Chapter 307 Meeting
Soon the elevator reached the 6th floor.

"Mr. Ye, this way please."

The lady at the front desk led Ye Duan to the door of Room 602.

Knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

A familiar female voice came.

If you didn't know it, you might think it was Ding Xueer's voice.

The lady at the front desk opened the door and brought Ye Duan into the room.

He said to the middle-aged woman sitting at the desk: "Ju Zhong, Mr. Ye is looking for you to consult about tax policies."

"Okay, you go down first."

The lady at the front desk smiled at Ye Duan again.

Walk out of the room and close the door.

"Mr. Ye, please sit down."

The middle-aged woman seemed to have known Ye Duan for a long time.

Sign him to sit on the sofa.

Ye Duan was dumbfounded.


so similar!
This woman is exactly the same as Ding Xueer.

Be it eyes, nose or mouth.

It's all like a template carved out.

It's so beautiful.

The middle-aged woman looks about 30 years old.

The skin is very fair and well maintained.

But her figure is slightly fatter.

It was completely different from Ding Xueer's slender girlish figure.

This cannot be hidden.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye..."

The middle-aged woman called out twice.

Only then did Ye Duan get confused, said "thank you", and then sat down on the sofa.

"Excuse me, are you Zhong Manru Zhong Ju?"

"That's right, Mr. Ye, didn't you just come to see me, why do you still ask like this?"

Zhong Manru took a glass of water.

Put it on the tea table in front of Ye Duan.

"Thank you. I just couldn't believe it. I didn't expect Zhong Ju to be such a beautiful woman."

"Mr. Ye was joking. I am already in my early forties. I have already entered the ranks of aunts. I am not a beautiful woman."

"I really can't tell. I thought Chief Zhong was only in his 20s."

"Mr. Ye, you can really speak. No wonder your career is so successful."

Zhong Manru was embarrassed by the compliment.

He ran his hands through his hair, trying to hide his panic.

Although people have always praised her for being beautiful.

But the man in front of him is the new richest man who has just been received by the cabinet chief.

Not only is he doing a good job in his career, but he is also a mess of handsome people.

What woman would be unhappy to be praised by him personally?

Zhong Manru suppressed the joy in his heart, and said calmly: "Let's get down to business, what policies does Mr. Ye want to know about today?"

"I want to know about your relationship with Ding Xiangdong."

Ye Duan directly explained the purpose of coming.

Zhong Manru was so shocked that his body trembled, and he was extremely flustered.

The name Ding Xiangdong has not been mentioned for more than ten years.

And besides my own family.

No one knew of Ding Xiangdong's existence.

Why would he know?
Zhong Manru said anxiously: "Mr. Ye, who is Ding Xiangdong? I don't seem to have heard of this person before."

"He is an entrepreneur in Gimhae, and he has a beautiful daughter."

Ye Duan has already seen Zhong Manru's nervousness.

Guess she's lying.

So he deliberately told more news to make her even more impatient.


After Zhong Manru heard the words "Jin Hai" and "daughter", she was completely uneasy.

"What did you say? He has a daughter?"

"Yes, Zhong Ju. Ding Xiangdong has a cute and well-behaved daughter named Ding Xueer. She asked me to help her find a mother."

"Impossible...absolutely impossible..."

Zhong Manru couldn't sit still.

He stood up from the sofa, pointed at Ye Duan and said, "You must be lying, Ding Xiangdong can't have a daughter!"

"This is the picture of Xueer, she just celebrated her 18th birthday in the lunar calendar."

Ye Duan took out his phone.

Find a photo of Ding Xueer's birthday.

After Zhong Manru read it.

Sitting down on the sofa all of a sudden, he burst into tears.

Ye Duan comforted her and said: "Zhong Ju, please don't do this, and I don't want to embarrass you, but I promised Xue'er that I will help her find her mother."

Zhong Manru listened.

Suddenly he fell in front of Ye Duan.

Grabbing his leg, he cried and asked, "Mr. Ye, tell me quickly, where is Xue'er now? Is she doing well?"

"Xue'er is fine now, but she just misses her mother very much."

"Is Ding Xiangdong married again? Xue'er has a stepmother, right?"

"No, no, as far as I know, Ding Xiangdong raised Xue'er alone."

Zhong Man heard the words.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, but he cried even harder.

Muttering to himself: "This silly man..., poor Xue'er..."

Ye Duan became more sure of his judgment.

Zhong Manru must be Xueer's mother.

There must also be a story between her and Ding Xiangdong.

In other words, Cher is the daughter of the two of them.


Zhong Manru doesn't seem to know Xueer's existence.

What is going on here?
How could a woman forget when she gave birth to a child?

Did she lose her memory?

Ye Duan asked puzzledly: "Zhong Ju, can you tell me now what's going on?"

"No..., I don't know anything..., don't ask me any more, I'm not worthy to be Xue'er's mother..."

Zhong Manru was very emotional.

His hands kept grabbing his hair.

The makeup on his face was also stained by tears.

Looking heartbroken.

Ye Duan didn't know how to comfort her.

Take her hand, it seems inappropriate.

Regardless of whether a man and a woman can accept or not, she is Xue'er's mother and her own mother-in-law.

How could he touch her?

But if you don't catch it.

The mother-in-law's hair has become a mess.

like a lunatic.

If others saw it, they would think they had done something bad.

Ye Duan thought for a while.

Decided to use "Erha Pharmacy" directly.

It is better to use it early than later.

Easy to use early.

"Ju Zhong, please look at me."

Zhong Manru didn't know what Ye Duan's intention was.

He raised his head subconsciously.

Ye Duan seized the opportunity, looked into her eyes, and said silently in his heart: "Use 'Erha Potion'."

Zhong Manru suddenly shuddered.

It's like a different person.

He took a few tissues on the table and wiped away the tears on his face.

I tidied my hair again.

Then he said: "Mr. Ye, can you repeat your question, I didn't hear clearly just now."

Ye Duan knew that the "Erha Medicine" had begun to work.

Then he asked again: "Ju Zhong, I want to know about your relationship with Ding Xiangdong."

"Mr. Ye, although this matter is hard to tell, since you want to know, I will tell you everything."

Zhong Manru still seemed to be experiencing some struggles in her heart.

It can be seen that this incident really affected her deeply.

Ye Duan is also very curious.

What is the secret between the two of them.

Zhong Manru calmed down, and said slowly: "Xiang Dong and I are college classmates and each other's first love. In the year of graduation, before starting work, I went back to Jinhai with him. There, he and I ...there is a relationship..."

"So, you are pregnant with Xue'er?"

"Yeah." Zhong Manru nodded, and continued: "After returning to Kyoto, I found out that I was pregnant, and I was very scared, so I told my family. My father did not agree with me and Xiang Dong, and he had already found me Well, people will force me to kill the child."

Speaking of it.

Zhong Manru became emotional again.

Started crying again.

(End of this chapter)

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