Chapter 199

Ye Duan touched her face, and asked maliciously: "Do you want to kiss, or do you want to?"

"Hate~bad master, everyone wants to~"


"Of course, I miss you so much, I don't want to wait for a minute."

He Shiping is indeed a very proactive woman.

The words are very straightforward.

Not beating around the bush at all, not procrastinating.

Ye Duan is very aware of his apprentice's temper, but he cannot satisfy her request.

"You greedy little fox, the master just came back from a business trip, and I don't know how to let the master take a break."

Ye Duan turned around and lay down on the sofa.

He Shiping also followed: "Master, then you can lie here."

"Okay, okay, I will listen to you today."

"Hmph, big villain! I knew you thought so, and you asked me to bring it up every time. How can there be a master like you?"

He Shiping actually saw through the master's evil idea.

But she is Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

He Shiping murmured and asked, "Master, don't you miss me at all?"

"I do, of course I do."

"Then why are you indifferent?"

"I can't help it. I can only have one girlfriend now, and that is Ding Xueer. You are all my female subordinates, understand?"

Ye Duan didn't lie.

That's the way it is now.

"You won't lie to me, master?"

He Shiping didn't believe it.

I am so good-looking, the master will not be tempted.

But Ye Duan did not move.


After half an hour.

Ye Duan took out the jade pendant in his pocket and gave it to He Shiping.

Like the jade pendant given to Liu Qian, this jade pendant is also engraved with the words: Duan ~ Ping.

"What a beautiful jade pendant, thank you master."

He Shiping was very happy.

He took out the jade pendant and put it on.

Ye Duan also had a smile on his face.

My thoughts were finally not in vain.

In fact, these jadeite pendants were prepared before going to Hengdian.

It is Yeduan who specially finds a jade manufacturer to customize, and cuts it from a whole big stone.

Each jade pendant sells for 70 yuan.

The style is basically the same, but the engraved characters are different.

After the pendant was delivered, Ye Duan just went to Hengdian, so he gave it to them as a gift.

He Shiping put on the jade pendant and took a picture in front of the mirror.

Took a few more selfies.

I can't put it down, I am happier than receiving a sports car.

Because the words engraved on it are extraordinary.

He Shiping came to Ye Duan wearing the jade pendant: "Master, is it pretty?"

"Looks good, Pingping is the most beautiful."

Ye Duan's simple words of love captured the heart of his apprentice.

A flower bloomed on He Shiping's face.

The two took a break and talked about work.

"Pingping, how are the preparations for the 20th anniversary celebration going?"

"Don't worry, master, everything is ready. We have invited more than 800 artists in total. Sister Lin and Sister Wenwen helped me arrange the check-in of the artists. They are now at the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater. We will find them later. They, let you check your work by the way."

"Good job Pingping! After this event is over, I will reward you well and give you a big gift."

"Master~ I don't want any big gifts, as long as I can work under you, I am willing to do anything."

He Shiping looked at the master obediently.

In an instant, it turned into a little sheep, which is very cute.

Ye Duan joked: "In that case, why not give me to you, okay Pingping?"

"Hee hee~ Alright master, but you have such a big appetite, I'm afraid I won't be able to support you."

"I'm not a big eater. In fact, I'm easy to take care of. Just let me eat some fruit every day."

Ye Duan smiled badly.

It made He Shiping purse her mouth: "Master~ You took advantage of me again~"

"Hey, Master is just joking."

The master and apprentice fought again.

Only then did I drive to the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater.

Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen are setting up the scene there.

Make final preparations for the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girl on the Silk Road".

Ye Duan and his apprentice He Shiping went to the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater.

Before arriving at the place, I saw advertisements for the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girls on the Silk Road" on the street lamp bulletin boards on both sides of the road.

Looking over one by one, it is also very imposing.

Ye Duan was very satisfied: "Pingping, this advertisement is well done."

"It's Sister Wenwen's idea. Sister Wenwen and Sister Lin have helped me a lot this time. Without them, I would definitely be caught blind."

"Hey, there's more power in numbers."

Ye Duan was even more surprised when the two arrived at the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater.

I saw that there were huge billboards and a partition made of flowers all around the Grand Theater.

The colorful flags are fluttering on the square in front of the Grand Theater, and you can tell at a glance that a grand event will be held here.

Huge magazine covers surrounded the main road of the Grand Theater.

The selections are all the popular covers of "Girls on the Silk Road" in the past.

Each cover is as high as a story.

It looked spectacular.

He Shiping smiled and asked the master: "Master, what do you think?"

"Sa! It's so sassy!"

Ye Duan gave a thumbs up and praised repeatedly.

He Shiping held back her mouth for a while: "It looks good, but it also cost a lot of money."

"Don't feel bad about money. If one hundred million is not enough, I will give you another one hundred million. The most important thing that master needs is money."

"One hundred million is definitely not enough to spend. Master, don't show off your wealth, OK? Now everyone doesn't know that you are the richest man in Shanghai, and no one here is richer than you."

"OKOK, master, keep a low profile in the future, keep a low profile."

Ye Duan took He Shiping's hand, stepped on the red carpet, and entered the grand theater.

The event site is basically set up.

Compared with the outside, the inside of the Grand Theater is also more luxurious.

In terms of stage, lighting, display and other hardware, it is comparable to the Spring Festival Gala.

Both Lin Meishuang and Su Mengwen are busy here.

Seeing Ye Duan and He Shiping coming, they hurriedly greeted them.

Ye Duan took the initiative to say hello to the two: "Shuang'er, Wenwen, you have worked hard these few days."

Lin Meishuang pulled Su Mengwen to her, and said to Ye Duan, "I'm not very busy, it's Wenwen who helped Pingping a lot before and after the run."

"Wenwen has always been very capable, this time she really worked hard."

As Ye Duan said, he looked at his female subordinate.

I feel sorry for her.

In the past two days, Wenwen has really worked hard, and she has to run back and forth when she is not feeling well.

From Shanghai to Hengdian, and from Hengdian back to Shanghai.

No matter how capable a woman is, she is probably exhausted.

After I've been busy for a while, I must make it up to her.

Several people walked around the venue again.

He Shiping briefly introduced tomorrow's arrangements: "Master, the 20th anniversary celebration is scheduled to start at 5:20 pm tomorrow. Because there are many artists coming, it will take a long time to walk the red carpet. It is estimated to take about two hours."

Ye Duan nodded and said, "You can let artists walk the red carpet together in small groups, which can save a lot of time."

"I've already discussed this with Sister Lin. Tomorrow, according to the wishes of the artists, they will be allowed to combine freely."

He Shiping continued: "The official start time of the celebration is 7:20 p.m., and it will be broadcast live on Modu TV, and the webcast will start at 5 p.m...."

After listening to the introduction of the apprentice.

Ye Duan felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

So I was going to invite some beauties to dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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