Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 202 The event begins, the stars gather!

Chapter 202 The event begins, the stars gather!

When a girl doesn't pay attention to her image, it means that she already regards you as her own in her heart.

It seems that Manager Qin is also a man of temperament.

He said no, but his body was very honest.

Ye Duan deliberately asked: "Miaofei, are you full? Do you want to eat more?"

"No, I'm going to get busy."

Qin Miaofei quickly shook her head and got up to leave.

Seeing her graceful figure, Ye Duan exuded a charming brilliance.

He couldn't help but call out to her from behind: "Miao Fei, wait a minute."

"Is there anything else, Brother Duan?"

Qin Miaofei returned to the boss obediently.

Ye Duan said badly, "You have a great figure."


Qin Miaofei was overwhelmed with shame.

Little blushed, bit her lip, and walked away with small steps.

My heart is also indignant.

The boss is so bad!

Is he praising himself, or is he bullying himself?

Could it be that he really likes himself?

what should I do?

Qin Miaofei's head was full of random thoughts, and she was not in the mood to work.


Ye Duan just returned to the entrance of the theater.

Ding Xueer ran over.

"Xue'er, when did you come back?"

"Just arrived here from the airport, uncle, you look so handsome today~"

"Hey, it's still my little fairy who has eyes, come here and let the uncle hug me."

Ye Duan hugged Ding Xueer happily.

The little girl didn't want to let go.

"Uncle, why don't you hug me for a while~"

It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

There are already crowds of people outside the Grand Theater.

Various media and fan groups, as well as big and small anchors, have already held up cameras, cameras, and mobile phones, and are ready to welcome the stars.

These days, focus means traffic, and traffic means money.

Where there are hot spots, there are anchors!

Artists came one after another.

Waiting in a makeshift waiting area for the 5:20 arrival.

This number does not just mean 520 "I love you".

It also means the 20th anniversary of the publication of "Girls on the Silk Road".

He Shiping stood at the beginning of the red carpet, taking the time to welcome the first batch of artists.

Soon, the auspicious time has come.

The first batch of artists walked on the red carpet, and He Shiping waved to welcome them.

Followed by the second batch, the third batch...

Each batch of artists ranges from three to five to more than ten.

More than 800 artists walked through the red carpet one after another, leaving their names on the sign-in wall at the entrance of the theater.

Basically all first-tier and second-tier stars have arrived.

No matter if they are popular, old or just about to make their mark, all of them are here.

Some even drag their families along.

The child asked innocently: "Daddy, where are we going to participate in Daddy?"

Some male stars also came in groups.

Huang Bobo teased Bao Qiang who was beside him and said, "Brother Bao Qiang, did we come to the wrong place? Shouldn't all beauties be women? Isn't it appropriate for a group of old men to come?"

Shen Tengteng on the side rushed to answer: "Do you understand, this is called cross-dressing, haven't you seen that the cover of "Men's Dress Up" magazine is full of beautiful women?"

"It seems to be the case. I see that the women on the covers of some men's magazines are sexy."

Baoqiang, who is dressed in a suit and leather shoes, still speaks so truthfully.

Due to the large number of people, there is almost no blank space on the sign-in wall.

It is densely packed with the names of artists.

It took nearly two hours just to walk the red carpet.

No way, there are too many artists.

Now that the film and television industry has encountered a cold winter, many artists are staying at home.

Even popular stars don't even have any scenes to shoot.

This can be seen from the number of crews in the film and television city.

At its peak, there were more than 50 crews filming in the film and television city at the same time, but now there are only more than 10 crews.

Many artists have started live broadcasts, hoping to earn some income.

Now that "Girls on the Silk Road" magazine has organized such a big event, it's hard to be able to walk the red carpet once. Who wants to miss this opportunity to show their faces?

The point is that many artists want to use this to get tickets from film and television companies.

The big cake of 200 billion film and television creation fund is really tempting!

If all casts are cast, at least dozens of film and television dramas can be filmed, which means that dozens of crews need actors.

Even if each crew needs 20 professional actors, there are hundreds of places.

Even if you can't get any characters, you can become a donor of 100 loving schools.

Because the boss of the magazine, the richest man, said that he would invest 10 billion yuan to build 100 loving schools.

All artists who participated in the 20th anniversary celebration of "Girls on the Silk Road" magazine will appear on the donation list of 100 loving schools.

Such a good thing, how rare!
So all the entertainers, big and small, came.

While the stars walk the red carpet.

The other main entrance of the Grand Theater also welcomed many heavyweight guests.

Ye Duan and Lin Meishuang greeted here personally.

Ye Duan also met an old acquaintance.

It was both her father's will and her own.

"Miss Jiang, long time no see."

Ye Duan took the initiative to greet this young lady.

Jiang Yuling also smiled and said, "Brother Ye, long time no see."

The two shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, but they were a little at a loss.

They haven't seen each other for a while, and the two of them have become a little different.

"Brother Ye, I'll go in first, let's talk back."

Jiang Yuling stood awkwardly for a minute before walking into the theater.

Ye Duan also welcomed new guests and was busy greeting other guests.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the artists and guests were basically all in place.

There was no confusion during the whole process, everything was in order.

The hundreds of five-star hotel waiters arranged by Su Mengwen played an important role.

They have all received professional training.

There is no problem serving thousands of people at the same time.

At 7:20, the celebration started on time.

Thousands of petals fell from the sky above the grand theater, and the colorful lights illuminated the interior of the theater colorfully.

For a while, all the talents came to the scene, and there was thunderous applause.

The largest fashion event in China's entertainment industry is about to start!
The arrival of more than 800 artists can be said to be unprecedented.

The one who manages all of this is the editor-in-chief of Huaxia's youngest magazine.

He Shiping wore a red dress and stepped onto the stage gracefully.

Officially announce the start of the celebration!
Dozens of cameras aimed at every corner of the theater, and the TV station broadcast live in all directions.

Dozens of media conducted live webcasts.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has repeatedly hit new highs.

By rough estimates, at least 6000 million people watched the festivities on their mobile phones.

The Douyin account of "Beauty on the Silk Road" magazine also broadcast live, adding 10 million followers within 300 minutes.

After the whole event, the number of fans exceeded 1000 million.

Overnight, "Girls on the Silk Road" became the most famous fashion magazine in China.

Crush "Times Basha" under your feet in one fell swoop.

No one thought that an outdated old magazine could invite more than 800 artists.

Too bad!
(End of this chapter)

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