Chapter 209 Ye Duan's Gift

As soon as she walked out of the school gate, Ding Xueer couldn't bear it anymore.

While waiting for the traffic lights.

Lie down on Ye Duan's face and kissed.

"Uncle, I was almost moved to death just now, isn't your birthday gift too scary? My little heart can't take it anymore."

Ding Xueer pouted her lips and stared at Ye Duan bewilderedly.

Very endearing.

Ye Duan pinched her face and said with a smile: "Where are you going now, there are more birthday surprises waiting for you."

"No way? There are still surprises? Uncle, I'm really going to die in your hands today~"

Ding Xueer said.

It is also very much looking forward to.

What will be the uncle's next surprise?

Ye Duan brought Ding Xueer to Modu Film and Television Company.

The general manager, Qin Miaofei, has already prepared everything according to the boss's instructions.

Once in the conference room.

Ding Xueer saw a few old acquaintances.

Two big directors Zhang Yimou and Chen Sicheng were also there.

Ding Xueer followed Ye Duan closely.

I don't know what unexpected things will happen again.

"Uncle, isn't this another birthday surprise you prepared for me?"

"Yes, this is a second birthday present for you."

Hear the uncle's answer.

Ding Xueer began to feel uneasy again.

the second?
Could there be a third one?

Uncle, uncle, are you going to kill me happily?
Qin Miaofei presided over the short meeting: "Dear directors and friends, welcome to Shanghai Magic City Film and Television Company to guide work..."

"Let me announce that Magic City Films has officially signed a contract with Ms. Ding Xueer. Ms. Ding will become our company's first and currently only signed artist. We will provide Ms. Ding with all-round resource support..."

There was thunderous applause in the meeting room.

Ding Xueer was momentarily confused.

Modu Film and Television Company has never signed artists, but he has become the first artist of their company?
With the backing of Modu Film and Television Company.

It's hard not to be popular.

Uncle, this gift is too expensive, right?

Concentrating the resources of the Magic City Film and Television Company to make her popular, this kind of favor can almost crush people to death...

Ding Xueer quickly stood up and thanked Qin Miaofei: "Thank you, Manager Qin, and thank you for the love that Modu Film and Television Company has shown me."

Then he looked at Ye Duan affectionately.

The gratitude is beyond words.

Both eye circles are already red.

If it weren't for the fear of embarrassment due to the crowd, the little fairy would probably have burst into tears on the spot.

Qin Miaofei smiled slightly, and said: "Modu Film and Television Company has reached an agreement with Director Zhang Yimou. Director Zhang will specially create a new movie for Ms. Ding Xueer, and all investment will be borne by Modu Film and Television Company. In addition, Director Chen Sicheng has also made a movie. A decision has been made to invite Ms. Ding Xueer to act as the lead actress in the movie "Detective Chinatown 6."

Ye Duan nodded upon hearing this.

In fact, he did it all by himself.

Ye Duan met director Zhang Yimou yesterday and agreed on a plan to customize a new movie for Ding Xueer.

If you want to make a little fairy popular, you have to use a multi-pronged approach.

Han Han directs a movie.

Chen Sicheng directed a film.

Plus a film directed by Zhang Yimou.

The intensive bombardment of the three movies will definitely make Ding Xueer a hit.

If this fails to make her famous.

It can only be said that this road is not working.

Ye Duan's love for Ding Xueer is serious.

He didn't treat her like a yellow-haired girl to bully her.

No matter how much effort is poured into her, it should be worth it.

Because without Ding Xueer, the system sister would not be summoned...

Ding Xueer couldn't bear it anymore.

Two lines of tears rolled down her fair face.

"Thank you directors, thank you uncle, woo woo woo..."

The little fairy had a complete emotional breakdown.

I am a freshman, and I actually starred in new movies of great directors one after another.

And it's all female!
This is simply not giving other female stars a chance to survive.

It's inhumane for the uncle to praise himself like this...

Ding Xueer burst into tears.

The participants were also embarrassed, got up to say goodbye, and walked out of the conference room.

Qin Miaofei came to the door and sent the directors away.

After everyone left.

Ye Duan hugged Ding Xueer in his arms.

Wipe the tears from her face.

"You stinky girl, why are you crying? Don't you like this birthday present?"

"Uncle~Of course I like it, I was so happy that I cried, woo woo are so kind to me..."

Ding Xueer's small head moved to Ye Duan's face.

want to kiss.

Ye Duan couldn't hide, so he had to kiss her.

It happened to be seen by Qin Miaofei who was standing at the door.

The two were also extremely embarrassed.

Qin Miaofei quickly turned around and waited for the boss outside the door.

Ye Duan calmed down the little fairy again, and dragged her out of the conference room.

When he came to the door, he said to Qin Miaofei, "Manager Qin, Xueer will be handed over to you in the future. I hope you can treat her like a younger sister and help her make movies well."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will definitely arrange Xue'er's stardom and make her a super star."

Qin Miaofei sent the two to the gate of the company.

Ye Duan took Ding Xueer and left.

The two came to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

"Uncle, is this your house?"

After Ding Xueer entered the room.

Immediately attracted by the luxurious decoration of the house.

Although she lived in a villa since she was born.

But how can the villa in my hometown compare with the most expensive river view mansion in Shanghai?
"That's right, this will be your home in the future, do you like it?"

“I like it very much~”

Ding Xueer was running around the room barefoot.

Ye Duan was busy in the kitchen.

He wants to cook a birthday meal for the little fairy himself.

"Uncle, is this the third birthday surprise you prepared for me?"

See tables full of delicacies.

Ding Xueer praised.

Ye Duan looked at the time and said, "No, no, the third surprise hasn't arrived yet."

Ye Duan makes the last dish, after serving the rice.

It was exactly 12 noon.

At this moment, Ding Xueer's cell phone rang.

Her father Ding Xiangdong sent a video call.

"Xue'er, happy birthday!"

"Thank you dad, where are you? Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm in the office, Cher, and I have some good news for you."

In the video screen, Ding Xiangdong is full of joy.

"Xue'er, your boyfriend Ye Duan sent someone to look for me just now, and transferred all the equity of Jinhai Hotel, Jinhai Real Estate Company, and Jinhai Shopping Center to my name. I immediately rejected his offer, but he sent The people who insisted on asking me to sign the agreement were determined to leave, but I couldn't hold back and had to agree."

"Dad, we can't do this..."

Ding Xueer wanted to persuade her father to return the shares to the uncle.

But Ye Duan snatched the phone.

"Hi uncle, you must accept these shares. I know you love Xueer very much. Now that Xueer is with me, you must be very worried about her life in the future. I will give you the shares of these companies. To prove to you that I am capable of taking good care of Xueer and will make her happy."

"Ye Duan, uncle believes in you, but I really can't take these shares."

Ding Xiangdong wanted to decline.

Ye Duan continued: "Uncle, don't refuse any more. I am in Shanghai, and I really don't have the time to take care of Jinhai's business. Just treat it as a favor for me and manage it for me first. After you retire, you can transfer to Jinhai." Just give it to Xueer."

"Okay, uncle will take care of it for you first. Ye Duan, I understand your sincerity towards Xue'er. Xue'er is alone in Shanghai, and I feel relieved to have you take care of me.

I also know that Xue'er is making a movie, and you gave her these opportunities, I hope you can stick to the end, so I can rest assured..."

Ding Xiangdong couldn't control his red eyes as he spoke.

The father of a woman traveling thousands of miles is worried...

(End of this chapter)

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