marry a noble wife

Chapter 204 She Became His Own

Chapter 204 She Became His Own (3)
Wen Caihe fainted immediately.

When Chunmei saw that face, she also screamed.

Everyone including the old lady thought it was completely unbelievable that the most honest grandson lived here to steal women?Isn't he the most dedicated and affectionate towards Wen Caihe?

At this time, Fu Changting had been drinking too much. Although he held a good amount of alcohol, after three battles, he had already fallen asleep like a dead pig.

The old lady didn't know what mood she was in. In fact, Fu Changting never had a maid in the house, and Wen Caihe had nothing to do, so this had always been a problem for her.And now suddenly seeing Fu Changting sleeping with the girl next to Yu's daughter-in-law, is this a good thing?If Changting likes Chunmei, he can send her to his house, maybe this year he will really add a newcomer to the mansion?

Thinking of this, she was not so angry anymore, and immediately asked everyone to leave, and then ordered people to take Wen Caihe back, and ordered Chunmei, who was sad and crying endlessly, to get dressed and go with her.

In any case, Chunmei couldn't figure out how someone who was clearly a son-in-law could become a second master?And the cloak in front of the bed, obviously she tied it for my son-in-law herself, why did the second master wear it?She only felt that after calculating for so long, she would be taken advantage of by the second master, so in the future, wouldn't she want to get closer to the uncle again?
Thinking of never being with her uncle, Chunmei felt sad. She wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry anymore. Now that the old lady is waiting, how can she let her cry to drag it over?

With tears in her eyes, she got up and got dressed, and the old lady was about to ask her why, when the woman who was going to report the news had stumbled over from the Chunhua courtyard, "Old lady, old lady, the third grandma is not in her yard, But... the third master ruined Miss Ruoqin, and now Aunt Xiao is taking Ruoqin to the Houye..."

The old lady's face was relieved, it was finally done, so she didn't say much, and asked the maid to carry her to Yilanju with Chunmei.

Yilanjuli, Anpinghou sat in the yard for a while, just about to go to bed, when Aunt Xiao's team drove over.She pushed the crying Ruoqin towards Marquis Anping, "Master Marquis, I really can't make up my mind about this matter. Look, Yu'er actually ruined my niece while she was drunk. Look at this." What should I do?"

It's best not to make up your own mind about Fu Yu's matter now, and ten words from the old lady are not worth a word from Lord Hou, so it's more effective to report directly to Lord Hou.

An Pinghou looked at Ruoqin whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, frowned and said in a low voice, "What's going on?"

So Ruoqin sobbed and repeated what she said to Aunt Xiao before.An Pinghou's face turned livid, and he asked wearily after a while: "Where is Yu's daughter-in-law? Tell her to come here."

"Yu's daughter-in-law is at Yuyan's side. I have sent someone to call her just now, and she should be here soon." Aunt Xiao said with a serious expression.

After a while, Jiu Ya hurried over with a woman, entered the door and said: "Father, it's so late, what's the rush?"

An Pinghou gave her a stern look, and Aunt Xiao knew that he disdained to talk about such things, so she said on her behalf: "Daughter-in-law Yu, it's not that Auntie wants to blame you. Since we are married, we should take good care of Yu'er. You Look, what's going on now, Yu'er was drinking and ruined Ruoqin just now, what do you think should be done?"

Jiuya looked at Ruoqin who was standing there panting and crying, and said in surprise, "What? My husband..."

She couldn't continue, Aunt Xiao sneered, "Since you are Yu'er's daughter-in-law, what should you do about this matter? Send Yu'er to the government, or wrong us Ruoqin and marry her back?"

Jiuya was a little panicked, and a little confused, her eyes and face were full of unspeakable unacceptable, she covered her chest and shook her head, muttering: "I don't know, I don't know, how could Xianggong do such a thing?" Waiting for immoral things? I promised to consummate the house with him, why can't he wait all night?"

Aunt Xiao took advantage of the situation and pressed her, "Ruoqin is the innocent daughter of my elder brother's family, the granddaughter of a fourth-rank official in the dynasty, how could she allow him to be so contemptuous? If you don't give an explanation, let alone my side, I'm afraid My elder brother will not let Yu'er go. There must be a reason in this imperial city, isn't it? My elder brother will definitely die to maintain the reputation of our Xiao family!"

Her words were cadenced, landing with a sound, quite imposing.

A sneer flashed quickly in Jiuya's eyes, but her face still looked like she was being slaughtered, like an idiot.Aunt Xiao only thought that she had been hit too hard because of Fu Yu's involvement in other women, and immediately asked, "You should give me an answer, send me to an official? Or marry me?"

Jiuya bit her lower lip, quickly glanced at the marquis who was staring at her closely, lowered her head and said: "Of course we can't send you to the let Ruoqin choose an auspicious day to bring her into the house Bar."

Aunt Xiao seemed to have heard a big joke, "Bring it into the house? Yu'er-in-law, why do you speak so lightly? I think you, the daughter of a fifth-rank official, became a regular wife in Yu'er's house. Now we Ruoqin could have been a better family, but now it's ruined, can it be done just by taking her into the house as a concubine?"

Jiuya twisted her fingers, "What does Auntie want?"

Seeing that she was so suppressed that she didn't dare to vent her anger, Aunt Xiao finally showed a look of victory in her eyes.Lifting her lips, she whispered, "Peer wife! I will marry someone with three matchmakers and six hires, and I will sit on an equal footing with you!"

Jiuya was taken aback, "Wife flat? This is illegal in Daxia. Does my aunt want my husband to go to jail?"

"For the sake of Yu'er, can't Master Hou go to report to the emperor and let the emperor show mercy?" Aunt Xiao shifted her gaze to Anpinghou.

An Pinghou still looked at Jiuya, as if he wanted to see her true opinion on this matter.

Aunt Xiao gritted her teeth when she couldn't get a clear answer from him.

Being watched like this all the time, it must be false to say that she is not nervous, Jiuya thought about it seriously, and said slowly: "My husband spoiled Miss Ruoqin, after all, it was all my fault. In fact, at the beginning When I came to the Houfu before I was married, my family had discussed marriage for me. It was the people from the Houfu who insisted on the order of the prince and came to my house to force me to marry me. But the matter is now, I will not go Blame the prince, I can't be a good wife anyway, in order not to trouble the Lord Hou, I simply asked my husband to divorce me, and Miss Ruoqin can naturally become the wife of my husband. What does my aunt think of this method? "

(End of this chapter)

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