Chapter 291 Caring
"I didn't expect this. I don't want you to worry about me... The capital city is so far away, and you still come to see me under such heavy rain, woo woo woo...Look at you, your hair is wet..."

Xiao Di saw that Ye Duan was all wet.

It also hurts badly.

He stretched out his right hand and wiped the rain from his face with his sleeve.

Ye Duan grabbed her hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'll do it in a while. You should lie down and rest."

"Such beautiful roses, I want to smell them."

Xiao Di reached out for flowers.

Ye Duan took it and handed it to her.

"Hmm~ It smells so good. It's a big night and it's raining so hard, where did you buy the flowers?"

"I asked the driver to go around the street a few times, and I happened to meet a flower shop that was still open, so I bought this bouquet of flowers for you, and the proprietress even said I was licking a dog."

"Hmph, nonsense! I pursued you first, well, what does she know?"

Xiao Di pursed her mouth, very unconvinced.

Ye Duan took the rose from her hand and put it on the table again.

Touching her small face, he said, "That's right, they don't know what it means to be a concubine. The two of us really love each other, right?"

"Yes! I love you so much, how can I say you are a dog licker?"

"Hey, then give me a kiss."

Ye Duan smiled badly.

I want to take this opportunity to ask for a big star's kiss.

Xiao Di hesitated for a moment: "This is a hospital, isn't it good to be seen by others?"

"In the middle of the night, who will see it?"


Xiao Di quickly kissed Ye Duan.

As if he had done something bad, his face flushed with shame.

The little heart was pounding.

The two kissed so sweetly, forgetting everything around them.

Until the doctor came round.

Only then did I realize that this was in a hospital ward, so I hurriedly left.

After the doctor checked Xiaodi's condition.

Ye Duan hurriedly asked: "Doctor, is Xiao Di's hand okay? How long will it take to recover?"

"It's not a big problem. It's just a sprained muscle. You can leave the hospital in about three days. Go back and rest for a while. Don't exercise vigorously."

Xiao Di heard what the doctor said.

I was very anxious.

"Doctor, I'm still in a hurry to film, can you find a way to remove the bandage first?"

"I'm afraid it won't work to remove the bandage. You can cover it with clothes appropriately."

"Oh, doctor, I still have to shoot a horse riding scene, does it count as strenuous exercise?"

"As long as you don't touch the injured place, it should be fine."

Only then did Xiao Di feel relieved.

If he can't film for ten days and half a month, the director will definitely die in panic.

"Thank you, doctor."

"You should, you should, go back and practice your riding skills, and don't fall off your horse next time."

The doctor ordered and left the ward.

Ye Duan sent him outside the door.

Arrange for the assistant to go back to rest.

Then he closed the door and came beside Xiao Di.

"Hurry up and find a hotel to rest, you don't have to stay with me here."

"Isn't there an escort bed here? I can just sleep here for one night, and I can save the accommodation fee."

As Ye Duan spoke, he walked around the ward for a while.

I found that this ward is quite upscale.

There is not only a companion bed, but also a separate bathroom with a shower.

"Xiao Di, I want to take a shower here, can I?"

"Do you really want to sleep here?"

"It's necessary. I'm here to accompany you. If I'm going to stay in a hotel, why should I fly here from the devil's capital?"

Ye Duan's words are full of boyfriend power.

After hearing this, Xiao Di felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

"Okay then, take a hot bath quickly, don't catch a cold."


Ye Duan came to the bathroom.

He quickly took off his wet clothes, turned on the shower, and took a quick shower.

After washing, I found out that this is not a hotel.

No bathrobes and no clean clothes to change into.

This is miserable.

You can't keep wearing wet clothes, can you?

Forget it, go directly to the bed, and wait for the clothes to dry tomorrow morning before changing.

Ye Duan walked out of the shower unobstructed.

Xiao Di was also shocked when he saw it.

She was so ashamed that she quickly closed her eyes.

"Why...don't you wear clothes?"

"I came in a hurry and didn't bring anything. I wanted to go to the street to buy some clothes for a change of clothes. Who knew it was raining heavily here, so I didn't have time to go."

talking room.

Ye Duan has already got into the bed of the accompanying bed.

"Wow, it's so cold."

"Are you cold? How about... come here and warm yourself?"

Xiao Di couldn't bear to watch his sweetheart suffer.

He took the initiative to invite him over.

When Ye Duan heard the words, it was as if he heard the sound of war drums.

In less than three seconds, he came from the accompanying bed to Xiaodi's bed.

"It's so warm, hehe."


In the hospital on a rainy night, the tranquility is a bit scary.

Xiao Di didn't feel sleepy.

Because Ye Duan was hugging her tightly.

The two haven't seen each other for many days, and they miss each other very much at this moment.


Xiao Di's left hand was still bandaged.

This is very inconvenient.

Ye Duan decided to sleep.

Close your eyes and snore slightly.

Xiao Di put his right hand on Ye Duan's face, rubbing it lightly.

She still couldn't sleep, and her heart was very restless.

The last time I slept with him, it seemed a long time ago.

At this very moment, he is by his side, so just let the good time go away in sleep?

"Are you asleep?"

Xiao Di asked softly.

Ye Duan grabbed her right hand and said, "No, how could it be possible to sleep?"

"Me too……"

Xiao Di was a little shy.

He wanted to turn his face away from Ye Duan, but he couldn't turn over.

The injured left hand was too much of a hindrance.

Ye Duan moved his head closer and pressed it against her face.

"Xiao Di, let me smell your fragrance."

"I don't wear makeup or perfume, where does the fragrance come from?"

"Of course, and your fragrance is very special, I feel like I'm already on it."

Ye Duan closed his eyes.

The nose wandered on Xiao Di's handsome face.

I can only feel her skin is as smooth as water.

It's really top-notch.

Ye Duan's lips stayed on her lips.

This long-lost kiss came too late.

If it weren't for the busy work, who would be willing to wait so long?
Who can bear the pain of parting between lovers?

Xiao Di's left hand was touched.

The sudden pain was unbearable for her.

Ye Duan asked distressedly: "I'm sorry, Xiao Di, it's all because of my carelessness. Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt."

Xiao Di gritted his teeth and pretended to be strong.

Ye Duan couldn't bear to let his baby suffer any more, so he lay down obediently and said, "Xiao Di, let's go to sleep."

Xiao Di nodded and lay down on Ye Duan's arms.


the next day.

Ye Duan did not leave Hengdian immediately.

Instead, he accompanied Xiao Di in the hospital for most of the day.

Feed her and take care of her daily life.

take her to the bathroom...

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that I was ready to get up and rush to the airport.

"Brother Duan~ Be careful on the road."

Xiao Di held Ye Duan's hand.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

The mood speaks for itself.

He was grateful to Ye Duan for coming to take care of her overnight, but also a little reluctant to let him go.

Both are very busy.

I don't know when the next meeting will be.

Happiness is always short, just like breaking up is always sad.

(End of this chapter)

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