Chapter 240 Am I Too Slow?

Jiang Yuling pulled Ye Duan and left the lottery shop.

Sitting in the golf cart, he was about to hand over the winnings just now to Ye Duan.

"Brother Duan, I'm so grown up, it's my first time to win so much money, I'm so happy."

"Then you take it and keep it as a souvenir, haha."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I really have this idea. How about I keep the bonuses and transfer the money to you with my mobile phone?"

Jiang Yuling didn't want to accept the money for no reason.

Although not much, it is related to principles.

Many girls don't pay attention to this, thinking that spending a little money from their boyfriend is nothing.

It doesn't matter much if the two of them agree to let the boy treat him to dinner or watch a movie or something.

If there is no reason to ask for the boy's money, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Using boys as ATMs?
Don't you feel blush?

Of course, if two people live together, it's another matter.

Girls can't sleep with you for nothing, can they?
It should be appropriate to spend a little money on you.

Ye Duan respected Jiang Yuling's thoughts.

He readily agreed: "Then you can transfer the money to me, and you can keep the cash."

"Okay, thank you Brother Duan."

Jiang Yuling opened WeChat and transferred the same amount of money to Ye Duan.

A total of 185 yuan.

After Ye Duan received the money.

Jiang Yuling felt very happy.

There is a sense of being respected.

Although it is only more than 100 yuan, it shows a person's good quality.

"Lingling, do you have something to do this afternoon? I want to take you to a place and have a good time."

Ye Duan wanted to find an opportunity to thank this young lady.

I asked Lingling to work overtime again and again, so I should thank him well.

You can't order others to do things at will just because you are handsome.

Respect is mutual.

No matter how handsome you are, if there is no one in your eyes, girls will not follow you foolishly.

Handsome but can't be eaten!
"Okay, Brother Duan, where are you going to take me?"

Jiang Yuling agreed without hesitation.

Being with Brother Duan seems to be in love.

The mood is extremely comfortable, and there is an indescribable happiness.

Ye Duan pretends to be mysterious.

"Hey, you'll know when you get there. Let's change places and I'll drive."

So Jiang Yuling sat in the passenger seat.

My heart is full of expectations.

Where will Brother Duan take himself to play?

Ye Duan started the golf car, ready to take Jiang Yuling to the yacht club.

Then take a small yacht and take her for a walk on the Huangpu River.

Don't girls like this big toy?

Surfing a yacht on the water.

How exciting!

How romantic!
If Lingling had a good time, she might be able to embrace a beauty, haha.

Ye Duan just entered the road.

Suddenly, the voice of the system sister came from my mind.

【Ding!It was detected that the host brother's speed of chasing the girl was too slow during this time, and the Shenhao life task system was starting. 】

[Task content: Send Jiang Yuling and Qin Miaofei a sports car respectively, with a total value of no more than 1000 million. 】

[Task Reward: 100% equity of Modu Real Estate Company. 】

received the task.

Ye Duan was a little upset.

The content of the task is not difficult, but it is not easy to deliver the sports car.

What girl doesn't like sports cars?

Rather cry in the sports car than laugh on the bicycle.

For ordinary girls, if they give a sports car, it can be said that they can win it [-]%.

Although both Jiang Yuling and Qin Miaofei are daughters of famous families, their horizons are much higher than ordinary girls.

But it shouldn't be too difficult to send them a sports car.

Many times goddesses don't accept gifts from others, not because they don't like the gift itself, but because they don't like the person who gave it.

Ye Duan believes that with his own personality charm.

It was a breeze for Jiang Yuling and Qin Miaofei to accept the sports car they gave them.

It's a piece of cake!
What made Ye Duan feel uncomfortable was the reason why the system sister released the task.

Chasing women too slowly?

This sentence is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

The younger sister of the system underestimated herself too much!
Ye Duan couldn't help but said in his heart: "Sister System, I don't want you to hit people like this. Now many people say that I am a scumbag and a big carrot. You still dislike me for being too slow in chasing girls??"

[Brother host, don't be angry, the fact is like this, you have known Qin Miaofei and Jiang Yuling for so long, but the relationship is still stagnant, I am anxious for you. 】


Ye Duan didn't understand.

Is the younger sister of the system even worse than himself, instigating himself to be a scumbag everywhere.

She was not in a hurry to get Miaofei and Lingling, but she was even more anxious than herself.

What exactly is the situation?
"Sister System, I'm not in a hurry about this matter, why are you in a hurry?"

[Brother host, don’t make wild guesses, he is not that kind of person, some things are too embarrassing to say, but one day you will understand what I mean. 】

"Well, I believe you. The system sister is so cute, she must not be a bad girl. Don't worry, I will complete the task you issued honestly."

Ye Duan heard the numbing voice of the system sister, so he stopped asking her.

There must be a reason for her to issue such a mission.

Just be obedient and complete, and there will be rewards.

Don't do it for nothing!
[Thank you brother host for understanding, brother, please work hard, this task looks easy, but it is not easy. 】

"I know, sister, when did my brother let you down? I promise to complete the task."

【Hee hee~~ I know my brother's ability very well, bye~】

"Goodbye, sister system, don't forget what you promised me, you must let me see you soon."

Ye Duan couldn't wait to see sister System.

Just listening to her voice already makes people dream about it.

If you see real people.

Hehe, I don't know what Meicheng looks like...

After receiving the new task, Ye Duan immediately turned around.

Headed towards the largest Bentley store in Shanghai.

Jiang Yuling worked overtime last night, and now she has fallen asleep sweetly.

After arriving.

After Ye Duan parked the car, he woke up Jiang Yuling.

The salesperson greeted them warmly and entered the car showroom.

"Welcome to Bentley, please come in, both of you."

There is no such thing as a dog looking down on people as mentioned on the Internet.

Although the two only drove a Golf, the Bentley staff did not discriminate against them.

On the one hand, it is because there are more and more low-key rich people now, and it is no longer possible to judge whether a person is rich from his clothes.

The one wearing slippers and big underpants may be a charterer with several buildings in his home.

On the other hand, the training of big brands is also very complete, and they will not and dare not discriminate against customers anymore.

If you look down on customers and get exposed on the Internet.

Netizens can scold you off.

The loss of the brand can be great.

But Ye Duan's warm welcome is not because of these.

It's because of his face, engraved with the invisible characters of the richest man in the capital city.

After several high-profile exposures, Ye Duan's handsome face has become known to more and more people in Shanghai.

Some even saved his picture on their phones.

Men worship him like an idol.

Women regard him as a male god, and when they can't sleep at night, they can use it to hypnotize or add to the fun...

As soon as Ye Duan got out of the car, the Bentley salesman recognized him.

That's why he was so enthusiastic.

After entering the exhibition hall, Jiang Yuling came to his senses and asked suspiciously, "Brother Duan, do you want to buy a car?"

"Yes, I want to buy a car for a friend of mine."


Jiang Yuling didn't ask any more questions.

But he murmured in his heart: Didn't Brother Duan say to take me to have fun?

Why did you wake up and buy a car here?
(End of this chapter)

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