Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 251 The Jiang Family's Trouble

Chapter 251 The Jiang Family's Trouble

"Ye Duan, thank you, thank you for trusting me so much."

Lin Meishuang was very excited.

Ye Duan was very happy when he heard this.

"That's great, twins."

"People are not joking."

Lin Meishuang thought that Ye Duan just wanted to do bad things.

did not expect.

Ye Duan was serious.

"Shuanger, I solemnly tell you that I am not joking."


Lin Meishuang couldn't believe her ears.

The old classmate agreed so readily!
This man is so nice!

He never disappoints and is always so heartwarming.

From the toes to the head, you can feel the warmth everywhere.

"Of course it's true. I always keep my word."

Ye Duan said.

Came to the hut of love.

"Old classmate, how are you~"

Lin Meishuang was right.

This man is really bad.

Lin Meishuang's mood is unusually comfortable today, every cell in her body is excited.

Not only the face, every inch of skin on the body gradually became rosy.

She also became more courageous.

Leaf soon became unbearable.

A gentle, considerate and sweet woman like Shuang'er.

Just looking at her flushed face.

Shy look.

I couldn't help but want to love him.

Ye Duan's love was given to her without reservation.

As delicate as ever.

The everlasting sincerity.

This silly woman entrusted all her best youthful years in missing herself.

Not only never jealous.

He also takes care of his own business.

The whole company is happy, harmonious and happy.

The more Ye Duan thought about it, the warmer he felt.

She is not only a good classmate, but also a good helper.

Just when Ye Duan and Lin Mei were in love with each other.

However, Jiang Wanquan was in big trouble. Early in the morning, a group of people held banners and surrounded his mansion.

As a result, he couldn't even attend the Charity Development Forum, so he had to send his deputy to attend instead.

Hundreds of people crowded together in darkness, completely enclosing the open space in front of the door.

"Officer Jiang, you have to make the decision for us. If the real estate company goes bankrupt, our family of three will go to drink Northwest Wind."

"Master Qingtian, I have seniors and juniors, and I haven't been paid for almost half a year. Please think of a way."

"A company as big as a real estate company has been messed up like this. How did you become the head of the region?"

"If you don't decide for us, why don't you go home and sell sweet potatoes! Jiang Wanquan, if you can't handle this well, pack up and leave as soon as possible!"

"Yes, if you don't have this ability, step down quickly!"

The crowd gradually became restless.

Some fiery employees started throwing stones at the mansion.

The guards could only firmly guard the line of defense at the door, beware of mobs breaking into the mansion, and could do nothing else.

Without orders from above, they could only stand by and not fight back when they were scolded or beaten.

Jiang Wanquan paced back and forth in the mansion anxiously, unable to think of a countermeasure for a while.

No one expected that the largest real estate company would expose such a big hole!

The boss of the company suddenly absconded with money, leaving a mess, and the employees have not been paid normally for several months.

The management team was also in a state of disarray, and everyone was terrified, afraid of being implicated, most of them hid.

Nuoda's company has basically come to a standstill.

What was even more infuriating was that, for some unknown reason, no one reported this to Jiang Wanquan.

Jiang Wanquan didn't know the general situation until the workers really couldn't see a way out and came out to make trouble together.

This made him very passive, and he was already on fire. Where can he find someone to take over this hot potato?

If it's a small company, it's fine, and the crisis can be resolved by raising a few hundred million at most.

But the real estate company is an old giant company and the largest real estate company in the country, with tens of thousands of employees.

Every month, wages, social security, and provident funds cost hundreds of millions.

He still owes tens of billions in loans to the bank.

Even if all the existing assets are sold, there will be at least tens of billions of shortfalls.

Who will be the receiver at this time?

"Make up your mind quickly. If you let them go on like this, I'm afraid the matter will not end."

"That's right, brother Wanquan. The candidate for the deputy chief of the cabinet will be determined soon. At this critical moment, there must be no trouble."

Jiang Wanquan's staff members were also very anxious.

Their future is all tied to Jiang Wan.

If Jiang Wanquan was implicated because of this matter, they would also become bereaved dogs.

"Hey! The matter is so urgent, what can I do? The real estate company is an empty shell now, and there is not even a piece of land available for development in its hands. Who would be willing to take over?"

Jiang Wanquan had a headache.

Although he knew many rich people, who would want to do such a loss-making business?

If it's a few hundred million or more than a billion, it's okay, if you sell Jiang Wanquan a favor, you can earn it back in other ways in the future.

Now there are tens of billions of big holes, and there are nearly ten thousand people waiting to be fed.

Who would be idiot enough to take over such a mess?

If there is no benefit to be gained, Jiang Wanquan's face will not be easy to save!

One of the aides said unwillingly: "Lao Jiang, you should give the real estate industry some advice, just in case a miracle happens."

"Yes, Wanquan, just give it a try. It's better to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor than to sit and wait for death."

Jiang Yuling's mother, Kong Xiuju, was also at the side persuading her husband.

Jiang Wanquan thought for a moment, and decided to let go of his old face and ask for help.

There is no other way now.

So he took out his address book and called the real estate owners he knew one by one.

A round of phone calls is over.

Jiang Wanquan was terribly disappointed.

No one is willing to sincerely help!
Some real estate developers politely found a reason to decline.

Some took the opportunity to ask for benefits, hoping to get some designated land at a low price.

There are even more shameless people who want to get the development rights of that popular land in the city center without paying a penny.

Jiang Wanquan was so angry that he cursed "bastard".

Kong Xiuju hurriedly comforted her husband: "Wanquan, calm down, don't be angry."

Jiang Wanquan sat slumped on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Rub your temples with your hands.

My head hurts.

Seeing his father helpless, Jiang Yuling wiped his tears in distress.

"You guys stay here, I'll go out and appease the workers."

Jiang Wanquan finished speaking to his wife and daughter.

Then he walked out of the gate of the mansion with his staff.

When the crowd saw Jiang Wanquan coming out, they gathered around one after another.

"My fellow workers, I am Jiang Wanquan. Please don't worry, I assure you that the real estate company will never go bankrupt. Not only will you not lose your jobs, but your previous wages will also be paid.

Please believe me, go home and wait for the news, give me some time, I will fulfill my promise to everyone..."

Jiang Wanquan's words did not work.

The crowd seemed to be numb to this rhetoric, immune to it.

In the past six months, they have heard many similar words, and they were all proved to be lies in the end.

Money was promised every time, and every hope was dashed.

Having been duped so many times, they now trust no one unless they can solve their problems on the spot.

To put it bluntly, only money can make them go home with peace of mind.

Someone in the crowd kept shouting: "Liar! Liar!"

"Don't draw big cakes for us, and you can't eat them!"

"It sounds good, let's go home and wait until the Year of the Monkey is gone."

"That is, if we can't get the money, let's go back and wait to starve to death?"

"Send money! Send money!"

(End of this chapter)

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