Chapter 288 Get Down to Business!
Ye Duan finished his work and was about to leave Jiang Wanquan's mansion, but was stopped by Jiang Yuling and came to her boudoir.

"Brother Duan~you are too amazing~"

As soon as she entered the room, Miss Jiang hugged her sweetheart.

Even she herself felt like a different person.

In the past, I was a high-ranking young lady, how could it be possible for a boy to take the initiative like this?
And now.

Not only did she hand over her body to Ye Duan.

The whole heart is his too.

The way Jiang Yuling looked at him became much softer.

This man is truly one in ten thousand, no, he is one in a billion good man!

Simply excellent and impeccable.

Just donated 1000 billion in charity funds, and now he is the richest man again.


I can't believe that I will meet such a person!

And he, right now, is right in front of his eyes.

Jiang Yuling hugged her sweetheart tightly, her eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

Ye Duan enjoyed the feeling at this moment.

It wasn't because of the sense of accomplishment brought about by conquering Jiang Wanquan's daughter.

It was the fragrance of Jiang Yuling's body.

And her pink face.

It's so soul-stirring.

There is no man who will not be moved by watching it, and will not dream about it.

"Lingling, you smell so fragrant, you are so beautiful today."

Ye Duan reached out and touched Jiang Yuling's face, then kissed him involuntarily.

The beauty in her arms instantly became shy.

"Brother Duan~ Have you missed me these two days?"

"I have a very stupid mouth, and I like to express my heart with practical actions."

Jiang Yuling was trying to figure out the meaning of this sentence.

The whole person has been hugged by Ye Duan.

Came to the bed.

"Brother Duan~ This is not good..."

The voice just fell.

Miss Jiang has been placed on her boudoir bed.

Ye Duan lay on Jiang Yuling's body, looked her in the eyes, and said affectionately: "Lingling, you just asked me if I missed you, and this is my answer."


Then he began to frantically go, kiss, the beauty under him.

"Brother Duan~ I understand, you must miss me very much~"

Jiang Yuling murmured: "Me too, I miss you too~"

Jiang Yuling was in a similar state.

Although we had just been separated for one day, it felt like a month.

She had just experienced that joy and longed to experience it again.

So instead of rejecting Ye Duan's actual actions, she was very happy.

"Lingling, can you?"

Before entering the door, Ye Duan specifically consulted the owner for his opinion.

Jiang Yuling agreed without thinking.

Not a word was said.

Just gently hugged the man with both hands.

Ye Duan knew what she meant.

Because the door is already open.


"Lingling, I'm going to Kyoto to receive the award in two days, do you want to go with me?"

Ye Duan asked while lying on the bedside.

The beauty in her arms is as bright as jade, spotless.

The bangs on his forehead were still faintly stained with sweat.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time. I'm going to the United States right away."

"Go to America?"

"Yes, Brother Duan, I have applied for a job as the director of the regional public relations department of a multinational company, and I will go to the United States for training for a period of time."

"So that's the case. But Lingling, didn't you agree to be my charity assistant?"

Ye Duan didn't want Jiang Yuling to leave.

Such a beauty should of course be kept by her side.

"I don't want to be the director of the public relations department, but my father said that it's better for girls to have their own careers. He also arranged this job for me. Otherwise, how could I just take the position of director after graduation? Woolen cloth?"

"Okay, then you must pay attention to safety."

Ye Duan did not continue to keep Jiang Yuling.

Loving someone is not possessing.

It's about learning to let go.

Let women know that they can live a colorful life without men.


They won't be around men all day long.

I won't be jealous anymore...

"Lingling, before you leave, I already miss you."

"Me too~"

Two people who love each other hug each other sweetly...

When Ye Duan and Jiang Yuling were working.

Jin Zhaoming left Jiang's house, and Jiang Wanquan also went to work in the city hall.

Kong Xiuju was running around anxiously in the living room on the first floor.

The daughter and her boyfriend have been hiding in the room for almost two hours, and they won't do...?
This girl doesn't know how to be reserved, does she? !
It's only been a few days since I dated Ye Duan, and we are so eager to be together.

Alas, the young people of today.

You are so open minded!

If the two don't get married in the future, won't the daughter suffer?

But Ye Duan seems to be kind and sensible, so he shouldn't be able to do such a beastly thing as abandoning a woman.

I hope Lingling knows how to protect herself, in case she comes out with a baby.

But it was embarrassing.

Kong Xiuju neither sitting nor standing, kept looking upstairs.

I want to go to my daughter's door to listen to the movement.

But it feels inappropriate.

If you really hear something that shouldn't be heard, where will you put this old face?

Jiang Yuling was immersed in the happiness of just becoming a woman.

He also forgot that this was in his own home.

Fortunately, she was still relatively shy, she didn't let go completely, and didn't dare to make too much noise.

Even if you lie at the door and listen.

I don't know what the two of them are doing in there.

Ye Duan also felt that today was very exciting.

This is the first time to do good deeds in the old man's house.

I was still a little apprehensive.

Will you be scolded for taking advantage of Mr. Jiang's daughter?

But with a beautiful woman to accompany her, it doesn't matter if she gets scolded.

This kind of happiness is worth paying some price.

The two of them stayed in the room for a long time until the red sunset shone on the big bed.

They both put on their clothes and went downstairs.

Kong Xiuju saw the two coming down, she wanted to escape but it was too late.

Can only say hello awkwardly.

"Ye Duan, let's have dinner here tonight."

"No, auntie, I still have something to take care of. I'll see you next time."

As Ye Duan said, he was about to say goodbye.

Jiang Yuling also said beside him, "Mom, I'm going to see him off."

"Well, drive carefully."

Kong Xiuju glanced at Ye Duan with a complicated expression.

This young man is so handsome and so successful in his career.

It would be best if he could be with Lingling.

I'm afraid that some girls will take the initiative to approach him.

In case of any accident, it will be troublesome...

Jiang Yuling sent her sweetheart outside the gate.

After seeing Ye Duan get into the car, he beckoned reluctantly.

Back to my mother.

Kong Xiuju saw her daughter coming in from the outside, quickly took her hand and asked quietly: "Lingling, why did you two stay in the room for so long just now?"

"Mom, we're... talking about work."

"things related to work?"

Jiang Yuling saw that her mother didn't believe it, so she had to tell the truth: "Brother Duan wanted me to be his assistant, but you also know that my father has already arranged a job for me, and I will go to the United States for training soon, so I rejected Duan elder brother."

"On this small matter, can we discuss it for so long?"

Kong Xiuju saw that her daughter was lying at a glance, and continued: "Lingling, mother is not old fashioned, you young people are open-minded, do some cuddling before getting married, and mother does not object.

But you must know how to protect your body, remember to let Ye Duan wear that, understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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