Chapter 259 Grand Blueprint
Liu Qian couldn't believe her ears.

"Master~ You seem to have never... slept with a girl... here..."

"Haha, hello Qianbao, how did you find out?"

Ye Duan wanted to know the answer very much.

He really never took a girl to sleep here.

Last time my little wife came for her birthday, but left after dinner.

Liu Qian quickly explained: "I often come here to clean, and I have never found a girl's hair in the bedroom. If you bring a girl back to sleep, it will definitely leave traces."

"You bastard, you're quite smart."

"Hee hee~ Of course, even sister Lin praised me for being smart and capable."

The conch girl was praised by the owner, and her mood instantly became beautiful.

A beautiful face exudes a charming luster.

Ye Duan couldn't help pinching.

Liu Qian was very excited.

Definitely going to spend the night here tonight.

In the heart of the master, oneself is still very important, hehe~
But she knew who she was.

I also understand the current situation of the master, and there can be no intimacy.

After taking a shower.

Liu Qian was so tired that she was out of breath, so she quickly drank a bottle of fruit juice to replenish her strength.

He opened another bottle and handed it to the owner.

The two lay on the bed and chatted.

"Qianbao, there is something you need to deal with."

Ye Duan remembered the request of his apprentice He Shiping, afraid that he would forget it after he was on a business trip, so he said it first: "Pingping wants to change an office. You should pay attention to the office building of the International Finance Center recently to see if there is a bigger office available. If If there is, tell Pingping and let her go and have a look."

"Good master, I will go to the office building tomorrow."

Everyone knows now.

Liu Qian is the charter woman of the office building of IFC.

In the hands of hundreds of thousands of square meters of office.

Arranging a new office for He Shiping can be done in minutes.

In addition to the IFC office building, she is also in charge of contacting Conch Company.

This company has also developed rapidly recently, but it has not yet determined the candidate for the general manager.

Liu Qian wanted to consult Ye Duan before his business trip.

"Master~Conch Company has now turned losses into profits, the inland waterway shipping business is running smoothly, and international shipping is also recovering steadily."

"It's all thanks to you, Qianbao. Last month's financial statement showed that Conch Company was profitable, which was beyond my expectation. I didn't expect Huang Chao Company to develop so fast after it became Conch Company. It must be You have your luck."

Ye Duan touched the conch girl, feeling very comfortable.

Liu Qian also enjoyed the feeling of being caressed by her master.

There is a strong sense of security.

"Master, please stop coaxing me. I don't have such a great ability. By the way, Master, Conch Company has never confirmed the general manager, and the two vice presidents are not convinced. I am worried that this will lead to the split of the company. You see Don’t choose the general manager early.”

"I also thought about this matter. In the short term, the competition between the two vice presidents is conducive to the rapid development of the company, but once it goes on for a long time, it will dampen their enthusiasm and cause internal friction. However, according to the current situation, let any of them If one person is the general manager, the other person will definitely not be convinced. So, I want you to be the general manager of Conch Company."

Although Ye Duan likes to play on weekdays, it gives people a feeling that there are few flowers and flowers.

In fact, he has been thinking about his various industries in his mind.

He never forgot his dream, his original aspiration.

In the past, he wanted to become the richest man in the world, to become the person who grasped the pulse of the earth.

Now, he has a clearer plan.

Prepare to contribute to Huaxia in terms of technology, culture and energy!

Because there are obvious shortcomings in these places.

For example, in high technology, a small chip can get stuck in our necks.

Even a top company like Huafu had to reduce its production capacity due to the lack of spare parts.

Thinking about it makes people feel aggrieved!

Culture is also a short board, and it is very important.

Many outsiders have prejudice against China, not because they are unfair, but because they have been deceived.

A netizen from a foreign country said that almost all the reports about Huaxia they have heard since they were young are bad news.

In such a big environment, they don't know what the real Huaxia and Huaxia people look like.

Some people even think that China is still as backward and ignorant as it was a century ago.

Can you blame them for sitting in a well and watching the sky?

In the final analysis, it was the Chinese culture that did not take the initiative to spread it!

Energy is also a big issue.

Most of these materials such as oil and iron ore have to rely on imports.

As a promising young man, Ye Duan is well aware of his heavy responsibility.

So he aimed at three pain points and solved them one by one.

First, let the investment company allocate half of the funds to support the development of high-tech projects, so that outsiders will no longer get stuck in our necks!
Second, support the creation of Chinese local film and television dramas, develop an overseas version of the small video app "Silk Road", export Chinese civilization to the outside world, eliminate outsiders' prejudice against us, and revive our cultural confidence!
Third, develop Conch Company, expand overseas energy development and transportation business, create a safe and convenient maritime energy transportation line, and provide a steady stream of power for the rise of Huaxia!

The great man is the country and the people.

This is the grand blueprint of leaf segment structure.

As for the Li brothers of Jingyun Group, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Compared with these major events related to the fate of the country, they are nothing!
Ye Duan decided to hand over Conch Company to Liu Qian's management.

This flattered her.

"Master~ To tell you the truth, in fact, the two vice presidents also made such a suggestion. They didn't want the other party to overwhelm them, so they also wanted me to stand up as the general manager of Conch Company. But you also know that, I just graduated and don't have much management experience, Conch is such a big company, I'm afraid I can't do well..."

"Don't be afraid of Qianbao. No one is a management genius at the beginning. People grow up through exploration. When you sit in that position, you will naturally enter the role. You are from the management department of Jiaotong University. I I believe you can manage Conch Company well. And I plan to expand Conch Company. In addition to the shipping business, I also plan to get involved in overseas resource mining business. After I return from this business trip, we will discuss it carefully."

Ye Duan spoke very calmly.

But it gave Miss Conch a lot of confidence, and she recognized it.

This time the master definitely didn't mean to be joking.

It seems that I have to pick up the heavy burden and help the master share the worries.

Liu Qian nodded, and said in a firm tone: "Master~ Thank you for trusting me so much. I will definitely work hard to lead Conch Company to ride the wind and waves, and strive not to let you down."

"That's right Qianbao, you have never let me down, I believe you can!"

Ye Duan hugged Miss Conch tightly in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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