Chapter 283 Reporting work
Ye Duan wiped away her tears with his hands, and gently stroked her face.

"Shuang'er, you have worked hard during this period, and when the Shanghai Real Estate Company stabilizes, you can take a good rest."

"I'm not tired at all. It's you who worked the hardest. Don't you earn so much money and so many properties?"

When Lin Meishuang said this, she suddenly remembered another thing.

Looking up at the man, he said, "Ye Duan, what happened to that killer? I'm so worried."

"It's the Li brothers from the Jingyun Group who want to assassinate me, but I have recruited the killer. Don't worry, Shuang'er, I have arranged someone to protect you secretly. Don't tell Wenwen and the others about this, lest they get scared. "

"I see, isn't the Jingyun Group the real estate developer in Kyoto that snatched land from the Modu Real Estate Company?"

"That's right, maybe it's because they can't grab us by grabbing the land, so they moved to kill."

Lin Meishuang was also a little scared when she heard the words, she touched the man's face and said, "You must be careful."

"Shuang'er, I will give you another task. In the future, any land that Jingyun Group plans to take, no matter where it is in China, will be snatched by Modu Real Estate Company. If you don't have enough funds, you can ask me for it. I don't believe we can't break them."

"Will this anger the Jingyun Group even more?"

"I just want to let them have nowhere to go. Only when Jingyun Group is in chaos can we get rid of them once and for all."

Ye Duan understood.

A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff.

For a giant like Jingyun Group, it is difficult to find their flaws from the outside, and they can only disintegrate from the inside.

When they can't get the land, they can't get a loan from the bank, and they can't get financing from other channels.

Once the Li brothers' capital chain is broken, they can be easily crushed to death...

Ye Duan also felt a little sleepy after chatting with his eldest wife about work.

"Shuang'er, I want to sleep."

"No, boss, Wenwen and Pingping are still waiting to report to you~"

"They don't know I'm back, so I'll go find them tomorrow."

Ye Duan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, Lin Meishuang was still reluctant.

"Boss, I know you've worked hard, but you can't be careless about work. Everyone is ready and waiting to report to you. If you don't go, everyone will be so disappointed."

"Okay, Shuang'er, I'll go see them."

Ye Duan put on his clothes and went downstairs.

Don't make things difficult for Shuang'er.

When they arrived at the door of Su Mengwen's house on the 38th floor, Ye Duan didn't knock on the door or ring the doorbell.

Because it was past twelve o'clock at night.

Can't even hear a cat meowing.

The whole building is very quiet, and a little sound can travel far.

He doesn't want to disturb the people by making noise.

Ye Duan swiped his fingerprints and went directly to Su Mengwen's home.

Not only the 38th floor, but also the 10 houses in Zhongliang Jiangjing No. [-], he can come and go as he pleases.


The lights in the study were still on.

Is Wenwen still asleep?

Ye Duan called softly twice.

No one responded.

Walking into the study, I saw the big beauty lying on the desk and falling asleep.

The laptop screen was still on.

Alas, another workaholic!

Ye Duan walked over, ready to carry Su Mengwen to the bedroom.

Just touching her arm woke her up.

"Brother Duan~ is that you?"

Su Mengwen rubbed her eyes, looking at the man standing beside her, she felt incredible.

Ye Duan gently kissed her forehead: "Wenwen, thank you for your hard work, don't work overtime so late in the future, and take care of your body."

"Boss~ I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Su Mengwen is still not awake.

All this came too suddenly.

Sister Lin clearly told everyone in the "Secret Garden of Good Sisters" group that Brother Duan will not be coming back tonight.

But why did he stand in front of him?

If it's a dream, it's too real, right?

Su Mengwen stood up from the chair, stretched out her hand and touched Ye Duan's face.

It is so sharp and angular, and every place exudes handsomeness.

"Wenwen, you are not dreaming, I am here to listen to your work report."

Ye Duan sat down beside Su Mengwen.

"Boss, I've been ready for a long time and have been waiting for you to come."

Su Mengwen began to report work to Ye Duan incessantly.


Ye Duan liked listening to Su Mengwen's report very much.

It's so logical.

"Wenwen, are you tired, take a rest."

"I'm not tired of the boss, I'll finish talking soon, please bear with me a little longer."

Su Mengwen took a sip of tea and continued to talk about her work during this period.


more than an hour later.

The work is finally reported.

Ye Duan and Su Mengwen explained the key points of this work:

"Wenwen, investment companies should focus on the field of artificial intelligence. I have an immature plan. I can gather all experts in this field, including foreign scholars, to hold a high-level international academic conference."

"Of course, if it is held in the name of the company, it may not be taken seriously. You can cooperate with famous universities such as Aurora University, Jiaotong University, Jiangsu and Zhejiang University, and Jinling University to jointly hold this meeting."

"All participants will be provided with round-trip air tickets, hotel board and lodging and other expenses. Anyone who is interested in cooperation can obtain support for research and development funds from our investment company. Those who have made major achievements will be rewarded with a lot of money."

Ye Duan was determined.

To see the system sister.

Since she made herself support the development of the field of artificial intelligence, she must have her intentions.

Although Su Mengwen felt a little puzzled.

But he also readily agreed: "Okay Brother Duan, I will prepare for this meeting right away."

"Wenwen, I still have to listen to Pingping's report, so go to bed early."

Leaf segment is ready to leave.

Su Mengwen suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

"Boss, thank you for trusting me so much, I will definitely work hard."

"I believe in you, Wenwen. I know your ability very well. Go ahead and do it. I will fully support you."

Ye Duan smiled at Su Mengwen, and then said: "But Wenwen, you should also pay attention to your body, don't be too tired."

Su Mengwen burst into tears.

"Wenwen, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Duan was also heartbroken.

Wenwen has always been very strong and sensible.

Why are you crying like this?
"Boss, you are so kind to me. If you hadn't brought me out of Jinhai, where would I be today?"

Su Mengwen wiped away her tears.

Pretending to be strong makes people feel more distressed.

Ye Duan held up her small face, only to see that her eyes were bright red.

"Don't say that, Wenwen, you are gold, you will shine everywhere. It's just that I was lucky to pick you up first."

Su Mengwen shook her head quickly: "No, Brother Duan, I am very lucky to have met you. The days I worked under you were the happiest and happiest time of my life."

"Then why are you crying so hard?" Ye Duan asked puzzled.

"Because... because of me, I'm afraid that one day you will fire me. You have so many female subordinates, and they are all prettier than me, better than me, capable than me... I don't feel safe at all, I'm scared... ...Afraid that you would not want me..."

"Wenwen, I'm sorry, I didn't do well."

"No! No, Brother Duan, it's because you are so kind to me. You gave me a sports car, a mansion, and let me be the general manager of several companies... You let me change from an ordinary girl, I became a noble lady in the capital city, I feel that all this is like a dream, I have no idea in my heart, I am afraid that one day, the dream will wake up..."

"Wenwen, this is not a dream, all of this is real, as long as we work together to run the company well, we will have a better tomorrow."

Su Mengwen took a tissue from the desk, wiped away her tears, and said, "Thank you Brother Duan, I believe in you now, I know this is not a dream, and you will not fire me."

(End of this chapter)

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