Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 198 The Compassionate Little Cook

Chapter 198 The Compassionate Little Cook
Looking at the words on the emerald, Liu Qian was so excited that tears were about to come out, and a feeling of happiness filled her heart.

The owner did not forget to bring a gift for himself when he was away on business for a few days.

And it's such a romantic gift.

My heart is about to melt.

So happy.

So happy!

"Let me put it on for you."

Ye Duan put the jade pendant on Liu Qian's beautiful neck.

The conch girl is even more radiant.

Ye Duan couldn't help but praised: "Qianbao, you are so beautiful!"

Liu Qian also lowered her head shyly, her pink face became more and more rosy.

Qin Miaofei who was on the side was almost dying of envy.

Also depressed to death.

After returning to Shanghai, I ate a stomach full of dog food.

The boss deserves to be a winner in life.

As soon as the private plane landed, there was such a beautiful big beauty to pick it up.

This girl named "Qianbao" is also really happy.

The boss is so busy in Hengdian, he still has time to choose such a creative and romantic gift for her.

What girl wouldn't be delighted to receive such a gift?

If I can receive such a thoughtful gift, I will definitely jump for joy.

But the boss is really ruthless.

Just now he was making himself happy on the plane, but when he got off the plane and saw his girlfriend, he threw himself out of the sky.

Men, men, are they all so unreliable?

No wonder some people say that men are reliable and sows can climb trees.

It's true!

Fortunately, I didn't fall in love with my boss, otherwise I must be the one who got hurt.

Qin Miaofei looked at Ye Duan and Liu Qianxiu's affection, and couldn't help thinking wildly in her heart.

"Qianbao, let's go home."

"Alright Brother Ye."

Ye Duan took Liu Qian's hand and got into her Ferrari sports car.

Qin Miaofei was completely forgotten.

"Boss, go slowly."

Qin Miaofei held back her anger and bid farewell to the boss.

Only then did Ye Duan think of his manager Qin, and scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Miaofei, this car can only accommodate two people, you can go back by yourself, I will give you a day off today, go home and have a good rest. "

"thank you boss."

Watching the boss leave in the car, Qin Miaofei felt empty.

After working for a long time, the boss didn't notice his existence at all.

I was so stupid, I almost thought my boss liked me.

It's better to die this heart.

In the future, except for work, I will never see him again.

Qin Miaofei left the airport listlessly.

I was very excited and high on the plane just now, and suddenly fell to freezing point.

Like a deflated ball.

The whole person is limp, unable to raise a little energy.

Ye Duan followed Liu Qian and returned to Jiangjing No. [-] in Zhongliang.

When we arrived at Miss Conch's house, there was already water in the bathtub.

Ye Duan immediately took off his clothes and took a nice hot bath.

Even if you live in the presidential suite outside, it's not as comfortable as your own home.

As soon as the conch girl came back, she got into the kitchen and began to prepare lunch for her master.

After Ye Duan took a bath, Liu Qian's lunch was also ready.

"Master, it's time to eat."

"Wow! It's so rich! It's my conch girl who can do it."

Ye Duan looked at the sumptuous lunch on the dining table, and couldn't stop eating Conch Girl in large quantities.

Ye Duan looked at the sumptuous lunch on the dining table, and couldn't stop eating Conch Girl in large quantities.

Liu Qian blushed and dodged around.

Miss Conch was a little shy after not seeing her owner for a few days.

The two sat side by side and ate together.

Liu Qian kept adding vegetables to Ye Duan: "Master, eat more, are you tired from being outside these days?"

"Tired but not tired, I just miss you all, especially my conch girl, I really miss you."

Liu Qian couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard the words.

The master really cared about himself the most.

"We miss you very much too. As soon as Sister Wenwen came back, Sister Lin and I went to find her to inquire about you."

"Hey, you guys didn't fight when I was away, right?"

"Of course not. Our sisters are fine if you're not here. We've even played cards together twice in the past few days."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you sisters have a pretty good time. It seems that I am redundant. I will continue to travel in two days."

Ye Duan's words frightened Miss Conch.

The face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy.

Jiao Didi pouted and said, "No, master, don't go on a business trip in the future, you don't even know how much I miss you..."

"Of course I know, Qianbao is my little boy, so I don't want to go on a business trip."

The two also had a sweet meal.

"Qianbao, the food you cook is still delicious."

After Ye Duan finished his meal, he continued to praise Conch Girl's craftsmanship.

Liu Qian just cleaned up the dining table and washed the pots in the kitchen, feeling elated.

"Of course, I am the master's little cook."

"Little cook? That's a good name, beautiful little cook, let the master kiss you."

"No, you can't kiss me, don't make a foul."

Liu Qian hurriedly dodged.

Ye Duan had no choice but to give up, staring at the beautiful little cook in a daze...

Ye Duan had dinner at Miss Conch's house.

After a short rest, I was ready to go out.

"Qianbao, I'm going to the magazine office. The 20th anniversary celebration is going to be held tomorrow. I'll go see how the preparations are going."

"Okay master, hurry up, sister Pingping must miss you very much."

"Hey, you won't be jealous when I go to find Pingping, will you?"

"Of course I won't be jealous, hee hee~"

Ye Duan was overjoyed upon hearing this.

He changed his shoes and left.

When I arrived at the "Silk Road Beauty" magazine, the door of the editor's room was not closed.

Ye Duan stood at the door and looked inside for a while, only to see that He Shiping was lying at the desk and working hard.

One call after another came in and went in.

The appearance of the female apprentice working hard also has a special charm.

After a while, He Shiping's phone finally stopped.

dong dong dong...

Ye Duan knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

When He Shiping spoke, she was still working with her head down.

Ye Duan went in and closed the door, and came to the apprentice.

Only then did He Shiping feel that something was wrong, and when she looked up, it was the master who had come.

Also overjoyed.

He got up and threw himself into the arms of the master.

Shouted: "Master~ When did you come back? I miss you so much~"

"I just came back in the morning. I changed my clothes when I went home and came to see you."

"Master, please give me a kiss~"

"No, I can't kiss, it will be a foul if I kiss."


He Shiping hugged her master and asked for a kiss, but was rejected.

Ye Duan poked her in the head: "You little monster, you are still the same, you don't know how to be ashamed at all."

"Hmm~ I miss you~~"

He Shiping put her arms around her master and acted coquettishly.

After not seeing her master for a few days, she was about to collapse.

I am very tired from work every day, and I really want to be comforted by my master.

Now that the master is back, He Shiping can't hold back the impulse in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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