Chapter 243 Applause
Jiang Wanquan asked Ye Duan to sit beside him.

Explained the situation to him.

It turned out that under Jiang Wanquan's call, several provinces were planning to jointly hold a charity development forum, and the time was set for tomorrow morning.

So the people in charge of the three provinces and cities first met to discuss various matters of the forum.

The reason why such a forum is held.

The reason is clear.

Jiang Wanquan wanted to go one step further and compete for the post of deputy cabinet minister.

He wanted to use this to show his concern for charity and social welfare, and establish an image of being close to the people and loving the people.

So as to build a good reputation for themselves and pave the way for promotion.

The purpose of holding the charitable forum together with the two powerful provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangsu is to highlight the close relationship between the three provinces and cities.

As the saying goes, a hero has three gangs.

Both Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin are the top officials in neighboring Fuzhou Province. With their support, Jiang Wanquan's chances of winning will be greater.

Ye Duan in order to complete the task of the system sister.

Just about to donate 1000 billion to charity.

Donated more than 100 billion here first, and invisibly helped Jiang Wanquan a lot.

Jiang Wanquan named Ye Duan as the chairman of the Charity Federation because of this consideration.

Of course, with this identity, Ye Duan can also accumulate a lot of network resources and receive invisible benefits in many ways, which is also of great benefit to the development of his industries.

More importantly, in the process of wealth accumulation, Ye Duan himself will be safer.

There are some things that cannot be explained in detail, and it is natural to understand them.

These provinces also received donations from Ye Duan, so Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin wanted to take the opportunity of coming here to express their gratitude to Ye Duan in person.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for your 100 billion charitable donations to our province. You have such insights at such a young age, and your future is limitless. Brother Jiang was right. He introduced you to me and asked you to invest in the acquisition of Hengdian Film and Television. Now it seems that this decision is very correct."

"Yes, Brother Liu is right. Mr. Ye is young and promising, and he always pays attention to the development of his hometown. This time, he donated 200 billion yuan to Jiangsu Province, which is the largest private donation that our province has received. On behalf of my hometown Father, thank you."

Ye Duan was also polite to them.

"The two people in charge are over-reputed. These donations are trivial and not worth mentioning. You may not believe it when I say it. I do this because I am called by my heart. I feel that if I don't donate the money, I will feel very uneasy."

Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin looked at each other, seemingly unable to understand Ye Duan's state.

"Mr. Ye's self-cultivation is impressive."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye's realm is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

It was a bit embarrassing to see the two colleagues.

Jiang Wanquan took the opportunity to say: "I can understand Ye Duan's thoughts, our family Lingling is also such a person. This girl has loved doing good things since she was a child, and whenever she has time, she goes to orphanages, charity associations and other places to help. Sometimes she went to support education, which made me and her mother very worried."

Liu Shixian heard about Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling's dating.

I also know that Jiang Wanquan has the idea of ​​matching the two.

Then he deliberately said: "No wonder Mr. Ye and Lingling can play together. It turns out that the two have a common excellent character, which is really rare."

"That's right. At the beginning, I heard from my wife that Lingling was dating Ye Duan. I was still a little conflicted in my heart. Later, I figured it out. Young people can meet like-minded friends. We should support you. Is that the truth?"

Jiang Wanquan took advantage of Liu Shixian's steps to speak directly from his heart.

The two big bosses present are his own, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

Zhu Weimin also echoed from the side: "Brother Jiang is right. I also support Mr. Ye's relationship with Lingling. We Sujiang teenagers ask girls to be wives, so we are well-matched."

Ye Duan listened to what these people said.

I feel weird.

You are all high-ranking feudal officials, how do you have the time to chat about my girlfriend?

Is it that in your eyes, I am so important?

Being with Lingling is of course a good thing.

The younger sister of the system is also urging herself to catch Lingling and Miaofei as soon as possible.


You have decided Lingling's lifelong event in private, is it wrong?
So Ye Duan said: "I have always respected women, and everything depends on Lingling's own wishes. If she doesn't dislike me and is willing to associate with me, of course I am very happy."

"Mr. Ye is worthy of being a modest gentleman. With your current conditions, whether it is appearance or character, it is difficult to find a second one."

"I agree with Brother Liu's words. With the tens of billions of donations, Mr. Ye is the best young man here. To be honest, I have already arranged for someone to recommend Mr. Ye for the upcoming selection of outstanding young people."

Zhu Weimin is the person in charge of Ye Duan's hometown, so he naturally wants him to win glory for the province.

Jiang Wanquan was a little unhappy, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhu is not kind, Ye Duan is the president of our Youth Chamber of Commerce, and also the president of the Charity Federation, and the industries are basically here, so we should recommend him It’s right to run for Outstanding Youth.”

"Haha, the two of you should stop arguing. You can jointly nominate Mr. Ye. This way, the chances of being selected will be higher."

Liu Shixian persuaded him to make peace.

Jiang Wanquan and Zhu Weimin suddenly realized and couldn't help laughing.

Ye Duan sat a little bored.

It's no fun sitting with you old men.

It's better to go to Lingling to play.

Just to see what her boudoir looks like, whether the bed is big, and whether it can sleep two people.

In the future, if she is really with Lingling, she might sleep on her bed. Thinking of this, Ye Duan couldn't sit still.

"Several uncles, you can talk slowly, I'll make it easier for you."

So Ye Duan went out and turned left.

He was going to go downstairs to find Jiang Yuling.

Unexpectedly, this girl was hiding outside the door of the study.

Just as Ye Duan was about to speak, Jiang Yuling gave a "shh", then tiptoedly pulled Ye Duan away.

When he came to his room, Jiang Yuling quickly closed the door.

"Lingling, why were you standing at the door just now? Did you hear what we said?"

"Well, I heard..."

"They are too disrespectful. They didn't even ask your opinion, they just said let's date."

"Brother Duan, stop talking, don't blame them, I asked my mother to tell my father that I like you..."

Jiang Yuling's face was already flushed red.

The little heart was pounding, and it was in a mess.

My father personally agreed that I should date Brother Duan, and the two uncles also kept praising Brother Duan, and even arranged for him to date Brother Duan.

From this point of view, I like Brother Duan, and I am not mistaken.

With Brother Duan, there will be no resistance.

Hee hee~ I'm so happy!

Jiang Yuling looked at Ye Duan shyly, her blushing face couldn't hide her joy.

Like a beautiful sunset, it is intoxicating.

Ye Duan looked at the beautiful and charming daughter in front of him.

Finally, I understood Jiang Yuling's true thoughts.

Lingling really likes herself.

Very good!
The younger sister of the system still thinks that she is not fast enough, hmph, is this a slap in the face?

Lingling personally admitted that she likes me.

He also told his parents that he had obtained the consent of the elders.

Isn't it possible to sleep with Lingling anytime, anywhere?

Ye Duan gently grabbed Jiang Yuling's little hand, and gently held her in his arms.

Looking into her bright eyes, he said affectionately: "Lingling, I like you too."

Ye Duan lowered his head slowly, Jiang Yuling also closed his eyes shyly, and his body trembled a little.

Ye Duan hugged her tightly, smelling the faint fragrance, an unprecedented sense of satisfaction flooded Jiang Yuling's heart...

(End of this chapter)

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