Chapter 201 You Are So Handsome Today!
Ye Duan is in a good mood.

Yang Bingyue smiled shyly, and continued: "After deducting the payable taxes and working capital, a total of 12 billion profits were received last month."

"so little?"

Ye Duan felt a little surprised.

The combined assets of several companies are hundreds of billions, so how can they make such a small profit.

"Yueyue, did you miss a zero?"

Yang Bingyue quickly explained: "Brother Duan is already quite a few. In a city as big as Shanghai, with so many giant companies, there are only a dozen or so companies with annual net profits exceeding [-] billion."

"Damn it! Looking at it this way, our family can also enter the top 20."

Ye Duan hugged Yang Bingyue in his arms, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat.

It's true!

It's better to be the sister of the system. Seeing that she is poor, she rewarded her with a "good luck life system".

Now it has been upgraded to level six, and the income is 60 yuan per second, which is nearly 20 billion yuan a year.

More profitable than most listed companies.

Let's complete the task of the system sister first, and invest 1000 billion charity funds.

You can get 1000 billion Chinese currency + 1000 billion US currency.

This reward alone can instantly kill the richest man in China.

No matter how hard you work, becoming the richest man in the world is not a dream!

Ye Duan regained his energy in an instant.

"Yueyue, you are my lucky fruit."

"Brother Duan~"

Yang Bingyue was shy, her little face was blushing...

the next day.

The leaf segments are also a bit lackluster.

So I slept late and didn't get up until twelve o'clock at noon.

Just eat it together for breakfast and lunch.

Then they rushed to the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater.

He Shiping, Su Mengwen, Yang Bingyue, Qin Miaofei and others.

Already busy at the scene.

After Ye Duan arrived, apprentice He Shiping hurried over and said, "Master, I have two things to tell you, one good and one bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

"You have also learned this trick, let's talk about good things first."

"The good thing is that "Times Basha" magazine has admitted its cowardice and canceled today's Girls' Day star night event."

Hearing this, Ye Duan was not surprised.

"As expected, more than 800 artists have come to participate in our event. If they don't cancel, will the old woman Tian Bichi walk the red carpet alone. What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that Xiaodi won't come to tonight's event."

"Huh? Why?"

Ye Duan is very curious.

Mingming asked Liu Qian to arrange a private plane to pick her and Ding Xueer.

Why don't you come?

Brother Hanhan won't let her come back either.

He Shiping explained: "It seems that her agency has something to do, so they sent someone to Hengdian and let her fly to Kyoto directly."


Ye Duan's first reaction was that there was a ghost in it.

Xiao Di was filming a movie during this time, so how could he go to Kyoto if he was doing well?

Even if something happened, why did it happen today?
And the brokerage company sent people to Hengdian.

Ye Duan decided to investigate.

But let's prepare for tonight's event first. Although it's a pity to lose Xiaodi, we should focus on the overall situation.

"Pingping, go get busy first, it's fine if Xiao Di can't come."

He Shiping nodded and left.

Ye Duan also started to look around.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the media entered the venue one after another.

Modu TV sent a strong camera team and editing lineup.

From both sides of the outdoor red carpet, to all directions in the theater, around the stage and in the air, there are cameras all over.

The live broadcast command room is located in the small theater next door.

The celebration can be broadcast to the whole of China in real time through Modu TV.

Artists also rushed to Shanghai from all over the country and stayed in various hotels.

In order to make it easier for artists to rush to the venue, they are also afraid that too many vehicles will cause congestion on the roads around the Grand Theater.

This time, a chartered car will be used to transport the artists directly from the hotel to the venue.

Ye Duan found Su Mengwen and asked, "Wenwen, has the bus to pick up the star been arranged? What time does it leave?"

"Brother Duan, all 60 buses and 100 commercial vehicles are in place. They are waiting in the parking lot of the hotel where the artists go down the tower. They will depart on time according to the distance of the route."

Ye Duan nodded, and then said: "The entertainers have to go through the red carpet, and when they arrive in the big theater, they have to be well received so that they don't find their seats."

"Don't worry, Brother Duan, I have arranged more than 800 waiters from five-star hotels, and they will guide the artists to their seats in a one-on-one manner."

"Tsk tsk, Wenwen is domineering in her work! Take time to rest for a while, you are not in good health, don't be tired."

"Understood, Brother Duan, thank you for always thinking about me."

Su Mengwen was very moved.

Brother Duan took the trouble to ask a relative over and over again.

In the past ten years, I have visited relatives so many times, except for my mother asking occasionally.

No one else has ever greeted me with care.

Brother Duan has so many things, his status is so noble, and he still cares about himself all the time.

Just because of this thoughtfulness, I didn't follow the wrong person.

In this life, I can meet the boss and follow the boss.

Absolutely worth it!

Lin Meishuang was also busy at the door, welcoming friends from all walks of life who arrived earlier.

Also responsible for docking tonight's guests.

After Ye Duan returned to the magic capital, he hadn't spoken to Lin Meishuang alone.

He took the initiative to come to her.

"Shuang'er, are you tired? Drink some water."

Ye Duan unscrewed a bottle of purified water and handed it to her.

Lin Meishuang took it and took two sips.

He stared at Ye Duan and looked again and again.

It was this person in front of her that made her worry.

From high school until now, there is always only this boy in my heart.

"Thank you, old classmate, you have been in Hengdian for a few days, and you seem to have lost weight."

"No, Shuang'er, you just lost weight, look, your face is gone."

Ye Duan touched her small face.

Lin Meishuang's eye circles instantly turned red.

"It's not tiring. Ever since I came to Shanghai, I never thought that you would go on a business trip. I thought I could see you every day, so after you went out for a few days, my heart was empty..."

"I understand. I will try my best not to go on business in the future, okay?"

Ye Duan gave her some comfort.

He really knows Lin Meishuang very well.

She was originally a weak woman, but she wanted to be alone.

Although she is a big sister, she also needs to be pampered.

At this moment, several friends from the media came, and Lin Meishuang hurried to greet them.

"Hi, hello, thank you for participating in the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girls on the Silk Road". Let me take you in."

Ye Duan continued to patrol the scene.

Walking to the catering supply in the rest area, Ye Duan saw a familiar figure sitting at the table eating dessert.

"Miaofei? Why are you here?"

Ye Duan walked over and sat down beside Qin Miaofei.

I saw the boss coming.

Qin Miaofei was very embarrassed.

I wanted to eat something quietly, but my boss found out.


So he quickly swallowed the dessert in his mouth and explained: "I'm not full at noon, so I'll come over to have something to eat."

"Don't choke, drink some water."

Ye Duan poured a glass of water and handed it to Qin Miaofei.

"Thank you Duan."

Qin Miaofei held the water glass and gulped it down.

I swallowed too fast just now, and I was really a little panicked.

The way he gulps water is completely different from his previous steady style.

Ye Duan couldn't help but smile too.

It seems that Manager Qin did not regard himself as an outsider.

Otherwise, it would not be so informal.

Good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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