Chapter 258 Gentleness
Liu Qian asked puzzledly: "Brother Ye, what kind of medal is this? It looks very old."

"I'm not sure if this is true, Qianbao, you can check it on your mobile phone and read the introduction on the Internet."

"Alright Brother Ye."

Liu Qian put the medal back in the box, took out her mobile phone and searched online.

The whole person was also shocked.

"No way, Brother Ye, is this medal really the first-class Purple Star Medal? It is said on the Internet that this is the most important medal in China. It has only rewarded less than 10 people in total, and the winners are almost all heroes. But They have all passed away, why do the elderly in the West Lake Nursing Home have this medal?"

"do not know……"

Ye Duan couldn't figure it out either.

Countless question marks circled in my mind.

Who is this old man?

Where did his First Class Purple Star Medal come from?

Why would he give such a precious medal to himself?

What is the use of this medal?

"Qianbao, did you go to the West Lake Nursing Home? Do you know the old man's name and age?"

"I don't know, he looks like he's in his 70s, he's in good spirits, and everyone else is very polite to him..."

Liu Qian described it for a long time, but did not say any key information.

Ye Duan decided not to think about it for now.

One day the mystery will be solved.

Right now, let's spend time with Miss Conch...

Ye Duan did not put too much thought on this first-class Purple Star Medal.

Although it is very precious, it is not one ten thousandth of Qianbao.

The beauty in front of me is the source of happiness tonight.

People are the most important thing!
With a beautiful woman as a companion, you have the whole world!

Moreover, this medal may not really be as magical as it is described on the Internet.

According to the online introduction, there are only 8 medals.

I can't even think about the identity of the winner.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a person who is like Taishan Beidou is a person who has influenced the history of China.

But these laureates died decades ago.

Half of the 8 medals are now stored in the memorial hall.

The whereabouts of the remaining 4 are unknown.

Ye Duan couldn't believe it.

How did I have such good luck to donate to the West Lake Nursing Home and get this medal?
Not normal, so abnormal!
Always feel that something is not right.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't understand it, so I just stopped thinking about it.

Liu Qian didn't put her mind on this medal either.

She was thinking about the master's business trip.

"Brother Ye, let's go to your house first, and I'll pack your business trip luggage for you. This time I'm going out for a long time, and in some places the temperature difference between day and night is huge, so I need to bring a few more clothes for a change of clothes."

"Qianbao, you are so thoughtful, you are indeed my conch girl."

Ye Duan knew more and more that Qianbao was alright.

It is also a special warmth to have such a person who knows how to take care of yourself by your side.

Behind a successful man, there is always a woman who pays silently.

He was talking about a good wife like Miss Conch.

Liu Qian patted her head, and remembered another thing: "By the way, I still need to bring some standing medicines. If I don't accept the water and soil and have diarrhea, I will suffer."

"Okay, I listen to you, you come and help me clean up."

Ye Duan drove directly back to Tang Chen Yipin's home.

Miss Conch often comes here to tidy up the house, and she is familiar with the way to the cloakroom, where she packs up her clothes and other luggage.

"Qianbao, you've been in the car for so long and haven't eaten, so take a rest first."

Ye Duan felt a little distressed.

In fact, he can take care of it himself, but he can't live up to Qianbao's wishes.

Liu Qian didn't feel tired, she took clothes from the closet, and said with a smile, "I'm not tired at all, Brother Ye, don't worry about me, go do your work, I'll go out and find you after I pack it up." .”

Ye Duan felt warm in his heart.

I left the cloakroom and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

But there is nothing to eat in the refrigerator.

Only a few packets of dried noodles.

Ye Duan wanted to order takeaway for Liu Qian, but after a second thought, he put down his phone again.

Give Qianbao a bowl of noodles.

I often eat her food, as if I have never cooked for her myself.

So he washed a pot, filled it with water and put it on the gas stove.

After the water boiled, put the noodles in and sprinkle a few grains of salt.

Soon, a bowl of clear water noodles was cooked.

"Qianbao, come over for some noodles."

Ye Duan put the noodles in a bowl and brought them to the dining table.

Liu Qian ran over to take a look, and saw a bowl of white water noodles.

Although there is not even a vegetable leaf.

It didn't look very tasty either.

But still very moving.

Miss Conch's nose became sour instantly, and tears overflowed all at once.


Ye Duan did not expect Liu Qian to be so moved by a bowl of noodles.

He quickly hugged her in his arms, and continued to comfort her: "Qianbao doesn't cry, Qianbao is good, it's all because of the master's fault, why do you do something wrong, why are you eating it, it tastes terrible at first sight, I'll throw it away."

"No~ I want to eat~~"

Liu Qian wiped away her tears, sat at the dining table, and slowly ate the noodles.

Although the taste is not very good, it tastes very delicious.

The conch girl wanted to cry while eating.

Tears dripped into the bowl.

Feelings come, like a flood that bursts a bank, and nothing can stop it.

It was such a bowl of unpretentious clear water noodles that satisfied Liu Qian greatly.

It is more delicious than any delicacies from mountains and seas.

Soon he ate up the noodles, and even drank the soup without a drop.

"Master~Thank you for the noodles, it's delicious~"

"Qianbao, when I come back from a business trip, I'll make some dishes for you, let's have a drink."

Ye Duan knows.

It wasn't that his noodles were delicious, but that Qianbao hadn't seen her for a few days and was panicking.

And she was leaving tomorrow, so she must be reluctant to part with it.

Now she must be very fragile.

So a bowl of noodles moved her to tears.

Liu Qian went to the bathroom to wash her face, then went to the cloakroom to pack her luggage.

After a while, he dragged a full suitcase and walked out.

"Master~ I've packed everything. I've brought mobile phone charging cables, charging treasures, wallets, toothbrushes, towels, slippers, and pajamas. Think again if you have forgotten anything."

"You don't need to bring towels and slippers, the hotel has them."

"If there is none, and some hotels are not clean, you should take it with you, and it won't take up much space."

"Okay Qianbao, you're really thoughtful."

Ye Duan gently hugged Miss Conch into his arms, and kissed her little face.

Liu Qian reacted to this kiss.

"Master~ If there is nothing wrong, let's go to my house~~"

Liu Qian wanted to take the owner back to her home as soon as possible.

It's getting late, and time must be cherished like gold.

After tonight, I will not see my master for several days.

Unexpectedly, Ye Duan rejected her: "No, I won't go to your house tonight."

"Huh? Well, then I'll go back."

Miss Conch felt as if she had been hit on the head, her mind went blank, and she couldn't stand still.

But she had to listen to the master's words.

You can't ask what you shouldn't ask.

Liu Qian was dazed and ready to walk towards the door.

After taking a step, Ye Duan pulled him into his arms again.

"Qianbao, sleep here tonight."

"Here? Can... can I?"

(End of this chapter)

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