Chapter 286 Double Happiness
Ye Duan and Jia Tiezhu met in a cafe.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"Tie Zhu, do you know Zhong Manru?"

"I know, she is Li Kaiyun's wife, I heard she is very pretty."

"I heard? Have you never seen her?"

"No, I haven't even met Li Kaiyun, how could I meet his wife?"

Jia Tiezhu's words extinguished Ye Duan's hope.

Originally, I wanted to get something useful from him.

Unexpectedly, this guy had never even seen Li Kaiyun.

It seems to be a tool man.

Ye Duan didn't give up, and continued to ask: "You said last time, who sent you here?"

"It's the task Wu Neng sent me."

"Yes, I remembered. You said he was the old housekeeper of Jingyun Group. Have you met Wu Neng? How much do you know about him?"

"I have seen that Wu Neng is an old man in his 60s, but he is as lustful as me, and often goes out to find women to play with."

When Jia Tiezhu said this, he also scratched his head shyly.

With his silly appearance, it is impossible to imagine that he will be a special soldier, and he has even been a killer.

Ye Duan was also very curious, how could Tie Zhu know Wu Neng so clearly?

Normal people wouldn't tell others to go outside to play, would they?
"Tie Zhu, how do you know Wu Neng is lustful?"

"Because I met him when I went out to play, and he used himself as an employer to snatch women from me. Originally, I arrived first and asked for a beautiful young woman, but he insisted on snatching her from me. I think he is old. , let him."

"Ahem, it turns out that's the case."

Ye Duan pretended to cough, not wanting to hear about these affairs.

After taking a sip of coffee, he continued to ask: "Tie Zhu, your mission to assassinate me failed, did Wu Neng contact you?"

"Contacted, he asked me to find an opportunity to attack you again."

"How did you answer him?"

"I promised him. But boss, I won't attack you again. I pretended to agree to him, because he hasn't reimbursed me for the expenses of this mission. I want to wait for him to settle the wages with me. Block him again."

Ye Duan couldn't help frowning.

It seems that this guy is not stupid, and he knows to get his wages back.

Captain Huo was right.

This guy loves money too much. Although he won't betray himself, he might make mistakes for money.

It seemed impossible to tell him all the secrets.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan also made up his mind.

Decided to start with Wu Neng.

He is the old housekeeper of Jingyun Group, so he must know a lot about Li Kaiyun's private affairs.

Ask Tie Zhu to ask Wu Neng out, and then feed him a bottle of "Erha Medicine", won't he be able to ask everything clearly?
"Tie Zhu, go to the capital with me some other day, and find a way to ask Wu Neng out. I want to meet him in person."

"Yes, boss."

"Also, you can't disclose that you have returned to the Blade Security Team, understand?"

"Hey, I'm not that stupid. And I can't forget the death line of the Blade Security Team. If I reveal my identity to outsiders, I will be executed immediately."

Ye Duan nodded, also relieved.

It doesn't matter if this guy is really stupid or fake, as long as he can keep the secret.

"Just understand, you go back and wait for my notice."

"Yes, boss."

After Jia Tiezhu finished speaking, he drank the coffee in the cup in one breath.

Sticking out his tongue bitterly.

Embarrassedly smiling at Ye Duan, he quickly walked out of the cafe.

Ye Duan didn't laugh at Jia Tiezhu.

Many people have this bad habit.

If you can earn something cheap, you must earn it.

Even if the coffee is bitter, it doesn't taste good at all, and I don't like it, but it's free and doesn't cost money, and I don't drink it for nothing.

Ye Duan decided to go to Kyoto.

One was to meet Wu Neng, feed him "Erha Medicine", and find out the relationship between Zhong Manru and Ding Xiangdong.

The second is to find the little fairy.

I haven't seen my little wife for so long, and I miss her very much.

Ye Duan thought about his next plan.

Just about to get up to find Lin Meishuang to have lunch together.

But he received a call from Jiang Wanquan.

"Hey, Ye Duan, double happiness, double happiness."

"Uncle Jiang, what happened?"

I heard Jiang Wanquan's excited voice.

Ye Duan was also dumbfounded.

What double happiness?
Is Lingling pregnant with a baby?

It can't be so fast, can it?

"Ye Duan, congratulations. You said you kid, you didn't tell us about such a big happy event? Uncle knows that you don't like publicity, but it's not good to be too low-key, don't you think?"

"Yes, Uncle Jiang made a lot of sense."

"Come home quickly, I want to congratulate you personally."

"Hey, Uncle Jiang..."

Ye Duan wanted to ask clearly.

The phone has been hung up.

What is the happy event?

Ye Duan was at a loss.

Came to Jiang Wanquan's mansion.

Jiang Yuling was already waiting outside the door.

Seeing Ye Duan coming, he was also overjoyed.

Like a little white rabbit seeing a carrot, it bounced to the front.

"Brother Duan~ You are here, congratulations~"

Ye Duan hurriedly asked: "Lingling, what is the happy event? I don't know at all."

"Don't you know? Then let father tell you, come quickly~"

Jiang Yuling took her boyfriend's arm and came to the living room.

Jiang Wanquan immediately got up to meet Ye Duan.

He stretched out his hand and said, "Little friend Ye Duan, congratulations."

"Uncle Jiang, can you tell me where the joy comes from?"

Ye Duan shook Jiang Wanquan's hand, still confused.

"Haha, this time is double happiness. First of all, Uncle would like to congratulate you on being one of the top ten outstanding youths and the top ten moving figures. You will go to Kyoto to receive the award in two days.

Secondly, uncle, congratulations on becoming the richest man.This is Mr. Jin Zhaoming, the vice president of the International Bank. He came from Kyoto specially to congratulate you. "

Only then did Ye Duan realize that there was a middle-aged man in the living room.

It was Jin Zhaoming introduced by Jiang Wanquan.

The two also shook hands.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ye, you are the only super-supreme VIP customer of our Huaxia International Bank, and now you are the richest man with more than one trillion cash assets. You are truly rich."

"President Jin is overrated."

Only then did Ye Duan understand.

It turned out that his assets were exposed.

The 2000 billion rice coins rewarded by the system sister were discovered.

Banks are also unreliable.

How can you expose other people's assets casually?
Now that everyone knows about it, with the title of the richest man on his back, it is not allowed to keep a low profile.

What a headache!
Jiang Yuling stood beside Ye Duan, looking at him bewilderedly, with joy on his face.

To find such a rich, handsome, caring boyfriend.

Just lucky to die.

Jiang Wanquan invited Ye Duan to sit down, and introduced with a smile: "President Jin is a leader in the banking industry who came from us, and he is also my old friend. He came this time, besides congratulating you in person, it is mainly for the development of the company. .”

Jin Zhaoming also took the opportunity to say: "Yes, Mr. Ye, supporting the development of the real economy and private enterprises going overseas is the service tenet of our international bank. I am here this time mainly to ask whether the major companies under Mr. Ye need financial support."

"Well, it doesn't seem necessary."

Ye Duan politely declined.

There are 2000 billion rice coins in my account, and every company has sufficient funds.

Why take a loan from the bank and owe money to the bank?

Jin Zhaoming didn't expect Ye Duan to refuse, and he was caught off guard, not knowing how to respond.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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