Chapter 210 The Fourth Gift

After hanging up the phone.

Ding Xueer looked unhappy: "Uncle, is it the third birthday surprise you gave me for giving my father the shares of the three companies?"

"Yes, your father raised you so hard, is there anything wrong with sharing your birthday present?"

"But I feel weird, I feel a little uncomfortable..."

Ye Duan sat next to the little fairy, put away the smile on his face, and said very formally: "Xue'er, my gift of shares to my uncle is actually a traditional custom. We in China have always paid attention to the right marriage between men and women, and there must be witnesses when a man and a woman are together. Free love is advocated now, so many young people get together in a daze, and then break up in a muddle."

Ding Xueer also became serious.

Looking at the uncle with both eyes, he pricked up his ears to listen to him.

Ye Duan continued: "I transferred the shares of the three companies to my uncle, in fact, to continue the tradition of Ming Media's marriage, and to show that my love for you has been carefully considered. I am with you because I want to marry you." The determination to go home, instead of breaking up at dawn, or throwing away when you get tired of playing. Xueer, do you understand my thoughts?"

"I understand uncle, you must marry me home..."

Ding Xueer hugged Ye Duan tightly.

The feeling of happiness overflows my heart, I can't wait to be with my uncle...

Ding Xueer was overwhelmed with happiness after receiving three birthday surprises.

I was so moved that I was about to go to heaven.

"Uncle, how did you come up with these gifts for me? I'm so touched~"

After eating the lunch made by Ye Duan himself.

Ding Xueer nestled happily beside the uncle.

The two sat leisurely on the sofa.

Enjoyed a nice afternoon.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart. Of course, I can also perfunctory you, transfer 10 billion directly to you, and you can buy whatever you want. But I want to prepare your birthday present more carefully, because the 18th birthday is only once. , from today you are my woman, I want to leave you a good memory."

"Thank you uncle, you are so kind~"

Ding Xueer put her arms around Ye Duan's neck.

The little head kept rubbing against his face.

Like a pet cat, it's extremely greasy.

Ye Duan's heart surged with being teased.

There is such a young, pure, supple and beautiful little beauty in his arms.

Who can stand it!

"Uncle, let's go to bed~"

Ding Xueer's sense of happiness is about to explode.

I want to give myself to my uncle.

Only in this way can I thank my uncle for his sincerity towards me.

Exchange true feelings with sincerity.

No problem!
Ye Duan also wanted to sleep with the little fairy in his arms.

Who doesn't like kissing the pink face and playing with the white rabbit?

But there are still three birthday presents that have not been given to her.

The key is.

Sleeping in Tang Chen's first-class mansion was not in his plan.

So unromantic!
Although this mansion is worth hundreds of millions.

And never has a girlfriend ever slept here.

But it was still too ordinary, too ordinary, not exciting at all.

Ye Duan rejected Ding Xueer: "Little Fairy, let's go out to play, there is a birthday surprise waiting for you."

"and also?"

Ding Xueer stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"Uncle, how many birthday presents have you prepared for me? There are already three, isn't it enough?"

Ding Xueer was so moved that she wanted to cry.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much money~"

"Don't move around, you will die or live, remember, you are my woman now, you can be a bit promising, okay?"

"I know, uncle, I'm afraid that I won't be able to bear such a big favor from you..."

Ding Xueer pouted, looking pitiful.

"you deserve to have!"

Ye Duan kissed her small mouth.

He carried her out the door.

The two sat in the Lamborghini Poison and soon came to Disneyland.

This time Ye Duan didn't go through the door.

Instead, he walked through the employee channel, which was unimpeded all the way.

Ding Xueer was curious: "Uncle, don't we need to buy tickets this time?"

"What kind of ticket should I buy? This will be your amusement park soon. Do you still want me to buy a ticket?"

"Mine? Uncle, what the hell are you doing?"

"What the hell, this is your fourth birthday present!"

Ding Xueer was stunned.

I froze in place and couldn't walk anymore.

"Uncle, the fourth birthday present will not be Disneyland, will it?"

"Congratulations, you got it."

Ye Duan dragged the little fairy to the office building.

Ding Xueer was in a daze all the way.


How can there be such a birthday present?
Even give a Disneyland!

When he came to the meeting room of the office building, Ye Duan announced a message on the spot in front of the heads of various departments: "From today on, Ding Xueer is the hostess of this Disneyland, she can do whatever she wants here ,do you understand?"

Everyone replied in unison: "Understood, boss!"

Ye Duan came here once yesterday, and explained clearly to them in advance.

The younger sister of the system rewarded this Disneyland, which happened to be given to the little fairy as a birthday present.

Every girl has a princess dream in her heart.

Disneyland just happens to satisfy their princess hearts.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to give this paradise to a little fairy?

Ding Xueer sat beside Ye Duan, her mind was blank.

Uncle, uncle, you are really good!

When other girls celebrate their birthdays, their boyfriends will take her to Disneyland at most.

On my own birthday, my uncle gave me Disneyland as a birthday present!
How can you play like this? !
After Ye Duan explained the matter, he took Ding Xueer out of the meeting room.

"Xue'er, this paradise will be yours from now on."


Ding Xueer wiped away her tears and said, "I only wanted an apple, but you gave me the whole orchard. I just wanted to come to Disneyland, but you gave me the whole park... "

"So you are the princess, others are not."

Ye Duan hugged the little fairy and walked around a few times: "Today you can play whatever you want, uncle will take care of you!"

"I want to play Snow White once, can I?"

Ding Xueer blinked her eyes.

She shyly stated her wish.

Ye Duan laughed.

Sure enough, every girl has a princess dream in her heart.

"Playing Snow White? No problem! You can play the queen as much as you want."

"Uncle smelly, I don't want to play the queen."

Ding Xueer stared angrily.

The fierce look is also very cute.

The two talked and laughed all the way to the fantasy fairy tale castle.

Ye Duan and the person in charge of the show explained their intentions.

The person in charge is also going to implement it immediately.

Who would dare not listen to the boss?
Ding Xueer quickly finished her makeup and put on Snow White's dress.

"Uncle, do I look good?"

"Wow! It's so beautiful! This is what Snow White should look like in fairy tales!"

Not only Ye Duan was dumbfounded.

The other actors are also full of praise.

(End of this chapter)

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