Chapter 308

Ye Duan handed her some tissues.

Zhong Manru wiped away her tears and continued to tell her story.

"I didn't want to kill the child, and I didn't want to break up with Xiangdong, so I planned to hang myself. I was rescued by my family. Seeing that they couldn't resist me, they agreed to give birth to the child on the condition that I had to break up with Xiangdong.

I had no choice but to agree, secretly went to Jinhai in the name of studying abroad, and gave birth to a girl in Xiangdong's house. "

"So that's the case. But you have been here for so many years, why don't you go and see Xue'er?"

"I didn't know Cher was alive, I didn't even know her name!"

Zhong Manru burst into tears again.

"On the third day after giving birth, the family sent people to Jinhai and took me back to Kyoto. Xiangdong and I were forced to separate before we could name our daughter.

A few days later, they told me again that my daughter had a sudden illness and did not survive.woo woo woo...

I didn't believe it at all at the time, so I called Xiangdong, but he also told me that the child was gone..."

Ye Duan finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhong Manru and Ding Xiangdong fell in love with each other, ate the forbidden fruit secretly, and gave birth to Xue'er.

As a result, the Zhong family lied that Xueer was dead.

For some reason, Ding Xiangdong also deceived Zhong Manru.

Then he raised Cher alone.

Wu Neng has explained the subsequent story very clearly.

Zhong Manru's father wanted to get the position of the highest person in charge here.

So he married his daughter Zhong Manru to Li Kaiyun of the Li family.

Li Kaiyun was beaten as impotent before getting married, Zhong Manru is equivalent to marrying a eunuch...

Such a bloody story, probably not many screenwriters can think of it.

Ye Duan also felt very sorry, and said to Zhong Manru: "Ju Zhong, if you secretly went to Jinhai to inquire about it in the past ten years, you might have found out that Xue'er is still alive."

"Yeah, it's all my fault. I couldn't take care of Xueer. I was sorry for Xueer... woo woo woo... I hated Ding Xiangdong very much at the time, hated him for not protecting our child well, hated him for being cowardly and refusing to talk to me. Elope, hate him for being incompetent and dare not stand up and resist...

So when they told me that the child was gone, I swore that I would never contact Ding Xiangdong again, and never see him again in this life..."

"Hi! Uncle Ding is indeed too timid. If it were me, I would definitely take you far away.

But Uncle Ding may also have something hard to say, he must love you very much, otherwise he would not have raised Xueer by himself, and he has not been married for so many years. "

Ye Duan's words.

Zhong Manru was touched.

It seems that he is not so angry with Ding Xiangdong anymore.

"Who knows what this fool is thinking... For so many years, he has been a father and a mother at the same time, it is probably not easy..."

"Yeah, Uncle Ding has taken good care of Xue'er. Now Xue'er is studying at the Drama Academy."

"Drama school?"

Zhong Manru suddenly remembered something, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Ye, was Xue Er on the trending search with a female star a while ago? She seemed to be the endorser of an advertisement and even became the heroine of a new movie. "

"That's right, the Ding Xue'er on the hot search is your daughter, she is excellent now."


Ye Duan nodded.

A hint of surprise appeared on Zhong Manru's face, but she soon fell into melancholy.

"At that time, Li Kaiyun also mentioned this incident, saying that the girl on the Internet looked very similar to me, and asked me if I knew her. I was indeed a little puzzled at the time, but I couldn't believe it, and I was afraid to ask.

Because Li Kaiyun doesn't know about me and Xiangdong, I'm afraid he will do something reckless if he finds out..."

"Li Kaiyun is really bad, Zhong Ju, I advise you to leave him as soon as possible."

"I... I'll think about it."

Zhong Manru hesitated for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Mr. Ye, are you familiar with Xue'er? Why did she ask you to help find me?"

"It must, Xue'er is my little wife."

"Little wife?"

Zhong Manru opened her mouth wide in shock.

Cher is only 18 years old and already married?

And it's a small...

Ye Duan already regarded Ding Xueer as his concubine in his heart.

It also came out naturally.

Zhong Man turned pale with fright.

His own daughter is only 18 years old, and she has become someone else's concubine.

This child's life is worse than his own...

Ye Duan realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly explained: "Director Zhong, I'm just joking, Xue'er is actually my girlfriend."

"Scared me to death, I thought Xue'er was already with you..."

Zhong Manru breathed a sigh of relief.

The hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"Mr. Ye, Xue'er is still young, you must not... hurt her."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I, Ye, have always known how to be sympathetic and cherish jade. Xue'er is my sweetheart, and I treat her very well."

What Ye Duan said was the truth.

From the first day I met the little fairy.

This cute and playful little girl is unforgettable.

Her innocence and innocence.

Can heal the wounds of all adults.

No amount of love is too much...

If Zhong Man knew Ye Duan's strength, he believed in his words.

If even the richest man can't make Xue'er happy.

This girl should stop dating.

I haven't seen her for more than ten years, and I don't know if Xue'er still remembers her own mother?
Zhong Manru was very disturbed.

Nervously asked Ye Duan, "Mr. Ye, is Xue'er studying in Shanghai now? Can I see her?"

"Auntie, Xue'er is currently filming in Kyoto, you are her mother, of course you can see her."

"Xue'er is in Kyoto? That's great..."

Zhong Manru stood up excitedly.

Clenched hands, overwhelmed with joy.

Now it's all right, I can see my daughter soon.


Is she willing to see herself?

Do you still have the face to see your daughter?

As a mother, do you deserve it?
Zhong Manru thought about it, like a deflated ball.

Slumped on an office chair.

Very depressed.

He muttered in his mouth: "Forget it, I still don't see Xue'er, I don't deserve to be her mother at all..."

After Zhong Manru finished speaking, she lay down on the table and began to cry.

What happened today was so sudden.

It's simply unacceptable.

It not only tore open the scars of more than ten years ago.

Once again, I remembered the painful past.

And also found the whereabouts of her daughter.

But, how could I have the face to meet them?

Oh my god.

Why torture people like this? !
Zhong Manru cried more and more fiercely.

Not at all like the head of the tax bureau, but like a helpless child.

Ye Duan hates women crying the most.

Comforting her from the side, she said: "Auntie, no matter whether you are wrong or not, you are always Xue'er's biological mother. Xue'er told me that she really wanted to find you and would not blame you. That's why she begged me, No matter what, I will find you. Now that Xueer is filming in Kyoto, can you bear not to see her? If Xueer knows that you don't want to see her, she will be so sad."

Zhong Manru raised his head.

Still in tears.

Her pretty face was covered with tears, and she looked charming.

Although she is in her early forties.

But there is no trace of time at all, but it adds the taste of many mature women.

(End of this chapter)

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