Chapter 282 Xiaoniaoyiren
Ye Duan was thinking.

Conch girl has already prepared dinner: "Master~ Dinner is ready~"

"Okay, here we go."

The delicious food tempts the taste buds of Ye Duan.

Just like the big bad wolf saw the little white rabbit.

Can't wait to enjoy it.

"Wow~ It's delicious, my conch girl is better, the craftsmanship is getting better and better."

"Thank you, master, for your compliment. Eat more to make up your body."

Liu Qian picked up a fish fillet and brought it to Ye Duan's mouth.

The two looked like they were having a sweet meal.

It is also envious of others.

"Qianbao, open a bottle of red wine."

Ye Duan wanted to drink to cheer him up.

Liu Qian hesitated for a moment, but took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet.

"Master~ We already drank at noon, will we get drunk if we drink now?"

"It doesn't matter if you're drunk, we'll get drunk tonight and fight until dawn."

Conch girl heard the words.

The little face turned red all of a sudden.

You haven't had a drink yet, you're already on top.

"Come on, cheers."

Ye Duan raised his red wine glass and drank it down.

Liu Qian also did it in one go.

After a while, the two drank up a bottle of 750ml red wine.

Miss Conch was too strong to drink, and her little face became even more rosy.

He staggered to Ye Duan's side.

He took his hand and walked to the bathroom.

There was already warm water in the bathtub.

Ye Duan couldn't help being happy.

It seems that Qianbao has long been prepared.


"Master~ I miss you so much~~"

Miss Conch still couldn't restrain her longing for her master.

This is no different from dreaming.

She wanted to really feel the presence of the master.

Calling the master softly: "Master~Master~I miss you~~"

Ye Duan could hear it clearly.

Qianbao's voice was so sweet, it made people feel numb after hearing it.

This is the calling of love.

It is the alarm clock of love.

"Qianbao, I'm here."

Ye Duan kisses...

Happy times are always satisfying.

Just like boys and girls in long-distance relationships, the pain of lovesickness for a month, two months or even a semester, only needs one sweet night, or even three hours of clock room, to turn the pain into sweetness.

Liu Qian took a shower.

Sleeping in the warm quilt, I fell asleep beautifully.

Ye Duan couldn't bear to leave her.

But as a man's responsibility, he had to choose to let go.

Ye Duan left Liu Qian's house and quietly went to the 39th floor.

Lin Meishuang is working overtime in the study at the moment.

Hearing the doorbell, I thought it was some younger sister who came to chat.

From the surveillance, it turned out to be Ye Duan.

So he quickly opened the door and asked with concern: "Old classmate, are you okay?"

"Silly Shuang'er, what can I do?"

"No, it's so late, why are you back? Didn't you say to find Miao Fei?"

Lin Meishuang hurriedly welcomed the man into the house.

Ye Duan sat on the sofa, shook his head and said, "Good things take time."

"Oh, I see, did Miaofei disagree and drive you back?"

Lin Meishuang sat beside the man, covering her mouth and trying to laugh.

hee hee~
It seems that there are also women whose old classmates can't handle it.

Ye Duan pinched her face lightly, and said confidently: "How is it possible? Miao Fei came to relatives, so I came back to accompany you."

"No wonder~ I said why are you willing to come back, it turns out that you didn't get any."

"Shuang'er, what's the matter with you today, you speak strangely."

"No, what's wrong with me? I'm concerned about you, old classmate."

Lin Meishuang hastily concealed her petty thoughts.

Ye Duan chuckled, and suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, do you want me to eat it too?"

"Bad guy~ what are you talking about? I don't want you to eat..."

"Really? I don't believe it."

Ye Duan stretched out his hand to grab it.

Lin Meishuang jumped up from the sofa like a rabbit.

"Bad guy~ stop now~~"

"Hey, what a pair, let me have a bite."

How could Ye Duan give up?

Immediately he held her in his arms.

Lin Meishuang also became more honest in an instant.

Ye Duan was right.

The reason why she spoke strangely just now was because she was secretly jealous.

It's like a young couple quarreling, quarreling at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

When the two hot lips stick together, nothing happens.

"Old classmate~ You should go to Wenwen and Pingping, what if you lose your strength for a while?"

Lin Meishuang said.

At this time, she still thinks about her sisters.

Ye Duan said arrogantly: "Shuang'er, don't worry, don't you still know my strength?"

"Bad guy~ Who doesn't know that you are as strong as a cow? But you still have to take it easy, don't get tired~"

"I know, my dear twins, I will keep a good balance, hehe."

The arrival of Ye Duan brought Lin Meishuang endless joy.

But the two of them didn't do anything out of line, they just clicked on it.


after that.

Lin Meishuang lay in the man's arms and whispered.

"Ye Duan, the land in the center of the magic city that I photographed a few days ago is a commercial land. I plan to build a landmark building. What do you think?"

"A great idea! Actually, I also had the same idea after seeing the general situation of this land. It would be great to build a fine building that can be handed down to the next generation in the future."

"Then do you think it should be built higher, or built with a sense of design?"

"Both can be balanced, right? On the one hand, build the tallest building in China, no, if you want to build it, build the tallest building in the world. On the other hand, build a magic city art center, and invite our most famous architects in China to design it."

Ye Duan's words startled Lin Meishuang.

"Old classmate, how much would it cost to build the tallest building in the world? There's no need to build it so high, right?"

"Shuang'er, I want to build the tallest building in the world. It's not because I want to build the tallest building in the world. A luxurious metropolis full of skyscrapers played a very important role in publicity."

Seeing Lin Meishuang's puzzled expression.

Ye Duan continued to explain: "Now China is rising rapidly, and we also need to attract the attention of the world. Although skyscrapers can't explain anything, they are a signal, conveying confidence and charm. I am building the world's tallest building in Shanghai. , I just want it to be a lighthouse, to convey light to the world, and to show the charm of our China. Let people all over the world know that our China is developing very well, and we can trade with us with confidence and carry out various cooperation ..."

"Old classmate~ You are awesome! Your perspective on thinking about problems is really different from ours, your thinking is amazing!"

Lin Meishuang was overwhelmed by the man's thoughts.

There is worship in the eyes.

The old classmates always have the world in their hearts, so manly.

"Shuang'er, don't worry about money, I may be the richest man in the world now."

"What? The world's richest man?"

"That's right, I have 2000 billion rice coins in my card, hehe."


Lin Meishuang was completely stunned.

Body trembling.

2000 billion rice coins, more than 1 trillion Chinese coins.

Where did the old classmates get so much money?

He went to rob a bank?

No, you can't rob so much by robbing a bank.

Even if there is a banknote printing factory, rice coins cannot be printed.

Lin Meishuang had question marks in her head, feeling very uneasy.

"May I ask how the money was earned?"

"Don't worry, Shuang'er, I earned all this money by doing tasks. It will be difficult to explain clearly for a while, and I will tell you slowly later. Moreover, if the source of my money is unknown, I will not get it now." Here it is. You can use it with confidence, and spend it boldly."

"Old classmate, you have let me manage hundreds of billions of dollars in property, and I can't spend it all."

Lin Meishuang was moved to tears.

Drilling in the arms of a man, the little bird clings to him.

(End of this chapter)

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