242 The guest is coming
Ye Duan decided to play the emotional card.

Lingling likes herself, even a fool can see it.

A rich young lady from the chief executive's family in Shanghai spends all day around you, and you can be called instantly with just one phone call.

Helping myself can stay up all night.

What does this mean?
Explain that you are very attractive, and you will be fascinated by the rich lady.

Then just sell out your looks and sell it badly in front of Lingling, maybe she will accept this car when her heart softens.

Ye Duan made up his mind.

Looking helplessly at Jiang Yuling, she said, "Lingling, I know that you are a good girl who keeps herself clean and has high demands on herself. I appreciate and admire you very much. But I have asked the salesperson to make an order. You can take this car."

Jiang Yuling was originally moved by the previous words.

Unexpectedly, Brother Duan went around to the car again.

"Brother Duan, you haven't paid yet, can you just refund it?"

"Retire? The richest man in the majestic Demon City turned his back on what he said, and he couldn't make up his mind to buy a multi-million-dollar car. If it gets out, where will I put my face?"

Ye Duan said so.

Jiang Yuling was also a little hesitant.

She was born in a family of officials, so of course she knows how face-saving a man is.

Sometimes for the sake of face, men will fight to the death like beasts.

Not to mention a sports car with several million dollars, some people don't even pay attention to several million dollars in order to win.

Because a car made Brother Duan lose face, he really made a big fuss over a molehill.

Ye Duan saw that Jiang Yuling was persuaded.

Then strike while the iron is hot: "Lingling, you can accept it first, even if you put this car in the garage, don't refuse me, or I will be very sad."

"Brother Duan, I can accept it, but I'm afraid my father won't agree."

"Uncle Jiang, I will communicate with him, you can rest assured Lingling."

Jiang Yuling couldn't bear to embarrass Ye Duan.

Also want to accept his mind.

Then he nodded: "Okay then, I will accept this car first, thank you, Brother Duan."

Ye Duan was very happy when he heard this.

When he was happy, he hugged Jiang Yuling in his arms, ready to kiss her little face.

But not yet.

The salesman knocked on the door and came in, holding the car purchase agreement and other documents in his hand.

Jiang Yuling blushed and fled Ye Duan's embrace.

Almost got seen.

"Mr. Ye, the formalities have been completed, please sign here, and then go to the financial office to pay the payment, and then you can give the car to this beautiful angel."


Ye Duan signed, and then went to pay the money. All the fees added up to a total of over 800 million.

At this time, the two Bentley Continental sports cars have been washed clean.

Neatly parked in the parking space outside the entrance of the car showroom.

One is Glacier White and the other is Peacock Blue.

The car paint is so bright that it hurts people's eyes.

Seeing the white sports car, Jiang Yuling was moved again.

Saying you don't like it would be a lie.

What girl wouldn't be happy to receive a sports car?
Unless she already has a lot of sports cars.

After Jiang Yuling graduated from university, her father bought her a golf car.

To be honest, she has never driven a sports car.

I've only been in my girlfriend's sports car a few times.

It's really cool to drive on the road, and the rate of returning is super high.

The Bentley store took great pains to hold a short but grand car delivery ceremony.

The general manager of the specialty store personally handed over the keys of the two cars to Ye Duan.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for your trust in our Bentley brand. I wish you a happy car use. If you have any questions in the future, you can contact us at any time. Thank you again for your support."

Ye Duan took the car keys.

Politely shook hands with the manager.

The salesman stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, Mr. Ye, where will this car be delivered to you?"

"I will drive the white one back by myself, and send the blue one to Modu Film and Television Company for me."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, it will be delivered in about an hour. Please send someone over there to receive it then."

The salesman immediately went to arrange delivery of the car.

Jiang Yuling didn't think much about it either.

Brother Duan is now the boss of Modu Film and Television Company. It is also a normal operation to buy a car and distribute it to the company.

"Lingling, let me teach you how to drive first, then you can drive this car back by yourself in a while, and I will follow you in the Golf."

Ye Duan led Jiang Yuling into the white Bentley Continental sports car.

Ready to teach her how to drive.

"I'm afraid I can't drive well..."

"It's okay, I'm the best at teaching people how to drive, and if it crashes, I'll give you another car."

Ye Duan reassured Jiang Yuling.

I drove a few times on the nearby road, and taught her how to drive this sports car.

Jiang Yuling was quick-witted and clever, and quickly mastered the operation method.

So, the two drove two cars.

One after the other, they drove towards Jiang Yuling's villa.

When we are almost home.

Ye Duan drove his golf ball into a curb on purpose.

The two tires on the right rub against the masonry and sparks fly.

The two hubs instantly changed shape.

The front of the car was also smashed.

Ye Duan controlled it delicately, and he himself was unscathed.

Almighty King's driving skills are not only good at driving, but also good at crashing.

Jiang Yuling saw from the rearview mirror that Ye Duan had an accident.

Quickly stopped the car and ran over.

Shouting in panic, "Brother Duan, Brother Duan, are you alright?"

Only then did Ye Duan get out of the car.

"I'm fine, Lingling, don't worry."

"Scared me."

Jiang Yuling stretched out his hands, touched Ye Duan's arm, and checked him around.

"Don't touch Lingling, it's tickling me to death, haha."

"Brother Duan, you are still joking at what time. Why don't we go to the hospital for an examination, I am a little worried."

"I'm fine, look, I'm fine."

As Ye Duan said, he kicked the Golf's rearview mirror.

There was only a bang, and the rearview mirror fell to the ground.

Jiang Yuling couldn't laugh or cry after seeing it.

"Then let's go home first, and I'll get someone to deal with it later."

Ye Duan looked at the horrible golf.

Satisfied, he followed Jiang Yuling away.

The golf car was hit and couldn't drive, so Lingling could only drive the Bentley sports car she gave her.

After driving for a few days, she will definitely like that feeling.

Came to the Jiang family villa.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere.

The gate of the villa was closed tightly, and guards in white shirts and black suits were patrolling around.

When the guard saw that it was the eldest lady who had returned, he immediately let her go.

Jiang Yuling took Ye Duan into the living room on the first floor.

Seeing that her daughter came back with her boyfriend, Jiang's mother hurriedly called her aside, and whispered, "Your father is meeting guests in the study, you take Ye Duan back to the room first."

Then he greeted Ye Duan again: "Ye Duan, you and Lingling go to her room to play for a while, and stay at home for dinner at night."

Although Mother Jiang is cautious.

But Jiang Wanquan still heard the movement.

"Ye Duan is here. I'm looking for you. Come up quickly. There are distinguished guests waiting for you."

Jiang Wanquan came out of the study on the second floor, stood on the railing and said.

Ye Duan glanced at Jiang Yuling and strode up to the second floor.

Jiang Wanquan smiled, shook hands with Ye Duan, and led him into the study.

As soon as he entered the room, Ye Duan saw a familiar face.

I saw Liu Shixian, a senior official in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and a middle-aged man of about the same age, standing up to greet him.

"Mr. Ye, we meet again."

Liu Shixian offered to shake hands with Ye Duan.

Ye Duan responded politely: "Hello, Mr. Liu."

At this time, another middle-aged man also extended his hand to greet Ye Duan.

"Mr. Ye, hello."

Jiang Wanquan quickly introduced: "Ye Duan, this is your Chief Zhu Weimin from Jiangsu Province."

"Hello, Chief Zhu."

Ye Duan shook hands with Zhu Weimin.

I was secretly surprised.

These three people are the chief executives of the most affluent area in Daxia, and they must have important discussions when they get together.

Why did Uncle Jiang call himself up?

(End of this chapter)

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