
Ye Duan didn't know what to say.

The mother-in-law revealed her true feelings today.

All the embarrassing things were said.

"Aunt Zhong, are you sure you can bring down Li Kaijing in this tax inspection?"

Ye Duan changed the subject.

I'm afraid something will happen if we continue talking.

Zhong Manru also realized that what she said just now was inappropriate, and replied with a blushing face: "I will try my best, even if I can't bring down Li Kaijing, it will affect his official career, make him restrain himself, and dare not mess around again.

I have already released the news, Li Kaijing should know soon that the tax bureau is checking his account.It is estimated that his backer and relationship network will also respond, we might as well wait and see. "

"Aunt Zhong, thank you, you have helped me a lot this time."

"It should be me thanking you. If it weren't for your kind help, our family of three would not be reunited. Come on, Ye Duan, eat more food."

Zhong Manru took the initiative to add vegetables to Ye Duan.

Ye Duan immersed himself in eating.

Finished meal.

Zhong Manru returned to the tax bureau and continued to investigate the tax issues of Jingyun Group.

Ye Duan planned to go back to the hotel first.

The hotel he ordered over there expired today, and he planned to pack up his things and return the room.

Never thought about it, just arrived at the hotel lobby.

Then he met the female apprentice.

"Pingping, why are you here?"


He Shiping threw herself into the arms of the master regardless of the comings and goings.

"Master~ Why did you come out for so long this time, I miss you so much~"

"Let's go back to the room first."

Ye Duan was embarrassed to cuddle with the female apprentice in the lobby.

He dragged her into the elevator.

Just entered the room.

He Shiping posted it again: "Master~ I miss you so much, woo woo woo..."

"I miss you too, Pingping, when did you arrive in Kyoto?"

"I came here yesterday. The "Silk Road" app will be launched soon, and a cultural business license needs to be approved, so I will take this opportunity to visit you."

"How is it going, is it going well?"

Ye Duan hugged his apprentice and sat on the sofa.

He Shiping lay in the master's arms and said: "It took about a month to get it done. Later, Miaofei found out and asked me to go to her grandpa for help. I got the permit this morning. Master~ Grandpa Miaofei has a great official position." Ah, never heard of her before."

"Yes, Miaofei is very low-key, and I only found out by accident. Are you, Sister Lin, and the others all right?"

"They are all very well, but they miss you very much. We don't dare to mention you when we chat now. When we talk about you, everyone is silent and feels very uncomfortable. Sister Liu Qian can't help but think about it every time. cry."

"No way? I haven't been out for a few days this time, isn't Qianbao too fragile?"

Ye Duan felt very uncomfortable.

I could go back after receiving the award.

As a result, he was stumbled by the matter of the Li brothers and was delayed for a few days.

Qianbao is most dependent on herself, and she doesn't know how she is doing now.

Hi, I'm so anxious!

He Shiping saw what the master was thinking.

Touching his face with one hand, he said caringly, "Master~ when are you going back to Shanghai? Why don't you call Sister Qian and ask her to come to Kyoto to find you?"

"Pingping, you are so sensible. I'm so touched that you can think this way. I will go back as soon as possible. If I don't return tomorrow, I will return the day after tomorrow. When do you plan to leave?"

"I, it's fine to leave this afternoon or tomorrow morning~"

Ye Duan also heard what his apprentice meant.

It is already afternoon.

That is to leave tomorrow morning.

Ye Duan kissed his apprentice on the cheek, held her hand and said, "Pingping, master misses you so much, can you leave tomorrow?"

"Okay then, hee hee~"

He Shiping was overjoyed.

Lie next to Ye Duan's ear and said shyly, "Master~ I miss you so much~"

"No, we have to keep our distance and follow the rules, understand?"

Ye Duan said righteously.


He Shiping obediently sat aside.


The two masters rested for a while.

Ye Duan decided to take the female apprentice to go shopping.

"Pingping, let's go outside for a stroll."

"But master, I don't want you to waste money, I don't need anything~"

He Shiping didn't want to go.

She knows that the master is very, very rich now, and it is inevitable to buy, buy, buy when going shopping.

But Ye Duan pulled her up from the sofa.

"Pingping, you came all the way to see me, I can't let you go home empty-handed. Besides, your good sisters know that you have come to Kyoto, so they have to bring something back to them, otherwise, they will Said you were petty."

"Master, you really care about people, no wonder none of our sisters can do without you, and we all want to work under you."

He Shiping's small mouth is also very sweet.

After hearing this, Ye Duan was very happy.

Respect is mutual.

Nor is it 20 years ago.

If you want to use a 6 yuan Malatang meal, you can get 13 times of happiness in one night.

Basically impossible.

In the past, you could find a girlfriend by playing games. Girls don't pay much attention to such superficial things as material things.

And now.

Even if you play games, you have to spend money to buy skins and heroes.

Otherwise, why not just play with you?

Of course, there are also some masters.

Born to eat soft rice.

One person talks to more than a dozen girlfriends at the same time, but unfortunately 99% of men can't do it...

He Shiping got up quickly.

Ye Duan went to the front desk of the hotel to pay for the room fee.

The two went to the SKP mall by car.

Here is the ocean of luxury.

It is also a paradise for women.

As long as you have money, you can buy big names from all over the world.

Spending a few million in one night can only be regarded as a drizzle.

Even if it costs tens of millions, it is not uncommon.

According to online news, the single-day sales of this mall exceeded 10 billion at most...

Ye Duan was afraid of being recognized, so he continued to wear sunglasses.

He Shiping also wanted to be as cool as her master.

I also want to buy a pair of glasses to wear.

The two first came to the LOTOS store.

It is rumored that this is the most expensive eyewear brand in the world, and a pair of sunglasses can easily cost tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

He Shiping didn't know that the eyes of this store would be so expensive.

He randomly chose a pair of fashionable diamond-encrusted sunglasses.

"Master, do you think these glasses look good?"

He Shiping tried on the glasses.

Ye Duan nodded, and quickly praised: "You look good, and you look good in everything you wear."

The salesperson also echoed: "Miss is really discerning, this is the treasure of our store, it is a platinum sunglasses that our brand's chief designer has just created."

"Okay, wrap it up for me."

Ye Duan wants to buy the glasses.

He Shiping quickly asked the price: "How much are these glasses?"

"Miss, this pair of glasses is a limited edition, and the current price is 360 million Huaxia coins."

"What? 360 million?"

He Shiping's jaw almost dropped when she heard the price.

He quickly returned the glasses to the salesperson.

Pulling the master, he was about to leave: "Master, let's go, the glasses here are too expensive, and a pair costs several million."

"You deserve even the most expensive glasses. Remember, you are my apprentice and my woman. You don't need to ask the price when you buy something, understand?"

Ye Duan smiled.

He pinched He Shiping's little face.

He said to the waiter again: "Wrap it up and swipe your card."

(End of this chapter)

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