Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 237 I'm not finished with you!

Chapter 237 I'm not finished with you!
The leaf segments are arched uncomfortably.

He picked up his little wife and went down to the top open deck and walked to the main cabin.

Come inside the bathroom.

She screamed in shame.

"Bad uncle~ help~~"

"Hahahaha, save your energy, you stinky girl, I will teach you how to sing later."

Leaf segments turn on the shower.

Give Ding Xueer a bath.

Soon, the fragrant little fairy came out of the oven.

After drying yourself.

He picked it up and threw it on the big bed in the bedroom.

Ding Xueer is like a stupid little fool.

The whole person got into the bed.

disappeared without a trace.

Ye Duan chuckled: "Little Fairy, I'm coming."

Lift the corner of the quilt.

also got in.

I didn't expect it, but I missed it.

Ding Xueer hurriedly got down from the other side of the bed.

"Giggle" to run around the room.

"Little clever ghost, let's see where you are going."

Ye Duan also jumped out of the bed, stretched out his arms, and grabbed the little wife.

After some squabbling, the two had a good night's sleep.

At night, Ye Duan gave the little fairy his singing skills.


Get up in the morning and wash up.

Ding Xueer didn't feel anything unusual.

Ye Duan wanted to see the effect.

"Xue'er, sing me the song from last night again."

"Okay uncle~"

Ding Xueer was spoiled all night.

She has also become well-behaved, and now she is very obedient.

So the two came out on the deck.

Ding Xueer took a sip of water and moistened her throat.

Then they sang.

As soon as I sang the first sentence, I startled myself.

"Uncle, my voice seems...really changed..."

"I didn't lie to you, you definitely sing better than me now, keep singing."

Ding Xueer nodded.

Continue singing the entire song.

Ye Duan recorded it with his mobile phone.

"Uncle~ I feel that I sang much better this time than yesterday. What's going on?"

Ding Xueer looked at the uncle in disbelief.

It feels amazing.

Ye Duan smiled and said: "Hey, I cast a spell on you. From today on, you will be the best singing actress in China."

"How is it possible? You are not a magician~"

"Who said that only magicians can do magic? It's not like you don't know how powerful I am, uncle. Otherwise, you donkey would bray so well today?"

"I hate it~ uncle stinky~ you are the donkey!"

Ding Xueer stretched out her hand and tore the uncle's mouth.

Then he rubbed again distressedly.

Ye Duan carried the little fairy into the open living room and sat on the sofa.

"Xue'er, I recorded a video of you singing just now, and you send it to Director Hanhan to let him see how it goes."

"Well, it's definitely okay this time."

Ding Xueer forwarded the video to Hanhan.

I sent another copy to the instructor of the Vocal Music Department and asked her to comment on it.

Haven't finished breakfast yet.

Feedback from two people was received.

Director Han Han: "Xue'er, you sang so perfectly this time. If I hadn't seen the video, I couldn't believe it was you who sang it. Also, Xiaodi has returned to the crew, and I plan to leave this afternoon Hengdian, finish filming the scenes there as soon as possible, there is no problem with you, right?"

"Thank you for the director's compliment. I have no problem here. See you this afternoon."

Ding Xueer just finished replying to Hanhan's message.

I also received a comment from the professor of vocal music: "Xue Er, if the video you just sent me is true, then congratulations, you can already become a teacher.

I can say responsibly that your singing just now has no flaws, and the level can surpass all the female pop singers in China.

Are you busy right now?If you have time, come to the department as soon as possible. I and other teachers want to hear you sing live. "

"Good teacher, I will find you in the department in a while."

Ding Xueer was extremely happy.

The little face turned into a flower with a smile.

Quickly show the phone to Ye Duan: "Uncle, look."

"Hey, now you're going to be hot again, are you happy, Smelly Baby?"

"Well, I'm very happy~"

Ding Xueer hugged Ye Duan's neck.

Kissed him on the face.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, and I'll take you back later."

The two finished breakfast.

Ye Duan suddenly remembered Xiao Di's signing with Shanghai Magic City Film and Television Company, so he discussed with his little wife about "Senior Sister".

Ding Xueer agreed without thinking: "I have always regarded Xiao Di as my sister, of course she is my senior sister."

"Hey, my Xue'er is really sensible."

Ye Duan praised Kuadin Xueer vigorously.

Only then did they leave the yacht "Sher".

Send the little fairy back to the Magic City Drama Academy.

"Dear little wife, what time do you leave for Hengdian this afternoon? I'll see you off."

"No need, uncle, you are so busy with work, so don't come and see me off. Now that I'm grown up, I can do everything by myself."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Ding Xue'er got into Ye Duan's arms and kept warm for a while.

"Goodbye, uncle~"

"Bye bye Cher, take care of yourself outside."

"Uncle~ I will miss you, remember to come and see me when I come back from Hengdian~"

Ding Xueer waved goodbye to Ye Duan.

He walked towards the vocal music department step by step and turned his head three times.

Ye Duan left the Shanghai Drama Academy and went to the Shanghai Charity Federation.

He wanted to know how the 200 billion charitable projects were reviewed.

Transfer the money if there is no problem.

In this way, Qianbao and Yueyue can complete the task earlier and return to the magic capital earlier.

Ye Duan just got into the car.

Then I received a message forwarded by Qin Miaofei.

""Heavy! Jiaxing Tianxia Company was seized, suspected of tax evasion and engaging in yin and yang contracts""

Ye Duan read the report and felt relieved.

Family World is completely over this time.

He didn't even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy, so he was blocked directly.

Artists are also automatically terminated.

The report also mentioned that no artists will be involved this time, and it is entirely the responsibility of the top management of the family.

This means that Dee is completely fine.

But who is the black hand behind it?
Ye Duan turned off the phone, strengthening his belief even more.

To be an enterprise, you must have social responsibility!
If the rich only pursue money and fame, then they are not far from ruin.

Don't forget your heart, you have to always.

Ye Duan suddenly remembered the dream he had when he first got the system sister.

Be a man with the pulse of the earth.

Come on!
Complete the task of 1000 billion charitable funds first, and achieve the small goal of 1000 billion Chinese currency + 1000 billion US currency.

Only with strong financial support can we have the ability to travel the world!

Only then can I see the system sister sooner!

Ye Duan made up his mind: set off tomorrow to help the old areas, and donate the remaining 600 billion!
At the same time that Ye Duan was reading the report "Big Bomb! Jiaxing Tianxia Company was closed down, suspected of tax evasion and engaging in Yin-Yang contracts".

The outskirts of Kyoto.

In a heavily guarded and luxuriously decorated villa manor covering an area of ​​one hundred acres.

Others are following this message.

"Fuck it up again!"

A middle-aged man picked up the blue and white porcelain vase on the table and threw it hard on the floor.

Only a "pop" was heard.

Fragments of porcelain vases were scattered all over the floor.

"Ye Duan, I'm not finished with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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