Chapter 244
Loving someone starts with good looks, falls into talent, and is loyal to character.

For a rich lady like Jiang Yuling.

Only when these three conditions are met, can it be included in the candidates.

You are handsome, useless.

Talent alone is useless.

It's just a good character, and it's not useless.

As soon as Ye Duan appeared, he gathered all three of them into one body, and only then did he come into Jiang Yuling's sight.

"Brother Duan, do you still remember when we first met?"

Jiang Yuling snuggled into Ye Duan's arms.

I remembered every little thing I had known him.

Ye Duan kept recalling in his mind.

I finally remembered.

"Meeting you for the first time? Of course I remember, it was a sunny morning, you were walking on the red carpet, and you were walking towards me."

Jiang Yuling saw that Ye Duan was speaking seriously.

Can't help but laugh.

"Pfft~~ That's the second time we met. The first time was at night, you were elected as the president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and everyone held a celebration dinner for you. I went to congratulate you on behalf of my father, but you ignored me It makes sense, I added you to WeChat, but you rejected it outright, which made me very embarrassed at the time..."

"Oh, I remembered, you shocked everyone when you went there that night. I thought it was a fairy descending from the mortal world."

Ye Duan smiled embarrassedly.

When did I become so forgetful?
It may be that there are too many beauties around me, and many romantic things happen every day, and I can't hold it in my head.

Some people seem to say that if you sleep too much with women, your memory will also decline.

Wouldn't it be the reason?

It seems that I have to control my impulse in the future...

"By the way, Lingling, we met for the first time that day. Why do you want to add me on WeChat? It can't be because I'm handsome, right? Hahaha."

"No~ I'm just a little curious about you. You became the president of the Youth Chamber of Commerce at such a young age. A group of uncles surround you, and you are so cold to me, so I wanted to know more about you, but you turned out to be even colder. I left the box without adding WeChat.”

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuling also blushed a little.

Unexpectedly, the first love in my life turned out to be the boy I actively pursued...

If you say it, no one will believe it.

Ye Duan quickly explained: "That time I didn't add you on WeChat because I almost never add strangers, so even though you are very beautiful, I still didn't add you. Because it was the first time we met and we were not familiar with each other. , I'm not the kind of person who can't move when I see a beautiful woman."

"It's strange to say that you didn't add me on WeChat, but I became more curious about you, because you were the first person to refuse to add me on WeChat. Later, you donated 10 billion to the sanitation workers in Shanghai, and I love you even more I was curious. It was only later that I discovered that you are a person who loves charity so much, so I was... completely attracted by you..."

Jiang Yuling spoke slowly, telling his story.

After hearing this, Ye Duan felt very lucky.

Everything seems to be preordained.

If the younger sister of the system didn't release the 1000 billion charitable fund task, she probably wouldn't be able to attract Jiang Yuling's attention.

Ye Duan was right.

This young lady is by no means an ordinary girl.

Since she was a child, she has seen too many outstanding boys.

Some are so handsome that they look better than Pan An.

Some are very talented in art, such as tenth grade piano, tenth grade violin, tenth grade drum set.

Some are very smart, such as Olympiad champions, young college students, and high-achieving students who graduated from Harvard and Cambridge.

However, Jiang Yuling's favorite thing is to do charity.

So the boy who can attract her the most is someone who loves to do good deeds and has great love in his heart.

Among the boys she knew, there was no such person.

Until Ye Duan appeared, like the brightest star in the night sky.

Incredibly dazzling.

Exudes a seductive light.

It immediately caught Jiang Yuling's attention.

The more you pay attention, the more interested you become.

The more interested you are, the more advantages you will discover.

In this way, Miss Qianjin gradually fell in love with Ye Duan step by step.

Jiang Yuling thought that Ye Duanai's good deeds attracted her.

In fact, Ye Duan's handsomeness and financial resources are both playing an important role.

If Ye Duan is an ugly monster, or a poor dick, or an ugly and poor boy.

He just does good deeds every day, and goes to support education in mountainous areas 365 days a year.

He couldn't attract Jiang Yuling either.

It wouldn't make Jiang Yuling fall in love with him.

Ye Duan has a handsome face, strong financial resources, and a good conduct of charity.

Together they attracted Jiang Yuling.


The two chatted for a while in the room, and they didn't come out until Mother Jiang called for dinner.

When I came to the restaurant, a large table of sumptuous dinner was almost ready.

Jiang Wanquan, Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin were also seated.

Ye Duan sat with Jiang Yuling.

"Come on, let's toast together and wish tomorrow's Charity Development Forum a complete success."

Jiang Wanquan took the lead in drinking the first glass of wine.

The next step is toasting and drinking, and the guests enjoy the food while drinking.

Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin toasted Ye Duan respectively, thanking him for his donation to the province.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you have set up an investment company, which fields are you planning to invest in?"

"Yes, Chief Liu..."

Ye Duan hadn't finished speaking yet.

Jiang Wanquan took the initiative to introduce: "Ye Duan's investment company has an investment fund of 1000 billion yuan, and he plans to spend half of the money to support the development of Huaxia's high-tech projects. Even the old man admires this kind of mind."

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Ye is really a dragon and a phoenix among men, with strong strength. There are not many investment companies in China with 1000 billion investment funds, right?"

"This is not a matter of money. Mr. Ye can think about China's future technological development. Even we may not be able to imagine such a broad mind and excellent insight. If China's rich and young people can ask Mr. Ye Learning, we Huaxia will definitely be able to achieve technological take-off, and we will no longer be stuck in the neck."

"Come, come, let's toast together, and then to little friend Ye Duan."

After Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin drank the wine in their glasses, they said that they would ask the science and technology department of the province to carefully select a batch of high-tech projects and submit them to Ye Duan's investment company to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

Jiang Wanquan was in a good mood tonight, and he was three points drunk after a few glasses of wine, so he said with a smile: "You two are here to try my hand at my little friend Ye Duan again, and when we are almost finished screening the projects in Shanghai, we will give You two have a chance."

Liu Shixian and Zhu Weimin accused Jiang Wanquan of being unkind.

The atmosphere of the dinner was also very harmonious.

Ye Duan is also very happy, with the support of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces, plus local projects in Shanghai.

The development of the investment company will surely go smoothly.

Because the three provinces and cities are not only the regions with the strongest economy in China, they are also very technologically advanced.

Only by stepping on the shoulders of giants can we climb high and see far.

Jiang Yuling's heart became even more joyful.

Father took the lead in praising Brother Duan, and Uncle Liu and Uncle Zhu also praised him full of praise.

After listening to it, I am happier than praising myself.

Brother Duan is so outstanding, there is nothing wrong with choosing him, and he will definitely be very happy with him...

Jiang Yuling stared blankly at Ye Duan and his father talking and laughing happily.

Eyes filled with love and admiration.

Seeing it from the side, Jiang's mother couldn't help feeling sad.

The girl Lingling has grown up, but are she and Ye Duan really suitable?

(End of this chapter)

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