Chapter 287 Conditions
Jiang Wanquan reconciled from the side: "Ye Duan, uncle knows that you have sufficient cash flow and don't want to use money from the bank, but in our country, the richer people are, the more money they borrow from the bank.

No entrepreneur feels that they have a lot of money. They all try their best to get loans from the bank. Why do you reject President Jin's good intentions? "

"Yes, Mr. Ye, you are the only super VIP customer of our bank, and now you are the richest man. No entrepreneur has more credibility than you. Our bank can rest assured that we will lend you money. Moreover, we will provide ultra-low The loan interest rate is guaranteed to satisfy Mr. Ye."

Jin Zhaoming tried to persuade him again.

Ye Duan was still hesitant.

Everyone knows that money will depreciate, and getting a loan from the bank is equivalent to spending today's money to do tomorrow's business.

This is especially true for real estate developers.

Today, I borrowed 100 billion from the bank and bought a piece of high-quality land.

Tomorrow, the land value will rise to 150 billion, and the bank's 100 billion loan and 20 billion interest will be repaid, and a net profit of 30 billion will be made.

Who doesn't like this kind of business?
And not all enterprises can obtain bank loans.

Droughts die from droughts, and floods die from floods.

For large and well-known enterprises with good development momentum and not short of money, banks rush to provide loans.

And for small and weak enterprises that urgently need financial support, it is difficult to borrow a penny from the bank even if they beg their grandparents to tell their grandma.

The bank's reasons are also very good: what if the loan is not paid in case of bankruptcy?
The international bank took the initiative to seek cooperation, of course, because of its own strength, which is indeed a good thing.

But the current situation is that he is not short of money at all.

The company under the name is not short of money.

The real estate company alone has more than 4000 billion cash in its accounts.

Before finding a suitable project and asset appreciation method.

Wouldn't it be superfluous to borrow money from the bank?
But since President Jin is sincere, Uncle Jiang is also kind.

Let's just be polite first.

In order to avoid embarrassment for everyone, thinking that they are pretending.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan said to the two: "Thanks to Uncle Jiang and President Jin for their kindness. In this case, I will notify the major companies under my umbrella and ask them to report their capital needs for the next three years. If they need loans , must ask President Jin for help."

"Mr. Ye, you are being polite. It is our international bank's honor to provide services to high-quality customers like you."

Jin Zhaoming immediately came down the steps.

Said a scene.

Jiang Wanquan also echoed from the side: "That's right, Ye Duan. Sufficient funds are the guarantee for the development of enterprises. With the support of international banks and President Jin, your business will definitely grow bigger and bigger."

"Thanks to the two uncles for their care, it makes people feel like a spring breeze."

Ye Duan responded in agreement.

In his heart, he had already seen through Jin Zhaoming's tricks.

If it weren't for the 2000 billion rice deposits in their own accounts, would international banks take the initiative to provide loans?

To put it bluntly, it is still a "profit".

Soon, Jiang Yuling's mother had someone prepare a sumptuous lunch.

The guests also used tea instead of wine, and chatted happily.

Finished meal.

Jin Zhaoming went to the bathroom.

Jiang Wanquan invited Ye Duan to the study.

He asked straight to the point: "Ye Duan, have you caught the killer who committed the crime at the airport yesterday?"

"Yes, Uncle Jiang, he was sent by the chairman of Jingyun Group to assassinate me."

"The Li brothers did it again?"

Jiang Wanquan's anger began to burn, and the muscles on his face twitched into a ball.

He said sharply: "They dared to send people to us to openly attack us, they are clearly provoking me!"

"Uncle Jiang, don't get angry, their target is me."

"No matter who they are targeting, I will never let this matter go. Li Kaijing is now vying for the cabinet position with me, and I must not let him succeed. Ye Duan, let me send some guards to protect you, so as not to have any more accidents."

Ye Duan declined his kindness: "I appreciate Uncle Jiang's concern, and now I have someone to protect me."

"Yeah, you can catch the killer before me, which means that your people are much better than my guards."

Jiang Wanquan was also amazed.

I didn't expect Ye Duan to be so powerful.

Not only did he become the richest man so quickly, his savings exceeded trillions.

There are such strong bodyguards around.

His own guards didn't even find any trace of the killer.

Unexpectedly, Ye Duan's men had already caught the murderer.

What a formidable young man!

It is also her luck that Lingling can find such an excellent boyfriend.

Ye Duan was also very polite: "Uncle Jiang praised me a lot, and I want to ask Uncle Jiang for help with one thing."

"Oh, tell me, what is it?"

Jiang Wanquan asked with concern.

Ye Duan looked at Jiang Wanquan and said, "Uncle Jiang, later you can help me persuade President Jin to immediately withdraw the loan from the International Bank to Jingyun Group."

"You want to attack Jingyun Group?"

Jiang Wanquan immediately guessed what he was thinking.

The International Bank is one of the three major banks. The Jingyun Group has developed so rapidly in recent years, so it must have borrowed a lot of money from the bank, and Huaxia International Bank must be among them.

As a real estate company, Jingyun Group will be in trouble if it is called upon by the bank for loans.

Ye Duan's move is so high!

Jiang Wanquan was also impressed by his daughter's boyfriend.

"Yes, Uncle Jiang, I'm going to completely crush the Jingyun Group. If I don't fight back, I'm afraid my little life will be lost in the hands of the Li brothers."

"They dare! Don't worry, Ye Duan, uncle will never let them do anything wrong."

The two just came to an agreement.

Jin Zhaoming knocked on the door and came to the study.

Ye Duan inquired about it from his mouth, and Jingyun Group really borrowed a lot of money from the international bank.

It is roughly estimated that there are as many as 2000 billion.

Jingyun Group has borrowed money from local international banks for its projects in many cities.

"President Jin, I want Huaxia International Bank to withdraw the loan to Jingyun Group."

After some conversation, Ye Duan put forward his request.

Jin Zhaoming was also taken aback.

"Mr. Ye is not joking, right? Jingyun Group has a strong background. Even if our bank doesn't lend them money, they can still get loans from other banks."

"I don't care whether other banks give them loans or not. I just want international banks to take back the loans."

Jiang Wanquan also persuaded from the side: "Brother Zhaoming, we are old friends for many years. Li Kaijing and I are running for the cabinet post. Who do you support?"

"Of course I support Brother Wanquan."

After Jin Zhaoming finished speaking, he also understood what Jiang Wanquan meant.

He must also support the recovery of the loan to Jingyun Group.

If the Jingyun Group collapses, Li Kaijing will have no financial support, and he will definitely not be able to compete with Jiang Wanquan.

It seems that he can only follow Ye Duan's request.

Even if you don't look at Jiang Wanquan's face, you can't offend the richest man.

If he transferred the 2000 billion RMB deposits to other banks, Huaxia International Bank would suffer a huge loss.

In contrast, Jingyun Group's little loan interest.

Simply not worth mentioning!
Jin Zhaoming thought for a while, and said to Ye Duan: "Okay, Mr. Ye, I promise you will get the international bank to withdraw the loan to Jingyun Group as soon as possible.

However, I also have a request. I hope that Mr. Ye can continue to accept the services of our international bank and retain his status as a super supreme VIP user. "

"Of course, this is no problem. I am still very satisfied with the service of your bank."

Ye Duan and Jin Zhaoming reached a friendly cooperation.

It is also more comfortable in my heart.

Jingyun Group is doomed this time.

I have already arranged for my eldest wife, and all the land that Jingyun Group is going to shoot, the Modu Real Estate Company must snatch it.

If the land cannot be photographed, Jingyun Group will not be able to obtain a loan from the bank.

Now international banks have to recover previous loans.

Jingyun Group must have tight cash flow.

Will the Li Brothers' capital chain be broken?
Haha, there will be a good show at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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