Chapter 323
Ye Duan couldn't understand it.

Could it be that the system sister can see her peeing?
Not right either.

If she could see everything, wouldn't she be able to see everything clearly when she was with her little wife?
Will she not be jealous?
It seems that she is also a good girl who is educated and reasonable.

I really want to see her soon.

Come on, boy!

Work hard and get things done in Kyoto as soon as possible.

There must be a lot of things waiting for him in the capital.

Ye Duan gained momentum in an instant.

5 minutes to get everything in order.

Leaving the hotel, I went straight to Jingyun Group by car.

"How about it, have you found Li Kaijing's transfer records?"

Ye Duan came to the finance department.

The CFO's answer was disappointing.

"Report to the chairman, we have checked all the accounts and found nothing unusual."

"okay, I get it."

Ye Duan actually didn't hold out much hope.

Li Kaiyun said that Li Kaijing is responsible for Jingyun Group's accounts.

This guy will definitely not leave any clues.

Ye Duan came to the chairman's office.

Sitting in a chair and worrying.

A staff member of the administration department hurried in and reported, "Dong Ye, people from the tax bureau are here to check the accounts."

"What? From the tax office?"

"Yes, and it's the tax bureau, not the district tax bureau."

"Okay, I'll be right here."

Ye Duan felt that this matter was very strange.

Isn't Aunt Zhong the head of the Kyoto Tax Bureau?
She knew that she bought Jingyun Group and appointed Uncle Ding as CEO, so why did she come to check the accounts?
Did Jingyun Group evade taxes?
When Ye Duan came to the finance department, he saw a beautiful face.

Zhong Manru came in person.

"Zhong Ju, why don't you let me know in advance when you come, so that I can go to meet you."

"Don't dare bother Mr. Ye."

"Is there any problem with Jingyun Group's tax items?"

"If there is any problem, just check it out."

Zhong Manru didn't give Ye Duanwang a break.

It doesn't seem like there's going to be any room left.

The answer is very official.

Ye Duan also had emotions in his heart.

I didn't expect Aunt Zhong to be so unkind.

We all ate at the same table last night.

Act like a stranger today.

Well what does that mean?

"Okay, then please ask Zhong Ju to check it out."

Ye Duan pulled over a chair.

He sat down in front of Zhong Manru.

Staring at her on purpose.

Zhong Manru soon felt embarrassed.

His face flushed slightly.

But still bite the bullet and supervise his subordinates to check the accounts.

An hour has passed.

Two hours have passed.

Three hours have passed.

It was around one o'clock in the afternoon.

Finally someone found the problem.

"Report to the director, I have found an anomaly."

"Okay, take all these accounts back."

Zhong Manru commanded his subordinates to remove some ledgers, invoices and a few computers.

Before leaving, he actually smiled at Ye Duan.


So weird!

Ye Duan feels scalp tingling.

What is she trying to do?

Why check the son-in-law's company?

Ye Duan couldn't sit still anymore, so he quickly called his father-in-law.

"Hello, Uncle Ding? Where are you? Come to the company quickly."

"I'm sorry, Ye Duan, I'm back in Jinhai today, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ding Xiangdong on the phone replied.

Ye Duan was also very angry: "Uncle Ding, what are you doing back to Jinhai?"

"I'm going to make arrangements for the work here, and I'll go to Kyoto in two days. Manru said, let me live in her house first, and then move there after the villa is renovated. I just want to come back and tidy up first. "

"Okay, okay, I see, come quickly after you pack up."

Ye Duan hung up the phone.

My heart is in a mess.

Yesterday, I worked so hard to bring the two together.

They are fine.

One brought someone to check taxes, and the other went back to his hometown.

What is this called?
Ye Duan was feeling aggrieved.

The phone received a text message from an unfamiliar number: "I'm at Subei Hotel, come and treat me to dinner."

Subei Hotel?
It seems that it is not an outsider.

Ye Duan hurriedly set off towards the destination by car.

When they arrived at Subei Hotel, the waiter saw Ye Duan and immediately took him into a private box.

"Ye Duan, sit down quickly."

"Aunt Zhong, it was you who sent me the message."

That's right.

It was Zhong Manru who sent the message to Ye Duan.

"I'm sorry just now, I took someone to Cha Jingyun Group suddenly, and I didn't say hello to you in advance."

"Aunt Zhong, what's going on?"

"Ye Duan, Xiang Dong told me last night that Li Kaijing wanted to trouble you, so I came up with this method and decided to check the tax of Jingyun Group.

Although Li Kaiyun and I live together, the two of us basically have no communication. I only know that Li Kaijing has been managing the accounts of Jingyun Group.In recent years, Jingyun Group's tax payment has been significantly lower than expected. "

"Then why wait until now?"

Ye Duan didn't know much about the situation in Kyoto.

It is not yet known how complicated the relationship of interests is.

That's why I asked such a silly question.

Zhong Manru smiled.

He continued to explain: "The Tax Bureau has long wanted to investigate the Jingyun Group, but because of Li Kaijing's identity, the above authorities have not approved it.

Li Kaijing was not selected this time. On the one hand, Jiang Wanquan received more support, and on the other hand, Li Kaijing had no money to make connections, because the major banks urged Jingyun Group to repay the loan, and he had no surplus food. up. "

The water in Kyoto is too deep! "

Ye Duan sighed with emotion, and asked again: "Aunt Zhong, what can you find out by checking the accounts?"

"We can find evidence that the Li brothers committed a crime."

"Really? The tax bureau is so powerful?"

"You don't believe me? Hehe, I am not a freelancer as the tax bureau chief."

Zhong Manru had found some clues.

I'm in a pretty good mood.

A charming smile appeared on his face.

After Ye Duan saw it, he felt a little embarrassed.

Ye Duan knew that Zhong Manru was helping him.

He thanked her and said, "Thank you, Aunt Zhong. At first I almost misunderstood you. You came to check the tax just after I bought Jingyun Group. I thought you turned your back on you."

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

"No. You do look a little sad, though."

Ye Duan hesitated for a moment.

He still expressed his true opinion.

Although the mother-in-law is beautiful, she looks very unhappy.

Zhong Manru smiled wryly.

The eye circles are a little red.

"You're right, Ye Duan. I have been really depressed in the past ten years. I have kept all my feelings away and dare not show them. I am afraid that I will make mistakes and become a bad woman. ...So, I am serious in life, others say I am indifferent or even heartless..."

"I can understand, Aunt Zhong, it's not easy for you."

Ye Duan is not coaxing the mother-in-law.

When he was an editor in a magazine, he had read many stories in this regard.

Many middle-aged women will not be able to stand a sexless marriage.

Will be out of the wall, looking for a lover outside.

Guys can have fun outside.

Those who have money can go to big hotels, and those who have no money can go to small shops on the street.

And the women.

Either repress hard, or cheat secretly.

Men are rarely blamed.

But women cannot tolerate mistakes.

Just like in ancient times, men could go to brothels.

A woman makes a mistake but is thrown into a pigsty.

Aunt Zhong didn't want to make mistakes.

That's why I made myself a ruthless person.

Zhong Manru wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After adjusting his mood, he said: "Ye Duan, although you and I just met, I can tell that you are a good man. You are very thoughtful, good at taking care of others, and very romantic.

I was worried at first that you were... playing with Xueer, because your current status is too unusual, Xueer is not good enough for you... But now it seems that I am superficial, I am not afraid of your jokes, you treat Xueer My son's love, even I'm a little jealous..."

(End of this chapter)

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