Chapter 241 Dream lover? ?
The salesman brought a trolley filled with various drinks and snacks.

"What do you two want to drink?"

"Pure water, thank you."

The salesperson immediately poured two glasses of water and handed them to Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling.

"Which car do you two want to see? If necessary, I can introduce it to you."

"Do you have a Continental car here?"

The salesperson's eyes lit up, knowing that Ye Duan is today's prospective customer.

Except for the urgent need to buy a car, most people don't ask this question.

When I came up, I said the model I wanted, and asked if there was any car.

80% want to book a car on the spot.

Besides, the person standing in front of him is the richest man in Shanghai, which means that he will 100% buy a car.

Bentley is an international brand, and its sales staff are also very professional.

Immediately saw Ye Duan's thoughts.

Then he replied with a smile: "Mr. Ye, you are very lucky. Our store just happened to have a batch of Continental cars ready to participate in the Shanghai International Auto Show held at the end of the month. If you need them, you can choose them first."

"you know me?"

Ye Duan really wanted to know why the salesman knew his last name was Ye.

The salesman replied with a flattering smile: "Mr. Ye is the richest man in Shanghai, who doesn't recognize you. To tell you the truth, almost all of our shop girls have your photos in their mobile phones."

After finishing speaking, a wretched expression appeared on his face.

Ye Duan also understood in seconds.

But it's nothing to brag about.

It's not normal for me to be so rich and handsome, to be the dream lover of all the girls in Shanghai.

"Ahem, take me to see the current car of Oulu."

Ye Duan pretended to cough.

The salesman is a ghost, and he knows that his flattery is right.

Quickly said: "Okay, this way please."

Jiang Yuling was very simple in this regard, and couldn't figure out the meaning of the salesman's words.

Why does the young lady here want to save Brother Duan's photo?
Make him an idol?

Brother Duan is indeed more handsome than a star.

I fell in love with his face...

The salesman leads the way.

He led Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling to a large garage behind an exhibition hall.

Bentley luxury cars of various models are parked.

Jiang Yuling was also eye-opening.

Although I felt a little shock in my heart, I didn't show it.

She has been a young lady since she was a child, and she is used to seeing all kinds of big scenes.

He also knows how to hide his emotions.

If you feel a fuss about what you see, how can you represent your father to participate in the event?
The salesman led the two of them to several Continental cars.

Introduced to Ye Duan: "Mr. Ye, we have 5 Continental cars here, 2 of which are reserved by customers, and the other 3 are available for you to choose."

"Lingling, which color do you think looks better?"

Ye Duan consulted Lingling's opinion.

Jiang Yuling took a closer look at the three luxury cars in front of him, they were white, red and blue.

If you choose it yourself, you will definitely choose white.

My own golf ball is white.

"Brother Duan, I think white is good. Look, does this car look like a huge white jade?"

Jiang Yuling also truthfully expressed her thoughts.

Ye Duan nodded: "This white car is really good, it looks very pure, too beautiful to dare to be profaned."

"Mr. Ye is right. If this young lady drives a white Continental, she will be an angel in the world. She is waving her pure white wings. It would be a crime for anyone to take a second look."

The salesman took the opportunity to flatter again.

Although Ye Duan didn't like this, it was very useful in his heart.

Because there is nothing wrong with saying this sentence, it is very subtle.

Isn't Lingling just a beautiful angel, with a noble temperament that dicks can't even imagine.

And the sales are smart.

It can be seen that he wants to give this car to the beauties around him.

Such a salesman who knows how to watch words and expressions makes it difficult for people to refuse his sales.

"In this case, let's make a bill. I will give this car to the angel."

As Ye Duan said, he glanced at Jiang Yuling.

It's so meaningful, and the eyes are full of love.

"Brother Duan, what do you mean?"

Jiang Yuling couldn't believe her ears.

Brother Duan wants to give this sports car to himself?

No way?
What does he want to do?

"Miss still doesn't understand? Mr. Ye is going to give you this car, because only you are worthy of this pure and flawless white jade."

The salesperson's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, and he was ready to make an order.

Ye Duan also nodded with a smile: "Lingling, I want to give you this car as a gift, to show my heart."


Jiang Yuling was speechless.

What is going on?

I don't understand!
Why did Brother Duan give himself a sports car for no reason?
Jiang Yuling stood blankly in front of the white Continental sports car, her little heart was pounding, and she couldn't find a clue.

At this time, Ye Duan suddenly remembered the mission of the system sister.

Jiang Yuling and Qin Miaofei will be given a car each.

So he quickly said to the salesperson: "Wait a minute, I want this blue one too, let's bill it together, pay the full amount, and pick up the car right away."

"Okay! Mr. Ye is domineering! I'll take the two of you to the lounge first."

Ye Duan held Jiang Yuling's little hand.

Came to the lounge.

"Brother Duan, why are you doing this?"

Jiang Yuling came to his senses and questioned his soul.

The tone is complex.

Expressions are more elusive.

It looked a little serious, a little angry, and a little excited.

Ye Duan was also confused.

What does Miss Qianjin mean?
Then he asked tentatively: "Lingling, do you not like it, or do you want it?"

this question.

Instead, he stopped Jiang Yuling from asking.

like?do not like?

want to?Still don't want it?

What a contradiction!

Jiang Yuling was in a mess and kept questioning her own soul.

I like it, of course I like it!

The white Bentley Continental sports car is as cute and cool as Dabai, which girl doesn’t like it?

But, can you say that you like it?

I want it, of course I want it!

The first gift Duan Ge gave him was his favorite white color, and he definitely wanted it in his heart.

But, can I have it?

Jiang Yuling hesitated, and was at a loss for words for a moment: "I... like it, but I can't have it..."

"If you like it, then why not?"

"Brother Duan, don't you ask this question knowingly? To tell you the truth, someone gave me a gift more expensive than this, but I refused it without even looking at it. You know, my father's identity does not allow me to accept it. Someone else's gift."

Jiang Yuling's implication was that.

It is an exception that she is interested in this Bentley sports car this time.

It is true.

If Ye Duan hadn't given it to her personally, what would a sports car worth several million be worth to her, the daughter of the highest chief executive in Shanghai?

But it was precisely because of Ye Duan's gift that she felt unable to choose.

From the bottom of her heart, she wanted this sports car very much.

Not because of how expensive the car is.

It was because Ye Duan personally brought her to buy it, asked her to choose the color, and then gave it to her personally.

She even had a feeling of using this Bentley sports car as a token of love.

you do not say?

Brother Duan gave him a sports car for no reason, either because he loves it or likes it, is it for fun?

But the identity of her father reminds her all the time.

Can't, can't.

Absolutely not!
Jiang Yuling continued: "Brother Duan, I'm sorry, if I were an ordinary girl, I would happily accept your gift, because I understand your heart, but now I really can't take it."

Ye Duan nodded.

He understood Jiang Yuling's difficulties.

The identity of her father made her have to withstand these temptations.

No wonder the system sister said that this task is not easy, as expected.

Lingling has now rejected it, and Miao Fei will probably refuse it for the same reason.

What should I do now?

(End of this chapter)

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