Chapter 236 Singing
Ye Duan tenderly loved Ding Xueer once on the open deck.

The little fairy blushed with shame.

The lights on both sides of the Huangpu River are too dazzling.

It feels like broad daylight.

And just in time for the light show, the neon lights on the skyscrapers hit the river.

Let all the targets on the river be seen at a glance.

"Uncle~ Why do I feel like I'm surrounded by people, I'm so ashamed~"

"Your JK skirt is just blocking it, so you can't see anything, and it's more exciting this way."

"Stimulate you big-headed ghost, if I knew it, I wouldn't let you succeed, I'm so scared now~"

"Hehe, you little rascal, you regret it when you're full, I think you're still hungry, I'll make you wait for a month next time, I'm going to kill you!"

Ye Duan deliberately teased the little wife.

The little wife is just for playing, haha, the more amusing the merrier.

Ding Xueer was also on top at one point.

He beat the uncle angrily.

"I hate it~ You are the stinky uncle~ If I am starving, I will find another handsome guy. Don't regret it then, hum!"

"You stinky Xue'er, how dare you! See if I don't tear your mouth apart and make you talk nonsense again."

As Ye Duan said, he pinched the little wife's face with his hands.

Ding Xueer dodged around.

There was no way to escape, so I had to put my face on the uncle's chest.

Hugging him tightly: "Uncle~ I was wrong, please forgive me~"

Ye Duan let the little fairy go.

The two hugged each other, and the whole yacht exuded a sweet atmosphere.

"Uncle, I haven't been filming for a few days. Director Han Han asked me to prepare the theme song for the movie, but I always feel that I can't sing well."

"Be more confident, my little wife, you sing the best."

"No, uncle. I used to sing other people's songs. I've listened to it many times, so it's not difficult. Now I have to sing a new song. I find it very difficult."

"It seems to make sense. You sing it to me first, and I'll see how it goes."

"Okay, don't laugh at me."

Ye Duan shook his head vigorously: "Absolutely not!"

So, Ding Xueer got off the uncle, stood in front of him and began to sing the theme song of the movie "Your Youth".

The melodious singing voice drifted around with the wind from the deck.

Soon it spread to both sides of the Huangpu River.

Ye Duan felt very relieved when he heard that.

No wonder people say that music can heal the soul.

It's not fake at all.

Ding Xueer's voice is extremely beautiful, a coloratura soprano, and she sings like a stream.

Sometimes smooth and comfortable, sometimes turbulent and high.

A lot of emotion poured out.

People can't help but fall into reverie after listening to it.

One song is over.

Ye Duan was also dumbfounded.

Singing is really not the most important skill.

Expressing the emotions of the song and giving people a strong sense of substitution are the elements of a song's success.

"Uncle, did I sing badly? You didn't even applaud me."

"No, no, it sounds very good. I'm fascinated by it."

Only then did Ye Duan wake up from the echo of the song.


Applause to the little fairy.

"So do you think there's a problem?"

"In general, there is no major problem, but the technique needs to be improved. When you take a breath, your voice is a little floating, and when you sing high notes, your breath is not smooth enough, which means that there is a problem with the pronunciation method."

Ye Duan didn't know what was going on.

I feel like I know how to sing.

Ding Xueer was also surprised.

He opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth and said, "Uncle, have you ever learned to sing? Your comment is similar to what the professor of our school's vocal music department said. She also said that I am somewhat lacking in technique."

Ye Duan suddenly remembered.

The younger sister of the system rewarded her "Lark" singing proficiency last time.

Recently, I only care about doing good deeds, but I forgot about this.

No wonder he knows how to sing so well.

"Little wife, I have indeed learned a little bit of vocal music. We can discuss how to sing this song well later."

"Great uncle, you can sing to me now."

As Ding Xueer said, she turned on her phone and showed the music sheet to the uncle.

Ye Duan was a little afraid of being embarrassed.

Although he has mastered the "Lark" singing proficiency skill, he has never used it once.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you can't perform well.

So he declined and said, "I can't do it now, I haven't practiced for a long time."

"No, no, I will let you sing~"

Ye Duan is gone.

Isn't it just singing, what's the problem?

Ye Duan stood up and cleared his throat.

Looking at the sheet music on the phone, I began to sing the theme song of "Your Youth".

The moment you speak.

It's like throwing a pebble into a calm lake.

Ripples appeared and directly hit the shore.

Ding Xueer's ears perked up.

An incredible expression on his face.

He frowned, bit his lip, and his heart was pounding.

sounds amazing!

Uncle is really a genius, he sang this song for the first time, and he can sing it so perfectly!

How can he be so powerful?

Compared with him, I am like a donkey in the production team.

I don't know how to sing at all, I only know how to bark.

Wouldn't it be tricky to make a fool of yourself in front of him just now?

Lost people!

Ding Xue'er's face felt hot, envious of the uncle, and feeling inferior.

The mood is very lost.

After Ye Duan finished singing, he returned to Little Fairy.

I saw the little wife listless and drooping her head.

Quickly asked: "Little Fairy, what's wrong with you?"

"Uncle, you sing so well, I just sang like a donkey braying, woo woo woo~ what a shame~"

"Hahaha, you bray much better than a donkey."

Ye Duan couldn't help laughing.

The little wife looks like a little fairy with a fairy air.

It's like a big man picking his feet when he commits a crime.

He even said that he sang like a donkey.

It's just so cute.

Seeing Ye Duan's face convulsed with laughter.

Ding Xueer was also furious.

Pouting his mouth, he said, "Uncle smelly, you laughed at me again. I'm not happy in the first place, and you're adding fuel to the fire."

"Don't be angry, little wife. How could I laugh at you? Don't worry, I promise you will sing this song better than me when you get up tomorrow morning."

Ye Duan has already made up his mind.

Do good deeds with my little wife later.

Transfer "Lark" singing proficiency to her through "transferring flowers and trees".

In this way, she can become the little queen of love songs.

At that time, Little Fairy will definitely become the number one newcomer in China's entertainment industry.

Not only is he good at acting, but he is also good at singing.

Among the actors, he is the best at singing, and among the singers, he is the best at acting.


One word, awesome!
Ding Xueer didn't believe it at all.

I thought the uncle was just making fun of himself.

How could it be possible to learn to sing overnight?

Is it like in martial arts novels, where two people hold hands and can spread kung fu?

It's almost like lying to a child.

"Don't make me happy. I know what level I am. It will take at least 20 years to catch up with you."

"you do not believe?"

"I don't believe it, I'd better wash up and sleep, just daydream and think about it."

"Hey, there are no diamonds, and I don't do porcelain work. After a while, you will know how powerful uncle diamonds are."

Ye Duan's voice just fell.

Then he was beaten violently by Ding Xueer's little powder fist.

"Stinky uncle ~ bad uncle ~ what are you talking about, you are ashamed~~"

"Little wife, you are unreasonable. It's because you think wrongly, and you have the nerve to hit me."

"Where did I think wrong, don't you just want to say that you have diamonds, huh, scoundrel~"

Ding Xueer glared at the uncle angrily.

The two cheeks are bulging.

Ye Duan couldn't help pinching his little wife's face, coaxing her: "I want to teach you how to sing, I definitely don't mean that."

"Okay~ I blamed you wrongly."


Ding Xueer kissed the uncle on the cheek.

You are tired and crooked in Ye Duan's arms.

Arching to and fro, like a little cat.

It made Ye Duan feel itchy again...

(End of this chapter)

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