Chapter 250 The Arrival of Ye Duan
The crowd gradually lost control.

Someone started throwing stones again, and the scene was tense for a while.

Jiang Wanquan returned safely to the mansion under the protection of everyone.

"It's ridiculous! Why don't they believe me?"

This time Jiang Wanquan really had no choice but to shut himself in the study, wanting to be quiet for a while.

But there was even worse news.

"It's not good, Mr. Jiang, the foreign media have rushed over one after another."


Jiang Wanquan yelled and fainted.

In order to control the situation, he specially arranged for the local media not to send reporters over, let alone report on this matter!

Unexpectedly, the foreign media also got the news.

I'm afraid I can't hide it this time. If the superiors are held accountable, not only will I have no hope of running for the election, but I will even be implicated and lose my status.

Jiang Wanquan was scared.

In a moment of urgency, he fainted on the chair.

Kong Xiuju was also frightened to the point of confusion, and kept shouting: "Wanquan, Wanquan, wake up, come here, what should I do..."

Jiang Yuling also burst into tears.

Feel extremely helpless.

At that moment, a person suddenly came to mind.

Ye Duan!

Now only he can rely on!

Jiang Yuling immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Duan's number with trembling hands.

"Brother Duan, woo woo...I'm so scared..."

At this time.

Ye Duangang and Lin Meishuang came out of the love hut together, and were going to discuss with Su Mengwen about investing in the company.

He was also taken aback when he received Jiang Yuling's call.

"What's the matter Lingling? Why are you crying?"

He heard Jiang Yuling's heartbroken crying.

Ye Duan felt distressed.

"Don't worry, I'll be right over."

Before he had time to ask carefully, he bid farewell to the eldest wife in a hurry.

He went straight to Jiang Yuling.

Ye Duan's Lamborghini poison flew to Jiang Wanquan's mansion.

The crowd sitting quietly in front of the gate was startled.

They all gave way.

A group of reporters also removed cameras and other equipment.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Ye Duan also guessed that something was wrong.

Could it be that something happened to Uncle Jiang?
As soon as Ye Duan parked the car, a group of people took photos of the Lamborghini with their mobile phones.

Some people are like this, they like to watch the excitement wherever they go.

When you encounter such a super cool sports car, if you don’t take a few photos, you will feel sorry for your mobile phone.

Anyway, it doesn't delay asking for salary, sitting is still sitting, why not have some fun and cheer up your mood.

Seeing Ye Duan coming, the guard immediately let him go.

At this time, Jiang Wanquan had come to his senses and was resting on the bed.

Jiang Yuling waited anxiously at the door, waiting for the good man in her heart.

She didn't ask Ye Duan to help with her father's affairs.

It's about finding someone you can rely on.

When girls encounter things, they tend to be confused and feel that the sky is about to fall.

You must find someone to support yourself.

At this time, the usefulness of the boyfriend is reflected.

Even if your boyfriend can't do anything, he feels more at ease when he is by his side.

Jiang Yuling looked forward to Ye Duan's arrival, so that he could feel a little more at ease.

The moment her father passed out just now, she felt so helpless, so helpless.

"Brother Duan~"

Seeing Ye Duan approaching, Jiang Yuling didn't care about the embarrassment, and threw herself into the man's arms.

"Brother Duan~ woo woo woo..."

"Lingling is good, Lingling doesn't cry."

Ye Duan hugged the beauty in his arms tightly, trying to give her some comfort.

It seems that the Jiang family must have encountered difficulties.

Jiang Wanquan knew that Ye Duan was coming, so he quickly invited him to the bed.

"Uncle Jiang, what happened? Why are there so many people at the door?"

Jiang Wanquan shook his head, not knowing how to speak to Ye Duan.

In fact, he had already thought of Ye Duan.

He is very clear about Ye Duan's financial resources.

It shouldn't be a big problem to take over the real estate company.

But how could I let my daughter's boyfriend jump into this pit?

This is not to hurt him!

So Jiang Wanquan didn't contact Ye Duan.

Unexpectedly, his daughter called him and called him here.

I really didn't misunderstand the person, Ye Duan is really a loving and righteous child, and he didn't back down in battle!

But, how could I have the nerve to complain to him?

Jiang Yuling's mother, Kong Xiuju, understood her husband's thoughts and knew that he was unwilling to ask Ye Duan for help because of affection.

She took the initiative to share her husband's worries, and said to Ye Duan: "Those people outside are employees of the real estate company, and they haven't received their wages for several months, so they come here to make trouble.

Your Uncle Jiang advised them to go back and wait for the news, and promised to help them solve the problem, but they still refused to leave. Now that the media reporters are here, the matter may not be hidden.Your Uncle Jiang was so angry that he fainted and just woke up. "

"Isn't the real estate company a big company? Why can't it even pay wages?"

Ye Duan felt that something was wrong.

The younger sister of the system just rewarded herself with the real estate company, and this happened.

Isn't this digging a hole for yourself to jump into?
The little sister of the system is bad enough.

I will definitely find her to reason with when I look back, and I won't bring such a trick to my brother.

At this time, the staff standing aside explained: "Mr. Ye, you may not know that the real estate company is about to close down due to those greedy moths, and the boss also ran away with the money, leaving a mess to Mr. Jiang.

If the news is reported by those reporters, even if Master Jiang will not be implicated, his future will certainly be affected. "

Another staff member also took the opportunity to say: "Yes, Mr. Ye, you are the new richest man, and you share weal and woe with Mr. Jiang, and you are friends who have forgotten the years, and the relationship is like father and son.

I also beg you to help, buy the real estate company, and help Mr. Jiang get through this hurdle in front of him. "

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Jiang is about to go to the election. There must be no mistakes at this time!"

The two staff members are also eager to protect the Lord, and have repeatedly begged for each other.

Ye Duan was about to tell the truth, telling everyone that he was the new boss of the real estate company.

Jiang Yuling was the first to say: "You two uncles, don't say that. I didn't ask Brother Duan to intervene in this matter. It's just that I feel helpless and want to find someone to rely on. I don't think my father will either. Have this idea."

Miss Jiang knew very well.

Regardless of whether Brother Duan has the ability to acquire a real estate company, he cannot be asked to help.

If you beg him at this time, isn't it moral kidnapping?
Since Brother Duan likes her, she took the opportunity to take advantage of him.

I, Jiang Yuling, can't do this kind of thing!
I believe that my father is not the kind of selfish person.

Hearing what his daughter said, Jiang Wanquan nodded in agreement.

"Lingling is right. The real estate company has no value for acquisition now. Once it takes over, it means that it will bear billions of debts and the burden of tens of thousands of people. We have no reason to let Ye Duan participate in this matter.

Let the reporters do the reporting, and I'll take it no matter what the outcome is.By the way, call all of us here, explain the cause and effect of the matter clearly, and make the truth public. I believe there will be a solution, and the sky will not fall. "

(End of this chapter)

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