marry a noble wife

Chapter 124 The Injurer Has Backfired

Chapter 124 The Injurer Has Backfired (1)
Over there, the old lady and his party welcomed Bai Xihou and Fu Yu into the hall, and when they reached the hall, the two couples saluted Song Tingda Xiao respectively. Even though they were his daughter and son-in-law, Song Tingda didn't dare to trust them at all, and hurriedly supported them , Hurry up and ask people to sit and serve tea.

They all had their own destinations, Jiuya and Jin Yuan couldn't help but look at each other. Jin Yuan was wearing a red sleeve jacket with gold silk and flowers, five phoenix tins of jewels on her head, and ruby ​​earrings on her ears. Dressed to match her pink face and peach cheeks, the whole person is like a blooming lotus flower, fresh and glamorous.

Jiuya, on the other hand, was wearing a large fur cloak with fiery red and silver fox fur on the outside, a waist-pinching long jacket with light green palace silk embroidered with gold trim on the inside, and a long pleated skirt, slim and beautiful.Although she didn't wear gold or silver on her body, just from the big cloak, she knew that she was very rich in life.

Seeing Jin Yuan staring at her fox fur, Jiuya couldn't help but feel ashamed. Mother Xiong gave it to her this morning, saying that Fu Yu had planned to give it to her long ago, and she just asked her to wear it when she returned home today. It was very warm. .

Jin Yuan and Jiu Ya greeted each other, and then started talking to Xiao Shi. It was nothing more than Xiao Shi asking her something about her in-law's house.

"Although the fifth daughter of our family was not very sensible when she was in the mansion, she was docile. Now that she is in the Hou's mansion, I wonder if she is still filial?" For the two grandsons-in-law who were sitting there at the same time, the old man seemed to think only of being a son-in-law. Bai Xihou asked him with a shy face.

Bai Xihou glanced at Fu Yu, "She's very nice, my parents like her very much."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a quick smile: "No matter what, the girls in our family are still well educated. If there is anything that is not enough, just let the parents-in-law educate."

"That's natural, that's natural." I don't know why, but Bai Xihou is very humble at this time, seeing that the old man still wants to talk to him, he doesn't pay much attention to Fu Yu, so he smiles and draws the conversation over, " I don't know how Eighth Sister is doing in the Marquis of Anping, she should be okay with her brother-in-law, right?"

Fu Yu yawned lazily, waved his hand, and signaled Jack Yaw to speak on his behalf. Now that his stomach is almost starving, how can he have the energy to deal with these vain things?Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the culprit over there sadly, it was because she didn't wait for him to eat, and now she still wanted to stay here and listen to people's gossip, when would she have food?
Jiuya naturally noticed his gaze, and couldn't help but stare back fiercely, with a threatening face, daring to answer the elder's question, and go back to see how to treat him.

From the beginning, Fu Yubie said that this woman is fierce, since the first time we met.

Jin Yuan, who was sitting with Jiu Ya, naturally saw the back and forth between the young couple, and then looked at Bai Xihou who seemed to be unable to straighten her waist sitting next to Fu Yu, and subconsciously looked at the two sons-in-law of the Song family together. Compare.

Bai Xihou is tall and thin, with a wide top and narrow bottom face. His facial features can only be described as passable. He has nothing to do with being handsome, unrestrained and suave. He also likes to put on makeup and powder from time to time. A man with a lot of fat and powder.

Looking at Fu Yu again, his facial features are as bright as jade, and his temperament is lazy and noble. He is wearing a dark fox fur cloak, and the dark blue robe inside is embroidered with elegant bamboo leaf patterns, and the cuffs are trimmed with snow-white piping, which subtly highlights a beautiful woman. The extraordinary figure of the noble son of the waiting family.

This comparison made me feel jealous and uncomfortable. The eighth younger sister's life was indeed better than my own, and I felt very uncomfortable.

Here Han Ziya has already answered on his behalf: "Young Mistress is very comfortable with the life in the Hou Mansion, and she is also very kind to Young Master."

"At first glance, Bamei is very well-behaved. It seems that my brother-in-law is also satisfied with her. That's good, that's good. Don't worry about what trouble she will cause to the Houfu." Bai Xihou flattered her face.

Fu Yu snorted with his nostrils, and there was no more to say.

The old man was dissatisfied that Bai Xihou was so courteous to Fu Yu, and Fu Yu still acted like he was going to ignore him. Just as he was about to rely on the old man to sell the old admonishment, Song Yaoshu shouted: "Actually, the kitchen has already prepared the food and wine, why don't we go first?" Eating and drinking while chatting, so as not to sit like this, how boring."

Fu Yu's eyes lit up, and he was about to stand up immediately, but Jiuya said, "Oh, there is one thing that must be known to both father and mother, so we have to wait for the meal."

She said it with such fanfare, everyone looked at her at the moment, Song Tingda frowned and said: "What is it so serious? Can't you say it after eating?"

Jiuya gave Xiao a meaningful look, "If the matter is not serious, my daughter would not rush to say it at this time."

She paused for a moment, then said again: "I don't know if father knows about Mother Zhao?"

"Mother Zhao? Which Mother Zhao?" Song Tingda thought for a while, then remembered, "Is that the mother Zhao who came back with you just now? According to your mother, she is the companion of her farm. Your mother said She is very safe and has her own ideas, so she gave her to you, what's the matter?"

As soon as she heard that Mrs. Zhao was going to be mentioned, Xiao became a little uneasy. To be honest, she has been restless since Mrs. Zhao came in like that.Looking at Jiuya's calmness and unhurriedness, she doesn't look like she has been wronged in the Hou's mansion. It really makes her feel tormented and strange.

Jiuya chuckled lightly, but didn't answer him directly, "The mother gave her daughter a box that day, I wonder if the father wants to get what's inside?"

Xiao's face turned pale, and seeing that the matter was about to be exposed, she hurriedly said: "Adding a box to Ba Yatou is naturally a set of prestige, what else can it be?"

Jin Yuan could already hear the strangeness of this matter, and asked with a smile: "Why did Eighth Sister act like a fool? Since my mother said she was a celebrity, did she become something else?"

"Sixth Sister is still smart, and the things inside really have nothing to do with her face." Jiu Ya gradually put away her smile, her eyes were gloomy, "When the box was opened, it turned out to be a spirit card that cursed my husband. A person's face is opened."

Song Yaoshu was taken aback, and couldn't help shouting: "Oh my god, the box my mother gave Bamei turned out to be a spirit card? Let the people in the Houfu know, isn't Bamei doomed?"

(End of this chapter)

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