marry a noble wife

Chapter 123 It's not easy to want to eat

Chapter 123 It's not easy to want to eat (3)
"Could it be that you have the ability to predict the future? You even know that everyone will need medicinal materials in the spring of next year?"

Tuobaye rubbed his nose and smiled, "Don't worry about it, if you believe me, I'll take the money."

Fu Yu rolled his eyes, "I'm not interested in medicinal material business, not only in medicinal material business, but in any business, so if you want to find a partner, find someone else."

He blocked all the roads with one mouthful, and then got up, completely ignoring Tuoba Ye's efforts to persuade him to stay, and Han Ziya got into the carriage by himself, put down the curtain and walked away slowly, while Tuoba Ye stood in the wind. Inside, I was jumping and regretting.

In the carriage, Fu Yu folded his chest and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Ziya, go and check, this Tuobaye seems to be very restless, see if he is not doing serious things, did he think of some crooked ways again this time? "

Han Ziyaw dug his ears, meaning he didn't believe what he heard, "Young master, what kind of business are you meddling with? Since you said you won't participate in shares, why do you care if he engages in crooked ways or not?"

Fu Yu smiled deeply, "You don't understand this, this Tuobaye is always preparing to trouble King Qi, and I, for my wife, have to plan ahead for some things, if I can take advantage of him, I will naturally I will add some wind power to him at the right time. So although I don't take a share in this matter, I still have to know the ins and outs, right?"

Han Ziya shook his head and sighed, "Master, you are hopeless. Over the past few years, many people have asked you to take care of things, but you have ignored them all. Unexpectedly, it is because of a woman that you are now thinking about it. I don't know if the old prince knows What kind of expression is it?"

Fu Yu glared at him, "What do you know? If one day you fall in love with a woman, you may do more than me, and you will be even more shameless."

Han Ziya looked at the roof of the car, speechless.

When Fu Yu returned to the Hou Mansion, it was already the beginning of the lights. After dinner, he returned to the Chunhua Courtyard. Jiu Ya was half leaning on the couch to read a book. Mother Xiong took his cloak, helped him wash up, and then retreated. .

Fu Yu sat down and snuggled up to Jiuya, closed her book and put it beside her, then wrote on her hand: "Aren't you going to ask about your Fifth Sister's recent situation?"

Jiuya raised her head and smiled lightly at him, "Looking at your bright face and ruddy complexion, my Fifth Sister must be doing well."

Fu Yu giggled, "My lady is right, your Fifth Sister is wearing gold and silver, I think it's very nice, so you can rest assured."

Is it?Jiu Ya couldn't believe what he said, because of Jin Zhi's temper, and looking at Tuoba Ye's behavior, it would be strange if the two could confront each other, unless Jin Zhi suffered a big loss and became docile, otherwise it is impossible for the two to look good Incredible.But no matter what she does, as long as she doesn't die anyway.

"Since I got a good word, I can give my father an explanation when I go back tomorrow." She leaned back into the kang, raised her eyebrows and said, "By the way, I want to ask you something."

Fu Yu was eager for her to talk about something, so he immediately took the opportunity to grab her hand, pretending to be careless, and touched her finger twice before writing, "What's the matter?"

Jiuya didn't know his tricks, she muttered and cursed "pervert", but she still didn't pull her hand back, and said angrily: "Yesterday, I heard from my aunt that it was your elder brother who was going to marry Jiumei. Will it become you? Did your elder brother ask for it, or did you ask for it?"

Her fingers moved subconsciously, wait, how did Fu Yu's wretched movement just now made her feel like she had experienced it before?
As soon as Fu Yu heard her ask this question, Fu Yu's heart beat. Naturally, he didn't know the doubts in her heart at this time. He secretly glanced at her and wrote, "So what if it's my idea? It's Big Brother's idea. How about it?"

Jiuya said leisurely: "If it's Big Brother's idea, there are some things that I should think about carefully; if it's your idea..." She stared at him closely, "Some things are much simpler."

Fu Yu gave her a questioning look.

Jiu Ya didn't answer him, but forced her to ask: "Tell me, whose idea is it?"

Fu Yu also dared to act boldly at this time, straightened his back, held his head high, and turned his fingers, pointing directly at the tip of his nose, me.

Jiuya moved her face closer and looked at him strangely, "Why are you in such a hurry to get married?"

Fu Yu blushed, and was a little tangled, should he say something about his liking for her, and would she laugh at him if he said it?

After a long time, he didn't have any intention of answering, Jiuya shook her head, "Forget it, if you don't tell me, just pretend I didn't ask. Anyway, we are already husband and wife, and no amount of reasons can change this fact."

Fu Yu wanted to be in a hurry with her, so why didn't he insist on asking, if he persisted a little longer, he would tell her "reluctantly", and then she deeply felt his affection, and was extremely moved by his unremitting efforts, Decided to end the process of what the hell relationship is, and at the same time threw herself into his arms with a cry...

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Why are you smirking all by yourself?" Jiuya waved her hand in front of him, and Fu Yu suddenly walked out of a beautiful vision, extremely unwilling to accept her ruthless love for him. Brutal reality, bored wrote: "What did you just say? Say it again."

Jiuya looked at him suspiciously, and after a long while, she repeated: "I want you to tell me, what happened to Yuru who said she had blocked a knife for you? When did that happen?"

Fu Yu straightened his face, thought for a while, and then wrote: "That was two months before I was named the crown prince. That time, I sneaked out to the street with my elder brother and a few girls from the house to watch the lanterns. , but met a lot of assassins, they chased me and my elder brother for a long time, I was already injured at that time, and finally my elder brother found a bridge hole behind my back to hide, but in the end, one of them hid me earlier The assassin slashed at me, if Yuru hadn't jumped out to block me, I would have died that day."

"A group of assassins? Why did they assassinate you? Didn't the Hou check it later?"

"I checked, but I couldn't find any clues at all. Those people disappeared in an instant because of their failure. No one knows where they came from and where they went."

(End of this chapter)

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