Zheng Guanxi in advance.

That being the case, throw them out together.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan ordered Qin Miaofei: "Manager Qin, find someone to investigate, find out all the relatives of Zheng Guanxi among the employees of the film and television city, and reassign them positions according to their real abilities. Those who are willing to stay in the film and television city will be Work hard, and if you don't want to, get out immediately."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I'll deal with it right away."

"Also, call the security captain and tell him to pack up and leave immediately, and then recruit some security guards from the extras to add to the security team."

"The group performers are security guards, can they still apply for the Happy Fund?"

Qin Miaofei was worried that the group performers would not be willing to be security guards, because if they did not perform group performances, they would lose their actor certificates.

The Group Performing Happiness Fund must have an actor certificate to apply.

Now being a group performer is much more attractive than being a security guard.

Ye Duan replied without thinking: "Of course, the security guards can also apply for the Happy Fund. Anyone who works in the film and television city can apply."

"Mr. Ye, I know what to do."

Ye Duan was discussing things with Qin Miaofei.

Suddenly, bursts of cheers were heard from the crowd.

When the two walked over to see it, they were also instantly stunned.

I saw Zheng Guanxi being thrown into a pickup truck full of feces.

The whole body was sunk in the hitchhiker, only a big head full of filth was exposed.

He was screaming, shouting for help.

"Let me out, heroes, spare me..."

The onlookers were already filled with righteous indignation. Zheng Guanxi did a lot of bad things when he was the manager of the film and television city in the past. Now that a God of Wealth finally came, Zheng Guanxi, a bastard, dared to make trouble.

If the new boss is run away, wouldn't the 10 billion group performance fund be ruined?Who will send money to themselves?
So everyone pointed at Zheng Guanxi's nose and cursed.

"Stinky you bastard, when you were the boss, you squeezed even the hard-earned money of our extras, now if you want us to let you go, you are lifting a ladder to the sky - no way!"

"You bastard, we went into this door to film a movie, and you charged us 5 yuan each to enter the door. The money went into your own pocket, and you have to spit it all out to us today!"

"Your Zheng Guanxi is worse than Zhen Guanxi in Water Margin, you deserve to eat shit."

"Zheng Guanxi, eat poop!"

"Zheng Guanxi, eat poop!"


The crowd was also passionate, shouting for Zheng Guanxi to eat shit.

Zheng Guanxi's guy is stuck in the hitchhiker, and he's complaining that every day should not be done, and that the ground is not working.

The prestige of the past was completely overwhelmed by the extras.

Seeing Zheng Guanxi's appearance, the thugs he called were already frightened and knelt down begging for mercy with their heads in their hands.

Ye Duan was about to be fumigated, so he hurriedly asked Zheng Guanxi to be dragged away.

The guy was sitting in the dung cart, crying all the way.

How embarrassing and embarrassing it is.

Qin Miaofei called a sprinkler and washed the open space in front of the gate several times.

After such a commotion, the air in the entire film and television city smelled.

After things settled down.

Ye Duan went back to the hotel to take a shower and changed into new clothes.

Only then did he return to the crew to continue acting as a stand-in.

He is going back to Shanghai tomorrow, so today he has to finish filming all the scenes in Hengdian.

Due to the heavy workload, the filming continued into the evening.

The last scene was a bed scene.

Jun Yi, played by Ye Duan, has returned from the front line.

Shuzhen played by Ding Xueer has been waiting for him for three years.

The Anti-Japanese War was won, and Junyi no longer had to go to the front line, so Shuzhen planned to use her body to reward him.

"Brother Junyi, I will never let you go again, I want to be with you..."

"I'm not going this time, and I'll never go again."

The hands of the two were tightly held together.

Shuzhen boiled Junyi's bath water and helped him take a bath.

Taking off his clothes, he saw that Junyi was covered with scars.

Shuzhen's hand gently stroked the scar, and two lines of tears flowed down silently.

She is distressed.

After Junyi took a shower, Shuzhen threw herself into his arms.

Ye Duan picked up Ding Xueer and put her on the bed in the bedroom.

The lights dimmed.

Ding Xueer held Ye Duan tightly and did not let go.

"Brother Junyi, don't go..."

Ye Duan nodded, and leaned down to kiss Ding Xueer.

The lights were dimmer.

The two got into the curtain of the bed.

The camera is aimed at the bed curtain, but nothing can be captured.

Inside the bed curtain, Ye Duan kisses Ding Xueer frantically.

Both are immersed in the drama.

I want to release all the pain of lovesickness for three years.

Ye Duan is almost a fake show.

Kissed her affectionately.


Ding Xueer spoke softly, extremely shy.

This is just filming, but the uncle actually came for the real thing.

There are still a group of people watching outside, if they see a little bit, wouldn't they be ashamed to death?
Ding Xueer wanted to push Ye Duan away, but she couldn't.

"Shuzhen, I love you!"

Ye Duan is still immersed in the role he plays.

He didn't know what was going on, as if he couldn't control his brain at all.

In fact, it's because his acting skills are so good.

Once you enter the role, you will be immersed in it and cannot extricate yourself.

Unless the director calls Cut, he can be woken up.

Ding Xueer gave up resisting.

Maybe the uncle wants to use the characters in the movie to express his love for himself.

Just let him go.

Ding Xueer completely forgot that this was filming.


Because of the existence of "Duxiuer" performance proficiency.

Ye Duan was so engrossed in the plot that he couldn't get out, and he completely regarded himself as the hero.

Lying on the body of the heroine played by Ding Xueer, she releases the pain of lovesickness for three years.

The little fairy was about to fall.

"Uncle, don't~"

Ding Xueer woke up instantly, and pushed Ye Duan away.

This time she was very strong.

Ye Duan also woke up immediately, and quickly said, "I'm sorry Xue'er, I didn't mean it."

"Bad uncle, you must be pretending to be real and taking the opportunity to bully me."

"I'm wronged, little fairy, I'm really too involved, and who made your skin so slippery, I can't stop at all."

"Hmph~ You coaxed me again."

"Try again if you don't believe me?"

As Ye Duan said, he wanted to kiss the little fairy's white rabbit again.

Ding Xueer hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I believe you can't do it?"

The two finished talking quietly.

I tidied up my clothes and got out of bed.

Ding Xueer blushed with shame and dared not go out.

After staying in there with uncle for so long, I will definitely be laughed at by Sister Xiaodi and the others.

"Uncle, I'm ashamed to go out~"

"It's okay, I'll go out and drive them away first."

Ye Duan walked out of the bed curtain, and found that there was no one outside, and the camera and other shooting equipment were gone.

So the little fairy was pulled out.

"Uncle, where have they all gone?"

Ding Xueer was also curious.

Ye Duan said with a smirk: "It is estimated that the two of us made too much noise and scared them away."

"Ah? It's all your fault. You tried your best to take advantage of me. This is really embarrassing~"

"It's okay, anyway, they all know you are mine."

Ye Duan took the opportunity to kiss the little fairy again.

Ding Xueer pouted, and gave the uncle a supercilious look.

Also bursting with cuteness.

At this time, Xiao Di came in and said with a smile, "Why are you two still here? The director has called it over."

"Sister Xiaodi, when did the director call it off?" Ding Xueer asked quickly.

"As soon as you entered, you yelled to stop, but you didn't come out. The director thought you two were too tired from filming and were resting inside, so he didn't call you."

"Oh, we were indeed a little tired and took a rest inside."

Ding Xueer breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at Ye Duan shyly.

Reminds me of the happy times just now...

According to the plan, this is Ye Duan's last night in Hengdian.

He will take a private plane back to Shanghai early the next morning.

There are two urgent matters waiting for him to deal with.

The first one is the 20th anniversary celebration of the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine.

The second is to prepare a birthday present for the little fairy.

Ding Xueer, Xiaodi and others will stay and continue filming for three days.

"Uncle, I don't want you to go~"

After dinner.

Ding Xueer held Ye Duan's hand and was unwilling to go back to the room.

"I don't want to go either, I haven't kissed my sweetheart enough yet."

"Hate~bad uncle, just thinking about how to bully me."

"Hey, don't you want to? I can see it clearly tonight."

Ye Duan's words made Ding Xue'er blush.

Like a ripe strawberry, it is delicate and charming.

He didn't actually see anything tonight because there was no light inside the curtain.

It was impossible to see clearly.

But his lips could feel that the little fairy had already matured.

Ding Xueer seemed to understand but half understood.

It was dark inside the bed curtain, what did the uncle see.

So he asked, "Uncle, what did you see?"

"I saw evidence that you want to be with me."

"What evidence?"

"That evidence, haha."

Ye Duan couldn't bear it anymore, so he burst out laughing.

The little fairy understood completely this time, and raised her fist to hit the uncle.

"Enhmm~ It's shameful, I ignore you..."

Ding Xueer wanted to leave, but Ye Duan held her back: "Let uncle kiss you again."

The little fairy's pink face was kissed by the uncle.

Feel both shy and sweet.

Ye Duan was dumbfounded by the shyness of not knowing the world.

The little fairies have really grown up and it's time to pick them.

The two hugged each other for a while, and then went back to their rooms.

As soon as Ye Duan entered the house, someone knocked on the door.

It was Qin Miaofei who came.

(End of this chapter)

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