Sleeping in math class, my status as a scholar is exposed

Chapter 325 What Do You Eat When You Don't Work?

Chapter 325 What Do You Eat When You Don't Work?
The waiter happily took the order.

The glasses are beautifully packaged.

After Ye Duan paid, He Shiping's eyes were red.

She wasn't happy about getting such an expensive pair of glasses.

Instead, he was moved by the love of the master.

360 million pairs of glasses.

Which woman can withstand such a sugar-coated cannonball?


You can't enjoy the master's favor alone.

He Shiping thought of the sisters in Shanghai.

Then he took the master's arm and said, "Master~ you only bought such expensive glasses for me alone, and I'm too embarrassed to wear them when I go back to Shanghai..."

"Okay then, one for each of you sisters."

Ye Duan suddenly understood what his apprentice meant.

"Thank you master~"

He Shiping happily went to choose glasses, and she picked them out in a short while.

"Master, what do you think of these models?"

"Worthy of being the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, you have a high vision!"

Ye Duan looked at the sunglasses in front of him, and praised his apprentice fiercely.

But suddenly found a problem.

"Pingping, why did you choose 5 models? Is there one more?"

"Not much, isn't it just right?"

"Just right?"

Ye Duan was puzzled.

He Shiping said quickly: "There is a pair for Miaofei. She helped me this time, and I want to bring her a pair back. Master, is it okay?"

"So it's for Miao Fei, of course."

Ye Duan paid quickly.

A total of 5 million for 842 pairs of glasses.

Including He Shiping's pair, the glasses alone cost more than 1000 million.

Go on like this.

It's easy to spend hundreds of millions in one night.

There is no money in the card, so I really can't go shopping in this kind of place...

Ye Duan led He Shiping to visit a few more stores.

I bought several sets of new clothes for the season for my apprentices.

All are first-line luxury brands.

He Shiping was carrying big bags and small bags, and her heart was full of joy.

She hasn't been shopping with the master for a long time.

So I feel very excited.

Walking side by side with the master, it is so happy.

"Master~ let's go back, you bought me so many things, I almost can't take them all."

He Shiping wanted to go back to the hotel contentedly.

Ye Duan was also a little tired.

The two were ready to leave the mall.

Go outside the gate.

A jewelry brand is doing a road show.

Models are showing off bracelets.

He Shiping also had a girlish heart attack, and couldn't help but leaned forward to take a look.

"Wow~ so beautiful~~"

Seeing the jeweled bracelet exuding bright light, the women onlookers all gasped in admiration.

Ye Duan came to his apprentice and whispered, "Do you like it? Just buy one if you like it."

He Shiping shook her head quickly.

"No need, master, you have already spent a lot of money today, and bought me so many big names."

"Master is not short of money."


On the way back to the hotel.

Ye Duan felt a little uneasy.

I don't know if Little Fairy has returned from the crew.

If she was waiting at the hotel like a few days ago, it would be troublesome.

The little wife saw the female apprentice.

Will they quarrel?
Although they have met before, they are not familiar with each other.

Ye Duan was worried when he suddenly received a WeChat message from Little Fairy:

"Uncle, my mother called me home for dinner, I may not go to see you tonight, you have to be good by yourself, miss you~"

This is just great.

Ye Duan also let out a long breath.

The stone in my heart fell to the ground.

Back at the hotel, it was already dark.

After putting the purchased things in the room, the master and apprentice came to the restaurant for dinner.

He Shiping is in a beautiful mood.

Sitting next to the master, he kept adding dishes to the master.

"Master~ eat more, hee hee~"

"Okay, eat more and work hard."

"You are already the richest man, what else do you do?"

"What do you eat if you don't work?"


He Shiping was molested by her master again.

It's not like beating or scolding when you are so angry.

Pouted and refused to eat.

Ye Duan tapped her small head with chopsticks: "Why? Want to go on a hunger strike, eat quickly."


He Shiping obediently picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

The two of them ate and drank enough and were ready to go back to their room to rest.

Ye Duan's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Li Kaiyun calling.

"Hey, Li Kaiyun, what's going on so late?"

"Boss, my brother wants to see you."

"Your brother? Li Kaijing?"

Ye Duan was also taken aback.

What trick are these brothers trying to play?
Before he had time to ask, Li Kaiyun obediently expressed his intention: "Yes, my brother said, I beg you to let him go."

Ye Duan heard it.

Then I guessed it.

Li Kaijing must have heard the wind.

Know that the tax bureau is checking his account.

That's why I took the initiative to seek peace.

Ye Duan agreed to him: "Okay, see you at Jingyun Group."

hang up the phone.

Ye Duan explained to He Shiping, telling her to go back to the room to rest first, and then go back by herself.

Then he went to Jingyun Group alone.

He gave Huo Liqiang half a day off, so he didn't call him.

Arrived at Jingyun Group.

Brother Li is already waiting in the meeting room.

"Boss, did the people from the Tax Bureau really take the computer away?"

Li Kaiyun asked first.

Ye Duan got up and led them to the accounting room.

"No, they took six computers, some ledgers and invoices."

"Boss, if something happens, won't you arrest me?"

Li Kaiyun was terrified.

Li Kaijing was still unconvinced, and pretended to be calm and said: "The Jingyun Group is no longer our Li family's, even if the tax bureau finds out something, it's none of our business."

"Hehe, let's go to the meeting room and talk."

Ye Duan chuckled.

He took the two of them back to the conference room.

After sitting down, Ye Duan said: "Li Kaijing, everyone in the industry knows that you are responsible for the accounts of the Jingyun Group these years, and you know better than anyone else whether it has anything to do with you."

"What about the evidence? I don't have a penny of shares in Jingyun Group, so how can you say it's related to me?"

Li Kaijing is still stubborn.

Ye Duan sneered and said, "Since it has nothing to do with you, why did you come to see me tonight? Are you full?"


Li Kaijing was speechless.

"If you want to be unnoticed, you have to do nothing. Every criminal with a high IQ is as confident as you at the beginning, thinking that everything is designed seamlessly. But what about the final result? Haven't they been found out? The sentence should be judged."

Ye Duan's words.

It made Li Kaijing break out in a cold sweat.

Li Kaiyun was so frightened that he stood up from his chair and threw himself down in front of Ye Duan.

He begged bitterly: "Boss, I know you are the best, a very caring person, I beg you, help me and my brother? We will definitely not do bad things in the future, and we must be honest. If you want, please let us go."

Li Kaijing saw Li Kaiyun's cowardice.

Also very angry.

He quickly pulled his brother up.

Angrily scolded: "Li Kaiyun, look what you have become? Sit down for me quickly."

Li Kaijing pushed his younger brother on the chair.

Then he turned to Ye Duan and said, "I'm here to negotiate with you, not to beg you! What else do you have besides a few bad money? Even if the tax bureau finds out the problem, I can find someone to settle it." , there is no need for you to pretend to be a good person here."


"I came here at night to listen to your nonsense?"

Ye Duan slapped Li Kaijing.

After the fight, I will leave.

(End of this chapter)

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