Chapter 284
"Silly girl, don't cry every now and then."

"Understood, Brother Duan, I will change~"

Su Mengwen sent Ye Duan outside the door.

Leaning against the door, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I feel extremely at ease in my heart...

Ye Duan came to He Shiping's house.

Did not go in immediately.

Instead, he daydreamed for a while at the elevator entrance.

Wenwen's reaction just now made people jump.

Is each of them insecure?

With so many employees in a company, some people must be favored and others left out.

Wenwen's worry is not unreasonable.

Flowers are not as bright as a hundred days, and people are not as red as a hundred days.

None of them can guarantee that they will always be favored.

Ye Duan sighed silently.

It's hard being a boss!

I love my female subordinates in every possible way, giving them cars, houses, bags, and diamonds... But I still can't give them a sense of security.

Lingling said so, and Wenwen also said so.

Ye Duan was worried.

This problem must be studied carefully to see if there is a way to solve it.

Think about the effort of a cigarette.

Ye Duan swiped the fingerprint lock and tiptoed into the female apprentice's house.

There were no lights in the house, and it was pitch black everywhere.

Only the TV's standby light was glowing blue.

This little fox must be sleeping.

Haha, why not give the apprentice a surprise and let her feel the master descending from the sky.

Ye Duan held his breath and arrived at the door of the master bedroom in the dark.

Lie on the door and listened.

There is no sound.

Then he turned the lock gently, pushed the door open, and walked in.


A dark figure sat up from the bed.

He said to Ye Duan, "Master, what are you doing?"


Ye Duan staggered in fright and fell on the carpet.

At this moment, Sombra turned on the light.

He Shiping, wearing cool suspender pajamas, quickly got off the bed and helped her master up.

"Master~ are you okay?"

"Scared the master to death, you bad Pingping, did you do it on purpose?"

"Hmph~ You are the bad master, sneaking into the apprentice's boudoir in the middle of the night, what exactly do you want?"

"What do you say I want to do?"

" want to..."

He Shiping's face was already blushing with shame, she got into Ye Duan's arms embarrassingly, and said coquettishly, "Master~ I miss you so much~"

"Don't change the subject, tell the master quickly, when did you find out I came in?"

"I knew it when you opened the fingerprint lock."

"No way? Haven't you been sleeping?"

Ye Duan checked the time, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

What does this little girl think about when she doesn't sleep.

"I'm waiting for you, Master Smelly~"

"How do you know I'm back?"

Ye Duan felt incredible.

Who actually betrayed himself?
Qianbao, Shuang'er, or Wenwen?

He Shiping pursed her lips and glared at the master: "Heh~ You and Sister Qian are making so much noise upstairs that I can hear it with my earplugs~"

"You... what did you hear?"

Ye Duan felt guilty.

He Shiping tugged on the sling with her small hands, and replied: "I only hear the sound of cooking, and...the sound of taking a bath..."

"nothing else?"

Ye Duan didn't believe his apprentice's words.

This girl is a ghost, she must have heard it.

He Shiping's face became even more rosy, and she quickly shook her head: "There are no other voices~"

"Not at all?"

"There is... a little bit, I didn't hear clearly~"

"You little villain, dare to eavesdrop on us, see if I don't peel off your skin."

Ye Duan tore off the apprentice's suspender all at once.

He Shiping let out an "ah".

Hastily protected.

I rub.

Ye Duan's eyes widened, and his heart beat faster.

Pingping turned out to be.

Oh my God!

"So beautiful!"

"Hmm~ Master is a big villain!"

He Shiping was about to die of shame.

Turning around and crawling onto the bed, the whole person got into the bed.

Ye Duan hurried to coax her.

"Pingping, I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't know you were so afraid of heat."

"You did it on purpose, you scoundrel, woo woo woo..."

He Shiping exposed her head and cried helplessly.

Ye Duan was also dumbfounded.

No way, I used to be much worse than this, and I have never seen Ping Pingsheng so arrogant.

He quickly put his arms around his apprentice and comforted her: "Pingping is good, Pingping stopped crying, it's all the master's fault, the master won't pull your suspenders next time."

"Master, you are so stupid, it's not this~ I've been waiting for you all night, why are you here now?"

"I... because you are the hardest bone to crack, I will save it until the end."

Ye Duan's words made He Shiping's face turn green with anger.

He raised his small powder fist and threw it at the master.

"Hmph~ I'm not a tough nut to crack, I'll beat you, beat you, you bastard~"

"Pingping, please forgive me, the master said something wrong."

"Master~ please please, can you say something nice to coax me?"

He Shiping was speechless.

Drooping his head, he looked hopeless.

"Pingping, at this moment, I feel that any words are useless. I'd better use practical actions to express my love for you."


"Next time, you won't be allowed to travel for such a long time, do you hear me?"

"If you are on a business trip for more than a week, you must take me with you, okay, master?"

He Shiping took the opportunity to make various demands.

Ye Duan agreed to his apprentice without thinking.

"Pingping, Master will satisfy you. Even if you want the moon, I will find a way to pick it off for you."

"Master~ You are so kind to me..."

"You little fox."

"Mmm~ Master, you scolded me again, I'm not a little fox, I'm your female apprentice~"

He Shiping's small mouth is even sweeter.

The two had a sweet talk on their lips.

But still didn't do anything out of the ordinary.


Until the sun is three poles.

Ye Duan was still lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

Until the rapid cell phone rings.

"Hey, who is it?"

Ye Duan closed his eyes and connected the phone.

Jiang Yuling's anxious voice for help came from the receiver: "Brother Duan~ can you help my father?"

Ye Duan heard Jiang Yuling's voice.

He also quickly sat up from the bed.

Asked with concern: "What's the matter Lingling? What trouble did Uncle Jiang encounter?"

"It's the incident at the airport yesterday. Almost 24 hours have passed, and the murderer has not been caught, and there is not even a clue."

Ye Duan couldn't help but patted his forehead.

The sharp blade security team took Jia Tiezhu away, how could Uncle Jiang's guards find him?

I only cared about pampering the beauties, and forgot to tell Uncle Jiang.

Next time I can't keep spinning like this, I'm so busy.

"Lingling, don't worry, tell Uncle Jiang that I have found the murderer. You ask your father to block yesterday's news, and don't let outsiders know. This matter is over."

"Really, Brother Duan? You are too powerful. I'll tell my father right now."

The ringtone of the mobile phone woke up He Shiping too.

With one leg wrapped around the master, he put his arms around him and asked, "Master~ Did you catch the murderer yesterday? Is someone planning to murder someone for money?"

"You little fox, you have a big brain. Don't worry, the master hired the top security company in China to protect us, so sleep well with your big head."

"Oh, master~ I want you to sleep with my arms~"

"Okay, but don't move around, okay?"

Leaf segments are especially careful now.

He Shiping knew the difficulty of her master and obediently listened to him.

The two closed their eyes and fell asleep for a while.

My hungry stomach growled before I got out of bed to look for food.

After washing, He Shiping took out bread and milk from the refrigerator, made a simple breakfast, and brought it to the chef.

(End of this chapter)

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