Chapter 290 Meeting
Ye Duan had a sweet dream and almost forgot about Xiao Di's injury.

I didn't wake up until I got to the airport.

I also blamed myself a lot.

How can you always think about doing good things?

Xiao Di still doesn't know what the injury looks like.

Hi, this defect must be corrected!
At the airport, Ye Duan just parked the car and came to the private jet.

The captain ran over and reported: "Boss, the weather forecast says that the weather in Hengdian is not very good. It is already night to fly there. I am afraid there is a certain risk. Do you want to start again tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning? The daylily is cold! Fly now, immediately, immediately!"

Ye Duan quickly boarded the plane.

My heart has already flown to Xiao Di in Hengdian.

I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know how the big star looks haggard.

It's all because of my lack of skills.

Ye Duan arrived in the cabin and soon fell asleep.

Working overtime every day for the past two days, my body is really overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the system has strengthened physical strength and endurance.

For ordinary people, it is estimated that the road will not be able to walk.

There is a saying that there is no plowed land, only exhausted oxen.

Ye Duan, a strong bull, also needs to take a nap.

I am sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, he was awakened by a violent shaking.

"Boss, the plane is about to land due to heavy rain and lightning, please fasten your seat belts."

Hear voices on the radio.

Ye Duan wanted to curse in his heart.

It seems that Hengdian is his own murderous place.

Every time there is a surprise.

Fortunately, there is no danger.

The private jet landed safely at the airport.

There are already commercial vehicles waiting here.

Ye Duan got off the plane in the rain and drove to the hospital where Xiao Di was.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the rain was pouring down.

With double flashing lights on, the car was walking like a turtle in the stagnant water.

"Master, help me find a flower shop first, and then go to the hospital."

Ye Duan wants to buy a bunch of flowers for Xiao Di.

As a result, the driver turned a few streets, but no flower shop opened.

"Boss, it's so late and it's raining heavily, the flower shops must be closed, or we can go directly to the hospital."

"Look for it again."

Ye Duan did not give up.

You can't visit patients empty-handed, right?
And Xiao Di loves flowers very much, she couldn't put down the wild flowers she picked last time.

It's raining heavily outside now, so we can't pick wild flowers.

I can only try my luck to find a flower shop.

The driver turned around the back street again, and finally found a flower shop with lights still on.

Ye Duan was already anxious.

I didn't care about opening an umbrella, and rushed into the flower shop in the rain.

"Miss Boss, wrap a bunch of flowers for me, I'm going to visit a patient."

Ye Duan said to a young woman in the store.

"Patient? Male or female, how old are you?"

"Female, in her 20s."

"Young man, are you visiting your girlfriend?"

The young woman gossiped.

Ye Duan nodded: "Yes."

"Hey, it's been a long time since I met such an infatuated licking dog like you."

"Miss Boss, I'm afraid you misunderstood, we are true love."

"True love? Hehe, if it's true love, you still need to brave the heavy rain to buy flowers at such a late hour?"


Ye Duan was speechless for a moment.

Why is it considered a dog licking if a boy is nice to a girl?
Isn't it right for a man to love a woman?
The young woman wrapped a bouquet of roses and handed them to Ye Duan: "No, girls like roses the most."

"Thank you."

Ye Duan took the flowers, paid for them, and prepared to leave the flower shop.

At this time, the young woman sighed and said to herself: "Oh, why didn't I meet such a good man?"

"Miss Boss, you are so strange. Just now you said I was a dog licker, and now you are complimenting me."

Ye Duan turned around and said.

The young woman didn't expect him to hear it, and she was at a loss for words.

"Young man, I... I can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

"It's possible. Ma'am, not all men who treat women well are licking dogs. In fact, there are many people who really love each other. Licking dogs is a unilateral wishful thinking. True love is when two people cherish each other. Men love women, and women love men."

"There is a saying on the Internet that is very reasonable. If you get it, you are true love. If you don't get it, you are licking the dog. I got my girlfriend for the first time. She also loves me very much. Now she is injured and is in the hospital. As her boyfriend, shouldn't I buy her a bouquet of flowers?"

What Ye Duan said left the young woman speechless.

"Young man, you... your girlfriend is so happy."

"Sister, I'm actually very happy too."

Ye Duan said goodbye to the young woman.

Turned around and ran back to the car.

The driver lightly stepped on the accelerator and soon came to the hospital.

Ye Duan arrived at the hospital and asked about Xiao Di's ward.

Also hurried over.

Before arriving at the ward, Xiao Di's assistant was guarding outside.

"Mr. Ye, why are you here so soon?"


Ye Duan signaled the assistant to keep his voice down.

Then he pulled her aside and asked softly, "Is it you who called me today?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye, I'm Xiao Di's assistant. Yesterday afternoon, Xiao Di fell off his horse while filming and sprained his arm."

"What did you do yesterday, why did you just notify me today?"

Ye Duan was very angry.

Although he lowered his voice, there was still anger in his tone.

Such a big thing happened to my own woman, but no one told me.

It really makes no sense!

The assistant showed embarrassment, and quickly explained: "Mr. Ye didn't know something, but Xiao Di didn't let him tell it. Not only did he not inform you, but everyone didn't know about it. Xiao Di didn't want everyone to worry about her... I saw that Xiaodi had been looking at your photos with her mobile phone, so I guessed that she must need you very much, so I got your number and called you."

"So that's the case. I blamed you just now. I hope you don't take it to heart."

"It's okay, Mr. Ye, when we meet Xiaodi later, you must not tell me that I told you, otherwise I'm afraid Xiaodi will scold me."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Ye Duan knew the truth.

Instead, I felt a little grateful for this assistant.

If she hadn't "betrayed" Xiao Di, she would not have known all this.

Xiao Di is too sensible, he was obviously injured, and he carried it alone.

Oh, it hurts so much.

Ye Duan was holding roses, gently pushed the door and entered.

I saw Xiao Di sitting on the head of the bed, with a bandage on his left hand and a mobile phone in his right hand, with tears in his eyes.

It looks like she just cried.

"Xiao Di, are you okay?"

Ye Duan strode to the hospital bed, put the roses on the table, sat by the bed, and held Xiao Di's face.

Distressed straight want to cry.

"How did you come?"

Xiao Di saw Ye Duan appear suddenly.

Surprised and moved.

Many days of longing, coupled with the fragility and helplessness after the injury.

Several emotions blended together.

Let Xiao Di's feelings completely break the embankment.

Two lines of tears, gurgling down.

"It's my fault, I'm late."

Ye Duan quickly wiped away tears for Xiao Di.

Look at the tight bandage on her left hand.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

She was fine the last time I saw her, why is she hurt now?
Ye Duan's eye circles were also a little wet, and he asked with concern: "Your hands must be hurting, right?"

Xiao Di quickly shook his head: "It doesn't hurt anymore. Actually, it's not serious at all. I didn't intend to tell you."

"Silly girl, don't carry it alone like this in the future. You are my little baby. I don't even know what happened to you. If it gets out, wouldn't I become a cold-blooded scumbag with no feelings?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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